Teacher’s Threat by BashfulScribe

And she touched me.

My cheeks burning with desire, I rushed to the washroom. I was no longer embarrassed, in fact… I felt empowered. I was doing this. No one was going to stop me.

With no hesitancy, I hiked up my skirt – a little overly feminine for me usually, normally I’d prefer to save this for special occasions, but I wanted to look good for her – and lowered my underwear.

I was so lucky. She touched that hand. The hand I used to touch myself. I held my hand in front of myself and smelled it. I swore I could still smell her on my hand. And now that hand was going to caress my outer folds. How I wish it were her hand instead of mine.

I was already so wet. Who couldn’t have been? I had just spent my entire lunch period with Ms. Wagner. Oh, how the boys must have been jealous. They talked up a storm, but no one got to spend time with her outside of class like I had. I was special. I was wanted by her.

I pictured her hand sliding its way up my thigh, caressing me… exploring me.

“Do you see how good it feels when another woman touches you?” Ms. Wagner would purr into my ear. I would nod.

“Good girl,” she’d tell me. “You made the right choice asking me to be your first. Not some silly school boy. After all, they don’t know how to please a woman.”

“Please me, Ms. Wagner. I’m yours,” I whined aloud.

“That’s right, you’re mine. And I have so many things to teach you.” Two fingers, just the way I like it, occasionally rubbing my clit. My sensations were through the roof, pure electricity was running through me. I was getting worse and worse at keeping quiet while I masturbated. I didn’t even care anymore. I just cared about the intense pleasure, and above all, her.

I arrived at my next class nearly halfway through the period, but it was worth it.


“…But that game isn’t coming out for a while. So until then, I’ll just keep playing Animal Crossing.” Lucy blabbered on as we sat down at the lunch table. “Some people stopped playing it last year, but as far as I’m concerned, they’re missing out.”

I stared at my lunch tray. I wasn’t hungry. Not for food. “Do you want my sandwich?” I asked her.

Lucy stopped talking. She was mid-sentence when I asked her. “Sure, I guess,” she mumbled as she reached to my tray, a slightly sour expression on her face. “Were you listening to anything I said?”

“Yes, I was listening,” I replied annoyedly. “I just have a lot on my mind. There’s a, um, test coming up in math.”

Lucy nodded. “I suck at math. Do you have Sigorsky or Murphy?”


“Graves… never heard of him.”

“Count your lucky stars,” I mumbled. “He sucks.”

“How so?” Lucy took a bite out of my sandwich, then her own, to compare.

“Well, he’s kind of a harsh t-”

Out of nowhere, like a superpower, I heard the name Wagner reach my ears. I turned around sharply and sure enough, it was The Three Amigos again, hooting and hollering.

“Yeah, as if.” Artie seemingly replied to something Quincy said. “She’s hot and all, but she’s a brutal marker. I got a 72 on my last report. What’s that, like a C? C+?”

“Uh, dude, I don’t know how to tell you this, but maybe you’re an idiot.” Johnny couldn’t contain his laughter. “Maybe I’ve just been putting in the work but I got an 85.”

“Eighty-five, huh? That’s cute.” Quincy replied, pretending to look off as if he were being nonchalant.

“Aw, who cares about some fucking numbers anyway?” Artie asked.

“Nah, I’m in this. What did you get, Quincy?” Johnny asked him, intrigued.

“Lemme just say, high nineties,” Quincy bragged. “What can I say, boys, I lay down the charm and it fuckin’ works.”

Lucy had noticed I was paying attention to them and had decided to listen in with me. “Jeez, Artie is kind of stupid.” Lucy mumbled. “English is an easy class to ace. I can’t believe I’m dating him.”

I said nothing, a glaring squint aimed at Quincy. The boys were laughing at something he said, something I missed because Lucy was blabbing in my ear.

“Nah, I’m serious! I can see it in her eyes. One look at me and she’s wet. I can guarantee, if I asked her to, she’d be on her knees for me in a second. Maybe the rumors about me spread around school to her, too.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My blood was boiling. This was a complete lie, and how dare Quincy have the… the audacity to tell such a lie so freely. He was disgusting.

Before I knew it, I had stood up and walked over to him, seeing nothing but red.

“You are so fucking disgusting,” I icily began, directing any and all hatred I had towards Quincy. He turned to me with a dumbfounded expression. “Can you even hear yourself? Ms. Wagner would never go for such a disgusting pig like you. You’re so fucking delusional it’s, it’s crazy. You have as much chance with her as an ice cube surviving on the surface of the sun. Do you think people like Ms. Wagner would even want to hear that kind of shit? No wonder you have to brag about getting girls, I’ve never actually seen you with one, and hearing about how you reduce women to these slobbering idiots just lusting after you, I can see why.”

Before he even had a chance to reply, I stomped off. A few tables around us quieted down, no doubt shocked that the shy nobody of the school just went after a guy that was… not the most popular, but certainly well-known. Luckily, this wasn’t a low-budget high school movie, so it wasn’t like the whole cafeteria stopped talking so I could deliver my speech or anything.

I walked for maybe ten seconds more before the adrenaline wore off and… I wished I could evaporate into the air. I just made a whole song-and-dance defending Ms. Wagner in front of Quincy. I was so damn embarrassed. I wanted to die. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to look in his general direction ever again, and I shared homeroom with him.

Well, whatever. That pompous jerk implied Ms. Wagner would do things with him. How disgusting. It wasn’t true, and for him to even pretend it was was not only disgusting, but also totally irresponsible. He got what he deserved.


“Mind if I ask something non-class-related?” Ms. Wagner asked me after we wrapped up another lesson.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” I replied.

“I, uh, heard about something that happened in the cafeteria a week or two ago,” she brought up gingerly.

I felt my cheeks go pink. No, red. Purple, maybe. I looked to the floor and Ms. Wagner gave a small, sultry laugh. “I take it you know what I’m talking about.”

“Yes, I do,” I lamely replied. “Am I in trouble or something?”

“Oh my God, no, no no no,” she soothed me, laughing the notion off. “Honestly? I think it was really sweet that you defended my honor like that.”

I gave a confused chuckle. “You don’t think it’s weird that a boy made those kinds of comments about… his teacher?”

“Honey, the patriarchy allows for schoolboys to think it’s okay to say some terrible stuff,” she replied seriously. “If I was there, I’d have some choice words for him, and he’s lucky that his punishment is all he got. But I only heard about what he said in the first place because gossip of you raising your voice at him spread fast.”

Ugh. I was afraid of that.

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