“I want you to kiss me, passionately while another man is fucking me,” my lady told me, before she asked with a wicked smile, “Could you handle that?”

“Of course I could handle that, given the right circumstances,” I replied looking forward to another of her kinky sexual challenges.

“Tell me more, explain what the right circumstances might be?”

“There would need to be a quid pro quo, something of equal value for me. Could you handle that?”

“Of course I could handle that,” she replied as we kissed passionately. Teasing me for days in the lead up, both of us knowing from experience what was to come can be a massive turn-on, which it was for days. Both of us confident and experienced enough, to build anticipation for each other, no rush. I learnt long ago anticipation is not the precursor to pleasure; anticipation is pleasure itself.

On the Wednesday night she told me she had organised her new man for this Saturday night, intent on building the sexual tension for both of us as she seduced me. Teasing me and herself while we were fucking, telling me in a stentorian voice,“I want you to kiss me, passionately while another man is fucking me this Saturday night.” Asking me in the afterglow with a wicked smile, “Could you handle that, kissing me while another man is fucking me?”

Responding blithely, “Of course I could handle that,” as I watched her compose a text message to her mystery new lover, ME AND MY MAN ARE GOOD FOR SATURDAY XXX, then send it.

The anticipation of passionately kissing my lady while another man was fucking her was a wonderful turn on and an aphrodisiac for both of us in the days leading up. I was trying to imagine what type of man my lady had organised. Knowing my lady’s preferences from previous encounters I envisaged a younger man with huge cock.

A few days before the event I asked my lady if she could tell me about the man she had organised, “Can you tell me about the man you are going to fuck while I kiss you passionately? What type of man have you organised. Knowing your preferences as I do, I envisage a younger man, an alpha male with a huge cock.” At the time we were both naked, tongue kissing as part of our foreplay before we fucked.

“Perhaps a younger man, just as you suggest, an alpha male with a huge cock, even bigger than yours. Is that what you want? Is that what your preference? Or would that be a threat to you? Or would it be a turn on for you? A kinky turn on,” she teased as I slid my erection into her, kissing her passionately at the same time.

Telling her, “You know watching a younger man with huge cock, even bigger than me fucking you would be a turn on for me. A huge turn on.”

“So pleased you are comfortable with the idea of a younger man with a huge cock, even bigger than you, more impressive than you turning us both on.” Teasing me non-committingly, “Though I may have other options. Now fuck me while we both fantasise about a new man fucking me while you to kiss me, passionately.”

On the Friday night my lady showed me a new text message on her phone, I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT RUNNING MY THUMB TIPS OVER YOUR BEAUTIFUL ALMOST BALD SOFT LIPS, before she took great delight in telling me with a wicked, almost cruel smile, “Tomorrow night I want you to kiss me, passionately while another man is fucking me. I have organised a quid pro quo, something of equal value for you. Could you handle that?”

“Of course I could handle that,” I replied, asking her again, “Can’t you at least tell me how you met the man and what my quid pro quo will be?”

“You will have to wait and see baby. Though you should know me well enough by now to realise at least one of the people I have arranged for tomorrow night will be a turn on for you, and both of them a turn on for me. Though perhaps I could at least tell you how I met the man. Would you like me to tell you how I met him? Yes?”

“At the time you enjoyed me telling you great in detail how another woman, Greta, had seduced me. Though I didn’t tell you about her man; Gino, a real alpha male, watching his lady seducing and talking to us. He was naked while he watched and passionately kissed his lady.

Looking at his huge cock was wonderful eye candy for me, without him even touching me, while his lady tongue fucked me, before I reciprocated by tongue fucking her. You know I love sex with an audience. Though he was very complementary about my naked body as he masturbated for me and his lady after we had pleasured each other. Ever since I have had unfinished business with him and his lady. Now you can guess what and who your quid pro quo will be, his gorgeous lady.”

At seven-thirty on the Saturday night after I had shaved my lady’s pubes to her satisfaction as she gave instructions while standing in front of a mirror, leaving her with a neatly trimmed triangle of jet black pubic hair, a wonderful and very sexy contrast to her blond hairdo.

After I showered with her in preparation for my quid pro quo, I was watching her preparing for her mystery new, alpha male man, power dressing for him, as she flaunted her wonderful naked body for me. She was naked as I watched her fasten a sexy black garter belt around her waist, highlighting her wonderful thighs and magnificent firm, big ass, then slide on a pair of black stockings and fasten them to the garter belt.

Asking me, “What else should I wear for our guests? A sexy bra? An even sexier skimpy black g-string with my big ass bulging out of it? My sexy black camisole?”

“No bra, just a skimpy black g-string,” I told her as I helped her on with it and fastened the clip at the side of it, before I ran my fingertips over her wonderful ass, then helping her on with the short black skirt she handed me, highlighting her thighs and ass, before I slid the long zipper up at the back of it, wondering about another man reversing what I had just done, sliding the zipper down and helping her off with the dress.

Teasing me, when she asked again, “I want you to kiss me passionately while you have a thick, full on erection, while another man is fucking me tonight,” before she asked with a wicked smile, “Could you handle that?,” as we tongue kissed passionately.

“You know I will love to handle that, I have been looking forward to it for days,” I told her as we tongue kissed even more passionately with her hand on my erection. Adding, “I have never seen you look so fuckable.”

“And you, you also look fuckable dressing like that. Which of our guests are you going to try to impress, the man or the woman? Or both?,” my lady asked as she watched me prepare for them.

Wondering what to wear for another couple while the man is going to fuck my lady? Watching her choose a black jock strap that failed to cover my erection, tight, low cut jeans, so low my pubes were visible and a tight fitting black, t-shirt, for me.

Our sexual anticipation was in overdrive just after eight when Gino and Greta arrived, my lady’s mystery new, alpha male man and one of her lesbian / bisexual lovers, a drop dead gorgeous woman, both her and her man in their mid-thirties. “We both want this as much as you do, unfinished business,” Greta whispered to my lady as they tongue kissed, before Greta tongue kissed me.


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