Just Ten Things Pt. 05 by PickFiction

“It’ll take fifteen minutes to get there, so I’ll put it on while you drive. And keep your eyes on the road, pervert.”

“If there’s a red light, I may peek.”

While DJ drove, Bonnie squirmed to put the vibrator in place. From the corner of his eye, he noted that she hadn’t bothered to wear underwear under her dress, which was one of those stylish ankle-length summer dresses. After about five minutes, she pushed the dress back down and looked at DJ.

“Here’s the remote, and the battery is installed.”

DJ took it. “How does this work?”

“The switch at the top turns it on. The slider switch has three positions, and you can guess how they work.”

“Probably tickle, oh boy, and here I come.”

“That’s not how the directions described it, but that’s pretty much it.”

“Ready for a quick trial?”

“Yeah, I thought I’d better do that before we get to the restaurant and you get carried away.”

“I’ll try to use good judgment,” he said as he flipped the top switch to on. Without looking at Bonnie, he moved the slide to the first position.

“Oh, shit,” she moaned. “Is that the low setting?”

“Yeah,” he answered, sliding it back to zero. “I’ll push it to number three quickly and then back to off right away.”

He did it and heard a gasping moan from Bonnie.

“I’m not sure I can stand you doing that in the restaurant. I’ll let you know.”

“That would be a good test of your self-control. Can you take that without moaning or looking like you’re about to come, which you probably would be?”

“Smart ass. Remember, I’m trusting you.”

She would have to play the trust card to keep him in check. And it would probably work, as he wasn’t willing to chance messing up what he appeared to have going with her. Still, he could barely wait, likening this to the BDSM session he’d had earlier.

So, they went into the restaurant looking like any other young couple out for a nice meal and perhaps a night on the town.

Bonnie had chosen a Chinese restaurant she particularly liked, and DJ pulled into the small parking lot, and they went inside. Of course, DJ gave her a quick dose of number one on the remote, and she did an excellent job of maintaining her composure. They were seated, ordered hot tea, and when the server left the table. She was treated to ten seconds of number two.

“If you do that very often, I’m going to lose interest in eating dinner,” she said with closed eyes while nibbling her lower lip.

“We’ll work on that,” he said, sending another five-second jolt her way.

When the server came to take their order, DJ laid the remote on the table so that Bonnie could relax and order. He quickly picked it up when the server left.

“Look around, Bon. There are only two other couples here right now, and they’re sitting quite a ways from us.”

“DJ, I don’t like the sound of what you’re saying.”

“According to the little paper, this is supposed to last for an hour or … ”

“Or until I orgasm. I remember it well.”

“You’ve been hooked up for fifteen minutes, so you have forty-five left.” He flipped the switch to one. “That’s not so bad, is it?”

“It’s … not bad … at all. It’s good. It’s good, DJ.”

He watched her face and knew that it must be good. He was tempted to switch to number two but saw the hostess about to seat a family close to them. He left it on one as an idea formed in his head. Another minute, and he switched it off.

Bonnie looked at him. “Why’d you do that.”

“I think you’re enjoying this way too much. When we go to dinner again, you’ll have to wear your friend.”

“Why just when we go to dinner?”

“Who the heck are you, Bonnie?”

“Our food is coming. Better switch it off.”

Indeed, their dinner came, they ate until they were full and had a leftover container to take home. DJ paid the bill, they ate their fortune cookies, laughed at their fortunes, and walked to the MR2 with ten minutes left in Bonnie’s hour. He pushed the switch to one when they were almost to the car.

“Ahhh,” Bonnie said as she settled into the passenger seat and smiled at DJ.

He wasn’t about to disappoint her and moved the switch to two.

Almost immediately, Bonnie’s breathing became faster and shallower. She closed her eyes. DJ couldn’t resist moving the switch to three, and Bon’s loud moan told him that he’d done the right thing.

Her body arched off the seat, and DJ watched her squeeze her breasts. Seconds later, she arched even more.

“Oh, fuck,” she fairly screamed, collapsing onto the seat, then arching again. She pressed her feet against the floor of the MR2, driving herself against the seat back.

“Gonna come, DJ.”


She was gasping for breath, and her body began to vibrate and spasm, loud moans escaping her lips. The car shook rhythmically to spasm after spasm.

“Okay,” she finally squealed, “enough, enough.”

DJ attempted to switch the vibrator off but dropped the remote.

He found it on the floor, accompanied by Bonnie’s frantic, “Turn it off. Turn it off,” and switched it off.

“Bastard, you did that on purpose,” she teased, poking his shoulder.

“I’m innocent, but I loved hearing that.”

“Hearing that?”

“The sound of you coming is like music from heaven.”

“It feels pretty good, too,” she said, still catching her breath.

“I hope I didn’t break the seat.”

“It was worth it if you did.”

“I’ve never used a vibrator before. It was … interesting.”

“And if I hadn’t shut it off, you’d have come again … and again … and again … and — ”

” — That’s enough. I would take days to recover from that.”

“I’m challenging you to try it. Yep, that’s your challenge.”

“I’m pretending I didn’t hear that.”

“Well, you still have tomorrow,” he said, “and two more tasks.”

“I don’t see how anything could top this one.”

DJ drove them home, and they talked for an hour about their past time together when they were young, then went to bed in their separate rooms.

DJ set his alarm since he wanted to prepare breakfast for Bonnie. He was up at six-thirty, scrambling eggs, frying bacon, making toast and coffee, and finally, shredding cheese to put on the eggs.

“Good morning,” a husky but familiar voice said.

DJ turned to see a scantily clad Bonnie standing in the kitchen doorway. He’d seen her naked, but what he saw this morning was even more exciting. Her nipples were hard and extended and clearly visible through the thin material of her top. Her dark muff was also visible through the tiny bottoms of her pajamas. She had been naked in front of him, but that was part of her challenge. Her appearance this morning was her own doing and had nothing to do with the challenge. It had his heart pounding.

“Well, what do you think?”

“Are you serious?”

“Very much so.”

“I think you look absolutely delicious.”

“Thanks. I enjoy getting a compliment once in a while. And breakfast smells wonderful. Thank you for fixing it.”

“I thought I could do that to celebrate the final day of your challenge.”

“It is the last day. Maybe I’ll get the envelope and see what number nine is before I eat breakfast. If I’m lucky, it will be an easy one because I bet number ten will be something else.”

Bonnie left the kitchen and was quickly back with the small envelope numbered nine,

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