Speed Dating by curiousrover123

Speed Dating by curiousrover123

Discover a sizzling erotic sex story in 'Speed Dating' that will leave you breathless. Dive into a world of passion and desire as two strangers find themselves drawn together in a whirlwind romance. Get ready for a steamy read that will ignite your wildest fantasies. Read now!<br/>

**Slow burn** Self-edited I apologize for any my silly mistakes.

Sugar and Spice will make everything seem nice or Rocker and Stockings and we just get to the point. I have this debate with the jacket I put over the black dress that hugs all the curves and covers enough of my assets that you can’t say there fully on display.

I decided to leave my place without a jacket and let my shoulders do some of the talking.

I get in the car as my ride pulls up, as I assume they will have an open bar at Date Night.

The Speak-Easy opened up a little while ago and they love to host speed dating as a way of always going right and not having to worry about swiping left. As I walk up towards the velvet rope lining the entrance where the overly hot bouncer with the square jaw and bright eyes checks my ID and I start to get nervous.

What will the turnout be tonight, will I vibe with anyone? Will I have to pretend to be interested until the timer says I can move on to the next booth and or table?

They let you pick your next date. It’s almost like a hot potato, please find your next date before the singer stops her song. I appreciate the mood they are trying to provoke with the open bar, the singer on stage, almost like the 1920’s met the 2020’s making past, and future intertwine giving the best of each. This allows for each 3-minute date to feel private and open at all times, allowing for all conversations without fear of being overheard. The ones that signed up show up early and pick their spot while the rest show up and fill the spots.

I cross my lucky stars that I am led to the ones worth my time and effort, as I know I look almost my best. As you never show up to the first date looking your best, what will you do to top it on the next date?

I take one last deep breath and I walk in the dimmed room with red velvet plush lining the seating area. Warm lights outline each seating area almost like a theater. Given soft lighting that sets the pace, the music is loud but not overly over-powering. I take a peek around the room, and I freeze as I am unaware where to sit first.

The two men I saw first were, the one with the million-dollar smile and muscular arms and the one with the tattoos covering his entire arm.

Shit… who first as I don’t want to pick wrong and have them forget me by the 5th date.

I look around the room seeing if anyone else looks like a better start here, sit here, talk to me first. But no such luck all I see is another face, another body, another person trying to find their person. So, I close my eyes and I slightly turn to the left and I sit where I look first.

He sits up straighter as I sit down, remembering I should probably ask next time if I can sit, but eh, let’s not dwell on that. The man in front of me has kind green eyes, and I can’t help but feel safe. I don’t know if that sounds silly, but I do. He says his name and I missed it shit something short and starts with a J, is it rude to re-ask? I decided not to waste time asking and say my name back. His smile widens and I lead with “what are you missing by being here? As for me I am missing trash tv and a glass of Wine filled to the brim, because who said half is the only way to drink it.”

“Ha, well um the game, but what’s a game if you have no-one to watch it with?” He says almost passionately.

He has a good laugh, and a kind demeanor but the time is running out and I am not getting the take me home and leave in the morning vibes. So, I politely banter until I hear the song end and a new one begins.

Everyone on a date says their goodbyes, and then frantically look around the bar ensuring their next person is not taken before given the chance to react.

I thank J for his time and kindness, and I do the same trick as before. I slowly turn my body to the right this time and head towards my next date.

I try to not speed walk and look like I am on a mission but like I wanna sit down and not look like I’m trembling either. Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, but within reason with heels course.

I get a better look at the gentleman in front of me, and this time I ask if this seat is taken as they chose to sit at the bar, and I thought that would be an appropriate way of asking if I can join them.

He sets his what I can only assume is an Old Fashioned down and politely says “it is now” as he turns towards me slowly extending his hand out gesturing me to sit down on the stool.

I set my flute down, and awkwardly say “thank you” while looking down at my feet for just a second as he makes me feel nervous. But not in the butterflies in the stomach need to run away kind of nervousness. Instead, it’s the, I don’t want to say something ignorant and ruin my short time with him.

He seems to sense this and says, “my friends bet me $20 I wouldn’t show up tonight, easiest $20 I’ve ever made, what about you what made you show up tonight?”

I laugh to myself as I realize everyone in this room has their own unique reasons for being here and on this particular night. I take a sip before replying, as I try to formulate a response. I look at him and I can see him waiting, watching the gears in my mind turn again and again. I nearly blurted out before catching myself and for what I hope came out smoothly and said “ooh yeah? Are you the type to hide away and avoid human interaction at all costs? Or. is there a deeper story there that made your friends inclined to pay you to meet someone?” I ask this not to be a nosey per say but because they intrigued me with their comment.

I watch as he takes a sip from the amber liquid, I feel a slight panic as I might have said something wrong, made them feel insecure, and I start to say more to let them know I meant no harm just curious banter.

He holds up his hand as I start to speak again, almost like he sensed my uneasiness yet again ugh stop reading my face I think to myself as he says, “you didn’t answer my question”.

“Shit, um sorry, you are correct, my bad” I quickly said feeling slightly embarrassed. Really fumbling this time, pull it together. I take a small breath before speaking again.

“I am here because I am over looking at my screen waiting for a response, I missed seeing someone face to face being able to gauge the conversation just by being near them, so I am here and not on an app hoping for a better outcome.”

He nods, and replies “I got dumped and haven’t left my place in what is ‘too long for someone of your age’ “he uses his fingers to make air quotes. “So, they made a bet with me, seeing if I had what it takes to try again.”

He continues and explains that he made a show of not needing their help and he is totally okay, but they are persistent, and money is money.

“So are you here for money or a date” I ask, “not trying to sound rude” I quickly add “I just… say this as I want to know if you see this as a way to spend your night or if you are looking for your person.”

The song stops and I realize that was probably not the best way to end things, but I have 3 more dates to make up for it. He stands up, says he was happy to lend a chair and to stop by if I care to learn his name.


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