Lost Empire 87 by pars001

A small smile formed on Kimon’s lips, “if your masters are any indicator of your clan’s skill? I believe that this will end soon.”

With that, both of them vanished as thunderous hits were heard. Immediately, the last of the clan and the Masters moved toward Greeson and Onai.

Many were slightly surprised when both of them vanished. Then again, many were shocked as they felt their life drain from their bodies. Both started to cut a swath through many Delcrons before them.

They had defeated almost all of the lower clan members when the masters jumped into the frey.

Kimon was surprised when the one he was going against matched him blow for blow. All around them they saw the rest of the clan start to fall. Kimon started to notice that something was wrong. True, the male was fighting as well as his master. There was something missing.

Kimon nodded as he saw the last of the non-masters fall. Thirty minutes into their fight, Kimon knew something was going on. This has all the earmarks of…, Kimon looked at the male with a smile.

This, of course, had the male redoubling his efforts to kill Kimon. Ah Kimon thought, this was more like it! It was a moment later that he saw both Greeson and Onai defeat the Masters. It was also the moment that he noticed that they weren’t true Masters.

“So, you have only delayed to allow the Master to leave. With the almost total destruction of your clan, it will be a very long time before your clan reappears,” Kimon said as he got a glancing blow on the Delcron’s arm.

The Grand Master backed up, his arm limp ’til he hit it. He then started to toss several weapons. Kimon cursed as the Delcron caught Onai on her back. To his amazement, Greeson took most of the hit.

Dropping like a rock, Greeson had a smile on his face. The Grand Master was laughing when he felt a sharp pain, then fell to the floor gasping. He got up, staring at Kimon, “them or me hmmm?”

Kimon nodded as Onai caught the unsuspecting Delcron across his neck. “It is over!” She shouted as the Delcron tried to throw another hit at her.

Almost unable to move, the Delcron laughed, then fell. Onai limped over to Greeson, who was gasping. In short breaths, a sharp upper thrust into his back had him sighing, then breathing easier.

Onai smiled as she turned to Kimon, who smiled, then sank to the floor. She looked one last time at Greeson, then limped to Kimon. Worry showed on her face as she could find no visible injury, plus his breathing was nonexistent.

“Let me masutā,” a soft voice said behind her. Onai stared at Greeson, who had crawled after her. Taking a deep breath, Greeson hit a spot on Kimon’s back, then another a little lower. Kimon gasped, then breathed easier. Onai started to thank Greeson, then saw he was unconscious again.

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