Sonya Blade- Femmefatality 2 by Crunchgasm

One day later, Sonya and Shang Tsung met. The fate of Earthrealm and Outworld would be decided. Shang Tsung’s attempts at scheming could now cost him his life.

Both seemed confident, and Sonya’s face showed determination, and a willingness to destroy her opponent, a willingness greater than in any previous battle.

Thus, for the first time in the tournament, she was the one to attack her opponent, rather than being on the defensive.

Leaping forward, she attempted a thrusting front kick, which Shang Tsung had to dodge by, jumping to the side.

He retaliated with an attempted chop to the back of the blonde’s head, which she avoided by ducking and swaying.

For a few seconds, the combatants paused to think and refocus, before the conflict for the control over two realms resumed.

It happened in a split-second, the charge of the sorcerer, and Sonya struggled to block every savage punch and kick that came her way. At one point, a dirty move from Shang Tsung opened her defenses up.

Since the distance between them was reduced, he stomped on her right foot, just as they were exchanging attacks and counterattacks. The pain wasn’t great, however, Sonya was distracted, and this meant the sorcerer could land a vicious body blow, followed by an uppercut that left his opponent teetering on her feet, almost ready to fall.

Wary of trying to grapple with her, Shang Tsung opted for a spinning high kick as the method of ending any chances Sonya might have had.

Very much disoriented and shaken, Sonya could only put her hands up around her head. This did not prevent her from being knocked down, but she did avoid falling into unconsciousness.

Acting with some caution even as he felt victory was near, Shang Tsung gestured for her to get up. “Stand up so I can destroy you, and then I will do the same to your world!”

Through the pain, and distorted senses, the Earthrealm warrior heard him, and she hated how drunken on victory he already sounded like.

She took her time, and this frustrated Shang Tsung enough to make him come over. His attempt at crushing her failed, but only because she rolled out of the way of his disdainful stomp.

Soon, she had to sit up, and then get up quickly by supporting herself with her hands, before the frustrated sorcerer came over to her.

She managed to parry his body blow attempts, but those, as well as the low kick that followed, were feints drawing her away from Shang Tsung’s real intent: he grabbed her by the neck, aiming to squeeze out whatever life force she had left.

The grip he got on Sonya’s neck was crushing, and she had to act fast. Attempts to kick his groin failed, but her arms were able to manoeuvre around his. Using the last reserves of oxygen, she punched at his throat with her right fist.

While not crippling, the strike did cause Shang Tsung to cough up, and recoil, releasing his foe in the process.

Following up on the move that freed her, Sonya Blade tackled him, attempting to break him from a superior position. However, due to the smart decision of the sorcerer to protect his crotch, she could onlz trade punches with him.

Things got dirty, as he flailed at her breasts, or gripped her hair, while she tried to gouge his eyes out.

The chaotic grappling lasted for a minute or so, before Shang Tsung’s attempt at a kimura arm lock forced Sonya to headbutt him, and then get up in a hurry. He was way too dangerous.

As she got up, he wrapped his legs around her left calf, pulling her off balance, which resulted in her falling on her back. With both of the fighters on the ground, a series of kicks happened, as both tried to avoid being entangled.

Here, the sorcerer left an opening for the special forces operative to exploit. She noticed her left leg was in-between his own, pointing roughly at his groin. Seizing the chance, she slid on the ground, foot-first towards his genitals. Due to his movement in the last second, the hit was not direct.

“Arrrgh…awwwwhhh…you bitch!”

Still, he felt great pain, immediately curling up and rolling around, unused to the unpleasant side-effects of mortality.

Sonya was at first surprised how well her improvised attack worked, but soon pulled back, jumping to her feet. With a smile on her face, she set out to break Shang Tsung.

Gripping his right leg by the ankle, she fought off his left kicks, finally trapping that limb as well. She then turned around, flipping her enemy onto his stomach. The Boston crab was locked in.

With a satisfied smile, Sonya Blade turned to look at Kitana, who seemed to be enjoying herself, judging by her moans. As the fighter found herself getting wetter, too, she instantly pulled back on Shang Tsung’s legs, stressing his body past the breaking point.

The crunching of Shang Tsung’s spine coincides with a loud moan of Sonya’s. Her fluids dripped through the black shorts she was wearing. Kitana cried out a “Yes!”, while Sonya yanked on the floppy legs of her broken foe, verifying that he was now paralyzed from the waist down.

She then stood up, and began to hurriedly pull her shorts off, now aware she can finish Shang Tsung off while having a lot of fun. Beckoning Kitana over with a seductive smile, she stripped herself naked.

As Kitana walked over elegantly, Sonya Blade turned around and trapped the groaning mess that was once an immortal sorcerer ruling over multiple realms between her toned legs. Just like Kano, Johnny Cage and Liu Kang, Shang Tsung would end up with a broken neck.

With his face locked in between her thighs, Sonya could start enjoying the attention of Kitana. The princess quickly began to make out with the blonde, moaning into her mouth, as they groped each other, enjoying in an explosion of sexual passion.

The exciting lesbian sex before Shang Tsung’s eyes tortured him in a way physical pain couldn’t, and he ended up licking at Sonya’s gushing folds. This had the effect of triggering her orgasm, and indirectly, it set off a twist of her hips which left his neck broken, but not enough to kill him.

The soft pop in his neck made Kitana cum, as both she and her blonde lover watched his body twitch, in amazement at the damage done to his nervous system. He wheezed, and his tongue flapped around Sonya’s folds.

“I could leave him alive, and it would be sexy…”, Sonya spoke, however, Kitana had to reply:” Sadly…the tournament has to end with a fatality… Kill him and you’re the queen of Earthrealm, Sonya.”

The blonde sighed, but then simply said: ”Okay.”

The next kiss turned very loud, because each twist and snap of Shang Tsung’s neck was followed by deep female moans.

After some time, a scared warrior wearing only a loin cloth came up, and in a timid tone, announced: “S-sonya B-blade w-wins! F-fatality!”

Kitana heard this, and smiled, standing up to beckon him to come forward. Her finger pointed to her pussy. Soon, she had him eating her out, making her scream into Sonya’s mouth, as the women shared orgasmic bliss.

This lasted for a couple of minutes until Kitana snapped the male’s neck, squirting all over his face.

Now, Sonya Blade would proclaim the winner.

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