Do I really want to save this marrige? – Chap 3 by Mr Shelby

Do I really want to save this marrige? – Chap 3 by Mr Shelby..,

This seems to make my now changed wife very happy but will she get me killed?? , Do I want to save this marriage

Ch 3

We all sat around the dark corner booth, talking and laughing. Michelle and Gloria, a sweet lesbian couple we met at the bar were sitting to my left, my wife Cindy directly to my right, and Steph, a sexy new friend my wife met at a swimsuit shop this morning on the outside. The round booth was in the corner of the club, just off the dance floor opposite the bar. The table had a few empty beer bottles on it, some glasses of melting ice from some mixed drinks, and now a handful of water bottles. It had been about 25 minutes since I had pretended to swallow the mystery pill that the girls had procured for us. Michelle kept telling us to drink lots of water and that the effects should kick in pretty soon. Having been pretty straight laced most of my life (nothing more than a few blunts in college), I was a little nervous about this. This was definitely unlike my wife, but since we had arrived at the island, her attitude and temperament had done a complete 180 degree change. I was questioning this new, adventuresome Cindy but I was willing to go along for the ride.

As the girls laughed and talked, I just looked around at them. I kept taking sips from my water bottle and picking at the label. I was feeling nervous about taking some unknown drug, but I didn’t want to seem like I had no clue so I was afraid to ask what we had taken.

The waitress appeared at our table with another handful of water bottles. She smiled at Michelle and Gloria and asked if they had seen Molly because one of her other customers was looking for her. Michelle laughed and said that she had just been by the table about a half hour ago, but to check with another guy on the other side of the bar because he might know where she is. As the waitress left, I couldn’t help but be confused. There hadn’t been anyone else by the table except for the waitress.

“Who is Molly? I didn’t see anyone come by.” I asked the girls. Gloria laughed and took my hand.

“Silly, you really are sheltered aren’t you? Molly is MDMA… or Ecstasy. I then looked at Cindy with what I am sure was a look of shock on my face. You made me take some Ecstasy? You know that shit can kill people. I thought I could trust you. I never realized just how sheltered I was. It was like she was speaking Greek to me. She must have seen the confusion on my face because she just winked at me and said: “Don’t worry, you will love it. It should only be a few minutes now.” I just rolled my eyes when she spoke to me.

Michelle slapped her hands on the table and proclaimed that they needed to get moving. She stood up and grabbed Steph’s hand, pulling her to the dance floor. Gloria slid out from the booth and stood up. She looked at us as if she couldn’t decide… “Okay, so who is going to escort me to the dance floor?” Cindy looked at me with a smile.

“Do you mind? I suddenly have all this energy and just want to get moving.” I smiled at her, leaned back and propped my arms across the back of the booth.

“Go for it! I will guard the castle and just chill while you rescue the princess!”

With a quickness, Gloria and Cindy joined Michelle and Steph out on the dance floor. While there were quite a few people around, the dance floor was just open enough that I could watch the four of them through the other dancers. For the rest of the first song, it was simple, easy enough dancing. Then the next song came on and it was a mix of house and jungle… heavy beats that you feel in your chest, strong rhythm.

I see Steph turn her back to Michelle and start grinding her ass into her, her back pressed up into Michelle’s chest. Gloria has stepped up close to Cindy and has her thigh pressed up against Cindy’s crotch. They are grinding against one another and Cindy has her hands all over Gloria’s back, ass, and legs. This comes as a complete shock, but not in a bad way – I don’t know that many red-blooded males that don’t have a lesbian fetish. As I am watching, I see Gloria lightly run her fingernails up Cindy’s arm from her elbow to her shoulder. At first Cindy stands straight up and gets rigid, almost like she was shocked, and then Gloria catches her in her arms as her knees buckle under her a little bit. Cindy starts laughing and Gloria joins in.

Cindy turns towards to Steph and leans in to her ear, whispering something to her. Steph laughs and gives her a thumbs up. As they are talking, Gloria steps back up behind Cindy real close and starts rhythmically dancing against her. Cindy wraps her arm backwards around Gloria’s waist and grabs her ass, pulling her tight against her. Gloria’s left arm begins to trace up and down Cindy’s bare arm and her right hand runs up her side and starts playing with her hair. Cindy leans her head back against Gloria’s shoulder and closes her eyes. Gloria leans her head slightly forward and blows air across her bare shoulder and neck; Cindy visibly shivers and turns her head towards Gloria and they begin to kiss deeply!

Torn between watching my wife kiss another woman and checking to see how Michelle was reacting to this, I was a little slow in turning my head. I was bracing for a jealous cat fight to start, but as my gaze flips over to Michelle, I can see that she is already in a lip lock with Steph. I let out my breath and relax a little more… well, a little. Seeing four beautiful women kissing in front of me caused a little stirring my lap. I didn’t want to be “that guy” so I adjusted myself in the seat, leaned forward, and started focusing on the label on my water bottle again. It was so difficult not to keep looking up, but I didn’t want them to be self-conscious about me watching.

When the song ended, the girls made their way back to the table and slid around the booth on each side of me. Cindy was flushed and apologizing profusely to Gloria, Michelle, and me. She was kind of rambling on. Gloria and Michelle kept assuring her it was okay and that they didn’t mind. Michelle scooted out of the booth and went around to kneel in front of Cindy. She leaned in and placed her lips on Cindy’s forehead. She whispered to her that it really was perfectly fine and then ran her fingertips from her lips down Cindy’s forehead and lightly traced her jawline until they met at her chin. Cindy shivered and I could see the goose bumps raised up on her arm.

“So, how are you doing?” Steph said to me, looking intently at my eyes.

“It doesn’t bother me. Ever since we arrived here I am just going with the flow and happy to see Cindy enjoying herself. When in Rome, right?” I am just here chilling I smiled at her and gave her a wink.

“No silly, I mean how are you doing? You know… how are you feeling?”

“Just fine. Still a little thirsty but overall, fine… why?”

Steph gave me a quizzical look and then turned and whispered into Michelle’s ear. Michelle stood and grabbed Gloria’s hand and they wandered off towards the bar.

“They are going to check with Tony… it should have kicked in a while ago. We will get you another pill.” I didn’t really have the heart to tell her that I didn’t mind. I was still enjoying myself, and really enjoying watching Cindy have fun.

Michelle and Gloria came walking back up with a young guy. He was dressed pretty similarly to me but with a bright yellow shirt instead of black. It only had the bottom two buttons done on it and it was partly opened to show his chiseled chest. He had long, curly black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. He set a large glass of orange juice on the table and kind of knelt down with his elbows on the edge of the table. He reached across to shake my hand and when I pulled my hand away, there was a new pill in my palm. It looked a little different than the last one.

“Hey man, my name is Tony. I wanted to just say sorry about the last one. I have no idea why it didn’t work. I am all out of the one’s the rest of your group took but this one is on me. It probably won’t have the same upper effect as theirs; this one is more chill but you will love the senses. Be sure to drink the orange juice first, then water. That should help.” He stood up, put a hand on my shoulder and apologized again. Then he surprised me when he leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips. With that he was gone. As he was leaving I held the pill tightly in my hand, and then acted as if I was tossing it into my mouth, I then slipped my hand below the table and pushed the pill into my pocket.

I looked around at the table and I could see that besides Cindy, they were looking at me to see how I would react to a man kissing me like that. They must have figured I might get all macho and start a fight. I just laughed, and took a big swig of orange juice. I then coughed a bit like the pill had been hard to swollow “Like I said, when in Rome!”

Cindy knew that when I was a freshman in college I had experimented with guys a little. Pretty much just kissing and hand jobs with one of my guy friends in my dorm. We never did anything more than that. It was really just a phase of being lonely away from home. We both realized that we weren’t really attracted to guys but stayed really good friends to this day. One night after much to much drinking I admited to Cindy what had happened back then. It is not like I am any kind of gay or even bi. It was just part of my past I do try to forget.

When the girls piled into the booth around me, I noticed the order had changed a bit. Directly to my left was Cindy and then Michelle. On my right was Steph and then Gloria. Cindy leaned in and whispered into my ear “Are you sure it doesn’t bother you that I kissed Gloria? I won’t do anything that will upset you.”

I looked her directly into her eyes, and completely meaning it I said “Sweety, if it makes you happy, I am happy. We are in paradise and there are no strings attached. You enjoy yourself.” I gave her a light kiss and nibbled her bottom lip just a tad. A moan escaped her lips and another shiver ran across her body.

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