It feels so right by MyLifeIsBrette

“Hey, will you pass me that blanket,” I said, realizing how freaking cold it was in this house. “Get it yourself, lazy bones,” he joked at me. “Fine, but you’re gonna take my plate to the kitchen instead.” Knowing when I had won I handed him my plate as I reached for the blanket on the back of the couch.

When he got up it slid off and, being the lazy person I am, leaned over the back of the couch to retrieve it instead of walking around. As soon as I had grabbed it I felt a smack on my ass to see Graham laughing hysterically at me falling over the couch from the surprise attack. “Screw you, Graham!” I said in mock anger, putting my poker face on to seem legit, “I’m just gonna go upstairs!” and with that I dramatically huffed up the stairs. I knew I had left him confused.

He knew me well, but he had never been able to tell when I was lying and when I wasn’t, so I often played this game with him. Not before too long I heard him slowly coming up the steps. “Gears, are you mad at me?” he asked, using the nickname he tokened me with a few years ago during my mechanics obsession. I sighed loudly to let him know I was in his bedroom. He walked in and sat on the bed, “I’m sorry I scared you,” he said. I could hear a slight tremor in his voice.

As I turned to see if he was really being emotional he straddled my and began tickling my sides. “Graham! Graham! Stop it! Oh, how I hate you!” I laughed as he started tickling my sides even more. Now, just to clarify, I am EXTREMELY ticklish when it comes to my sides. So much so, that even someone walking past me will cause me to jump a little, so having him tickling me was making me buck around like a bronco on drugs.

Once he finally stopped the tickle torture I dove under the covers, “I’m never ever coming out again!” I said, pretending to throw a fit like a little kid. I didn’t feel any movement so I peeked my head over the covers, giving him a chance to get under with me. My back was to him and he pulled me to him, somehow managing to still tickle my sides, dammit. “Okay, okay, I give up! I’ll come out,” I said as I resurfaced from my cotton fortress.

We were both sweating lightly and my face was red from laughing so hard. He brushed my hair out of my eyes and got that same look that he had only a few hours ago, causing me to feel that same trembling in my gut that got me excited. He traced his thumb down the side of my face and grazed it over my lower lip. Simultaneously, we both leaned in and locked lips for the second time that day.

Once more we went to full on frenching, searching each others’ mouths like we’d find Amelia Earhart in there. Before I realized it, he was on top of me, straddling me and kissing me passionately. He didn’t try to touch me anywhere else, but I could feel a growing bulge pushing into my abdomen. I decided against bringing attention to it and continued to kiss him, forgetting he was my cousin in the heat of the moment. He broke the kiss and stared deeply into my eyes.

I couldn’t help but smile at him, he was so freaking cute! I had always thought my cousin was very handsome, but never in a sexual way. However, I now looked at him like a lover, a best friend to share my most intimate moments with, and a protector. He leaned back, “We should both probably shower,” he said with a giddiness in his voice I recognized from a year or two ago when he first got his truck.

“Don’t use up all the hot water,” called to me over his shoulder as he walked out so I could get undressed. I had an idea, “why don’t we just shower together?” I knew this caught him off guard and made him wary so I further explained, “it’ll save time, money, and water, and besides, we used to take baths together all the time.”

We both knew the last bath we had taken together was way before either of us became sexually attracted to anyone, but he agreed.

As we stepped inside the bathroom I giggled nervously; I was about to see a real penis. Not just one in the anatomy books at school or from the pornos I’d seen over the years, but a real, live cock. I knew the thought of seeing my pussy excited him so I was the first to undress. I figured if I don’t make the first move, who will? As I pulled of my shorts, panties, tank top, and bra, I saw him gulp nervously and try to hide his boner.

I thought I had an okay body, nothing too special, and a little on the chubby side, but I had D-cup breasts and a firm, round ass. As I turned the water on I felt him scanning my body. I turned to him, “I don’t think showering in clothes is such a good idea,” I said as I put my hand on my hips expectantly. I knew he wouldn’t want me to see him so I turned and pretended to be messing with the water temperature.

I went ahead and stepped in the shower and he followed suit, standing behind me and out of the warm spray. The shower was small, but it was the biggest in the house and if I turned sideways my hip was touching his thigh. I quickly wet my hair and reached down for the soap, being sure to let it slip out of my hands. “Shit,” I said as I bent down to get the bottle, giving him a nice view of my ass and pussy lips for a split-second.

I quickly washed my hair and motioned for him to take his turn. He shuffled around me and stood under the spray with his back to me. Since he barely had any hair it only took him about a minute to wash his hair and it was my turn again. I began to wash my body and turned sideways so the water wouldn’t instantly wash the soap off.

I know he got a good look at me washing my breasts, and I even caught him off guard when I asked, “will you wash my back?” Gingerly, he took some of the soap in his hands and began washing my back, stopping at my lower back but grazing over my ass a time or two. “Thanks,” I said quickly as I turned around and washed all the soap off. He began washing his body and I couldn’t help but stare at his now erect cock.

It had to be 8 inches long, way longer than I expected, and 3 ½ around! He caught me staring and chuckled, “like what you see?” I feigned embarrassment, “sorry, it’s just. . . I’ve never seen a guy’s cock before,” I said shyly. “Do you, uh, do you want to touch it?” his question came out more of a command and I quickly replied, “No, I probably shouldn’t. Imagine if our parents found out!” I chuckled nervously.

I actually didn’t intend on him asking me that question so I was the one caught off guard. He snickered and shut off the water, handing me a towel from the towel rack and grabbing one for himself. We went our separate ways, me to the guest bedroom, him to his bedroom, and got dressed. It was one o’clock now and the sky was getting darker by the minute, exciting me beyond belief.

I woke up to the biggest crack of thunder I had ever heard.

I was almost positive it had cracked the window above my bed, but after further inspection it was still intact. I looked at the clock; it was only midnight and the weather man had said the storms were supposed to get to their worst around two or three. Being under the window didn’t make me feel safe so I made my way down the hallway to Graham’s room to see if he was awoke by the storm too or not. I slowly cracked his door open and I what I saw shocked me to the core. .

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