Family Affairs Dad Daughter Friend Mom by siddiqua

Family Affairs Dad Daughter Friend Mom by siddiqua

Explore the enticing tale of "Family Affairs: Dad, Daughter, Friend, Mom" by Siddiqua. This steamy erotic story delves into forbidden desires and complex relationships, igniting passion in unexpected ways. Dive into a world where family ties blur and sensuality reigns. Perfect for fans of adult fiction looking for captivating narratives!<br/>

Story between family members and friends

Chapter 1 – The beginning

Hi, my name is John. At the time all this happened I was married to Ann. We lived down south with our two daughters, Samantha or Sam, as we call her, who was a tall tanned with long blonde hair. Sam had a long wiry frame like a ballerina and was starting to develop up top, her little breasts were about the size of small oranges. When she wore a tight top you could see she had puffy nipples that clearly protruded. Her sister Bethany, or Beth had long light brown hair with the family’s slim features. Beth had just started to develop as well, nothing more than perky little nipples that also protruded obscenely in some of her tops. Both girls were very active in the school and belonged to the volley ball and gymnastic teams. Given the hot and humid weather in Florida, the girls were always running around the house partially clothed or in their little one-piece bathing suits.

As usual Ann was away out of town on business for a few days leaving me to fend for the girls and myself. Not a problem, we were used to it, as Ann seemed to be always travelling these days. It was the school holidays so as the girls dragged themselves out of bed that momentous day, I asked them what they want to do today. “Shopping!!!” came the response in stereo. “We need new swimming suits, daddy, our old ones are starting to wear out and are too small.” Sam informed me. I was going to mention the same thing to both of them the last time I saw them in the pool. Sam’s little breasts were starting to fall out the sides and the crotch was so far up her pussy you needed a map to find it. As for little Beth’s, hers had become so sheer you could see the areola of her developing breasts. “OK, get dressed and we can go to the mall,” I replied. “Woo hoo!” came the shouts of joy as both of my daughters leaned in and kissed either side of my cheek. “We luv ya, daddy,” they squealed. “Yeah, yeah hurry up and get ready,” I replied, having heard it all before. We arrived at the mall and we agreed to go our separate ways making plans to meet up in the food court in an hour’s time. I had wanted to pick up a new digital video camera for weeks so I took the opportunity and head to the electronics outlet in the mall. An hour later I returned to the food court, of course no sign of the girls. I sat down and took out my new camera and started playing with it. Being a male there was no reading the manual it was turn it on and start playing. I was taking a few shots of people in the food court, trying out the zoom on a few young teenagers. Suddenly there was a flurry of activity behind me as the girls ran into the court. “Sorry we’re late, dad but we are not finished shopping yet. We still need to get our new bathing suits.” Sam informed me breathlessly. “What have you got there?” I asked pointing at the shopping bags. “A few other essentials we girls need.

Dad can you come with us and help us pick? We want your opinion,” Beth asked with a huge smile on her face. “Why do you want the opinion of an old man?” I asked in response. “You’re not old, all the girls at school think you are a hunk,” Beth said nonchalantly. With my pride brimming I accompanied my daughters to the store. I sat and waited patiently as they browsed the racks and picked out a few items. They scampered off to the changing rooms as I waited on the seats outside. “Ready, dad?” screamed Sam. “Yes” I replied. Out came my daughter in a bikini that floored me. It left very little to the imagination and I told her so, “Umm, it’s a little small. isn’t it? You can see just about everything you own”. “Great, that is what I wanted.” She replied happy with her ***********ion and my response she did a U-turn back into the dressing room. Next came my youngest daughter and like her sister her bikini was just as revealing. I just shook my head in disbelief and resigned myself to the fact they were growing up fast. “OK, you’re both growing up, you choose what you want to be seen in,” I responded holding up both hands in defeat. “Oh dad, it’s just for us at home, not to go out in public,” Beth informed me trying to reassure me but it was way too late. “OK, let’s go pay for them” I replied as I headed to the cash register. That night I cooked dinner for the three of us, a nice lasagne. I opened a nice bottle of red wine and poured myself a glass. “Daddy, can we have a glass of wine with dinner?” Asked Sam. “No way, you’re too young,” I told her in my serious fatherly voice. “But today you said we were growing up and could make up our own minds,” she argued. “OK, get a glass but not too much, your mum will kill me if you get drunk” I gave in too tired to argue the point. They raced out of the dining room and returned with a wine glass each and proceeded to pour themselves a glass. “Dad, can we get dressed up for dinner? Let’s make it a special night?” asked Sam. “OK, that sounds great.

Upstairs and get dressed and back here in five minutes,” I said happy to oblige their request as something to brighten up a dull meal. I got dressed in some trousers and shirt, casual but nice. I return backed down stairs and assumed my place at the head of the table, looking back up the stairs. I heard some muffled talking at the top of the stairs and then footsteps. The girls were arguing about who was to go first. In the end Beth lost and came down first, my jaw almost hit the table. She was dolled up in black shoes with little heels, white thigh high stockings and a black mini skirt that left little to the imagination. Her top was a white camisole with spaghetti straps. Following behind her was Sam, she had high heels with a thinner heel, a sheer pair of white stocking and garter belt, a red mini dress and black top with a plunging neck line. “Where the hell did you get those clothes from?” I asked in disbelief. “Mum took us shopping last week.” Sam replied. “She let you get that?” I asked. “Yes, she helped pick it out. Dad we’re not five any more,” protested Beth. “OK, sit down and let’s eat, by the way you both look stunning” I said as I admired how stunning they looked. “Thanks, daddy” they replied in unison. I gulped down the remains of my wine and reached for the bottle. The girls sipped on their glass and when finished went back for seconds. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked. “One more won’t kill us dad, come on, please” pleaded Beth. “OK, do what you want but be careful,” I had given up. Sam then reached over for the bottle and as she did her top fell open giving me a clear view of her whole left breast including her puffy nipple. I just stared at her breast in awe before coming to my senses. “For fuck sake! She’s your daughter!” I said to myself and looked away. Sam looked down and saw the revealed breast and my embarrassment. “Sorry dad, I almost fell out, I guess my tits aren’t big enough for this dress yet.” “Don’t worry, Sam, it’s OK.” I gulped another mouthful of wine, “and by the way your tits are fine” I immediately realised the enormity of what I had just said.


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