Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 17 by gregorthegrant

Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 17 by gregorthegrant

Coninuing adventures of Greg , Family Beach Party Turns Ex-Rated Chapter 17

“That was some game.” I said entering the motel. “I’m glad The Italians won the game.”

“It sure was Greg. I’m going to our room and have a quick shower if you don’t mind talking to the guys while I’m gone. I still feel some milkshake the guys missed when they were cleaning me at the stadium. I want to look at the moose the guys slicked down my hair with and see how cool it looks. How do you like it Greg?” Sandra asked.

“It looks interesting Sandra, but your natural look, looks better. You’ll have to get the guys to do it again for you.” I answered smiling sliding my hand through the moose. It sure is sticky, isn’t it Sandra.

“I’ll get the guys to moose it again, but I’m off to shower.” Sandra said heading down the hall toward the elevator. I headed for the lounge where the Italian and Ghana teams were sitting back and relaxing after the game.

“Good game guys.” I greeted walking in the lounge looking for a place to sit. I saw a chair on the other side of the room between two very black young men.

“Thanks Mr. Thompson.” The black muscular young man sitting to my left said. “We only lost by one stinking goal. I can’t wait till our teams meet up them again, that is if both our teams are in the semi-finals.

“Will you be watching tomorrow’s game when the German’s and Brazil teams play, Mr. Thompson?” One of the tanned, muscular Italian players asked.

“You bet I will, will you guys be watching?” I asked.

“We sure will we’ll be in the grandstand to watch. I heard this is you and your wife’s honeymoon, I must say you know how to choose your hot wife, Mr. Thompson.” The young hot Italian said.

“Yes your right, I’m one lucky man.” I answered smiling.

The guys and I watched the football game for a while until Sandra arrived, walking in the lounge. She looked smashing in her short, short yellow low cut summer dress and all the guys looked up at her.

“Hello Mrs. Thompson.” The black young hunk sitting to my left said standing up and towering over Sandra at least six-six feet tall. “Did you enjoy the game? I couldn’t see you because of the crowd of guys surrounding you. Hopefully you’ll save a place to sit beside you tomorrow when the German’s and Brazilian’s face off. I’m wagering that it will be Brazilian’s game.”

“I’m thinking the same, too bad they arrived at the hotel so late and didn’t get to see your team and the Italians face off today. I suppose the guys will be turning in early to get rested up for the big game tomorrow. I do have to admit the German’s are a bunch of gun hoe young men so it will be a close game. I got closely acquainted with them today at the game.

“Late night snacks will be served if you all want anything, we will be serving in a few minutes. Just relax and get better acquainted. I’m Jerry your server for the evening.” Jerry a six-three or four young muscular tanned, blue eyed blonde greeted with a smile. “Come on Alex, Pete, Greg, lend me a hand in the kitchen.

“I can lend you guys a hand Jerry, Alex, Pete, Jason.” Sandra said letting Jerry open the dining room door and walking through it into the dining room followed by Alex, Pete and Jason.

It seemed to take Jerry, Alex, Pete, Jason and Sandra a long time in the dining room. I looked at my watch and noticed it was at least an hour and a half since Sandra, Jerry, Alex, Pete and Jason went into the dining room. I was about to head in to see what was taking so long. “Where are you going?” George, one of the British players asked when I stood up.

“I’m going to check if I can lend Sandra, Jerry, Alex, Pete and Jason a hand, it seems they’ve been in there a long time.” I answered. “They’ve been in the kitchen going on an hour and a half.”

“Don’t worry I’m sure they’re doing fine and will be out soon, enjoy the game with us.” George said in an authority sounding voice that sounded more like an order than a request.

“Okay if you say so George.” I said sitting down.

No sooner than I had sat back down and Sandra came out of the dining room holding the door open while Jerry walked out. Jerry was followed by Alex, Pete, Jason entering the Lounge carrying plates of sandwiches, glasses and a pitcher of something liquid. Sandra was covered in sweat as was Jerry, Alex, Pete and Jason.

“Man it’s hot in there.” Jerry said while wiping his brow with the back of his hand. “It’s a good thing I made some cold lemonade earlier. Thanks for helping me with the sandwiches Mrs. Thompson, Alex, Pete, Jason.”

“You’re welcome Jerry.” Alex, Pete and Jason all said at the same time.

“That’s all right Jerry.” Sandra adjusting her sun dress walking close behind Jerry. “I hope you will enjoy the egg salad sandwiches. I added a secret thick white ingredient to the egg salad instead of Mayonnaise. Jerry, Alex, Pete and Jason helped by pumping it out. Didn’t you guys?” Brenda asked.

“Yes we did and it was our pleasure and hope your pleasure as well Mrs. Thompson.” Jerry half laughed. “Dig in Mr. Thompson.

“Definitely my pleasure guys.” Sandra answered picking up the plate of Sandwiches and offering me one.

Sandra knew egg salad was my favorite sandwich so I took one and bit into it. It sure had a different taste than any egg salad sandwich I had ever eaten before. It definitely was tasty, salty, kind of sweet and something I couldn’t put my finger on. I ate it and took another sandwich.

“Since you made the snack Jerry, I’ll clean up the kitchen, if Mrs. Thompson helps me that is.” Tom one of the other desk clerks said. Tom is in his early twenties at least six-three or four with dark brown hair wearing gym shorts and bare chested revealing his deep tanned muscular chest, arms and hairy legs.

“Sure I’d like to help you clean up the kitchen but it’s a real mess maybe Sid, Len and Joe could also lend us a hand, Tom.” Sandra answered.

“I’d be glad to help.” Sid said.

“Same with me.” Len and Joe answered the same time heading for the dining room swinging doors followed by Tom and Sandra.

“You don’t mind me helping the guys do you Greg?” Sandra asked just as she was about to walk through the swinging door.

“No go ahead I’ll watch the rest of the football game with Jerry, Jason, Alex and Pete. Right Jerry?” I asked.

“It’s fine with me if it’s okay with the guys and you don’t mind smelling our sweaty bodies.” Jerry answered.

“Don’t worry about it guys. I’ve worked out in the gym enough and been around a lot of sweaty guys before. Go sit down and enjoy the game.

I stretched my legs out getting comfortable drinking the cool Lemonade and having another sandwich. “Aren’t you guys going to dig in and eat?” I asked.

“Not to worry Mr. Thompson we ate while helping your wife prepare the lemonade and sandwiches for you.” Jerry answered.

“Yeah I’m all filled up.” Jason added. “How about you Alex, Pete?”

“I’m full.” Alex answered.

“So am I.” Pete added. “Eat up and enjoy that special sauce your wife and the rest of us got together to prepare for you in the egg salad sandwiches.


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