Teacher’s Threat by BashfulScribe

I inhaled her scent. I was so glad that it wasn’t just my imagination – she was even more irresistible up close. My pussy was so soaked, I bet there was a wet spot on her pants from all the grinding I had been doing. I wanted to eat her. For now, I was going to settle on her boobs.

I opened my mouth and engulfed her nipple, truly unaware of what I was doing but learning quickly. It was clear that either I was a fast learner or Amy really liked this, because she began grinding back with almost urgent passion and I felt her hands on the back of my head, urging me to go harder.

And harder I went. I couldn’t have left any marks on her neck, but her huge heavy sensitive boobs were another thing. I sucked, bit, tugged with my teeth, flicked with my tongue, and used any other trick I could come up with to make her squirm.

“Oh my God, yes!” she panted, really getting into this. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl. Keep going.”

I alternated between sucking both of her nipples and playing with her copious tit flesh. I loved sucking on her tits. I loved tits. There was something about being able to grasp her boob with both hands and suck it dry as she ground her hips against mine and moaned for me that was so undeniably sexy. I could have sucked her breasts for hours, and it’s quite possible I did.

“Oh my god, Mina, you’re incredible,” Amy moaned for me, throwing her head from side to side, enjoying the effort and passion of my suckling. “You’re such a good girl.”

I kept it up for a good while longer, ending it off with another trail of kisses from her boobs, up her neck and jaw, back to her mouth. We made out for a few more minutes until we were just too tired.

“Wow,” I was the first to talk. “That was amazing.” I held her close.

She accepted my embrace before breaking off the hug and fixing herself back up again. “It sure was something,” she chuckled. “I should probably take you home though.”

It probably was going to be dark soon. I nodded, and got off of her, and the both of us were at the front of the car with her driving me home before long.

“So what now?” I asked, figuring I should ask sooner rather than later.

“You’re a smart girl, you can guess the guilt is setting in,” she told me bluntly.

“What? Don’t! I loved it. That was better than any of my fantas-”

“Not helping,” she pointed out. I got quiet and faced the front for a bit, then turned to her again.

“Well, obviously I won’t be seeing you any different. Especially since this never happened,” I commented.

“I know,” she said assertively before softening and giving me a small smile. “Thanks.”

“Was Amy just a code name? Or like, a secret domme name that you’ve used f-”

“It’s just my first name,” Ms. Wagner chuckled, interrupting me.

“Oh. Okay.” I faced the front again. “You know, there’s f-”

“I’d… like the rest of this ride to be quiet, if that’s okay,” she cut in, clearly getting stressed about the situation.

“Uh, yeah, okay,” I replied awkwardly. I didn’t like seeing her stressed. It took all of my willpower to not give her a supportive kiss on the cheek as she drove. Finally, and yet, way too quickly, we reached my place, or at least a curb near it.

“Is dropping you off here okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, it’s only a few extra yards,” I replied.

“Hey,” she gave in that supportive yet commanding voice. I looked at her. “If you miss your school bus deliberately after this, I won’t offer you a ride like this. Don’t be weird, don’t call me anything other than Ms. Wagner, and for God’s sake, break up with Johnny.”

I chuckled at that last part. “At least, I’ll have a conversation with him.” I promised. “And hey, can I ask one more thing before I leave this car?”

“You can ask,” she replied uneasily.

In response, I undid my seatbelt and reached up and kissed her like she did with me earlier. She accepted one small kiss but pushed me away after. “We’re in your neighborhood,” she reminded me with a chastising voice.

“Sorry. But… the feelings were real after all. Were they real since the beginning? I’ve got to know.”

Ms. Wagner let a slow, warm smile creep across her face. She bit her lower lip, looking at me. “Who knows?” she teased. “Go on, get out of my car.”

“Aw, co-”

“Now.” She used her emphatic voice for that one, her smile vanishing.

Sighing at the lack of any and all closure, I got out of the car, grabbed my bag and cheerfully waved her off. She waved politely and left immediately.

According to my mom, that day I was hanging out with a friend after school and forgot to tell her. I think my mom was just surprised I was hanging out with a friend and didn’t namedrop Lucy, so I think she presumed I was just hanging out with Johnny, spent the whole time making out, and was too bashful to tell her.

Well, she got most of that right.


I was expecting the next day to be awkward. I knew the tropes – avoided eye contact, the deep-seated guilt, that one joke a student makes about lesbian sex and both Ms. Wagner and I act all embarrassed and look away from each other – but in actuality it was pretty okay. Maybe we were both overly compensating or something, but we weren’t doing too badly at keeping things under wraps, myself especially. I get that Ms. Wagner was probably terrified of things getting out, but that’s why I had to be perfect – to show her that I can do things with her like this and she can trust me not to blab about it. Especially since I wanted to do it again.

I was still on cloud nine. I had a huge schoolgirl crush on the hottest teacher in school, and I got to make out with her in the back of her car. Like, those popular guys could kiss my ass, if it wasn’t reserved for Amy.

I kind of expected my crush on Ms. Wagner to dial it down a little after that, but I will confess, it kind of just went up. Several times during homeroom I’d catch myself enjoying her scent and rubbing my legs together. Hats off to the person who sat at my desk during second period, they probably had to wipe down the seat before class. I found myself unable to resist my urges and several times a day, I would ask to go to the washroom and just hammer out an orgasm or two. But never during homeroom. Homeroom was like my edging, the thing that made fingering myself worth it – an hour and a quarter of working myself up, of getting hornier and hornier from being around Ms. Wagner, and only after making it through that could I relieve myself.

Another huge change that I didn’t account for happened – I suddenly was into tits. Like, really into tits. The bigger the better, as far as I was concerned. According to Johnny, I just had an epiphany at one point, though he was all too happy to indulge me in my fantasies. A couple times a day during class he’d send me pictures of tits he found online, and I’d tell him how sexy they were and what I’d like to do to them. He found it super hot that I was sexually really eager about girls, even if he was kind of missing the point that, sexually, boys? Pretty meh. I thought about being really naughty and showing Ms. Wagner during a work period and innocently asking, “What do you think?” so that the students thought I was just showing her a quote from my book or something. I decided not to – I didn’t want to alarm her in any way, just in case this was going to continue.

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