Life Of The Party by Casuallywritten

Life Of The Party by Casuallywritten

Experience the seductive escapades in 'Life Of The Party' by Casuallywritten. Dive into this intoxicating erotic sex story filled with passion, desire, and thrilling encounters that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Uncover a captivating journey through alluring parties where fantasies come to life. Join the excitement now!<br/>

In a moment of anger and poor planning, Alex signs up as a meat girl volunteer. She soon comes to regret her decision as her mom and herself are taken for private sale to a local party for a live spitroast.

“While you’re under my roof you will listen to me and obey my rules! And that means no roasting parties!” Came the shouting voice of Alex’s mother as Alex ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

“You never treat me like an adult!” Alex shouted as she slammed her bedroom door.

“I’ll show her too immature to go out on her own.” She muttered under her breath, pulling out her laptop, and searching for a local meat girl collection service.

Their fight had been the same as it always had been. Alex’s mom had always been overbearing and controlling. Never letting her go out alone, or to meet up with friends at a party. Even now when she had been a legal adult for almost an entire year her mother still forbade her to go to anything even remotely fun, for no reason. How was she ever meant to get out and make new friends, or ever find a boyfriend? It was already hard enough competing with all the other girls for attention, but she was always at a disadvantage when she wasn’t allowed to go out to parties. This time she was sick of it, this time she would really rebel in a way that would show her mom that she was an adult.

Clicking through the top search results one caught her eye “15 minutes pick up, any time of the day!”. Opening up the volunteer meat girl forms on the website Alex quickly filled out the boxes, typing in her name, address, and age. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, her blood still pumping in her ears from her anger over the fight. Taking out her Department of Population Control (DPC) Identification Card, she entered her ID number into the last box before clicking submit. Immediately her phone buzzed alive with a text. The message “Volunteer authorization verification. Please click this link to authorize your submission. If you did not file a volunteer registration form, please contact your nearest Department of Population Control office to secure your account against fraud.” Hastily Alex clicked the link, another popup appeared on her phone “collection officer dispatched.”

Great now all she had to do was wait. Alex could already imagine the shock and horror on her mother’s face as Alex stripped off and went with the collection officer. How mortified she would be that Alex would rather be meat than live like a prisoner under her mother’s watch. Once she got out the door she would just explain to the collection officer that it had not been her who filed the form and that it must be some sort of identity theft. Then she could contact the DPC office and get them to restore her rights and her mom would have learned that Alex was an adult and capable of looking after herself. It was the perfect plan and she knew that it would teach her mom that she should be respected. A knock came at her bedroom door and Alex was startled out of her plans, shutting her laptop in haste.

“Go away mom!” she shouted at the door.

“Honey I think it’s time we had an important talk.” Came her mother’s reply as the door opened up.

“I don’t want to tal…” Alex started before her mother interrupted.

“Please Hunny, it’s important,” Her mom said in a pleading tone, sitting down on the bed next to Alex. “I should have told you sooner when you were younger. But you are my precious baby girl and I never wanted to scare you.” She continued, catching Alex’s attention.

“When I was younger, about your age I had an older sister. She was so loving and so caring, she was always so much smarter than me, and she always looked out for me. I loved her dearly, but one day she went to a party that I couldn’t make it to.” She stopped for a moment taking a deep breath as she brought back old memories. Alex watched her mother intently, her plans forgotten.

“Well at this party, my sister had a few drinks and was pressured into playing a party game with the other girls. The thing is, the game was a very dangerous one where each of the girls signed a volunteer form. They were meant to put it in a bucket and the host would draw one at random. The girl with her form drawn would be snuffed and roasted for the party’s enjoyment, with her form submitted to the DPC posthumously the next day. While the others had their forms destroyed. But what really happened was a trick. You see, none of the other girls actually filled out their forms. My sister was new to the group, and unbeknownst to her, the other girls had conspired to set her up at the party. When the time came to draw forms, the host pulled out blank form, after blank form. Until only my sister’s form remained, filled out and signed. I’m told the other girls at the party laughed at her as she realized what happened. I can only imagine my poor sister’s final thoughts as the people she thought were her friends, humiliated her and tormented her before she was butchered for their barbeque.” Alex sat silently a ball of guilt and anxiety building in her stomach as she listened with morbid curiosity to her mother’s tale.

“I couldn’t save my big sister. That’s why I have always been so strict on you Alex. You remind me so much of her, she was so free-spirited and friendly with everyone she met. I know I have been hard on you, and I know I should have told you about your aunt earlier. But I never wanted you to worry.” She said with tears in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry mom, if only I knew,” Alex said, feeling the sting of tears in her own eyes. She reached out to embrace her mom, hugging her tight and comforting her.

“I know Hunny. I’m sorry for how I have treated you. Now that I’ve told you the truth, I know I can trust you to be responsible. If you want to go to that party tonight you can, but just promise me that you will come home.” Her mom said looking deeply into Alex’s eyes.

“I will mom I promise,” Alex said, as relief and love welled up within her. The years of fighting and arguing over everything suddenly made sense. She felt so sorry for her mom who had lost someone so dear to her, so long ago and so grateful that she had finally told her the truth. Speaking to her like she was an adult, opening up about her past in a way she never would of when she was younger. It was all Alex had ever really wanted, to be treated like she could understand the world around her and make her own choices. That was when a loud knocking came from downstairs on the front door.

“I wonder who that is?” Her mother said, raising her head to look towards the direction of the sound.

“Oh shit! No one!” Alex said as she leaped from the bed and ran towards the stairs.

“Shit, shit, shit, not now,” Alex whispered under her breath, anxiety building in her mind as she raced downstairs. Quickly opening the front door and taking a step outside she closed the door behind her, trying to buy a few seconds to explain the whole mess before her mom could find out what she had done.

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