Teacher’s Threat by BashfulScribe

“Yeah, yeah, that’s fine and stuff. This isn’t just about the lunch stuff, jeez.” I could tell Lucy was getting impatient at this point. “I’m just concerned, that’s all. You know, what friends do? I was just wondering if maybe we could meet after school or something and talk things through, face to face. I mean, we should catch up anyway.”

“Yeah?” I disinterestedly replied.

“Are you busy tomorrow after school?”

I wasn’t. “I am.”

“Oh. Okay… we’ll find another time, I guess. If you have a free lunch period, you know where to find me. I can’t do Friday, Artie and I are going out… Ooh! Speaking of, you’ll never guess…”

I listened with half-closed eyes as Lucy droned on and on about boys. Stupid boys. Immature, idiotic, horndog boys. Lazily, my free hand started rubbing my pussy, more out of boredom than anything, as she talked. Occasionally I’d offer a ‘mhm,’ and that was good enough for her.

“Speaking of,” she said after finally finishing her story, “How are you and that older girl? Is that why you’re busy tomorrow, do you have a date with her?”

I cleared my throat. “I don’t really want to talk about that, Lucy.”

“Aw, come onnn. I want to hear the details! If you’re not gonna tell me her name I at least wanna know how you’re doing with her. Like, last time you told me there was no chance, but, like, things change, right?”

“Last time I asked you not to talk about it again, and yet here we are, with you bringing it up again, and I don’t appreciate that. Goodbye, Lucy.” Without waiting for a response from her, I hung up the call and without energy, threw the phone onto the bed. Sighing heavily, I returned to what I had been doing prior, and started rubbing my clit again. It missed the attention, and soon I was back to lightly moaning and thinking about my teacher, assaulting me with her tongue.


“Three times?” I asked in disbelief.

Ms. Wagner nodded. “Yup. Three,” she replied, finishing her story. I had been transfixed the whole time. It wasn’t just an entertaining story, Ms. Wagner knew exactly how to tell it. Every detail had me hooked, every word was one I clung to for dear life. Her storytelling skills were perfect. She was perfect.

“That’s crazy. I can’t imagine something like that happening to me,” I mumbled, taking in the story.

Ms. Wagner shrugged. “You never know what you’ll get up to in college until it hits you,” she offered. “It’s both the start of you being an adult and the last time you’ll really get to feel like you’re young. If you feel like you don’t fit in here, chances are you’ll find your groove there. That’s where I found my groove.”

“Is that because you found your, um, ‘secret girlfriend’ there?” I asked shyly.

“Truth be told, we lasted for like three months.” Ms. Wagner shrugged. “Kinda more, but it was that sort of ‘we are but we aren’t’ thing. It felt very high school-y. Like, you get into a relationship in high school and it feels like the most important thing ever, but a part of your mind knows it’s all very feelings-y and silly. Well, even after high school it feels like that a lot of the time.”

“I wouldn’t know,” I mumbled.

“Yet. Any of the girls here would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend,” she replied, probably because she thought I was sad and wanted to cheer me up.

I couldn’t resist. “Any?”

Ms. Wagner laughed. “Well, maybe not the straight ones, but we can’t help who we’re attracted to, and who we’re not attracted to. Plus, maybe a lot of these girls will only discover they’re into girls down the line. Our tastes change over time. I dated some guys that I am ashamed to even admit I was attracted to.”

Ms. Wagner being with a guy felt… unnatural to me. “Oh yeah? Like what?”

She gave me a playful smirk. “I am not going to get into that here. I could talk for a long time about the guys I dated, but not with a student. Talk to me once you‘ve graduated.” She gave me a wink, then went to organize her papers. I gathered my stuff together, my cheeks burning.

“You wouldn’t have recognized college me anyway. It was only late college I even started wearing this ponytail, for instance.”

“No way! But that ponytail is so… you,” I goaded. “I couldn’t imagine you not wearing it.”

Once again she gave me that cheeky smile and removed her hair tie.

My pussy throbbed. She looked carefree and sexy, like a lioness ready to pounce. She looked youthful and naughty, like she was going to live life by her rules and take what she wanted. I hoped I was what she wanted. She could take me anytime. Her hair cascaded to her shoulders, and made her look younger and even more built-for-sex than she already looked. She looked better than anything the porn industry could purposefully ever make to convey human sexuality.

I said nothing, and I think Ms. Wagner began to feel vulnerable. “I know, I know, it’s weird,” she laughed it off.

“No! You look… so different. Great, though. Stunning, if I can say.” I replied breathlessly. I cleared my throat. “You know, in a wholly supportive way.”

“No no, yeah, I get you.” she replied, putting her hair back up. “It’s nice to hear those things from people, especially when it’s not… you know… creepy.”

“Yeah, of course. I just think it really suits your more spontaneous side and stuff. Not telling you how to dress,” I awkwardly finished.

She paused, a weird smile on her face. “I have a spontaneous side? Huh.” She thought to herself. “The more you know.”

“I’m just saying, maybe you should rock that look more often,” I suggested.

“Maybe, but in school? Not a chance. Only the special few get to see me with my old hairdo,” she replied, winking at me. Throb. Was she flirting with me? It felt like it. I just wanted to reach forward. I just wanted her to pin me to the wall right there and take me. Lick my neck. Make me moan for you, Ms. Wagner.

“Anyway, this has been a nice conversation, as always, but lunch is basically over, you’ve got class to get to,” she gently reminded me. “Before you do, did you get that form signed?”

“Oh, right. Yeah.” I dug through my backpack and produced the form my parents signed. “Sorry, here you go.”

“Don’t be sorry, you’re good.” She took the paper and looked it over. I used the time to drink in her scent. “Oh, hey. You need to sign it too.” She handed it back to me.

My pens were in my bag, but… I had an idea. “Um, I think I forgot my pens in my locker. Do you have a spare?”

“Yeah, go nuts.” She reached into her desk and produced a pen for me. I quickly signed my name and handed the form to her. While she was filing it away, I nefariously put the pen in my backpack, in its own special pocket.

Luckily, she didn’t ask for it back. She just innocently smiled at me. “Great! See you tomorrow. Oh, and don’t forget, test. It’ll be on chapters ten through twelve. Read, read, read. Reread if you have to.”

“Don’t worry, I’m going to. Bye!” I called out to her as I left the classroom. Her pen in my backpack.

The pen she owned. Her hands were on it. I was going to use that pen all the god damn time now. I bet it even still had her scent on it. I could only hope. Maybe after I’m done all my reading tonight, as a reward, I would touch myself with that pen. Her pen. Ms. Wagner’s pen.

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