Coach’s Orders: Enhanced Protein by TurinTurambar

Even with all this it was a hard thing to actually say, so I took a moment to gather my strength before answering. “Tori told me one of you might ask something like this, though she did not mention how eloquently you might say it.” I told the girl with a laugh, hoping that some humor might lessen the strangeness of the situation. The girl beamed out a brighter smile at this, and stuck out her chest some as pride swelled within her.

“And it seems like there is truly no talking you all out of this, so I suppose we better just get it over with and move on. Yeah I’ll help you out with this.” I announced, though I had to force each word out as quickly as I could before my resolve broke and I backed out of agreeing at all. As I spoke I felt that sense of freedom once more, and this time even stronger. With each boundary I broke through I felt more liberated and even more happy. For once in my life I was not adhering to some plan I had made long ago, but truly living life in the moment. And that feeling felt good enough to be addictive.

A few things happened immediately after I agreed, all of which surprised me to at least some extent. The first was Tori’s reaction. I had guessed she would be quite shocked to hear me give in to the request so readily, but as I looked at her Tori just gave me a quick thumbs up and a reassuring wink. It appeared that Tori had expected me to agree, or at least she was happy and perhaps a bit proud that I had. The next thing that stunned me was how instead of going to find a cup for me to fill up, the girl in front of me just sank down to her knees and moved her hands to my waist. I was still trying to process what she was doing when she pulled down my shorts and my underwear in one swift motion.

With that action Tori’s face finally did show something very rare for her, complete shock and surprise. And as great as hers was, it paled in comparison to mine. By reflex thankfully I managed to reach down and cover up my cock while my mind was still reeling and unable to put together a coherent thought.

What helped me regain my bearings was the newfound sense of purpose of living in the moment. If this had happened to me a few minutes ago, I might have stayed in shock for much longer. “What the hell, I’m not doing it here. Just get me a cup or something and I’ll go… do the deed in a bathroom or something.” I protested, not even being able to say jerk off in front of all those girls.

The girl looked up at me with confusion on her face before realization dawned and she giggled softly. “Oh no, that wouldn’t work at all. I thought Tori would have told you all about this, but I guess we must not have told her exactly everything about how this is supposed to work. In order for this to work, your sperm needs to be fresh, and I mean extremely fresh. Even the time it would take for you to come back from the bathroom to bring it to us would take too long and its potency would be gone.” She explained calmly. I had a hard time listening carefully to her though because even as she spoke the girl tried to pry my hands away from around my cock.

Tori was quick to confirm what the girl had said. “No, you definitely didn’t tell me anything about that, Elise. I had no idea you had to have it that fresh.” Tori said with a light laugh, giving me the name of the girl. Tori’s surprise had shifted into more of a keen interest. She was focused on what Elise was trying to do, but didn’t make any move or say anything to stop her. And she seemed at least partially amused at how embarrassingly the situation had developed for me.

Seeing how I could rely on no aid from Tori to get me out of this situation I looked down at Elise while still trying to keep my dick covered. The red-haired girl’s face showed a strong willpower and a relentless desire to achieve what she wanted. I knew that there was little chance in simply convincing her to abandon her goal. And strangely I felt like less and less drive to convince her to do so myself. Much of my hesitation to jerk me off till I came was that I had not planned for it to happen, but already I had done several things I had not planned for and so what was another. My resolve to resist was diminished more and more by the second.

Perhaps sensing that my desire to withstand her advances was lessening, Elise ceased trying to pull away my hands and looked up pleadingly towards me to give me one more chance to agree. “Please Coach David, I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t think this was important. We need to find out if this works or not, and you’re the first chance we have gotten and maybe the only one we will get. I’ll do all I can to make this as quick and easy as possible. And besides, you already promised to help.” Elise begged me, giving me such wide and innocent eyes I nearly melted.

It might have been her lovely face looking pleadingly at me that convinced me. It might also have been her words that she infused with honesty and pure intent. It may also have been how now stepping outside my planned and orderly life I felt free enough to try anything. Her mentioning a promise did also invoke a strong urge in me to keep my word when I had sworn to do something.

Whatever it was, my decision was definitely aided by how as my shame and reluctance departed from me it allowed the lust and desire building up in me ever since I had entered the room full of sexy half naked young women to take control. “Fine, we’ll do this your way.” I said with far more confidence that I thought I would, but I felt every ounce of it.

Elise’s face changed swiftly from pleading to joyous satisfaction, especially as I dropped my hands away from my cock. And in her eagerness I felt a thrill of excited anticipation run up through my body. Not only was I going to help these girls with something they obviously cared deeply about, but I was going to get a handjob from a beautiful girl as well. Just taking that into consideration all my previous hesitations and fears seemed quite silly.

Now that she was given the go ahead Elise did not waste time. Reaching up she wrapped her small hand around my cock as much as she could and began to stroke it back and forth along my length. As her soft hand gripped me firmly I let out a low moan, feeling the pleasure of her gently stroking me. I already had a semi-erection before, but now that I wasn’t trying to suppress it and it was reaching direct attention my dick swelled and increased in size.

As my cock grew, so did Elise’s eyes, widening as she saw what the full size of my erect dick was. “God, I didn’t think it could get even bigger.” Elise admitted with awe in her voice. And she was not alone in her interest at the size of my penis. The whole rest of the team had moved closer and formed a half circle around Elise, every single one with eyes focused on my cock. They exchanged impressed whispers, mentioning how favorably I compared to others dicks they had seen or touched. I had been told by previous partners that my cock was of impressive size, but I had always thought they were just flattering me. But now I could tell they had all been telling the truth.

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