Teacher’s Threat by BashfulScribe

“And I hope this is okay, but I asked around, both your past and current teachers – only because I want to make sure you succeed – and sure enough, they all remember you as a bright girl but your other current teachers tell me the same thing is going on. I realize I may have not been your teacher for long so I totally get if I don’t know you as well as the others and this is weird or something, but I just wanted to check and make sure everything is going well with you.”

I looked her in the eye, my expression giving away how I felt about this situation. I looked from her to my assignments. It was still kind of early in the school year, but sure enough, my assignments from last month had good grades across the board, and my more recent assignments… not so much.

Ms. Wagner was eyeing me intensely. Her scent was still capturing me. It took all of my focus not to let my mind wander off to my fantasies again. “Is everything going okay with you, Mina?”

“Y-yes, I’m f-fine.” I managed.

“There’s no… problematic situations going on at home or anything? If something is stressing you out, you can tell me.” Her voice dripped with concern for me.

“I w-would want to tell you. If something was going on. Which it isn’t. Nothing bad. Like, nothing to note,” I stumbled.

“Okay,” she said resignedly. “Is it just a tough month for you? Or maybe you’re in a rut or something. Unless you find you’re not understanding the class content.”

I was fine at understanding the class content. If this was happening, it was clearly a fluke, maybe I just wasn’t adjusting too well to the school year or something. I opened my mouth to speak.

“Because if you’re not, I do have sophomore lunches free,” she continued, smiling at me. “I usually sit here alone eating my own lunch anyway, so it’s not putting me out. You’re a special student and I really want to see you shine.”

My mind stopped in its tracks. Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes. Was she asking me to be alone with her? Yes. I wanted this. Yes.

“I hope it doesn’t come across as me being too controlling or anything,” she laughed, practically to herself. “We could start small. If you think you want a little boost, we could do Tuesdays at lunch here. I can’t really help you with your other classes, but I can at least give you some resources and private tutoring here, on my own time, if you’d want that.”

I felt my mouth go dry. She was offering for us to spend time together. Alone. Just the two of us. “I c-could see the benefit of that, if you think it would help,” I nervously mumbled.

“Great!” I could feel her eyes dancing and penetrating my soul. “We can start next Tuesday is that works for you. We’ll just cover the material from your last few assignments, catch you up to speed, see how we feel from there. Does that sound good?”

I could only nod dumbly. I was going to get private tutoring. Private, one-on-one lessons. This had to mean something. Right?


The first lunch meeting went as expected – she actually just went over coursework. But this time, there was no class, no sea of people I could get lost in. Now it was a fact she was only talking to me and me alone. It was just us two, with no excuse not to stare at her eyes and see hers meet mine right back.

Her smell was even more noticeable when it was just the two of us. I’m sure there was something flowery that she applied to herself – maybe it was perfume, maybe it was just her shampoo or something – but that was just the frosting on the cake.

She smelled like desire. One whiff, or preferably inhale – of her smell and you’d fall under her spell. I couldn’t describe what it was she even smelled like, but I know that whenever I breathed, I was just reminded of my blazing desire for her. My… pussy was throbbing. Itching.

“…To me, that makes it the biggest theme of To Kill a Mockingbird,” she continued, so devoted to her lesson. “I mean, the beauty of English is that whatever we feel the strongest, whatever matters the most to us, that becomes ‘the most important thing’ to us.”

“I agree entirely,” I replied, trying my hardest not to say it dreamily. Spending all this time around her meant I was getting better at talking to her. No more stuttering, and plus, I was able to share actual opinions with her, whenever I could actually focus on the lesson, which I had to admit wasn’t often.

“So, what to you is the most important theme of the book?” Ms. Wagner asked, pulling up a chair in front of my desk and sitting down in it.

I had practically rehearsed for this moment. I let my mouth go on autopilot, something I had felt any English teacher “wanted” to hear from their students, while I got to drink in her image. Her freckles, her intoxicating smile, the way her eyes narrowed when she gave me one of her cheekier smiles. She was just perfect.

“You know, I was hoping you were going to bring that up,” she told me after I finished. “To be honest, and this stays between us…” She touched my hand, which was just sitting on my desk minding its own business, as she talked. “…I think a lot of student miss that kind of subtext. I knew you had a gift for English, I just knew it. I’m so glad we’re doing this.”

My eyes were on her hand. Her hand. The one that was touching mine. Her hand… was on my hand. I could feel her warmth, and it felt good. It felt right. I could feel my cheeks burning as my gaze lifted back up to her eyes. She was still talking, but her voice was just kind of fuzzy. I felt my heart beating faster. She touched me. This was it.

She gave me one of her trademark smirks as she stood back up and walked back to the board. Her hips complemented her every move. They were so wide, so perfect, she couldn’t help but parade her body around with every step she took. “I think that’s about all the time we have, but I would say our time together was very productive, wasn’t it?”

“Incredibly.” I replied immediately. “I learned so much. Thank you, Ms. Wagner. You have a way with words that just makes me understand this stuff so well, you’re such a great teacher.”

She gave me another sexy smirk, this time with one eyebrow lowered. “Okay, what is it you want from me?” she joked. We both laughed, but I knew. Deep down I was hoping she knew, too. Because if she knew and she was acting this casual, then maybe she… wanted it too. Wanted me.

I gathered my things together and smiled warmly at her. “Genuinely, though, I’m really glad you’re my teacher. Same time next week?”

“I mean, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she laughed. “Though don’t forget to have your report done, okay? I don’t want all of our hard work to go to waste.”

“I’ll have it done,” I promised and left the classroom.

I thought that when I left I’d suddenly feel free, like the object of my desire is gone and I could breathe without thinking of her again, but the desire only burned brighter. Kids filled the halls, trying to get to class. Lunch period was basically over. All these kids, in the hallways. That’s all they were. Immature. Infants. What the hell could they know of a love like mine? The simple fact was, they couldn’t. They were too concerned with trivial matters, while I had found the real thing.

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