Coach’s Orders: Enhanced Protein by TurinTurambar

The room was very large and stretched out to my left and even further to my right. On my left the room was separated into two roughly equally sized sections, neither of those containing anything that shocked me. The section closest to me was set up similar to a traditional classroom. There was a blackboard on the wall and a desk near it for an instructor to sit with perhaps three dozen school desks facing the blackboard. Further away from me the remainder of the space on my left was separated from the rest of the room by a waist high wall with several large openings. It was filled with several office desks, all furnished with office chairs and computers and the regular supplies any office worker would need.

On my right is where my surprise and astonishment came from. This side of the room was separated into three spaces, each with its own clear purpose. In the far corner was a decently large space mostly blocked off by walls, but it had large doors completely made out of glass and several windows that let me see that the inside looked like a sauna. A sauna alone would have greatly surprised me, and the fact that the interior could be viewed easily from the office space shocked me even more. But this wasn’t even the most astounding feature of the room.

Next to the sauna along the back wall was an area that had a recessed tiled floor with several drains fitted onto it. That section also had several pillars spaced throughout the middle with shower heads fitted along their sides. I hardly had time to be amazed at an open air shower room because immediately to my right were two rows of lockers and a line of benches between them. This might not seem as surprising as an unenclosed shower space in full view of an office space and a classroom set up, but the fact that it was filled with nearly two dozen young women actively changing out of street clothes and into gym wear made it the most remarkable feature of all.

It took me a few moments to take in the whole room, but during the entire time I didn’t move a muscle except for my eyes. The pure shock of seeing not just an open layout that didn’t even try to obscure a changing area or a showering section but also having a large group of young women using that changing area kept me from moving. The girls in the midst of changing also seemed too surprised to react at my arrival. Not a single one said a word and besides a few who moved to cover themselves up nobody moved an inch.

This lack of activity and reaction lasted just a few more moments before Tori walked in and shut the door behind her. Tori was the only one immune to the stillness and from the huge smile full of satisfaction on her face she seemed to be enjoying it immensely. When the girls noticed that one of their coaches had arrived, and saw that Tori didn’t act like anything was wrong with my presence there, a visible wave of relief passed over them and they began to turn and whisper excitedly to each other. The few that had covered themselves at the sight of me intruding in on them let their hands fall away from covering their bodies, and I was reminded of how Tori had mentioned she had tutored the girls on how to be comfortable with sharing their bodies around others.

Though the girls seemed to have taken that lesson to heart very well and didn’t seem to care that I was in the perfect position to ogle them, I did not have their training and my body couldn’t help but react to the sight of so many beautiful bodies in various states of undress. Thankfully none of them had stripped fully down and all were at least in their bra and panties, but still the display had given me enough excitement that I felt the need to hold the notebook I had brought down below my waist. I felt like a schoolboy covering up his erection as he got up from his seat, and I desperately tried to divert my attention as I turned to Tori and leaned in close to speak with her.

“What the god damned hell Tori. I thought we were going into your office, not whatever this is. And what the actual fuck, how long have you been here that you convinced them to redesign the area and make this place some hippy free-love nudist camp.” I whispered to Tori in as harsh a tone as I could while keeping my voice down so that the girls could not hear me.

Not being taken back a bit by my tone Tori just smiled at me with devious trickery shining in her eyes. “I did bring you to my office, can’t you see, David? It’s right over there. You wouldn’t claim that I’m lying would you?” She told me with a smirk as she pointed to the only desk in the office area that had more than just basic supplies on it. On it were enough personal effects that looked exactly like what Tori would have on her desk that I knew she was telling the truth.

“And I haven’t made them redesign anything. This place has always been set up without the walls and barriers people so often use to separate and divide up our lives, though in truth I think the original intent was more to limit privacy and exert control. But with me basically in charge I’ve been able to redirect that towards a more positive use of the space.” Tori insisted as she shifted her gaze away from me to wave and smile kindly towards one of the girls behind me.

Focusing her eyes back on mine Tori let out a light sigh. “So, if you’re done acting like an overexcited teenager at the first mention of boobs in health class we should probably introduce you. It’s getting a little weird having you just stand here.” Tori told me with a light giggle before grabbing my arms and turning me around to face the whole team once more.

Tori softly cleared her throat which had the whole group of girls quickly fall into silence. Now that the growing murmurs and whispers of the girls had ceased they completely focused on Tori and I. “Everyone, this is my good friend David, who is checking out our team to see if he will be a good fit to join as our assistant coach in charge of nutrition. I’ve known him for a very long time, so I can tell you he’s one amazing dude. So please try and make this as wonderful an experience for him as possible ladies, especially since he’s our ticket to meeting our competition requirements!” Tori announced with a loud and clear voice, and had a tone far more like that of a teacher than I ever expected for her to have.

I didn’t expect the team’s response either. “Yes Coach Tori,” They all said as one, looking at Tori with obvious reverence and respect. Whatever else Tori had done in her time teaching and helping these girls she had certainly earned their trust and obedience.

Tori grinned proudly and reached down to squeeze my hand, a gesture that was normal in our relationship but was made to feel awkward as so many young ladies watched it with what I could only determine as envy. “We’ll get you all introduced to David once we are all ready and in the gym. I’ve got to go over a few things with him now but if you need us before we head over to the gym please don’t be afraid to come over and ask.” She instructed the group. I didn’t appreciate her openly inviting them to come and ask me questions, considering our bet, but I didn’t know what I could do about that.

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