Three Rapes on the Trail Part 2 by OverAndOut

“Oh my god, will you let it go! He’s cute, just a bit weird,” said a small one.

“Well just because you turned 18 two days ago doesn’t mean we’ll let you have boys in your room,” teased the red head.

“I’m only the youngest on the team by like three weeks, my god!”

Two of them ruffled her hair, “Still the baby,” said one.

The petite girl rolled her eyes. They waved to Sara across the pool as they headed for the locker room. Sara came in after them.

“Alright, ladies, we’re gonna do some drills today. It’s going to be a hard three days and then rest rest rest,” she said above the clatter of lockers and bags. “Happy birthday, Amy, glad we’re all adults now.”

The other girls laughed.

“Thanks Sara,” said Amy.

Sara noticed her small, orange-sized breasts as Amy pulled a latex one-piece over her shoulders.

“Ariel, Lucy says swim hard,” said Sara, pulling her eyes from the tight body of the freshly legal young woman.

The red headed girl laughed and gave a thumbs up, her pale thighs jiggling as her uniform slipped over her ginger bush. Sara wondered what it tasted like. A tall girl bent over, her tits hung like melons over her bag.

Sara clapped, holding up her fingers, “Okay, I’ll see you all in two minutes!”

“Yes, Coach,” came a chorus of voices.

Sara left the room.

“Hey, Katy, do you have an extra cap?” asked Kim.

The tall brunette turned, her large breasts swaying, “No, sorry, Riley?”

“Yeah, I got one,” said a thick girl whose one piece was lost in her cheeks. She threw a blue cap to Kim, who dropped it.

“Nice catch,” said a blonde girl with long legs.

“Thanks, Riley, and thanks, Ellie,” said Kim.

Outside, the water sloshed gently as Sara stared into the blue, disgusted with herself. She had never had a thought like that before and it was frightening. Before the thoughts of quitting could fully materialize, the door opened with a bang and the girls came out and stood by the pool, chatting amongst themselves. Sara looked up at the buffet lining the pool. So many bodies. She shook her head, trying to dislodge the idea.

“I want ten laps to warm up and then we’re going to do drills.”

The girls spread into lanes and dove in. For the next while all that could be heard was splashing as Sara walked up and down the edge of the pool. Ariel’s back rippled with muscle under the splashes and Ellie’s long legs flickered behind her, driving her through the water. Riley’s ass looked plump as the water flowed over her pale cheeks. Sara shook her head and walked away, going to get her clip board from her office at the far end of the pool.

After the warm up they got into drills and sprints, but Sara’s mind was elsewhere. She tried to watch their form as they swam, but it wasn’t technique she saw. Their tight suits revealed everything. Bulging vulvas glistened under the shiny latex and flattened tits with hard nipples stretched the material about their chests. One-pieces bunched in tight ass cracks, revealing flesh waiting to be taken. She wondered what was wrong with her.

In another hour she ended practice. It had been the usual amount of time, but more than the usual amount of leering at her girls. Sara gave her feedback as best she could and the sopping women splatted their way back to the locker-room. Amy’s little body bounced as she took up the rear.

Sara waited until they were done to go get her things. Normally she would have gone with them to change, but not today. She stayed by the pool under the guise of looking over her notes.

“Bye, Sara,” called the girls as they left.

Sara smiled, “See you tomorrow, have a good night.”

She went to the locker-room to get her things. At home she dropped her bag by the door and took off her shoes, heading to the closet. When she took off her shorts, she wasn’t surprised to see a dark spot on her panties. Her pussy was soaked and it revolted her. She quickly peeled them from herself and took a shower. Dinner was quick and easy, though didn’t satisfy the strange hunger she felt in her guts. The evening wore away with a little TV and hot tea and before she knew it, it was time for bed. She tossed and turned, plagued by dreams of dirt and dungeons.

Morning came with streaks of rain rolling down the window. Sara’s bedside lamp cast deep shadows across her rumpled sheets. She looked at her phone for a few minutes in bed, just scrolling instagram. Her day began without much ado beyond the drivers for whom the rain made turn signals inoperable. With a few near misses she arrived at the school, shoes echoing the mostly empty halls. Papers rustled as they had the day before. Poor marks for students who couldn’t seem to grasp the lessons blazed with red fury against the grey light. Sara’s thoughts drifted again to the swim team as she gazed into the dreariness outside. Blue uniforms gripped their firm bodies, clinging to soft flesh. Riley’s plump ass jiggled in her mind. Katy’s breasts bounced, barely contained by her spandex suit. Sara’s hand crept between her legs, pushing at her waistband. She rubbed her lips through her pants, dreaming of taking Amy against a desk. Her body slamming against the small girl. She was going to fill her- a grumble of thunder tore her from her dream.

Her hand shot from her thighs and she sat with both arms on the desk, staring at her students’ papers. She was in disbelief. It was beyond disgusting. If anyone had caught her it would be the end of her career. Sara sat lost in thought until the bell rang, beginning her classes.

They went by quickly, as they usually did. Troublemakers here and there didn’t weigh heavily on her mind today, she was distracted. Soon, it was time to go to the pool, to the fresh smell of chlorine and the gentle sound of water sloshing. Dread set in at the thought, but she couldn’t abandon them before a competition.

The hallway wasn’t long enough. Nor was her time alone in the locker-room, not having to look at them. She was standing, clipboard in hand, by the pool in her shorts and polo when a gaggle of voices erupted from the far door.

“I totally failed,” said Ariel, “I told him I didn’t have time to study ‘cause of this meet, but he wouldn’t budge.”

“You failed? Dude, I bombed that shit so hard,” said Kim.

“Hi, Coach,” called Ellie, waving.

Sara waved back, “Hi, ladies. Be out in five, please.”

“Does she seem angry?” muttered Ellie.

“Maybe,” said Riley, “but she’s probs stressed about the meet. I know I am.”

The locker-room bustled with metal clangs and one-pieces wriggled with bodies trying to get in them. Fluorescent lights flickered. Their feet slapped on cold tiles as they marched out talking amongst themselves.

“Okay, let’s line up, same as yesterday,” said Sara.

The girls obeyed, looking a bit sheepish. Riley picked her suit from between her cheeks before diving in last. Water splashed across goggles that flashed in the light. Sara tried not to watch them too closely, instead focusing on not letting her thoughts drift to depravity. It was almost hopeless. Her pussy throbbed at the sight of them. Their holes were just a piece of fabric away. She knew they were eager to be filled and she could be the one to do it, they would let her. They would have to.

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