Coach’s Orders: Enhanced Protein by TurinTurambar

I endured the hug somewhat stoically for a few moments before opening my eyes and letting out a laugh. Wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her back I noticed that in her leap towards me Tori’s shirt had risen up and as we hugged her ass was completely out in the open, letting me know she had indeed refrained from any clothing but that t-shirt for the evening. This might not have normally made much of an impact on me, but something about that night made my heart begin to beat faster as I looked down at her tight rear. Perhaps it was all the talk of girls wanting to try my cum but the sight of Tori’s body aroused a desire for me that I thought I had long given up. Thankfully she then soon pulled back from the embrace.

As her shirt fell back down to cover her more fully Tori beamed a joyful smile towards me. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise you are not going to regret this.” She swore, giggling like a schoolgirl in her thrill of having won me over.

Laughing I ran a hand through my hair and prayed that she was right. “So the next practice is Monday, so that’s when we’ll go. So tomorrow I’ll get you the address and everything, and I’ll tell my boss that you are coming to check out the job and possibly fill out the position.” Tori informed me as she quickly began to put together the details. She was stopped short when her phone gave off a loud ding.

“Oh shit, that must be the pizza.” Tori remarked as she got up to check the alert. She had left her phone over in the kitchen so she hurried over to get it. I had a clear line of sight to her as she leaned over to pick her phone up, and I couldn’t help but watch as the shirt rose higher and higher up her slender and gorgeous legs. Between the talk of me being wanted to jerk off a load for some hungry young athletes and the sight of her ass during our hug I couldn’t help but have my cock stir and harden some in my pants. Tori didn’t bend over enough to expose her ass though, so despite most of my body wishing she did, Tori didn’t give me too much to leer at before she strode back over to the couch.

She fell back into her seat next to me and leaned against my shoulder. “Pizza should be here in just a minute or two.” Tori informed me before setting her phone aside. Her eyes moved down and roamed over my waist for a moment, and I silently prayed she didn’t notice the half grown erection pressing against my pants.

Happily she quickly moved her gaze up and pulled away to look up towards my eyes, though she wore a mischievous smile that worried me in other ways. “So, if it’s a nice guy delivering our pizzas should I give him an extra tip by flashing him?” Tori asked with a smirk as she toyed with the edge of her shirt.

I narrowed my eyes and gave her a disapproving glare. Though I didn’t mind Tori being sexually free and exploring ways to express and display her beauty, her teasing me about it at that moment roused some discontent within me, possibly even some jealousy. Sticking out her tongue at me Tori nudged me in the side with her elbow. “Or maybe if it’s a cute girl should I invite her in so that you can give her the tip? And perhaps a bit more?” She proposed with a suggestive look as she stuck a fingertip into her mouth. And if that wasn’t enough to inflame some desire within me the way she put on an alluring tone on her voice that made my heart skip a bit.

I quickly shook my head, trying not to think too much about the offer. Partly because there was a decent possibility Tori could pull it off if it was a woman bringing us our pizzas, and partly because even entertaining the idea made me think how much I would want Tori involved in whatever happened. “No Tori, I don’t think that’s what I need right now.” I coughed out, trying to bring my racing heart back down to normal.

Tori’s eyes flicked down back towards my waist and a doubtful look crossed over her face. “I don’t think that’s true at all, David. I think that’s exactly what you need right now. But of course you’re never going to admit that to me. Me especially in fact, despite what it could mean if you do.” Tori retorted as her eyes made a slow path up over my body till they met my eyes.

Taking in a breath my pulse only quickened, and I felt I was dangerously close to breaking a wall that had been between Tori and I. At the last second before I felt forced to make a move the doorbell rang and stopped me. The tense moment between Tori and I stretched on and was only broken when the doorbell rang a second time. “I guess I should go get that then,” Tori murmured out in a soft voice that hinted towards disappointment as she turned away and got up to answer the door.

As she moved away I silently both cursed myself for ignoring that opportunity like I had done to many like it before, and praised myself for not giving into something which would have changed things beyond what I could predict. That dual feeling stormed within me for the rest of the evening, but it never came to the forefront again. In fact after Tori came back with the pizza the whole night went along without even a mention of what had happened, or even anything about the bet or Tori’s new job. So slowly the shock and fear about what might happen that next Monday moved further and further from my mind while Tori and I had a great Saturday night like many of the ones we had before.

I took an uber home early Sunday morning when Tori and I finally called it a night and spent most of the rest of that day either sleeping or nursing a hangover. Hanging out with Tori always made me drink a bit too much than I would have wanted, but the fun was usually worth the trouble. The only reminder I got of the agreement I had made the night before was a text from Tori giving me the address of the training academy and the time I should be there, as well as a few details like what to bring and what to wear. I went to bed that night only slightly dreading what might be waiting for me the next day.

Monday morning, and really the whole day before going to the academy, I tried to either find a way to slip out of the bet or find the courage to tell Tori that I just couldn’t do it. Both of these goals I knew were impossible, as both involved breaking my promise and going back on the bet with Tori. That was something I couldn’t do, no matter what, since it would involve shattering the base upon which our friendship had been built. So a quarter hour before the time Tori had arranged for me to show up I sat in my car in the parking lot of the academy staring straight ahead and imagining all the ways this could soon ruin my life even more.

I was interrupted by a sharp knock on my window. After calming down from being startled I saw that it was just Tori and I rolled down my window. “I knew you would arrive early. Come on in with me so I can show you around!.” Tori told me with a giggle and waved her hand for me to follow her.

Letting out a sigh I got out of my car to join Tori, taking with me the notebook and pen she had asked me to bring along. She had already strolled ahead a bit and as I caught up I couldn’t help but take a moment to admire her outfit. She had on a tight athletic shirt that left her shoulders and most of her back bare. The shirt ended just above her navel, and clung tightly to her chest showing the shape of her perky breasts. She also wore some yoga shorts that seemed skin-tight, fully revealing every curve of her ass. With how much her outfit seemed to excite me from even just a glance, I might have guessed that it would have been inappropriate to wear to any job that didn’t involve stripping. But that must not have been the case as both the shirt and the shorts were branded with the academy’s name and logo, making me assume that the dress code was a bit different here than I expected.

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