Just Ten Things Pt. 05 by PickFiction

After a few minutes, she stopped, stood, and tossed the T-shirt to DJ. She went to the leg press machine, set the weight, adjusted the back, and began pushing with her legs. DJ took another video, wondering what would be next. It wasn’t long until he found out.

She stood, unfastened the sports bra, and handed it to DJ. It was warm in the gym, and after two exercise sessions, Bonnie’s skin had a light sheen, which DJ found to be almost overwhelmingly attractive. She was topless, without a mask. He took the video as she walked to the pull-down device. Not surprisingly, she had been noticed, and three men and one woman were heading toward her.

When she reached up to take hold of the bar, her breasts rose with her arms. When she pulled down, they lowered and became more pointed. Back up, and then down.

“Honey, do you usually work out here? I don’t recognize you.”

“Haven’t been here for a while,” she replied.

“Be nice if you were here every day, ma’am,” one of the older men suggested.

They all continued to watch until she stood and peeled off the spandex shorts, revealing the red bikini panties.

“I dreamed of this happening, but I never dreamed of someone like her. Is she your girlfriend, buddy.”

“I wish. I really do, but I’m here to video what she does.”

“So, is this some kind of a special deal?

“Yeah, several women are doing dares.”

“I’m glad she chose here. I mean, great tits and body, you know.”

Bonnie walked to a small rack, selected two dumbbells, then stood with her arm stiff, slowly raising the dumbbells to shoulder height, then lowering them. Of course, this affected her breasts, much to the delight of the watchers, that group having grown by four or five.

She returned the dumbbells to the rack, walked to DJ, and, in a few seconds, handed him the panties and went to the treadmill. She adjusted the speed and began jogging on the treadmill.

DJ could barely believe she had chosen to do that. And he was surprised that she was running, not just jogging. As he looked around at the watchers, most had looks of amazement on their faces. As she ran, her breasts swung and bounced in rhythm with her strides. No one made a comment, mesmerized by what they were seeing.

Bonnie ran on the treadmill for about five minutes, then shut it down and stepped off. She waved to DJ, who brought her clothing to her. She slipped on the spandex shorts and the T-shirt and headed for the door, DJ right behind her.

“I couldn’t keep that up much longer,” she said to DJ as they went out the door. “It was freaking uncomfortable. It reminded me of why I wear the sports bra.”

“I’m not going to comment because I might get myself in trouble.”

She chuckled. “That good, huh? I hope you remembered to video.”

“I did that, for sure. I’m sure your group will enjoy watching that. It’s kind of like some of those really old movies that college guys liked to watch of naked girls playing volleyball.”

“Ugh, I think I can picture that. Let’s head home and see what number six is. Maybe another simple one like this.”

“I don’t know the other ladies, of course, but are all of them just getting topless and stuff?”

“Well, my list had some stuff that included men as well, so I hope there are some tougher ones for the others, too.”

“Want to drive the MR2 to your place?”

“You’re not going to give up on that, are you?”

“I can be a little stubborn.”

“Okay, then. I’ll drive it. It’s not far to my place and mostly on side streets, so let’s add something not on the list.”

DJ raised his eyebrows.

She climbed into the driver’s seat of the little red car, adjusted the seat, pulled off the T-shirt, and fastened her seatbelt.

“I think you’re getting to like this topless stuff. I know I am,” he added with a chuckle.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said with a snicker. “Give me the key, and we’ll get going.”

DJ handed her the key, and she started the car.

“You remembered to push in the clutch before you started.”

“I told you that I’d done this before, so sit back and enjoy the first couple of jerks as I figure out where the clutch engages.”

“It was adjusted not too long ago, so it’s very near the top.”

The engine revved, and the car shot off without a jerk, but way faster than DJ had anticipated. He looked at Bonnie and smiled.

“Surprised you, didn’t I?”

“Surprised yourself, too, I bet.”

“Yup. I didn’t learn on a five-speed, so we’ll see how that goes.”

It went better than either of them could have anticipated, although DJ had trouble taking his eyes off her boobs to watch what she was doing. When she pulled into her driveway, she had a big smile.

“The remote is on the floor by your feet if you’d like to open the garage door.”

He did, and they pulled inside. Bonnie reached down beside the seat, retrieved the big yellow envelope, and pulled out number six. She opened it and unfolded the paper.

You are to indulge yourself in a self-administered BDSM session, the instructions for which are included below.

“Go ahead and read it,” DJ said, anxious to hear what he might be seeing next.

“I’m thinking,” she said, glancing at the paper again.

She knew she could simply follow the instructions on the paper while allowing DJ to video the results. Or, she could set up the camera, dismiss DJ, and follow the instructions. That would be awkward, though. She knew what Sandy, Amber, and Christine would prefer. A masked man tormenting her. But could she do it, and where would it lead in their developing relationship? The more she thought about it, the more she realized she only had one choice.

“Wait here,” she said and hurried to her bedroom. She was back in thirty seconds and handed the mask to DJ.

“Another challenge with a mask?”


“What are you doing this time that you need a mask?”

“Oh, it’s not for me; it’s for you.”

“I don’t get it.”

“The paper says that I’m to treat myself to a self-BDSM session, but I’d rather do it with a dom … like you.”

DJ looked at her and smiled. “So, you’re willing to have me tie you up, probably naked, and then do things to you.”

“Are you asking if I trust you?”

“I believe you know that I wouldn’t do anything to harm you.”

“You did, once.”

“And it cost me eight years of my life.”

Bonnie felt her heart quiver when he said that. She’d felt that sting as well and wondered if she’d stayed single all this time, hoping something like this might happen. Maybe she’d soon find out.

“Hey, get that look off your face. It was nothing I didn’t deserve.”

“Let’s look at what you’re supposed to do to me and what supplies we need to make it happen.”

They sat side by side on the couch, each reading what was on the small paper that Bonnie was holding.

“Wow,” DJ said after a couple of minutes. “You’re going to do that?”

“You’re going to do that to me.”

“Bon, are you sure? It kind of worries me.”

“I think the idea of BDSM is to push your limits. These things will do that. One thing, though. You have to be naked, too.”


“You’ll have a mask, the same one I used.”

“Yeah, but I’m naked, and so are you. Is that a good idea?”

“Quite a test, huh.” She knew that it really was a test, and if he passed, she’d get serious about starting over. Things were happening fast — it had been less than two days, but she couldn’t deny how she was feeling.

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