Vampire Omicron: Chapter 3 – Campus Raid by SKOLL

My stomach is giddy with excitement. I look at every person I walk past, each one a potential victim. Every female could be the next member of my harem. Victoria longs for a daughter. We both do.

A skinny little Asian girl that came from the dorm ahead walks past me on the sidewalk without making eye contact. Not very attractive. Bangs cut straight across. Too skinny.

“You get a pass,” I say just loud enough as she walks by. She looks back at me and then walks faster, confused and terrified.

A slutty looking tan girl across the street walking by. I blatantly look her up and down. She makes eye contact and gives me a weird look. I would, but she’s headed in the wrong direction, doesn’t seem to live in this dorm, too difficult.

As I get closer to the dorm building, I start inspecting girls even more closely. If they live in this building, I can get to them at some point. My dick is half hard in my pants just looking at all the possibilities.

And every guy I walk past seems like a chump. Weaklings who have to strive endlessly just to get one girl to finally sleep with them. They work out all the time, they look cool, they act tough. But I could kill even the biggest, strongest dude with little effort. This is not how I used to walk around this campus.

I reach the doors to the dorm, big glass doors with a warm cozy glow coming from within. I swipe the fob and the lock clicks open. A cute black girl at the desk across the lobby looks up at me. Blue COVID mask on her face. Pushes up her little glasses, frowns at me, then just lowers her head again. It’s early enough in the night that they don’t start making people check in or anything yet. I can just walk in freely like I live here. And the added privacy of wearing my mask makes everything even easier.

I look the girl over as I walk past. She’s not ‘the one’, but I can’t ignore the twitch in my cock as I look at her. She’s kind of short, and a bit on the chubby side, but in a cute way. She has light, milk-chocolate skin, clearly mixed, not fully black. Nerdy glasses at odds with her more fashionable hair, which is buzzed down short on one side and swooped up and over like a Mohawk laying down on the other side. Poofy, well maintained fro-like hair.

She looks up again and says, “Do you need something? ” Such a normal question, but her tone, the utter vile in her voice leaves me at a loss for words for a second. The disdain and lack of courtesy toward the random stranger in front of her. I grin, hidden behind my mask. Oh, I’m definitely coming back for you.

“Not yet,” I shake my head and walk on, already glancing around for more girls.

I hear her whisper behind me as I leave, “The fuck does that mean, asshole?”

I continue inside, looking around the quiet lobby. My senses so acute, noticing each security camera within seconds, careful to always turn my face away. After tonight, cops will be all over this place trying to figure out who I was.

The half-circle lobby desk with the mean girl sits in the center toward the back wall of the lobby, with hallways on either side leading toward the dorm rooms and stairs and elevators. A third hallway across from the desk on the other side of the lobby opens up into larger rooms on this floor. Hangout areas, activity rooms, pool tables. Hearing people from that way, I start there.

I slink around quietly, careful to act like I live here, act like I belong. I walk past some people and barely get noticed. Apparently I look like a normal college kid. I was careful to wear some casual jogger pants, a sports team hoodie, and even flip flops. You can’t be too suspicious of a kid in flip flops. I can wear my hood up since plenty of guys do this time of year. And wearing a mask everywhere is normal during this pandemic.

There’s a group of people sitting around a table as I walk through. I notice a nerdy card game I used to play. I see a vending machine and slowly walk over, buying myself time to glance around. Mostly guys, but a few girls. Their girlfriends probably. A couple of them kind of cute. But nothing too exciting.

The next room over has a small group of people playing pool. Half of them girls. One catches my attention, her ass spilling out from her way-too-short shorts. Clearly wants attention, clearly thinks she’s hot. Nice tan, extreme amount of work done on her bleach-blonde hair. I stare for a second, then see her turn. Her face is a letdown. A girl that tries way too hard. Fake beauty.

The girl next to her is cute though. A thin brunette with shiny straight hair. But she seems shallow and slutty. Hearing her talk makes me lose brain cells. What’s the fun of sucking out someone’s soul, their innocence, if they don’t have those things to begins with? Girls like these aren’t worth keeping around, not worthy of being my daughters.

With all the time in the world, I go back to the lobby. The black bitch again. She doesn’t look this time, just leaned over looking at her phone instead of working. I stare the entire time I walk past her. Even from her seated position, I can tell she has a thick ass. Legs crossed. Bossy, mean look on her face. Center of her own little universe. Big gauged plugs in her earlobes. Her smooth skin looks delicious.

I notice a blind spot on one side of the desk. I keep it in mind for later, but I just lick my fangs behind my mask and take one more glance at her ass before continuing on for now.

I reach one of the hallways leading to the dorm rooms. I swipe my fob again, slipping in. The first floor seems boring, so I head up the stairs. One hall is boys, one hall is girls. I walk the girl side, peeking in an open door here and there. There’s a room with a moderately cute Hispanic girl doing homework. A room with a couple chicks sitting around talking. One of them pretty hot, a tall blonde with a sexy face I’d love to rough up. Another room with an athletic redhead watching TV, who glares at me as I glance in at her. I consider coming back and paying certain girls a visit, but I’m not sure any of them are quite worth it.

I feel like I’m shopping, looking for the perfect fruit at the grocery store. Imagine if they knew what I was doing, how I was judging every detail of their young bodies. Imagine if their parents, their fathers, knew how close their baby girls were to being violated by a sick monster right now.

I want to try them all out. But I need to commit to the right one before I make my move. I’d fuck any of these girls. But keep them as a member of my harem? The perfect daughter to bring home to my queen? Nah, none of these. Maybe I’ll come back for more sometime. But tonight I need to be ***********ive.

Up to the third floor, I find a computer lab. Another door you have to scan into. Inside there’s a handful of people scattered around at different computers, all working quietly. I sit down and pretend to work for a while, glancing around at the people that slowly come and go. A cute Asian girl across the lab catches my attention. Actually maybe Hawaiian, Pacific Islander. Sweet face. Thin and soft-looking body.

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