Stranded during a Blizzard by slut_wife

Stranded during a Blizzard by slut_wife

Get cozy with “Stranded During a Blizzard” by slut_wife, an electrifying erotic tale that unfolds in the heart of a snowstorm. Join the characters as they explore desires and passions ignited by the elements. Discover how isolation can spark unexpected encounters and unleash hidden fantasies. Dive into this steamy adventure and let the heat of their connection warm you up!

3 pages, I hope you enjoy

Page 1 – Blizzard – Co-worker, MF

I left a business seminar early with my co-worker Tom because the weather looked like it was taking a turn for the worst. It was only a 3 hour drive back to Hartford so we thought we’d have plenty of time to head off the incoming storm. Driving south through New Hampshire is picturesque any time of the year but during a fierce snow storm it has an almost eerie beauty to it. We talked shop in an effort to take our minds off the ferocity of the storm, but we had been driving for an hour and only made it about 15 miles.

We were somewhere in the Lakes region where there isn’t a soul to be found this time of year. Tom was driving fairly slow because the view was pure white, he couldn’t see the road and he could barely see beyond the hood of the car. The car came to a halt as we heard a thump, Tom got out to look and realized that he had driven off the road, the two right tires were stuck deep off the pavement and the snow was almost ten inches deep. The roads weren’t plowed and at this point we new we were in trouble.

The light was quickly disappearing as dusk began to settle in. We decided our best option was to walk and look for a house, hopefully somebody would let us in to ride out the storm. Dredging through the snow was miserable, it was deep, wet and freezing cold. The houses were sparse, so while arriving at the first house we saw we hoped that we wouldn’t have to go any further.

The house was dark, it became apparent that it was some kind of a summer home that was closed up for the winter. We made a decision to find a way in because the danger of looking for another house with somebody home was too high. Tom started checking windows and doors to see if something was left unlocked. As a joke I said maybe there’s a key under the mat, we both let out a roaring laugh as Tom lifted the mat and found a key.

The house was dark and the electricity wasn’t working. I had a small flashlight on my key ring and Tom used it to find his way around. There was a fireplace, dry firewood outside the back door and candles. It was comforting knowing that we’d be able to dry off and warm up. While Tom got wood and worked on the fire, I played with our cell phones to try and contact the outside world. I finally got one bar on the phone and called my husband. He was glad to hear that we were okay and safe, he said he would call Tom‘s wife and let her know, just in case we lost our cell phone connection. I then called the local police, they said that as long as we weren’t in danger then we would have to wait out the storm where we were, they notified the owners of the house in New York and they replied through the police that it was okay as long as we respected their house.

Tom got a nice fire going. We searched for some kind of clothing because we had to get our wet clothes off to keep from freezing and hopefully find a way to dry them. There was not one stitch of clothing in the entire house. We decided to wrap in blankets while our clothes dried by the fire. It was awkward being stranded alone with him, although we have worked together for five years we never really knew each other. No after hours stuff like cook-outs or family gatherings, nothing other than work. There we were wrapped naked in blankets staring at the fire. At one point we both looked at each other and cracked up laughing.

Tom said that he saw a bottle of brandy in the kitchen when he was searching around. I told him that I don’t drink brandy but I sure wish we had something to bring on a quick buzz. He said that scavengers can’t be beggars and he went off to the kitchen to get the bottle. He came out with two paper cups and the bottle, At this point I figured I didn‘t have any reason not to have a shot. We had a toast to our predicament and not before long we were toasting space travel and President Lincoln. We got wasted, we laughed a lot and were having a lot of fun, considering a short time ago we were in fear for our lives.

It seamed we had managed to forget our imminent problems and also forget the world outside. Every now and then one of us would open the front of our blanket near the fire to let the heat warm our skin, at first we were being modest and positioning so the other person couldn’t see flesh. But after a half dozen shots of booze the modesty disappeared and turned into flirting and teasing. I was getting turned on by oddity of our situation, of course the brandy played a big part in me getting loose and getting turned on.

Page 2

At one point when Tom opened his blanket in front of the fire I could see that his cock was getting a little bigger, my husband calls it a chubby. At that point I knew that I would be having a wild night of sex with Tom. The only problem I had was finding a subtle way of letting him know it too, making sure I left an opening as an excuse to say I was joking in case he didn’t have it in him to cheat on his wife.

I asked him to pour another shot, we toasted naked strangers stranded a hundred miles from home. As I tipped my head back to down the shot I let the blanket fall completely to the floor. I acted like I was scrambling to pick it up, pretending to be embarrassed, I then stumbled down to the floor, naked with everything exposed and visible only by the firelight. As I struggled to get the blanket back over me I apologized for my exposure. Like a true guy, he bought it hook, line and sinker.

“Don’t worry about it” he said, “for five years I wondered what you looked like under there and now I know” he continued with a chuckle.

“Well?” I asked, “After five years, was it worth the wait?”

“It sure was” he answered, “I only hope it won’t be another five years before I get to satisfy my other wonder about you”, “I’ve also wondered what it would be like having sex with you”

“Another five years?” I asked, “I’m thinking there’s a chance it will be less than five minutes”

He didn’t know how to reply, he poured a shot and we toasted to us crossing the line of awkwardness and knowing we would be having crazy sex tonight. Downing the shot I dropped my blanket, standing there stark naked with only the light from the fire. Tom stared for a moment as if he was in shock, not from the sight of my nude body but from the realization of the moment.

He didn’t waste any time moving in for a kiss. We embraced our nude bodies together, I could feel my tits press against his chest and I could feel his cock against my stomach. His kiss was so much better than I think I might have expected. His hands wrapped around me and rubbed my ass cheeks. We were both breathing heavily while we kissed. I never even thought about doing this guy and now I was thinking that he’s one of the hottest guys I made out with. Now I only hoped that he was going to be one of the best guys that I ever fucked.

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