Coach’s Orders: Enhanced Protein by TurinTurambar

Challenges and bets had been a strong part of our relationship, and one we both felt was very sacred. To put someone up to a bet was a solemn thing, and to break the bounds of a bet once agreed to was to challenge the very core of our friendship. And every bet we finalized by hooking our pinkies together.

When she did this I knew Tori was far more serious about this than she had been about anything in a long time. This wasn’t just another ploy by her to get me to join in on a crazy scheme for the fun of it, but something she truly thought would be worth my while. So despite not even knowing exactly what I was agreeing to yet I didn’t hesitate to lift my hand and join my pinky finger with her’s. “Yeah, I’ll take that bet,” I sighed out, wondering just what sort of chaos I had consigned myself to.

Giggling and pumping one hand into the air in victory as we squeezed our pinkies together Tori then sat back and grinned wide at me. “Okay, well then here it is. Even without the bet I think you’d want to come and test this out. So the team keeps getting focused on these trends they find from one source or another that promise incredible performance boosts. One time it was making sure they drank a gallon of water every day, another time it was a bunch of these exotic berries with every meal. Usually they get tired of the trend after doing it and realizing it doesn’t do much to help. But just a few weeks ago they started to go crazy over a new thing.” Tori recounted to me, leaning forward and lowering her voice almost to a whisper.

“One of them read online that the ultimate source of hyper-strong ultra-powerful protein that will totally change their lives is from sperm.” Tori said in a soft and conspiratorial voice, still staring into my eyes.

I narrowed my eyes and put on a puzzled expression. I was confused firstly as to how this related to me at all, and also why it was any different than any other trend. “What, so they are getting their boyfriends to cum in their mouths more often now?” I asked, wondering why they hadn’t figured out that this trend wasn’t a magic solution. And it surely wasn’t true, otherwise every porn star would be an unstoppable powerhouse.

Grinning, Tori shook her head. “Well here’s the thing, wherever they found this info it apparently told them that you can’t get the sperm from just anywhere. Only older guys who are still fit and in shape are capable of producing such powerful jizz. Younger guys and those out of shape just don’t produce anything near as potent. It apparently also has to be relatively fresh and consumed right before any activity to work, so no finding a guy and then saving their sperm till right before practice. And since their parents watch these girls like a hawk whenever they aren’t at practice none of them have been able to test out this theory, though they all still believe it completely. Usually they trust my word and I can talk them out of ridiculous ideas, but this time nothing I have been able to say has swayed them from thinking athletic guys over thirty five shoot elixirs of strength from their dicks.” She told me a smirk before poking me first on my chest against my solid pecs and then down my torso against my firm abs.

Though our lives were lived very differently, the one thing that did run true through both my planned and orderly life and Tori’s wild and carefree one was our dedication to keeping fit and working out. And as much as I knew that under her loose and oversized t-shirt she had a narrow waist and a toned ass Tori knew that I kept my muscles strong and large from my time in the gym and visible from my effort in the kitchen.

Despite her further explanations I still had no idea what Tori might be trying to get me to do. I had enjoyed hearing about the silly trends of the younger generation and how they blindly followed them, and I couldn’t deny that it gave me certain stirrings of lust to hear that there were some youthful ladies out there with an urge to sample the cum of people similar to me. But the path those thoughts lead down was made up of only unreal fantasies.

Letting out a slightly tired sigh I tried to maneuver Tori into telling me exactly what she wanted me to do. “So, that’s a fun story and all, but you still haven’t told me what you are betting me to test out.” I asked, my voice giving away some of the exasperation I was feeling.

Tori raised an eyebrow at me and made a face that suggested she didn’t quite believe I wasn’t understanding the point she was making. “Well duh you doofus, I’m asking you to come along to our next practice to check out the job. The bet is that during your time there at least one of the girls will ask you for your cum so that they can try and see if it works.” Tori explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

My breath left my lungs and I sat there shocked at what Tori had just said. I had known her plan would be strange and more than a bit wild, but what she had just suggested was still beyond anything I had imagined. It took a few moments for me to regain my composure and respond. “That’s just ridiculous, Tori, completely insane. You can’t expect me to walk in there and have some young girls ask me to jerk off in front of them all so they can eat my jizz. I’d get kicked out, I might get arrested!” I protested in a loud and hard voice, worked up into a light fury at the boldness of her plan and its potential repercussions for me.

Tori remained unfazed by my complaints and just waited for my diatribe to end. “There’s no reason to believe that David. First off all the girls are at least 18, so everyone is an adult there. Nothing illegal is going to happen. And second I don’t think they’d be that crazy to ask you to jerk off right there for them. They’ll probably just give you a cup or something and ask you to fill it in the bathroom. And besides I’m not asking you to actually do it, I’m only betting you that at least one of them will ask you. They’ve worked themselves into a frenzy trying to find the right guy to give them a sample so when they see you I am sure they will at least try and request it.” Tori clarified, and though her explanations didn’t alleviate all my worries they did calm the worst of them.

Still frazzled by the extreme nature of the bet I took another few moments to calm down. Thankfully Tori didn’t press me and we enjoyed some minutes of silence just drinking a few beers. This left me plenty of time for thought, and it might have been the growing amount of alcohol in my system but Tori’s idea became less and less crazy the more I thought about it. The only thing she was actually asking me to do was come along with her to her job and see how it was. I was fairly sure that despite her certainty that none of the cheerleaders would dare ask for a serving of my jizz to eat, so in reality it was just a chance to check out a job that might be a good fit while I planned out how to recover and rebuild my life.

Letting out a long sigh I closed my eyes and steadied myself, preparing to announce my decision. Tori grew alert at this and began intensely focused on me. “Fine, you made some good points, and I suppose I did agree to the bet. I’ll come along to practice with you.” I agreed, though without much enthusiasm. Only a half second passed after I had voiced those words aloud before Tori lunged towards me and embraced me in a tight hug.

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