Unrequited Love

An adult stories – Unrequited Love by WhyNotUs,WhyNotUs Author’s Note: Trying a little something different. This is a Love Story. Hopefully you enjoy the character development and the struggles they go through searching for a happy ending.

I was scrolling through Twitter and a retweet from someone I was following caught my eye. Not the words of the tweet, I can’t even tell you what they were, but the tiny circle with the profile picture. In that small picture was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. With all the possible Photoshop touchups and filters, I didn’t even think it was real. I quickly clicked on her name and used my fingers to pinch the screen to zoom out and enlarge the picture. Staring back at me was a smoking hot woman with Dark Black Hair. She had Big Blue Eyes that sparkled. They looked like blue marbles, almost like I was staring at the earth from a distance. I could tell she was a natural beauty, but the makeup she didn’t need was done perfectly anyway. She had Long Eyelashes with a touch of Pink Eye Shadow above them, cute Rosy Cheeks, complete with a wonderful smile and lips applied with the perfect color of Red Lipstick. The grin on her face was complete with the most adorable dimples you’ve ever seen. Her name was Jessica, she lived in Indiana, and she seemed to be in her late 20s-early 30s.

I had been successful in business, but unlucky in love. I tried all the common techniques: going out to bars and clubs, having friends trying to set me up and the last ditch resort was the dating apps. I was a handsome guy that made good money and couldn’t find a woman to share it with. Here I was on Twitter and I’ve found love at first sight. Now what? How do I meet a girl from Twitter? Is that a thing? I knew I had to do something.

My first step was to click “Follow” on her profile. I wasn’t a Twitter expert, but I knew that sometimes when you followed someone they would follow you back. This was not one of those times. As she would Tweet, I would reply every once in a while, always trying to be clever so she would notice. I went about my life and about a month later a heart popped up in my phone notifications. I scrolled down to check it and she had clicked ‘like’ on one of my Tweets! It was literally a nothing, but I was so excited that she noticed me. I spent the rest of the day wondering if she had clicked on my profile and checked me out. I was at 33 years old and I was acting like a kid in high school.

Another month had gone by and the ‘likes’ continued to mount. Virtually every Tweet I would reply to would receive a like from Jessica. The only problem is that the engagement only went one way. She would post something and I would reply. She never commented on anything I posted.

The one way street continued until she posted about Notre Dame’s upcoming football season. No way! Not only was she a college football fan, but she was a Notre Dame fan. I was too! Being from New York City there were no college football teams here and growing up Notre Dame was the only team that was on TV every week. She lived in Indiana so it made sense that she would root for them. I was starting to think this girl was a unicorn. She was gorgeous and liked sports?! I didn’t think a girl like this existed.

I quickly replied to the Tweet, commenting that I was excited about the upcoming season and had always wanted to go to a game there. Only a few minutes went by and my Notification Icon on the app displayed the number 3. I clicked it faster than I’ve ever clicked something in my life. I was met with the three most exciting items:

Jessica Liked your Tweet

Jessica Replied to your Tweet: “You totally should come to a game, they’re so much fun!”

Jessica Followed You Back

I was so ecstatic I almost dropped the phone. After months of trying to get her to notice me I finally got some type of engagement from her. But now what? She was in Indiana and I was in New York. Even if I had the balls to ask her out, I was a minimum of two hours away by plane or twelve hours by car.

I was getting busy at work, so I continued my pattern. I would reply to her tweets and we found ourselves having conversations in public through the app. I turned up the charm and her replies started to have cute emojis with them. I was flirting with her heavily and in the meantime I had no idea what was really in her mind.

We had become friends, at least I considered us to be. She started to comment on my posts, we wish each other Happy Birthday, and I helped her when she had some tech problems. Six months had gone by and in my mind it was the longest relationship I’ve ever had. Forget about the fact that we’ve never spoken and every communication was visible to anyone who had the Twitter app.

I had a long day and work so I hadn’t had a chance to check Twitter that day. I opened the app to see if she had posted anything and everything came crashing down.

Jessica posted: I’M MARRIED!

What The Fuck! I screamed out loud to myself. I knew I had to reply, but had no clue what to say. I typed dozens of things and deleted them. I finally settled on:

Me: Whoa, that was unexpected. Congrats!

What else could I do? She obviously found someone and she seemed happy. I was depressed, but I still considered her a friend. I sat and stared at my phone. Hours had gone by with no response. It was a weekday so I figured she eloped and was doing what newly married people do. I had just about given up on her for the night and my phone dinged indicating I had a Direct Message.

Jessica: Hey, thanks so much for the well wishes.

Me: Of course. You caught me by surprise though. I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.

Jessica: Yeah, I try to keep my personal life off of social media.

Me: Makes sense. Did you two date long before getting married?

Jessica: It’s funny, two months ago he DM’ed me one day and we started talking. He came to town to take me out, and here we are married in Vegas!

So many thoughts and emotions went through me. How could I have been so stupid? I had a friendly relationship with her and all I had to do was send her a lousy DM and ask her out?! I was half furious with myself and half depressed. Was I really this stupid? A beautiful girl that was so cool, and most importantly, she gave me the time of day. It felt like my whole world came crashing down in those two words she had tweeted. I realized it had been over ten minutes since my last DM reply. I knew I had to say something so I just typed:

Me: I’m happy you’re happy. Enjoy Vegas. I’ll check in with you when you get back home.

Jessica: Thanks again!

I put down my phone and tried to think of my next move. It didn’t take too long to realize there wasn’t one. I had blown my chance. My Dream Girl was married to another dude. I walked over to my liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. This was usually reserved for special occasions, but as I was about to drink my sorrows away, I wanted to do it with the good stuff. Half a bottle later I was drunk and exhausted. I fell asleep shortly after, figuring I would regroup tomorrow.


Our Twitter relationship had continued over the next six months. We were still friends, even though I was madly in love with her and she had no idea. She was happily married and I was sitting here pining over her. I should have just moved on. She was so cool and fun that I decided I’d rather be her friend than not have her in my life at all. She stuck to her guns and rarely talked about her personal life online. She never posted a picture of her husband, in fact she didn’t mention him at all. That was until her next devastating Tweet:

Jessica: I’M PREGNANT!

Included with the Tweet was a picture of a sonogram. She was three months along already. That was it for me. I really loved this girl, but there was no way I could compete with a Husband and a Baby. The good guy in me didn’t want to either. Being that we were friends, I had to reply with something. I chose to answer her in public with something similar to my reply to her married tweet:

Me: Whoa, you guys don’t waste any time! Congrats!

Jessica: Thanks! Yeah, we’re really excited!

The word ‘We’re’ really got to me. I slammed down my phone and pounded the remaining half of the bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue that I hadn’t touched since her wedding news.


I had pretty much taken a break from tweeting with Jessica. She was happy. On the other hand, I was miserable and jealous of a dude I had never seen and didn’t even know his name. I responded with a ‘Like’ from time to time and even an occasional “Lol”, but it was nothing like it used to be. I probably should have just unfollowed her and moved on.

I started hanging out more with my friends who were always on the prowl to meet girls. I met a few girls and flirted with some others, but no one could compare to Jessica. I even went on a few dates, but I never felt a connection and nothing ever lasted.

The one night, out of the blue, my phone dinged. Throughout our relationship I was always happy to give Jessica advice and help her with any questions she had. Not to toot my own horn, but I am very smart and really good at solving problems. I was not surprised when she DM’ed me for my opinion. It was the topic that caught me off guard.

Jessica: Hey, can you do me a favor and check out my Baby Registry? I think there are too many things on there that are expensive and I don’t want to look greedy.

She’s asking me to look at her Baby Registry? This girl is going to drive me into the insane asylum. Then I thought to myself, why wouldn’t she ask me? We were friends and I had always helped her in the past. She had no idea I was in love with her and she was just asking a good buddy for advice.

I clicked the link and there it was “Jessica and Tommy’s Baby Registry.” I finally knew her Husband’s name. I also learned that she was having a boy, something she hadn’t revealed in public. Scrolling down the list, I saw she had nothing to worry about.

Me: Hi, it looks great. I’m sure you have friends and family members that would be happy to buy you those things. Plus it’s only a guide, they can always get you things that are not on the list.

Jessica: Thanks for looking at that. You’re the best!

Me: Anytime!

Then I did something stupid. I clicked on the $200 car seat she had selected and I clicked ‘Purchase.’ The second I clicked it I regretted it, but I still closed the lid to my laptop before I changed my mind and cancelled it. Having no experience with a Baby Registry, I didn’t know it notified the person when each item was purchased. Apparently it also told them who bought the item.

I woke up the next morning to another DM:

Jessica: I’m mad at you!

What? She had never talked to me that way before and I had no idea what was happening.


Jessica: I didn’t send you the site so you could buy me something! I just wanted your opinion.

I still wasn’t sure if she was seriously mad or what, but knowing her, I figured she was just messing around.

Me: If that’s your way of saying Thanks, You’re Welcome!

Jessica: Yeah, that was rude of me. Thank you so much! But you still shouldn’t have done that!

Me: Well, the little man needs to be safe while you’re gallivanting all over town!

Jessica: LOL

I didn’t reply after that, and I went back to having limited interactions with her.


I was still checking in on Jessica’s tweets while continuing to have no luck in the dating scene. I knew she had to be getting close to having the baby and then the Tweet came.

Jessica: Welcome to the world Baby William, 8lbs, 1 oz!

She had included a picture was Jessica holding William. She had a huge smile on her face and the baby was adorable. I was happy for my friend, but still jealous that I wasn’t the one with her in the hospital, wishing she was holding my son.

Me: That’s awesome! He’s so cute! Hope you two are doing well!

She didn’t reply until the next day, which was understandable.

Jessica: Thanks so much! I’m a little sore and exhausted, but everything is wonderful! Soooo ready to go home!

Me: Happy to hear! Talk to you soon!


Jessica hadn’t Tweeted much since giving birth. She was enjoying her new baby boy and I’m sure he wasn’t letting her sleep much. I was busy at work and didn’t have time for my social life. Work trips always came up to various places around the country. They didn’t make you go, and it was always on a voluntary basis. They would send an email with the city and the first person to reply go to go. Since I had been at this company, all the trips were to boring areas, so I never requested to go on one.

One morning I got to work and there was an email for a 5 day trip to Indiana. I immediately replied that I would go. My boss was thrilled that I finally agreed to go on a trip. I wasn’t sure what my intentions were, but at least I was helping my career. One thing about being a Notre Dame fan is that you can buy their apparel anywhere, but there is nothing like buying things from the on campus bookstore. In addition to going to a football game, going to the bookstore was on my bucket list.

I didn’t really have a plan, but I had to let my friend know I would be in the area, right?

I tweeted at Jessica:

Me: Hey, I have some business in your area. Other than hitting the ND bookstore, are there any other places I should go? Restaurants? Etc.

She didn’t reply right away, but a few hours later my phone dinged with a DM:

Jessica: You’re not thinking of going to the bookstore without me, are you?

Me: Oh, I figured you were busy with the baby and didn’t want to bother you.

I lied. I knew exactly what I was doing, even though it was a huge mistake.

Jessica: He’s due for a trip there. We haven’t been out of the house much. It will give us a chance to break in your fancy car seat!

Whoa, I was finally going to meet Jessica, and she took my hint and invited herself along!

Me: That would be great! I’d love to meet the little guy!

Jessica: Perfect! And Tommy is dying to meet you. Let us know when you have a break from work and the four of us will take a drive over there!

I guess he knows who I am. She must’ve told him who bought them the car seat. Dying to meet me? That’s interesting. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to meet him and in the back of my mind was thinking he would want to kick my ass. Then I remembered she didn’t know I had feelings for her. It was all in my crazy mind. We were friends and it made sense that she would want her Husband to meet me.

Me: Excellent!

Jessica: Here’s my cell. It’s easier than this online stuff. When we figure out a time, come to my house and we’ll go from here.

I quickly put her number in my phone and texted her a Sunglasses face emoji.

Me: Great! I’m excited! I just texted you so you have my number too.

Jessica replied to my text with a Thumbs Up and said “See you soon!”


I had a nice flight to Indiana. While I was waiting at the rental car counted I texted Jessica that I had arrived and would have time tomorrow afternoon if that worked. She replied that it was perfect and sent me her address.

The company had put me up in a nice hotel and for a 5 day trip my work schedule was lighter than expected. Either I picked the right trip or they were all like this and I had been missing out. I planned on getting a good night’s sleep, but I was too excited and too nervous. I kept getting up in the middle of the night and thinking about what tomorrow would bring.

When I finally got out of bed I took a shower and shaved. I picked a button down shirt and a pair of shorts. It was the middle of the summer and it was too hot for pants. I got in my rental car and punched the address into the navigation system. I texted Jessica that I was on my way and the car said 15 minutes.

I pulled up in front of Jessica’s house and it was a lot bigger than I expected. I figured houses in Indiana would be nicer than New York City houses, but this was impressive. It was a Two Story Colonial with a Two Car Attached Garage. The exterior was White Stucco with Black Trim around the Windows and Front Door. They had a cement walkway leading up to the Front Door with a beautifully Landscaped Front Yard.

I walked up to the door and rang the bell. It was only a few seconds before Jessica opened the door holding baby Will. Her pictures online didn’t do her justice. She was so much more beautiful in person! She surprised me when she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

“Welcome!” she said.

“Wow, you have a beautiful home!” I said.

“Thanks!” she said.

The Baby looked at me and started to babble.

“And this must be William. He’s so cute. Must take after his father,” I joked.

“Hey!” She said, pretending to be offended.

“You know I’m kidding. He has the same beautiful eyes that you do!” I said.

“That’s more like it!” She said. “Why don’t you come in? Tommy will be here in a few minutes.”

I followed her inside and she led me to her Living Room. She put Will in his swing and we sat down on the couch together.

“Want a drink?” She offered.

“I’m good,” I said.

“It’s so nice to meet you in person,” she said, “How long have we been talking on Twitter?”

“I’m not sure,” I said. I looked in Will’s direction and said, “Definitely more than nine months!”

“Ha,” she said, “I think it was back when I was still single.”

That hurt. I knew she wasn’t rubbing it in, but it felt that way. “That’s right,” I said.

Just then the door opened and I heard, “Honey, I’m home!”

In walked Tommy. It was the first time I had seen him. From my eye he was about 6′ 2″ with brown hair and was a relatively handsome guy. He had to be to get a girl like Jessica. He bypassed the two of us and went right for the baby. He tickled him and made funny faces to make Will scream in delight. Will had the cutest little baby chuckle and I could see he loved his dad. Tommy came over to the couch and kissed Jessica hello. I stood up and shook his hand.

“Hey Buddy,” he said, “So nice to meet you!”

“Yeah, nice to meet you too,” I said, “I was telling Jess that you have a beautiful home.”

“Thanks Pal,” he said. “She didn’t offer you a drink?”

“She did, but I figured we were leaving soon,” I said.

“Are you hungry?” He asked.

“I could eat,” I said.

“Cool, let’s grab some lunch first before we hit campus,” he said.

Jess picked up Will to change his diaper and Tommy went into his bedroom. They told me they would be right back and we would hit the road. Sitting on their couch, all I could think about is how much of an asshole I was. I always considered myself to be a nice guy, but Tommy was quite possibly the nicest guy on the planet. I felt stupid that I even considered trying to break them up. I could see they were both very happy and they loved their little boy. My mind had been all over the place going into this trip. I didn’t really think I would be able to seduce her and get her to leave the man she just had a baby with. Now that I’ve seen the three of them together, I decided I was content to have her as a friend and officially gave up all hope that we would be together.

We got in the car and they told me to sit in the front with Tommy so Jessica could be next to Will. They hadn’t taken him out of the house much and every time he fell asleep. That was the plan for this trip. She said he was a pretty good baby, but when he started crying it took a long time for him to stop. Tommy drove us to a Sports Bar and as planned, Will fell asleep. The car seat that I bought for them was great, because it detached from the base and she could carry the top portion inside the restaurant without having to take the baby out.

Tommy and I sat next to each other in the booth while Jess sat with the baby across from us. I tried to stop myself from staring, but she was so beautiful it was hard to look away. I reminded myself that she was my friend and that I was sitting next to her husband, who I could see becoming friends with. We had a nice meal and learned a lot about each other. I was surprised at how much Tommy and I had in common. He was a huge Yankees fan and loved movies. The two of us were talking so much that Jessica was feeling left out.

“When I invited my buddy to come visit I had no idea he would be in an instant bromance with my Husband,” Jess said, laughing.

“Aw, is the pretty girl upset she’s not getting enough attention?” I teased her.

“Don’t worry Babe,” Tommy said, “We can all be friends. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me he likes the Yankees. You know I don’t have any friends that root for them.”

“Sorry!” She said, sarcastically. “We only talk about Notre Dame Football!”

“Speaking of which, Jess tells me you’ve never been to a game,” he said.

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to go,” I said.

“Well you have to come back during football season and we’ll all go together,” he said.

“That would be awesome. I’m just about to get a huge bonus at work, so I’ll even treat!” I said.

“See Babe,” she said, to Tommy, “I told you he was cool!”

We all laughed. We had a nice meal and drove to the bookstore. I was right, they had so many more things that I couldn’t get anywhere else. I stocked up on t-shirts, a hoodie and a new hat. I bought Will a Stuffed Notre Dame Leprechaun that he loved immediately.

Tommy drove us back to the house and we said our goodbyes. I told them I had to focus on work for the rest of my trip, but we would definitely schedule that football game. Jess kissed me on the cheek again and Tommy and I exchanged numbers.


I had a successful trip, both with work and personally. I had made two new friends and I was going back to go to a Notre Dame game with them! I got praised by my boss and I got my bonus. Unfortunately that came with more work, but I didn’t mind. I didn’t have much time for anything but work, so I hadn’t spoken to Jessica or Tommy since I got back.

About two weeks later my phone dinged with a text from Tommy. It was the first time he had reached out to me and it was about the Yankees. We texted back and forth a bit about baseball. I told him I got my bonus and I would send him dates I could come out so they could check their schedules for the football game.

Jessica continued to tweet and I continued to interact with her online, even though I had her number in my phone. I mainly texted with Tommy and we settled on a game six weeks away. I told him it’s very hard to get 3 tickets together so I was going to buy 4 and have a friend tag along. He said that was no problem and I told him I would text him when I had the tickets confirmed.

I was always good at finding tickets and was able to score a good deal on Club Seats for the date we picked. I texted Tommy a Gif of the Notre Dame Leprechaun with a message that said ‘Can’t Wait!’ He didn’t reply right away which was normal, but once a couple days went by I started to wonder if something was going on.

A week had gone by with no response and when I checked online there weren’t any Tweets from Jessica either, so I texted her.

Me: Hi, just checking in. Everything ok?

An hour went by and my phone rang. It was Jessica.

“Hello,” I answered.

She was breathing heavy and managed to get out a “Hi.”

I could tell something was very wrong and said, “Jess, what’s going on?”

She started sobbing and said, “I thought you knew.”

“Knew what?” I asked.

“Tommy was killed by a drunk driver,” she said in between tears.

“What? Holy Shit!” I screamed. “I can’t believe it. Are you ok? Will?”

Trying to hold it together she said, “He was by himself in the car, so we weren’t there. Will’s too little to realize what happened. As for me I think you can figure that out for yourself.”

“I’m so sorry Jess,” I said, “Is there anything I can do?”

“We’re ok,” she said, “The funeral was three days ago and my phone has finally stopped ringing.”

“I don’t know what to say Jess,” I said, “What an awful thing to happen. I am so sorry. Seriously, anything I can do for you…”

“I’ll be ok once I stop crying and get some rest,” she said, sounding more normal.

“Of course, don’t let me keep you. I’ll be here if you need me,” I said.

“Wait, don’t hang up,” she said. “You’re the first normal voice I’ve heard all week. Everyone else is so doom and gloom.”

“Of course, I’m happy to talk to you as long as you need,” I said.

“I was going through his texts and saw you got the tickets,” she said.

“Yeah, but don’t worry about that. I can put them on Stubhub and we can reschedule,” I said.

“No!’ Don’t do that!” She said.

“You sure?” I asked.

“What do you want me to do? Sit here and stare at the wall? I could use a distraction,” She said.

“Ok, if that’s what you want,” I said.

“Yes please,” she said, “I see you got 4 tickets, why don’t you sell 2 and we’ll go together.”

“That works,” I said. “And if you change you mind, just let me know.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. He would have wanted me to have fun,” she said, getting emotional again.

“Oh sweetie,” I said, trying to comfort her.

“I’ll be ok,” she said.

“Listen, go get some rest and please call or text anytime,” I said.

“Thanks,” she said, “I’ll talk to you soon.”

I hung up the phone and sat silently for a while. What a tragedy. To lose his life because of some scumbag who should have called a cab. Now his newborn son is without a father and Jessica is a widow. What a fucked up situation. I felt so sorry for them and wished I lived closer so I could help.

I hadn’t heard from her in a week so I texted to check in. She said she was doing a little better and her Mom had been very helpful with Will. She also said the game was the one thing she was looking forward to and she was excited to see me.


I picked another work trip that coincided with the weekend of the game. My boss was happy I wanted to go back to Indiana because of my success last time. I had a good flight and drove to my hotel. It was the same routine as last time. I texted Jess that I had to work Thursday and Friday, but would be available all weekend. The game was at 3:30pm Saturday afternoon, so she suggested I come over for Lunch at noon. We could hang out at the house and play with Will until it was time to leave for the game.

I pulled up in front of her house just like last time. It looked exactly the same. She had kept up with the landscaping and I commented to myself that it was an awful big house for two people. She opened the door and had a sad look on her face like she was about to cry. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big hug, and kissing her on her cheek. Once we finished our embrace she had a little smile on her face.

“Hey stranger,” she said.

“Hi Sweetheart,” I said, “I’m so happy to see you again.”

“Me too,” she said, leading me to the sofa.

I sat down and asked, “Doing ok?”

“Yeah, I’m a little better. I just get random crying fits from time to time,” she said.

I hugged her again and said, “I’m so sorry Jess. It will take some time. My suggestion would be to squeeze that beautiful little boy anytime you feel sad.”

“I like that idea,” she said.

“Speaking of which, where is my little buddy?” I asked.

“Down for his nap, but you’ll hear him screaming soon,” she said, laughing.

We had lunch and hung out on the couch. It was nice to see her smiling and I was happy to provide a distraction. Will was fun to play with and he was crawling all over the place. 2pm came quickly and it was time to leave for the game. Her Mom was going to babysit and she showed up right on time. Jess opened the door and introduced me to her Mom.

“Nice to meet you,” I said.

“Isn’t he handsome,” her Mom said. “You sure know how to pick them.”

“Mom!” Jess yelled, feeling embarrassed. “He’s my friend.”

“Whatever you say honey,” her Mom said. “Have fun you two.”

“Thanks Mom,” Jess said, “We should be back by 8:30pm and remember, no Ice Cream!”

Jess kissed her Mom goodbye and we got in my rental car to go to the game.

We picked a great game to go to. Notre Dame was 14 point underdogs at Home to Ohio State but they won anyway. We were both having a great time and Jess was smiling and cheering. I was thrilled I was able to make her happy after all she’s gone through over the last month and a half. She was very chummy at the game, bumping me with her hips, sitting close together in our seats and when we won, she leaned over and pecked me on the lips. She caught me by surprise and I think she surprised herself too. We gave each other a look and started laughing.

We got back to her house and sent her Mom home. Will was sleeping and Jess said he should sleep through the night. She said it was early and I was welcome to stay and watch some TV with her instead of going back to my hotel alone. I sat on the couch and she opened a bottle of wine. I wasn’t a huge wine guy, but I wasn’t complaining. We flipped through the channels and saw that True Romance was starting. For those who haven’t seen it, this wasn’t a Hallmark movie. It was one of Quentin Tarantino’s first movies and it was action packed. I commented that I was surprised she liked movies like this and she reminded me Tommy was a huge movie guy and had turned her on to films like this.

As we watched the movie I noticed she was inching closer to me on the couch. About halfway through, she had moved so close that her legs were touching mine. I had buried my feelings for her. I was content to be her friend and more importantly I was friends with her now late husband. I was conflicted for sure. Did she want me to make a move? Did I want to? I wasn’t sure what to do, so I did nothing. I sat there watching the movie, drinking my wine, while basically snuggling with her on the couch.

The movie ended with the big shootout scene and Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette getting away. As the last lines were spoken ‘You’re so cool!’, Jess reached over to rub my thigh. She caught me off guard and I flinched.

“You’re so cool too!” She said.

I was stunned at what was happening so I just said, “Thanks, you are too.”

She rubbed my leg a bit more and was getting close to my crotch. She said, “Thanks so much for today, I really needed that.”

Her hand was now touching my dick through my shorts and it was starting to harden. “Um, Jess…” I said, not knowing what else to do.

“What? Don’t you think I’m pretty?” She asked, batting her eyelids.

“Yeah, I think you’re one of the most beautiful women in the world, but…” I said.

“But what?” She interrupted.

“You’ve been through a lot recently and I don’t want to do anything to ruin our friendship,” I said, trying to be a good guy.

She started to rub harder and said, “I’m a big girl, don’t worry.”

She leaned over and pecked me on my lips. As a reflex I opened my mouth and we started making out on the couch as she was rubbing my dick. When I started talking to Jessica online I knew she was the one, my soul mate, and now I finally had my chance. My dream had come true and I felt…guilty. She was a great kisser and I was enjoying it, until my brain told me we had to stop and talk. I moved back a bit and she took the hint.

“Jess, hold on,” I said.

“What? I was really enjoying that,” she said.

“Me too, but don’t you think we should talk first?” I asked.

“Ok, if you want to be a girl about it,” she said, giggling.

I laughed and said, “There’s the Jess I know. Seriously though, are you sure you want to do this?”

“I know it’s barely been two months, but I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve been touched. Everyone looks at me with sad eyes and feels sorry for me. You’ve made me feel happier today that I have been this entire time. Plus I see the way you look at me,” she replied.

“You do?” I asked.

“Yeah, I can see you staring into my eyes and checking out my boobs and my legs. Even from the last time you were here,” she said.

“Really? Jess you know I didn’t mean to…” I said, before she cut me off.

“Don’t get all nervous, I’m used to guys looking at me. That’s what happens when I’m, what did you call me, the most beautiful woman in the world,” she said, winking.

“I think I said, one of the most,” I said, giggling.

She punched me in the arm and said, “You know what I mean! You have this beautiful woman throwing herself at you and you want to make jokes?”

“I just wanted to be the nice guy,” I said.

“If you weren’t a nice guy would I be doing this?” she asked.

She put her hand behind my head and pulled me towards her lips. We started making out again, and this time I didn’t feel guilty. Her hand went back to my crotch and my hand went to her chest. I was finally touching those spectacular breasts, even though it was through her shirt and her bra. We continued rubbing and kissing until we were rudely interrupted. It’s hard to be mad at a baby who doesn’t know any better, but I was very disappointed. Will had woken up and he was screaming at the top of his lungs. We both got up to check on him.

Will was lying on his back, crying non stop. Jess picked him up and that didn’t help. We looked at the clock and it was almost midnight. Jess was going to try to feed him and put him back to sleep. I offered to stay and help, but she said it was late and she wasn’t sure how long it would take. I was upset our night was ending so abruptly, but baby comes first. She told me to check in with her in the morning and she would cook dinner tomorrow night. We kissed goodbye on the lips and I drove back to my hotel.

I had a good night’s sleep and was awakened by a ding on my phone. I smiled as I reached over to see the text from Jess. I was upset to see it was a message from my boss to call him immediately. I called and he said he knew it was Sunday, but there were major problems at the local office. Since I was the Senior Manager in the area, I had to go check it out. He apologized to me and told me that I could take an extra week’s vacation time as compensation. I agreed and got up to get ready.

I thought about texting Jess the bad news, but wanted to hear her voice. On the way to the office I called her from the car.

“Hi,” she answered, cheerfully.

“Hey,” I said back.

“I had a great time yesterday,” she said.

“I did too,” I said.

“Sounds like you’re in the car. Are you on the way over?” She asked.

“Bad news,” I said, “My boss called and there’s some major problem at the office. I have to go there first.”

“Oh no,” she said. “On a Sunday?”

“That’s what I said, but apparently they need a Senior Manager and that’s me. He did say he’d give me an extra week of vacation this year though,” I said.

“Think you’ll be long?” She asked.

“I hope not, but there’s no way I’m missing dinner. They can fire me if it comes to that!” I said, half joking.

“Well don’t do that,” she said.

“I’m just messing around. I’ll text you when I’m on my way,” I said.

We hung up and I headed to the office. Apparently the dopes forgot to leave the AC on in the server room and everything overheated and shut down. Computers were not my expertise, but I was good enough at diagnosing problems. The tech guy for the branch was on vacation for the weekend and I was the best choice to fix the problem. The company couldn’t go the whole day with the system being down.

I knew I would be the only one in the office so I wore a short sleeved button down and a pair of shorts. That turned out to be a great idea, because the office was like a furnace. It took over two hours with the AC running to get the office to comfortable temperature where I could even attempt to turn on the servers. I was updating my boss and he kept apologizing for making me go in on a Sunday. I told him it was fine and didn’t say I could have been spending time with a smoking hot woman. I was making my way up in the company and this would certainly help. If things progressed with Jessica that week off would certainly be better than the half a day I’m missing. By the time everything was up and running again it was 4pm.

I texted Jess that I was on my way over. I thought about driving back to the hotel to shower, but I was too excited to see her. I pulled up to the front of her house and made the familiar stroll up her walkway. I rang the bell and was greeted by an amazing sight. Jess was all decked out, a short black dress that showed tons of cleavage and her long legs. She had done her makeup and put in false eyelashes.

“Damn girl!” I said, surprised.

“You like?” She asked and did a twirl.

“Yeah! I thought you were cooking. Are we going out instead?” I asked.

“No I’m cooking,” she said.

“I feel a little underdressed,” I said.

“You’re fine. It’s been forever since I had a chance to dress up for someone. I kinda missed it,” she said.

“Well you look spectacular!” I said.

“Thanks,” she said, “Now will you come inside already!”

She led me into the kitchen where she had already started preparing dinner. I sat down and she brought me a beer. Will started to cry in his crib and she asked me if I minded checking on him. I went into his room and he smiled when he saw me. It made me feel good that he recognized me. I picked him up and I could tell he had a wet diaper.

“Um Jess,” I yelled, “He needs a diaper change.”

“Can you handle it?” She asked. “I can’t leave the kitchen right now.”

“I’ve never done that before,” I said.

“It’s not rocket science, you can figure it out,” she yelled.

“Ok,” I said.

I struggled my way through my first diaper change and brought him into the kitchen. He squealed when he saw her and she came over to kiss him on the forehead. I put him in his swing and he rocked along while his Mom made dinner and I watched. Jess was an amazing cook and I was only a little upset that she had an apron covering her rocking body in that tiny black dress. We had a great meal and put Will to sleep together. We ended up back on the couch watching TV, almost in the same situation as last night.

We found a movie to watch, but I wasn’t really interested in watching TV. She had basically given me the green light last night and if Will hadn’t interrupted, who knows what would have happened. Tonight I was the aggressor. I scooted close to her so our bodies were touching. I put my hand on her chin and titled her face towards mine. I gazed into her beautiful Blue Eyes and she gave me a slight nod. I leaned in and kissed her deeply. We made out for a few minutes and then I began to rub her breasts. She was moaning into my mouth in pleasure as I reached her nipples. I felt her nipples get hard through the material of her dress and I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra.

We were kissing pretty heavily and I knew she was enjoying it. I moved my hand down to her legs and reached the hem of her short dress. I moved my fingers slowly up her thigh and she was panting. I reached the center of her legs and felt some moisture. She wasn’t wearing panties either! She was soaking wet and I smiled, well as much as one can smile with her tongue in my mouth, knowing I had made her that way. I pressed the tip of my finger at her entrance and she stopped kissing me for a second to say “Yes!”

I slowly pressed my finger inside of her and she started kissing me intensely again. This progressed to two fingers and I started to rub her clit with my thumb. She was thrashing on the couch as my fingering had gotten her going. She pulled away from my mouth and was moaning heavily in pleasure. I continued to pump her with my fingers until she came, drenching my hand and the inside of her dress. When her breathing finally slowed I pulled my hand out from under her dress. My hand was glistening with her juices and I don’t know why, but I licked them clean.

“That was so hot,” she said.

“I just had to know what you tasted like,” I said.

“Well yeah, that too, but I mean the way you made me orgasm. I can’t remember the last time I came that hard,” she said.

“You’re welcome,” I said.

She looked down at my shorts to see I had a raging hardon. She reached for the button on my waist of my shorts and said, “I think there’s a way I can thank you.”

“Oh Jess, you don’t have to,” I said, trying to keep up the nice guy attitude.

“Are you kidding me? After what you just did for me, I don’t have to, I want to!” She said.

She unbuckled my shorts and pulled them down. My erect dick sprang out.

“Whoa,” she said.

“What?” I asked.

“I didn’t expect it to be so big, I’ve never seen one like that,” she said.

Now I know girls like to tell a guy he has a big dick to make him feel good, but in this case I chose to believe she was telling the truth.

“Like I said, if you don’t want to,” I started to say, sounding crazy to be possibly turning down a blowjob.

She didn’t respond verbally. Instead she wrapped her hand around me and took my head inside her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my tip and lowered her mouth slowly. I moaned as my Dream Girl was sucking my dick. I didn’t have much experience getting blowjobs, but in the first couple seconds, I could tell she was excellent at giving them. She continued to lower her head and she reached the point where every other girl had stopped. She kept going until I entered her throat. She was deepthroating me and the feeling was amazing. No one had ever taken me that far before and I couldn’t believe how great it was. She pulled back slowly and all the way up to my tip. She lowered herself again as she continued to suck. She increased her speed and was bobbing on my cock while cradling my balls. I was breathing heavy when I announced I was about to cum. Being it was the first time she had done this for me I wasn’t sure how she planned on ending it. She didn’t react and just kept sucking. I felt myself swell and she took me real deep again. After a few more tongue swirls I exploded into her mouth. She swallowed every drop before pulling off and sitting back next to me on the couch. I put my shrinking dick away and buckled my shorts.

She wiped her mouth, looked at me and said, “Yummy!”

I gave her a look with my eyes wide open and didn’t speak.

“What?” she asked, giggling.

“I can’t believe I’m sitting next to you and we just did that stuff. In my wildest dreams I never thought this would happen,” I said.

“What do you mean? What dreams?” She asked.

Shit, I thought to myself. In the aftermath of that amazing blowjob I just said a little too much too quickly. “Nothing,” I said, trying to get out of it.

“No way buster,” she said, “You just had your fingers inside me and I just had your dick in my mouth, spill!”

I took a deep breath, “Ok, here goes. Ever since I saw your picture on Twitter I was smitten. Then you started talking to me online and I was so happy. The problem was we lived so far away from each other. Then you got married and when I found out how you met him I was so mad. I could have easily DM’ed you too. I don’t even know if you noticed, but I tried to respect your marriage and didn’t Tweet you as much,” I paused.

“Keep going,” she said.

I continued, “Then you got pregnant and I pretty much stopped interacting with you completely. I couldn’t be the guy trying to break up a family. That was until you DM’ed me about your baby registry and I just had to buy you something. I wasn’t even sure what I was thinking when I came out to see you guys the first time, and I sure felt like a total asshole when I met Tommy. He was such a nice guy, good husband, and good father, that I was ashamed I even thought about trying to interfere. It was then that I buried my feelings for you and decided I was happy to be friends with the both of you. Then your life was struck with tragedy and here I am on your couch.”

She said, “I kinda figured you had a crush on me, but didn’t know it to that extent.”

“I’m sorry, you’ve been through so much and I don’t know if I ever planned on telling you the whole story,” I said.

She just sat there in silence for a couple seconds until I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I had to say something.

“I hope I didn’t upset you. That’s the last thing in the world I would want to do. We had such a great time yesterday and tonight has been just…” I said before being interrupted.

She put her finger to my lips to get me to stop talking. She said, “Take me to bed and make love to me!”

I looked at her and smiled. It was finally about to happen. We stood up and I kissed her as we moved towards the bedroom. The master bedroom was big and decorated nicely. I could tell she was the one that picked everything out. We continued to kiss until we reached the edge of the bed. She turned around indicating she wanted me to unzip her dress. I did it slowly and her dress fell to her ankles. I learned earlier that she wasn’t wearing a bra and panties, but I was still surprised that she hadn’t worn underwear the entire night. I got my first look at her ass which was amazing. She knew exactly what she was doing and let me stare for a bit. When she finally turned around I was treated to the most beautiful body I had ever seen. Her massive breasts were real and spectacular. Looking her up and down it was hard to believe she had a baby a little less than a year ago. She was literally the perfect woman!

She unbuttoned my shirt and pulled down my shorts and boxers. We sat down on her bed and I felt myself starting to get hard again. I lowered her onto her back and kissed her neck. I peppered her with kisses down her body until I reached her breasts. I would later learn she had D cups and they were probably even bigger from the pregnancy. I licked around her left nipple and took it into my mouth, sucking in slightly. It hardened and she moaned. I focused on it for a bit before moving to her right one. I was good at foreplay and she was into it. When I thought she had enough I continued to kiss down her body. I knew some women were sensitive around their bellybutton and Jess was too. I paid a little attention there as she began to breathe faster and moved her hips a bit.

When I finally reached her pussy I had a big grin on my face. I had touched it and played with it earlier, but now I am getting my first real look. I gave her clit a tiny kiss and she gasped. I paused, teasing her and waiting for her to react. When she finally whimpered I knew it was time to continue. I gave her clit a big lick and licked all the way down her pussy. She let out a huge sigh of relief and I worked my tongue slightly inside her. My finger entered the picture and I began to focus on her clit. I had two fingers inside of her while tonguing her clit and she was grinding her hips against me.

“Oh My God. Don’t Stop!” She yelled.

I didn’t listen and I stopped, continuing to tease her. I didn’t want her to cum from my mouth. I wanted her to cum with my dick deep inside her. I moved myself up her body until we were looking each other in the eyes. She was giving me a look like ‘why did you stop’, so I kissed her. She was so worked up that she kissed me hard, tasting herself on my lips. I reached down and lined myself up at her dripping wet entrance, holding still.

“What are you waiting for?” she implored.

“What? I asked, sarcastically with a big grin.

“Come on, you know what I want!” She raised her voice.

“I want to hear you say it,” I said, continuing to tease her.

“I want you to make love to me! I want you to fuck me! Come on Fuck Me! Fuck Meeeeeee!” She yelled as I plunged deep inside her.

Normally I wouldn’t have gone in so hard, but between my fingers and my tongue getting her ready, I risked it. It was the right move because I saw her eyes roll back in her head and her pussy gripped me tightly. All the foreplay and anticipation had triggered her orgasm from one thrust. I held myself all the way inside her and let her enjoy her second one of the night. I looked her in the eyes as she was recovering from the pleasure.

“Feeling good sweetie?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yessssssss,” she whispered softly.

“Ready for more?” I asked, again already knowing the answer.

“Yessssssss,” she whispered again, softly.

She wanted me to make love to her so that’s what I was going to do. I wasn’t sure what our relationship would be like going forward so I was going to enjoy every second of this. I pulled back slowly and pushed back in slowly. She moved her hips in rhythm with mine and we made love for almost an hour. I had never been able to go this long and I attributed it to Jessica. She was doing things to me that no woman ever has. In my mind we were truly meant for each other. I finally felt myself getting close and needed to let her know. We hadn’t even thought about a condom and I didn’t know what her birth control situation was.

“Sweetie, you feel so good and I think I’m about to cum,” I said.

“Me too!” She moaned. “Don’t stop!”

This time I listened and I didn’t stop. I kept my constant pace and continued to fuck her slowly.

“Faster! Harder! You’re about to make me explode again!” She screamed.

I increased my temp and was fucking her as hard as I could. She responded by thrusting her hips back against me. We were fucking like wild animals, both searching for our release.

I was on the verge now and yelled “Oh! Ohh! Ohhh!”

I still didn’t know what to do, but then she wrapped her legs around me and her pussy gripped me tightly again as she came for the third time tonight. She threw her head back and I bent my head down to kiss her deeply as I came inside her. I kept kissing her until my dick shrank and slipped out of her. I rolled over next to her and we both lied there catching our breaths.

“Thank you,” she said, “I really needed that. That was amazing.”

“No, thank you,” I said. You’re the one who’s amazing!”

She blushed and said, “Yeah, I guess I am!”

“This has been the best two days of my life,” I said.

“I had a great time with you. Are you sure you have to go home tomorrow?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’ve got a busy week,” I said, “But if you want me to, I can arrange to come back very soon.”

“Yes!” She said, excitedly.

It was getting late and I had an early flight. I got dressed and gave her a big kiss goodbye. We promised to talk often and I promised to come back as soon as I could.


I was swamped at work and didn’t make good on my promise to get back to Indiana. The good news was I Vice President of the company now. The even better news is that I had talked to Jess every day, either by phone or text since I got back. She knew I was busy during the day so we always talked when I got home from work.

One day at 2pm she called me. I answered the phone, assuming something must be wrong.

She sounded nervous on the phone and said “Hey, we need to talk. Please make sure you call me when you get home.”

“Everything alright?” I asked.

“Just please call me tonight,” she said, still not sounding right. “I know you’re busy so I won’t keep you. Call me later. Bye.”

She hung up before I could say anything else. I called her back immediately and the call went to voicemail. Oh no! Anytime a girl says ‘We need to talk’, its bad news. My mind started to spin in panic. What did she want? Did she meet someone else? Was it Will? The last time she called with bad news Tommy had died. There was no way to know and no way I could concentrate on work. As the VP I had more flexibility with my schedule so I told my secretary I wasn’t feeling well and was going home early.

I tried to call Jessica from the car and it was still going right to voicemail.

I texted: Going home early. Will be there in half and hour. Please answer!

I got home and changed into my casual clothes. I opened a beer and sat on my couch. I picked up the phone and dialed Jessica. This time she answered on the first ring.

“Hello?” She said.

“Jess, what’s going on? Are you ok?” I asked, excitedly.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said.

“Well you’re freaking me out,” I said.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. Remember the weekend you spent here?” She asked.

“Yeah of course, I think about it all the time,” I said, more relaxed.

“Yeah me too, and it turns out you left something behind,” she said, trying sound clever.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I asked, playing along.

“Well, I’m…Pregnant!” She said, excitedly.

“What? No way!” I said, excited as well.

“Yep, Three Months along,” she said.

“Is it…” I asked, needing to make sure.

“Of course silly,” she said, playfully.

“Whoa,” I said, “I’ve always imagined that one day I would have a baby with someone, and I didn’t expect it to happen this way.”

“How so? Are you upset?” She asked.

“No, far from it. I’m beyond thrilled. I just thought it would be with my wife and we would find out together while we sitting next to each other,” I said.

“Are you asking me to marry you?” She said, sarcastically.

I didn’t catch the sarcasm and said, “If you want to, I would love to.”

“Whoa, are you serious? We haven’t even said ‘I love you’ yet,” she said.

Not hesitating for a second, I said, confidently, “Jessica, I Love You!”

“I Love You too!” She yelled.

“Now that that’s out of the way, Jessica, Will You Marry Me?!” I proposed.

“Oh My God, Yes!” She screamed.

“That’s not how I imagined proposing either, but now that I’ve done it, I wouldn’t have it any other way!” I said.

“Yeah and I kinda thought a proposal came with a ring,” she said, joking around.

“Oh don’t worry, I’ll be out there this weekend with the biggest diamond ring you’ve ever seen!” I said.

“I can’t wait to see my handsome fiancée!” She said.

“And I can’t wait to see my gorgeous fiancée!” I said.

“I Love You!” She said.

“I Love You too!” I said.


Things went quickly from there. Since my career was going great we agreed she would move to New York. She got a decent price for her house and after paying off the mortgage, we put half the money in a Trust for Will and the other half for our soon to be born Son. We bought a nice house on Long Island, which was an easy commute to my office in the city. Jessica was happy to be a stay at home Mom and that was fine with me. We got married in a small ceremony in the Hamptons witnessed by close family and friends. The inscription inside our Wedding Rings was: Twitter is a dating app!



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