I never did like long skirts Pt. 1 by vanessa.evans

I never did like long skirts Pt. 1 by vanessa.evans

Discover sultry fantasies in 'I Never Did Like Long Skirts Pt. 1' by vanessa.evans. This erotic sex story explores desire, allure, and unexpected encounters that will ignite your imagination. Dive into a world of passion and tension – perfect for those craving rich, steamy narratives!<br/>

Cassie moves out of the family home and finally has a choice of what she wears.

I never did like long skirts.

by Vanessa Evans

Part 1

My mum always used to make me wear skirts that were knee length or longer and they were always made from a fabric that was thick and heavy. I always felt like I had weights hanging from my waist and I was forever pushing the heavyweight fabric out of the way so that I could do something. Even going to the toilet was like doing weightlifting exercises.

Jeans and trousers were a big no, no to my mother as well, her saying,

“Women should dress like women not men,” she always said that whenever I approached the subject of getting some jeans.

The only freedom that I got was when I was at PE lessons at school, the knickers that I had to wear all the time were of industrial strength unlike the other girls who all wore flimsy knickers, thongs or G-strings under their shorts.

At this point it may be a good idea to mention that at our school the girls gym changing rooms were rows of individual changing and shower cubicles. Most of the girls usually closed the doors but sometimes they left them open and it was those times when I realised that my body wasn’t developing as quickly as all the other girls. No one else seemed to notice this, probably because of the big, baggy, heavy tops and skirts that I had to wear.

After a few comments about me wearing 2 pairs of shorts, yes, my horrible knickers were slightly bigger than my shorts, I stopped wearing my knickers under my shorts and just did PE in my thin, nylon shorts and found the experience so natural, so free.

The bras that I had to wear from the first day that my mother noticed that my breasts were starting to grow were also of industrial strength and the straps continually compressed my chest so much that I had to get used to taking shallow breaths all the time. I hated wearing those bras

Finally, I left school, got a job and found a place to live. I wasn’t living on my own, I shared a house with another girl and 2 boys but I was free of my mother and her ideas of what I should wear.

I’d only been in my new accommodation for a couple of hours when I decided that it was time to start breaking free from my mother’s idea of what I should wear. I didn’t have any spare money to buy new clothes so I started by discarding my granny style, industrial strength knickers and bras.

Fortunately my breasts have never grown more than an ‘AA’ cup so with my ultra thick blouses and jumpers no one would ever realise that I was braless, and with the long, heavy skirts no one would ever realise that I was knickerless as well. All my underwear went into the trash can that same day.

I guess that a lot of girls would feel naked or embarrassed not wearing underwear but all I felt was partial freedom. I couldn’t wait to have some money to buy some decent clothes.

Over the next couple of days I quickly got used to not wearing underwear and stopped even thinking about buying some skimpy knickers.

It didn’t take long for me to decide that my housemates were all great people. Elise works at a supermarket, Tom is an apprentice electrician and Leo is an apprentice plumber. I was working at a different supermarket.

We got on like a house on fire and spent many evenings talking or watching movies or playing games. Sometimes one of the others would bring some booze home and we’d share it and get quite happy. Occasionally one of the others wouldn’t make to their room to go to bed and would end up sleeping on the sofa.

It was one of the boozy evenings that we got around to talking about boyfriends and girlfriends and I admitted that I had never had a boyfriend.

“Does that mean that you are still a virgin?” Elise asked me.

I admitted that I was.

It was early spring when I had moved into the house and as the weather warmed up it became common practice for the guys to wander around the house in just their boxer shorts and sometimes a T-shirt, and Elise to wear just knickers and a tank top. Her nipples often made little tents in her top but the guys didn’t make a big deal of it. In fact no one even commented on the brief attire.

Me, however, had stopped wearing knickers so I wandered around wearing just a long T-shirt, one of my dads old ones that I pinched for wearing to bed. Elise commenting that I must be a lot cooler than when I was wearing the heavy clothes that I normally wore. I also often had not so little tents in the T-shirt.

One hot evening when we were all sat around playing cards dressed as above, Elise mentioned my heavy weight clothes and said that I should buy some light weight, fashionable summer dresses. When I told her that I didn’t have any money she offered to lend me her sewing machine and teach me how to use it. The next day that we were both not working we got busy and after some practise, with Elise supervising, I managed to alter one of my most hated skirts.

“Put it on and see what you look like in it.” Elise said as I held it up feeling proud of myself.

Without thinking, I stepped into it and pulled it up. As I did so I must have given Elise a flash of my pubic hair because she said,

“No knickers Cassie?”

“No, the ones that my mother bought me were industrial strength granny pants, same with the bras so now that I’m not living with my parents I don’t have to wear any of them. I wanted to buy some nice girly underwear but I didn’t have any money and besides, with my horrible clothes no one is going to see anything. What’s more I’m getting used to not wearing any, so undies are not at the top of my shopping list any more.”

“And you don’t shave down there either Cassie?” Elise asked.

“Shave what?” I asked.

“Your pussy?”

“Oh that, no, never really thought about shaving there, I know that most of the girls at school did but my mother wouldn’t let me have a swimsuit where hair sticking out the sides would be a problem, besides, I don’t have a boyfriend and not much hair there anyway, look.”

I pulled the front of my now shortened skirt up and showed Elise my pussy.

“Wow, Cassie, that’s an amazing pussy that you have there, how old are you?”

“Nineteen, why?“

“That’s much like what mine looked like when I started puberty, none of that fatty flesh that most women have, and your clit is sticking out, it must be the size of the end of my little finger. Are you turned on right now, it’s beautiful?”

“No. it’s like that all the time, do you really think that it’s beautiful?””

“I know so, when you get a boyfriend he’ll love it, especially when you shave that little bush off.”

“Nothing more was said about my pussy but I couldn’t stop thinking about how my pussy looked.”

Maybe now would a good time to describe the rest of me. I’m 152 cm tall and rather skinny with light brown, shoulder length hair. That’s the girl that I saw in the mirror then I said to Elise,

“This skirt is much better (mid thigh) but it’s still way too heavy. I suppose it will have to do until I can afford a new wardrobe.”


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