Teacher’s Threat by BashfulScribe

“Mina, this sounds really unfair to you. I think you should bring this up sooner rather than later.”

I shrugged. “I dunno,” I replied with just the right amount of shyness. “Maybe.” I slung my bad over my shoulder and left the room quickly. “Bye!”

She didn’t reply. I could feel her worry for me. Her concern. Her care. I was now on her mind, just as she was on mine. Of course, Johnny never did any of those things, but that wasn’t important. The story was.

Mina was being soiled by a man and Ms. Wagner was seeing her old self unfold right in front of her. Of course she’d want to step in, especially when the girl couldn’t help herself. And hopefully Ms. Wagner would want to indulge herself in the process.


It had been one week since I hatched that plan, and honestly, not much came of it, but I was still proud of it. Maybe something would work out long term – Ms. Wagner was asking me a little more often about him, which meant we were talking about out-of-school stuff a little more. That said, it turned out I sucked at planning.

And speaking of sucking at planning, I missed my damn bus. It was well after three, there were barely any other students in sight and I was just sitting in the main hall alone. I’d probably have to contact my mother after four and ask her to pick me up after work. I could have walked, but I didn’t like how long it was and preferred to wait. It wasn’t that bad – occasionally a small group of students would fly by, having just finished their extracurricular club or something, but largely I just kept to myself.

I filled the time by pulling out the familiar pen and studying it, feeling its weight in my hands, something I frequently did in my room alone. Of course, when I was alone, before long I would touch myself with it, then dance it along my clit and go two fingers deep inside myself while moaning Ms. Wager’s name, but I think that might have been a mistake to do in a school hallway.

After a while of admiring my pen, I noticed that the teachers were starting to go home too. A couple of the ones I didn’t know, then a few I did. I didn’t dare make eye contact with Graves, my math teacher, he scared me, and yet when I made eye contact with Ms. Wagner, it scared me in an entirely different way.

My first thought was, ‘I have to put this pen away,’ but I couldn’t do it in a subtle enough way before she approached me. She looked at me and then the clock. “Don’t you normally take the bus home? Did you have a club today?”

“I, uh, missed the bus.” I replied coolly, casually putting the pen away. I was lucky she didn’t realize the significance it had.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she blandly replied. How I longed for her enthusiastic replies again. At least her scent, sexy frame, and irresistible face persisted. At least I had that. “Do you have a ride home?”

Spur-of-the-moment, I shook my head. “I have to walk, it takes about an hour. I’m just resting because I hurt my leg in PE today.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, are you okay?” Her voice adopted genuine concern. I loved when that happened.

“Oh yeah, I’ll be fine,” I waved it off. “Just resting. I’ll be good.”

“I’m surprised that Johnny isn’t here supporting you or offering a piggyback or something,” she chuckled.

Spur-of-the-moment again. “Johnny and I are… kinda off right now. We’re taking a break.”

“What does that mean?” she asked with a little heat.

I shrugged. “He told me some fantasies of him with another woman.” Not technically a lie. “We conclu- well, he concluded that he wanted the freedom to do things with other girls for a bit, so we’re giving him that freedom.” There was the lie. My face immediately twisted with concern. “I’m sorry, that was probably weird to say, wasn’t it?” I sighed. “I’m sorry. I just, don’t really know who to tell about this. It all feels really weird. But please don’t tell him you know this, he’d get really mad at me and I don’t want that.”

Ms. Wagner’s face was clouded. “I won’t tell him, don’t worry. I’m not about to butt in to my student’s private life,” she sighed. “Just… please, if you’re not comfortable, voice it. I really want you to stand up for yourself in these situations. You deserve to feel like your own person, and you don’t want to end up following him like an obedient puppy. Trust me, you’ll lose yourself in the process.”

I smiled at her sweetly. “Yeah, I probably should. It’s just that ‘should’ and actually doing it are two different things.”

She chuckled sadly. “Yeah, I know that feeling.” Silence hung in the air for a few more seconds, and my eyes drifted away. “Hey.” My eyes rose to hers again. “Do you want a ride home?”

“It isn’t weird, is it?”

“Nah, it’s not weird. But if I do, you have to talk to him,” she told me playfully, trying to make the tension lift a little. “Deal?”

I smiled. “Deal.” I followed her through the hall, out to the parking lot and eventually to her car.

“I obviously can’t do this every day you miss the bus, I don’t want to give special treatment to any student,” she reminded me. “What’s your address?”

I gave it to her and she nodded, putting it in her GPS. We drove in silence for a few more seconds before she piped up again.

“You know, now that we’re out of school, I can say it more directly… Johnny’s behavior is kind of worrying me. I can see the way he’s tried to take ownership over you in my classroom, and along with the stuff he said, it sounds like he wants to be possessive but still do what he wants without commitment. And that’s a bad sign,” Ms. Wagner commented as she drove.

“Yeah, but, I like being with Johnny. He makes me feel safe, or that I belong, or something,” I half-lied.

She shook her head. “You can get that kind of feeling of belonging from someone who isn’t toxic. I’m not telling you to break up with him, but I am telling you to communicate, it’ll be really good for the relationship.”

“Honestly, I’m kind of scared if he breaks up with me,” I admitted.

“That’s not good either,” she observed.

“No, not even like that. You told me to get my act together, and so I talked to Johnny, and we became a thing, and if we break up, you may find I’m not being social enough or whatever and we may have to, I dunno, have some difficult conversations or whatever…”

“What?” She took a second to digest what I said, then said nothing as she unexpectedly made a turn. I didn’t say anything, not knowing where this was going, as she pulled into some big empty parking lot. “Mina, did you get together with Johnny to make me feel better?”

I was silent for a bit. Ms. Wagner sighed heavily. “Hey.” That was always her way to get me to look into her eyes. “Tell you what. Right here, right now, ignore all of that teacher-student stuff. Nothing you tell me here will affect how we are tomorrow, but in return, I want to hear the full truth. Do we have a deal?”

I paused. Feeling bold, I started to talk. “If you make that promise, you really have to make it,” I told her slowly. “I’ll only tell you everything if you solemnly promise that it will have zero bearing on whether I stay in your class, or you stay my teacher, or something.”

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