Getting Married Set Me Free Pt 01 by vanessa.evans
Discover the captivating journey of liberation and desire in 'Getting Married Set Me Free Pt. 01' by Vanessa Evans. This erotic sex story explores the awakening of passion and self-discovery that follows marriage. Dive into an enticing narrative filled with romance, intrigue, and sensuality that will leave you wanting more!<br/>
Getting Married Set Me Free from my strict Catholic upbringing
Getting Married Set Me Free
by Vanessa Evans
Before I got married I used to be so shy and I’d considered myself to be a bit of an introvert. This was mainly caused by my mother and the Catholic church, but my new husband has helped me to realise that there was a whole new world out there that I didn’t know about and that I really like.
Part 1
I’m now called Esther Hargreaves and I’m 21 years old. A year ago I got married to this amazing guy called Dylan, who is a good head taller than me, after we’d been going steady for nearly a year.
My parents are devout Catholics and that’s what I was brought up to be. You know,
“It’s a sin to touch yourself between your legs.”
“No sex until you are married and only when you want to have a baby Esther.”
“If you let a man, other than your husband, put his hands up your skirt or on your chest before you’re married you will go to hell Esther”
“Always sit with your legs crossed Esther.”
All that sort of indoctrinating and controlling stuff. The thing is, I used to believe all of it until I reached my early teens when I started to realise just how stupid it was but because of the control that my mother had over me there was nothing that I could do, until I met and married Dylan.
Dylan’s parents are the opposite, they are also rich and bought a house for us as a wedding present.
Because of my mother I was somewhat naive when I got married and had stupidly done whatever my mother and the nuns at my all girls Catholic school had told me, well most of the time..
Thankfully, Dylan is a very patient guy and he was prepared to wait until we got married, but he did push to have the wedding sooner rather than later.
There was one big thing that I did a few weeks before the wedding, one thing that went against everything that I had been taught and that would horrify my mother if she found out, I went to see my doctor to ask for some form of contraception. There was no way that I was going to wait for my ‘safe’ time of the month to have sex with Dylan.
I’d just expected my doctor to ask me a few embarrassing questions then give me a pre***********ion for some pills, but no, I was mortified when he told me to take all of my clothes off so that he could properly examine me, and I thought that I was going to die of shame when he got me to put my legs up on those stirrup things and he started prodding and poking my pussy. To add to my embarrassment I could feel my pussy getting quite wet.
Needless to say I didn’t die and I was so relived when he told me that I could get dressed. Then he told me about the different types of contraception and I chose the implant in my arm because he told me that there was a good chance that I would stop having periods. That pleased me as I hated that time of the month.
Dylan was the only person that I’d told that I was going to see my doctor and afterwards when he asked me how it went I just told him that it went okay and wouldn’t elaborate. It was making me blush just remembering my ordeal.
I was expecting my life to change when I got married but I never even considered that it would change in the way that it did.
Due to a late change of schedule, our aeroplane took off in the early hours and we had to go to the airport straight after the wedding reception instead of spending the night in a hotel where we had intended to consummate the marriage.
Our sexual adventures started on the aeroplane going on our honeymoon. I was wearing a nice, knee length summer dress and some white lacy underwear that I’d bought just for the occasion, not even telling my mother that I’d bought them. She was expecting me to wear my usual industrial strength bra and granny knickers.
Of course I’d packed some of my old underwear but when I took my dress off in the hotel bedroom, in front of my new husband, I wanted to look like some of the models that I’d seen in magazines. When I’d told Dylan that I was going to buy some nice underwear for the honeymoon he tried to convince me that he was sure that he’d find an amazing, slim, shapely body once I took my clothes off for him. Through my blushes I’d told him that my breasts were too small but he’d convinced me that he loved small breasts and told me that he was 100% sure that when he’d finally get to see my body it would be truly amazing and that he’d love every square millimetre of it.
I wasn’t convinced, but it was nice of Dylan to say so and it was what he thought that was important and I just hoped that when he eventually saw me naked he wouldn’t be disappointed.
Anyway, on the aeroplane Dylan pointed out that a lot of the girls getting on the plane were wearing mini or micro skirts, or short shorts, and that it looked like some of them weren’t wearing a bra.
“I’ve never worn a miniskirt, nor short shorts, nor gone without a bra Dylan.” I replied.
“Well there’s a first time for everything Esther, I’m sure that you’ll enjoy the experience.”
“I’m not so sure about that.” I replied.
“Why don’t you slide the hem of your dress up so that I can see your thighs Esther, you won’t be showing any more than those girls that have just walked past.”
Eager not to disappoint my new husband, and feeling a little curious about how it would feel, I slid the hem up to mid thigh.
“Further please Esther.”
I did, but stopped when I thought that the people passing could see my knickers if they looked. That was stupid really, because I was sat on a plane seat with my knees together and almost up to the seat in front, besides, I also had my bag on my lap.
“Just a little further Esther.”
I felt terribly exposed even though I was sure that no one was looking at me.
Dylan leant over and kissed me. Whilst he was doing that I felt one of his hands on my bare thigh, and it slid up until I felt it touch my knickers. I gasped and felt a strange tingling in both my pussy and my nipples.
“Stop that Dylan, someone might see us.” I said when our kiss broke.
But Dylan didn’t stop. His hand was still just touching my knickers over my pussy and I swear that his fingers moved up and down my covered slit a couple of times as he leant over and kissed me again.
I was embarrassed but also excited by what Dylan was doing but It stopped suddenly when a man came and sat on the other side of Dylan. Dylan straightened his body but he left his hand where it was. I looked at my lap and confirmed that his hand was covered by my bag so I relaxed a little as Dylan said hello to the man.
Dylan’s hand stayed where it was for most of the flight and my pussy started to feel damp, especially when Dylan moved his fingers a little.
As we were walking through the terminal building Dylan said,
“You liked having my hand on your pussy didn’t you Esther, even if it was through your knickers and all that hair.”
“Yes, it was nice, I can’t wait until we get to the hotel.”
“It will feel much nicer when you haven’t got any knickers on, nor any hair down there.”