The Family That Cums Together Stays Together by wife4hungblk

The Family That Cums Together Stays Together by wife4hungblk

The Journey of a family whose lives are changed by the sexual situations they encounter. , The Family that Cums together Stays Together Pt.1

Chapter one: The Hunger Within

In the summer of 2013 Brad and Ashley West were a typical upper middle income couple. They had been sweethearts from the fourth grade all the way through college. Married in 1994 they seemed to be the perfect couple. Ashley loved her life and never regretted for an instant her decision to become a home maker instead of seeking her own career. After graduation from college Brad had found employment and over the years had worked his way up to CFO of a large corporation and they had a very comfortable lifestyle. They lived in a gated community in an upscale home and were active members in their country club. Brad was an active golfer when he found the time which had been getting rarer and rarer since his last promotion. Ashley loved tennis and was quite good at it, much to the chagrin of the other soccer moms against which she played. Her love of the game was a huge factor in her model like shape at her age.

Last year their son Doug had left home to attend college out of state and recently, Arianna, their daughter, had graduated high school. Her and Brad were on the verge of becoming empty nesters leaving Ashley with more and more time on her hands. Ashley found herself looking for things to occupy her mind and time. Ashley missed her son Doug and it left her heart heavy each time she gazed at his empty chair at the dinner table. She had always been aware of her close bond with him. He was handsome like his father and she often found herself wondering if he was as sexual as Brad also. She had always felt close to Doug and loved having him close to her. The way he looked into her eyes made her feel sexual and she felt a jealousy inside her whenever he spoke of the girls in his life. She just attributed that to the love she felt for him as his mother. He looked and acted so much like her husband when he was at Doug’s age that she always attributed the pulsing she felt in her clit to the memories of her and Brad back then. Ashley refused to admit even to herself that her throbbing was for her son. No, she could never allow thoughts like those into her mind even if somewhere inside her she knew it was true..

Arianna was exploring her options for college, and also contemplating going out of state, possibly even to the same school as her brother. That fact weighed heavily on Ashley’s mind as she thought of all the nights she would be at the dinner table alone when Brad was out of town on business. Ashley thought it would be nice to have Doug come home for the July 4th holiday and stay through the following weekend and have the entire family together. They had planned for Doug to arrive home on Monday the week of the 4th. If Doug had kept to that plan maybe their family dynamic would never have undergone such a dramatic change as it did.

Mr. Harris, their Landscaper had called on June 25th to say that his son would be by the following morning around 7 A.M. to cut the grass and clean and maintain the pool. Ashley had told him that would be fine as Arianna was spending the night at a friends and Brad would be working and she had a salon appointment for that morning.

Ashley pictured Mr. Harris’ son Johnny in her mind as she talked to his father. Johnny was around 25 or so and very fit with the muscular body of a man that worked using those muscles. Unlike his father, who has a dark ebony color, Johnny has a caramel complexion which made her wonder if his mother was white. The image of him in her mind was troubling to Ashley as the thought of his physique or especially his presence lately instilled an uneasiness in her body and mind. She found herself feeling anxious and a pulsing in her clit in his presence that left a guilty feeling lingering in her mind. Her and Brad had always had an active sex life and up until she was 35 or so she had never given a thought to another man. Around that point in time though Brad’s job began requiring more and more of his time. There always seemed to be another big deal to work on that left him tired and her wanting in the bedroom.

Ashley loved her husband and would never think of actually cheating on him. Lately though she found herself more and more wondering what another man would be like sexually and curious as to what she had missed because of being with Brad her entire sexual life. Her female friends were always telling stories of their sexual pursuits in high school and college, talking about guy’s huge cocks etc. It never bothered her as long as she was being satisfied by Brad, but for the past few years the throbbing she experienced when hearing the exploits of others left her overwhelmed with curiosity and need. She found her gaze more and more frequently falling to a man’s crotch area lately. As with Johnny, the sight of a large lump in a man’s pants made her wonder what she was missing that he could fulfill. Brad was by no means small but he was certainly not the size of the men in the porn sites that she found herself frequenting online lately. She had to wonder if they didn’t somehow manipulate the images and videos online. Some of the cocks she saw there seemed more aptly fit on an animal than a human, especially the black ones. She seemed always to wind up watching white women being subjugated by a hugely hung black man or men until she became so aroused she had to take out her large black dildo and find relief with it driving deep inside her.

The nights Brad stayed away out of town on business she found herself thinking of those huge dicks and how they might feel. The outline of Johnny’s large cock entered her mind frequently as she lay alone unable to sleep, especially the memories of him stiffening, growing as he gazed at her and Arianna in their Bikini’s. It was at those times her thoughts and desires instilled a need that always forced her to masturbate in order to rid herself of the throbbing at her clit and the yearning within her pussy. Those thoughts and desires, really more curiosities than desires were becoming more frequent of late. As she lay panting after each tensing release she always felt guilt at her having thoughts of other men to bring her satisfaction, especially those of Johnny, a black man.

It was those thoughts that caused her to blush when he was around and he caught her staring at him. She felt like he was reading her mind and knew her panties were soaked as she stared. He would just smile his magnetic smile and pull his tee shirt off over his head knowing she was watching him work. Every time he did that she could feel her pussy filling with moisture knowing he was giving her a show. He was so confident of his manhood that he didn’t feel the need to actually flirt by saying something and he never tried to hide his hard erection as her or Arianna showed off their bodies in their skimpy Bikini’s. He definitely wasn’t shy about being aroused by them and wanting them both to know it.

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