Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 13 by MrStill

Cara agreed. “Yep, you’re right. You know what men are like in that sort of situation…” Mitch tried to follow his daughters’ reactions. He decided that the best thing to do was to keep silent.

Jessica did not try to bring Mitch into the conversation. Rather, she tried to look sternly at both daughters at the same time. “Is this some modern thing? You don’t seem very concerned about your father’s behaviour?”

Emily looked to Cara then replied to that. “We’re getting our cues from you. Neither of you seem too fussed by it. I mean, Dad, you’re just sitting there like, I don’t know, you forgot to put the rubbish out. And Mum, you haven’t thrown anything at him.”

Mitch looked blank. He sat there waiting for something from the women at the table.

Emily looked over to Cara who nodded back, so Emily stood up. “I think we’ve seen enough!” she exclaimed. Cara slid along her seat so that as Emily started out of the room, Cara could catch her up and leave with her.

“Parents!” Cara exclaimed, with energy equal to her twin. “Don’t ask us to sort you out. You two do it.” And they left.

The twins trudged into Emily’s room. “God, that was weird,” Emily complained to her twin. “I need to unwind.” Cara smiled knowing what would come next. Sure enough Emily unbuttoned her shirt, shucked off her bra, dropped her pants and so suddenly stood naked in front of her nonchalant sister who faced her with her arms crossed.

“Tiptoes,” ordered Cara gently. Emily complied, standing straight and reaching her hands together above her head. “I’m going to count to twenty,” Cara smiled. And she started counting with no urgency, just holding a grin on her face as she stared into her sister’s eyes watching Emily start to strain as Cara’s count got close to the promised target.

“God, I needed that,” Emily gasped as Cara reached twenty so that she could relax down. She shook out her arms and legs for a moment. “When I do that, I can’t do anything but concentrate on the strain in my calves,” she reported.

Cara nodded. “Kneeling now,” she ordered before her naked sister could totally relax.

Emily got into her mailgirl kneeling stance, her knees spread, balancing on her toes with her back straight, breasts thrust forward with her shoulders rolled behind to push her bust out just that little more. Cara stood over her. “Now what can I do?” she wondered. “I don’t have anything on hand for a bit of correction.” She scratched her chin thinking and then decided with a dangerous smile. And without warning she grabbed one of her sister’s breasts and slapped her hand tangentially across the protruding nipple. She was good at that. There was no sound but Emily flinched with the pain and the surprise. Cara made to grab at the other breast when they heard a gentle knock on the door.

“Girls,” Jessica called. They knew what would happen next. “It’s mum,” came the voice from behind the door. Jessica opened the door and looked in. And then she walked in. It took her a moment to adjust to the scene in front of her.

Emily lay in her bed on her back with the covers pulled up to her neck. Cara sat uncomfortably on a lower corner of the bed giving her sister a look of concern.

Jessica stopped a few steps into the room not knowing what to do or say to her children.

“I’m excessively diverted,” Emily cried out, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get out my bed again! What is to become of us?” Cara reached over as if to soothe her sister’s angst.

“Nobody is on my side,” their mother exploded, “nobody takes part with me, I am cruelly used.”

“Nobody feels for my poor nerves,” Emily complained. Under the covers, she pushed a bare foot against Cara’s thigh.

“You should be on the stage,” Jessica snapped back, reverting to her normal self. She missed the quick look of concern that Emily and Cara shared over that. Did their mother know?

Cara turned to Jessica. “What are you going to do about Dad then? Are we to be ruined?”

Jessica stepped back to close the door behind her, giving them a sense of confidentiality. Then she came forward. “I’m not going to do anything,” she confided.

“But what Dad did?” Emily started. Cara squeezed her sister’s thigh.

“The weaker vessel,” Cara explained to her sister. “So mum is going to forgive him this lapse. “Which means that your life is not ruined and you will still have prospects and money. You will not be a burden to your parents…”

“I don’t know about that,” Jessica wondered, getting into the vibe. Then she switched again. “Your father and I are going to work this out within our marriage. I need you two to not be judgemental or take sides. Because this is not a war. Agreed?” The two of them nodded enough to please Jessica who backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Cara pulled the covers off her sister. “You had your hand between your legs the whole time?” she exclaimed, shaking her head in wonder.

“Well, what would you do?” Emily demanded as she sat up. “God that was close,” she laughed. “Me trapped under here with stinging nipples and a sodden pussy.” She rubbed her breasts to try to soften them. Then she reached down to her clit for a bit of relief there.

Cara let go of the covers and stood up over her sister who was now happily getting herself off. “Is that out of Jane Austen too?” Cara snarked.

“Yep,” Emily smiled, spreading her legs wider, “it’s from Vag and Vagability.”

Cara shook her head and stood there watching her sister cum.


Jackson was last to arrive at the restaurant and had barely sat down when her friends started on her.

Samantha made sure that Jackson had her focus. “No secrets!” she ordered her.

“But I’ve always kept secrets from you,” Jackson complained.

Charlotte picked her up on that. “It’s time to stop. How long have we known each other?”

Jackson looked around the restaurant to ensure that she had some privacy. Then she leaned forward across the table towards her three friends. She took a deep breath. Then she just let it all out. Told them what she did at Harada Industries. Which made them speechless. So she explained. “There’s nothing to it. I go to work each day. I take my clothes off and deliver messages around the office. At the end of the day, I put my clothes back on and go home.” She sat back to let her friends digest her news.

Carrie was the first to think of something to say. “Somehow I thought there would be more to it than that?” she asked, trying to look adult about it.

Samantha took over from that before Jackson could respond. “There is. I mean all those men and women. Do they look at you?”

Charlotte smiled. She had another angle. “More to the point, do they do anything to you?” she asked.

Jackson, feeling a sense of relief that she had got her secret out, toyed with them. “Do anything?” she mocked.

Samantha decided she needed to be the sensible one. “For fucks sake, you’re naked in there. Are you going to tell me there’s no sex?”

“And none of that unwanted stuff…” Carrie added.

Charlotte looked askance at Carrie. But she was thinking the same thing. “How do you deal with the unwanted stuff?”

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