Penelope 6. Intended fast kill becomes snuff rape by I am Inger

An hour after yet another round of one-sided sex I was no less sure there was no love left, just frustration and pain. Read and heed the tags, or you won’t be happy reading this story. An hour after yet another round of one-sided sex I was no less sure there was no love left


Rose 1: Terminal Navel Rape by I am Inger

The first of the Rose fantasy stories, a variety of ways a big gal dies very badly for my fun. After waking around 9:00 AM with the usual hardon that for once pissing did not soften I knew I was ready for Rose in the guest bedroom. I gave her the usual wakeup call on


Rose 2: Terminal Anal Rape by I am Inger

The second of the Rose fantasy stories, a variety of ways a big gal dies very badly for my fun. Really heed those tags or you will not enjoy this! The day I chose to deal with Rose I gave her the usual wakeup call on the Google Home, then grabbed the heavy Maglite from


Guilty Fantasies 04 MFF (Part 3: Rape) by I am Inger

I wrote this with two consent levels, and with two ways Angie gets my cum. There are rougher consent levels written and success with this may lead to the publication of the Rape and Brutal versions. Rape- Raping Mary from behind- Mary shuddered and moaned loudly into Angie’s mouth as I quickly pumped the fingers


Guilty Fantasies 03: Using my wife’s tits by I am Inger

Tit-fucking my fat, disabled wife. A long writing, as it is told 5 times, themed from Consensual to hard Snuff, stop reading if you reach your limit! Categories: Consensual – Subject a willing participant, goal is satisfaction of me or both I and subject(s). Non-Consensual – Subject not a willing participant, but passive. There is


Guilty Fantasies 05 MMF: Part 3 Rape by I am Inger

In Fantasies 04 I and my wife Mary took on Angie. It’s only fair to give her husband Brent a chance at my wife. Balance is good, right? See part 1 for the setup Rape- By the time Brent knocks on the door of our mini-suite I have carefully set both him and Mary up