Home Ec Teacher Helen Trapp

An adult stories – Home Ec Teacher Helen Trapp by alohadave,alohadave All characters are 18 or older. This collection of stories is set at St. Benedict’s and can be read in any order. Categories will vary from story to story as appropriate.

This story contains mature FF and D/s.

St Benedict’s is a rich kid boarding school where lost-cause rich kids go to be babysat. They are bad students and grades don’t matter. The teachers and staff are equally bad, with low expectations.

The unofficial motto is: “Where rebels thrive and trouble is the norm”

Home Economics Teacher Helen Trapp

My Second Period Home Economics class is about to begin. Cindy Robbins and her cheer squad are sitting in their seats. They are my only students in this period, a fact that they use to their advantage.

The class bell rang, and I called the girls, all seniors over 18, to attention.

Cindy asked me, “Ms. Trapp, did you do your homework last night?”

“Yes Mistress, I did.” The girls tittered.

“Come here. Show me.”

I walked over to Cindy. She is my Mistress. She controls what I do sexually. She loves to dominate me in front of the cheer squad and to use me for their sexual pleasure.

“Turn around, I want to see that cute little butt.”

Blushing, I turned away from her. Her hand rubbed my butt. It’s small and firm if I do say so myself. Hours in the gym have shaped it, but it remains petite. Her fingers come to rest between my cheeks. Her fingertips rested on the hard protrusion there.

Yesterday, Cindy had given me a set of training plugs to wear. I had to insert the smallest of the four sizes when I got home and leave it in all night. It was uncomfortable and made me feel like I had to poop.

She pressed on the jeweled base of the buttplug. The pressure made me squirm as she pushed it against the crack of my butt.

“Good girl, Pet.” That’s the name I respond to when Cindy is in control of me, which is often. She doesn’t hesitate to take charge whenever we are alone or in this class.

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“Take off your pants, slut.”

I hesitated. Though it was just us in the class, I always got nervous about getting caught.

“Now! Or I’ll make it worse for you.”

I hurried to undo my pants and slide them down. My pink panties covered me, for now.

“Amy, hand me those scissors,” Cindy said.

The big-titted blonde girl handed her squad captain the scissors that were laying on my desk.

“Now slut, you are going to go without panties for the rest of the day.” She snipped my panties at both sides and pulled them between my legs.

“Ughh.” The material caught on the buttplug, tugging at it, pulled against my butthole. I stood in front of the cheerleaders, with my butt and pussy exposed.

“Now, Pet, it’s time for your lesson for today.”

She sat in my chair and beckoned me over. “Bend over my lap.”

“No! Please no, not that.” I knew what she wanted, and didn’t want it at all.

A look of fury came over her face. “You will bend over my knee now.” She spoke slowly and firmly; each word carried a threat. “If you fight me on this, you will regret it. If you want the whole school to know how the cheerleaders have you as a slave, then, by all means, we’ll stop right now.”

Fuck! She had me trapped. Now it was going to be worse than if I had just bent over her lap as ordered.

I slowly laid myself across her lap, presenting myself to her.

Without warning, she hit my ass cheek as hard as she could. I screamed in pain. If anyone tells you that cheering isn’t athletic, they’ve never met Cindy Robbins!

She hit the other cheek just as hard. Then the other. She went back and forth between them. My ass was on fire, it felt like the skin was burning.

It was too much and I cried as she tortured my butt. Each time her hand hit me, it jostled the buttplug. The pressure and stimulation from the plug were making me wet, even as the pain from her spankings burned me. It was confusing to me to be getting excited while Cindy spanked me.

She finally stopped. I tried to catch my breath, but before I could, I felt immense pain spread through both cheeks at the same time. The crack of the ruler I kept in my drawer made me cry out.

Sobbing, I tried to cover my butt, but Cindy held them behind my back. The ruler struck me again, and again. I lost track of how many. I couldn’t have counted anyway, my mind shut down.

I don’t know how long I laid there on Cindy’s lap, but I eventually realized that no one was punishing my butt anymore.

“Stand up, slut.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” I made sure to address her properly.

I stood before my Mistress, my head bowed. My ass had never felt like this; it felt like she had flayed my skin.

“Pet, look at me.”

“My Pet, you have just transcended pain. Do you see my leg?” I looked and there was a wet, shiny spot on her bare thigh. “You came so hard that you passed out. You squirted all over me. I am so proud of you right now.”

The other cheerleaders clapped and cheered for me. They seemed to be genuinely happy for my ‘accomplishment’.

“My Pet is a pain slut. Feel your legs, you are dripping wet.” I felt my thighs and she was right, my legs were soaked. I didn’t even know I could squirt!

“Th-thank you, Mistress. It was so intense, I’ve never felt like that before.”

“Amy, clean up the slut.” Amy knelt and gently rubbed the towel up and down my legs, drying my squirt off me. She dredged her fingers through my pussy lips, collecting my cum. “Mmm, tasty,” she said after she sucked it from her fingers.

“You probably aren’t going to be able to sit for the rest of the day, but Lexi is going to put lotion on your ass to help. Tonight, I want you to take a nice, hot tub, and soothe your skin.”

I nodded and eased my pants up over my tender butt. The fabric rubbing on the skin made me wince. I wasn’t going to be sitting down the rest of the day.


I drew a bath and added bubble bath to the hot water.

Easing into the water, the heat soothed me. My butt was still sore from when Cindy beat it this morning.

My body relaxed. The water enveloped me.

My Mistress had gone farther today than she ever had before. She’d spanked me before, but not like this. The squirting was new, not something I knew my body could do.

She had me pleasure the other girls in her squad. I’ve licked more clits, and sucked more cunts than I ever had before the school year started, which wasn’t many. They mostly just used me to get themselves off, but Mistress was different. She wanted more than just to get off. She wanted to punish me.

I relaxed as much as I could with the pain in my butt. Tomorrow would be another day of being controlled by Mistress Cindy and her cheer squad. Who knows what she’d have me do next?

I fingered my clit as I relived the experience of Mistress punishing my ass.


A few weeks later, on a Friday, Mistress Cindy walked into class as the bell rang.

“How is my little pet doing today?”

I lifted my head from Amy’s lap. “I’m good, Mistress, taking care of Miss Amy.”

She walked up and patted my butt. She was looking for the buttplug that I had to wear every day. If I didn’t have it in, Mistress would punish me. She’d moved me up to the largest size of the set, and my butt felt so full from it. I had grown accustomed to it and it was just a part of my life now.

“Make sure that she cums at least twice. Get back to it, Pet.”

“Yes, Mistress.” I went back to my task, licking at Miss Amy’s pussy and clit. The other girls ignored me and they all gossiped about the goings-on at St Benedict’s.

After I’d given Miss Amy two orgasms, I was coated with her juices. I licked as much off my face as I could with my tongue. Mistress wouldn’t let me clean the rest off until the period was over.

“Good job, Pet. Thank Amy for allowing you to pleasure her.”

“Thank you, Miss Amy, for allowing me to give you pleasure.”

She looked at me with a smile. “You’re welcome, slut.”

Mistress called me to her. Standing before her, she had me lift my shirt. She pulled my skirt down until my pubic area was revealed. She tickled the skin where my bush would be if she didn’t have me shave it every day.

“Pet, tonight is a special night for you. I’ve arranged something special.” She handed me a slip of paper with an address. “Be there at 9 pm, and ask for Mutt. He knows what to do, and will take care of you. Do exactly what he says. Wear something easy to take off. Call me when it’s done.”

I stared at the paper. It wasn’t an address that I recognized. “Yes Mistress, 9 pm tonight.”

At the bell, I quickly cleaned my face before my next class.


I arrived at the address by 8:45 pm. I was parked in front of Pat’s Tattoo and Piercing Emporium. What did Mistress have in store for me?

The store wasn’t what I was expecting. Sitting in my car, I’d thought of what a tattoo parlor would be like, but this wasn’t anything like that. It was almost a letdown. It could have been any other retail store. It was set up like a salon, with a waiting area by the door, and a receptionist that greeted me. “Welcome to Pat’s, what can we do for you tonight?” The receptionist asked pleasantly. Surprisingly, she wasn’t all tatted up and pierced. She looked, normal, for lack of a better word.

“I’m here to see Mutt. I have an appointment.”

“Ahh yes, the special. Just a moment.” She went to the back, leaving me standing there. The waiting area was empty.

“Miss, follow me please.” She led the way past stations with barber chairs and mirrors, to an enclosed room at the back. “Go ahead and take a seat, Mutt’ll be in soon.”

There was a doctor’s office-style exam table in the room. I guess that’s where I was going to be, so I hopped on and waited.

The room was like the rest of the store, clean and bright. The counter had supplies and tools, all wrapped in sterile packaging.

A few minutes passed before he walked in.

He was a big, hulking man. Tattoos ran up and down both arms. “Hi there,” he said pleasantly. “I’m Mutt. Cindy set everything up. Take off your pants and underwear and sit on the table and lay back.”

“Wh-what? Why do I need to take my clothes off?”

He just stared at me. “It’s kind of difficult to tattoo through clothes, so I need you to take them off.” He said sarcastically and chuckled like he was clever.

“Is this going to be a problem? I can call Cindy and have her come down, but I don’t think you want that, do you? She’s going to be pissed if I tell her you are being uncooperative. Do I need to call her?”

Shit. Mistress would punish me for disobeying her if she came here. “No sir, I’ll be good.”

“Good, now off with the pants, and on the table.”

I stared at the ceiling as he made his preparations. He pulled the stirrups from the end of the table and lifted my legs into them. My legs were spread wide by them, exposing my pussy and buttplug to him.

“Nice plug,” he said. He gave it a tap and chuckled, causing me to jerk. Hung up on the stirrups, I couldn’t move.

Mutt spread shaving cream on the stubble of my bush. “Got to make sure you are baby smooth for the tattoo.”

Tattoo? Of course, I was in a tattoo shop. Mistress was marking me as her property.

Several quick swipes of the razor and the stubble was gone. He wiped the rest of the cream off and felt the skin. Despite myself, his touch felt good and I felt a trickle of arousal slip down my lips.

Next, he put on men’s deodorant. At my puzzled look, he said, “It helps the transfer stick.” Then he placed the transfer paper on my skin and pressed it into my mound.

“What is it? What am I getting?” I asked tentatively.

He held up the design. Mistress had picked out “Cheer Slut” in cursive script with a swoosh under it. The kind like on sports uniforms. I was her cheer slut now, officially. Anyone who saw it would know, and I wouldn’t be able to deny it.

“This isn’t going to hurt, but it’ll be uncomfortable. It’ll feel a little like a sunburn.” The needle danced across my skin and it was a weird feeling. Not really painful, but did feel like the skin was burning, but also numb after a while.

Before I knew it, he was done. I looked down at my new tattoo. All black, the lettering was solid and flowing, with the graceful curves of the swoosh underlining them. It was positioned high enough that it would be visible if I wore a low-cut bikini. I wondered if Mistress wanted to show me off in public. We couldn’t be seen together outside of school now, but she would be graduating this year. I shivered at the thought of what might be in store for us after the school year.

He smoothed some cream over the inked skin and covered it with clear plastic wrap.

“Here are your aftercare instructions. Follow them and it’ll heal up fine in about two weeks. Use this lotion to keep the scabs moist. Do Not Pick at the scabs, you’ll pull the ink out and I’ll need to touch it up. Wear loose clothing for a couple of days.”

“Thank you, sir,” I said. I pulled my pants up and walked gingerly to my car.

“Mistress, it’s done. I just finished,” I said over the phone.

“How did it go, my Pet?”

“It was pretty easy, and didn’t hurt too much.” I paused to collect my thoughts. “Mistress, I belong to you now, don’t I?”

“Pet, you’ve belonged to me since the first day you submitted to me. Now, it’s ‘official’.”

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you.” I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

“Please take care of me.”

She didn’t respond for a minute. Was something wrong? Was she mad?

“Pet, I’ll always take care of you. That’s what an owner does.” My heart warmed to this.

On Monday, she had me show off my new ink.

“Slut, pull up your dress. Show the squad what you did this weekend.”

“Yes, Mistress.” I pulled up the skirt of my baby doll dress to reveal the tattoo. It was partially scabbed over, but otherwise looked as it should.

“Cheer slut. I love it,” said Amy, bent over examining it.

My tattoo healed over the next two weeks. Mistress went easy on me during that time, but I was still expected to service the girls during class.


Friday night was the football game against our crosstown rivals. I attended the game, per Mistress’s instructions. She liked me in the stands where I could watch them perform their cheers. Their tight, young bodies flashed the crowd. I knew every one of those pussies. I’d licked and fingered them to orgasm more times than I could count.

Every time we scored, they did their suggestive moves, hinting to the crowd.

Just before the end of the game, I made my way to the girl’s locker room. Mistress had instructed me to be ready for them after the game. I took off my dress, revealing my naked body under it. I wasn’t allowed to wear underwear anymore unless Mistress approved it.

The game ended and the squad bounded in, full of energy from the game.

“Yay, Cheer Slut!” they called when they saw me kneeling on the floor of the locker room.

“Girls, it’s time for the after-game treat.”

Amy pulled me up. “Ms. Trapp lay down on the bench and open wide.” She laid me down and lowered herself to my face. She didn’t move her cheer shorts to the side, so my nose was filled with the fragrance of her sweat and pussy. She ground herself into my face, the material damp on my skin.

She then stood up and pulled her cheer shorts and thong down. She lowered her pussy onto my face again. This time I licked her as she ground against me. I worked her with my tongue until she shuddered in orgasm.

She stood and the next girl sat on my face. I ate each of them to orgasm. Their sweaty, sexy musk blended. I laid there catching my breath.

Mistress said, “Hands and knees slut!” I scrambled to present myself to her, my head hung low, and my ass high. I made sure my legs were spread so Mistress would have easy access to me.

I was in position, but nothing was happening. I knew better than to look, I’d be punished if I broke position.

Someone pulled on my butt plug. It was unceremoniously removed. I tried to relax my sphincter to help it out, but it stretched me. It was the largest one that Mistress had me get. Even with training, I had to slowly ease it in or out.

It popped out, and I felt like I was gaping open. But before I could contemplate this, I was filled. Mistress was fucking my ass! She leaned over and held me tight. “Here it is, Pet. I’ve been preparing you for this, and now you are an anal slut. I’ve taken your last virginity. My Teacher Pet, you are my three-hole slut now. I’m going to love to violate your pretty little butthole whenever I can.”

“Yes, Mistress! I’ll make sure I am always ready for you. Please fuck my ass. Ream me with your cock!”

She drove the fake cock in and out of my stretched asshole. My sphincter tried to hold onto the invader, but it just slid past with nothing to grip.

While she was fucking my newly broken-in ass, she grabbed my tits, squeezing them, and mauling them. She took my nipples in her fingers and pinched and pulled at them. I screamed from the pain, and it drove my arousal higher. “I think we’ll get these pierced next. What do you think, Pet? You want your nipples pierced? Maybe I’ll have rings put in so I can run a chain through them.”

I just moaned. If Mistress wanted me pierced, I would have to do it. It would be obvious to everyone that saw me.

My pussy juices flowed down my leg, I was leaking so heavily.

She spoke softly in my ear, “Are you close, my Pet? Do you want to come?”

I whimpered, unable to form words. The best I could do was to nod my head yes.

“Very well, Slut.” Her hands left my abused nipples and moved to my clit. She was practically laying on me now. I was supporting her weight on my back. Her fingers swirled over and around my needy clit. I came almost as soon as she touched me, “Oh Mistress! Fuck yes, oh my god, fuck.” I babbled more as the waves of my orgasm rolled over me.

I was spent, exhausted. Mistress pulled her fake cock out of my ass, and I collapsed on the floor. She toweled me off, wiping the sweat from my body, and girl-cum from my face and crotch. Sitting on the floor, she pulled me into her lap and held me while rocking me gently.

“There, there, Pet. You did very well tonight. I’m proud of you.”

I felt safe in her arms. “Thank you, Mistress.” I snuggled into her shoulder as she swayed back and forth.

She let me rest a few minutes and said, “Let’s get cleaned up.” I looked around and the other girls had already left.

She helped me stand and took me to the showers. Turning on the hot water, she led me in. “Just relax, Pet. I’ll take care of you, you just stand there.” She caressed my body with the soapy sponge. Every inch of my body was cleaned and rinsed.

She knelt before me. She lapped at my pussy with her tongue as the hot water streamed over us. I held her head as she gave me pleasure. She was an expert at this and had me writhing against the shower stall wall. It wasn’t long before she brought me to orgasm. She lapped up all my juices.

When she finished, I kissed my Mistress. She hugged me, holding me in her arms. “This was wonderful, Mistress. Thank you.”


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