Mickey and Kate Ch. 07 by imaging

“She’s in for a good time!” Though they hadn’t noticed her, Liz was only a few feet away as the crowd broke up. “And it looks like you two are having fun!”

“We are.” Kate turned to find her admirer but was unable to spot him at the moment.

“I’m sure he’s not far away,” Liz laughed. “Yeah, we clocked you teasing him. Well done, girl!”

Kate felt herself blushing.

“Are you going to take him back with you?” Liz asked.

“No,” Kate shook her head.

“Right. Watching and being watched.” She looked around and spotted Derek. “Come with me.”

It was only then that Mickey and Kate noticed that a man had been standing with Liz. He was dark, lean, and well-dressed. Mickey recognized him as the man she had been dancing with earlier. Liz held his hand as she worked her way through the crowd to Derek.

“I think we’re ready to take the party back to the resort. Did you meet anyone?” she asked her husband.

“Yeah, some very nice people. And who’s this?”

“This is Jacob. Jacob, this is my husband Derek. And he would be very happy if you would give me a proper fucking tonight.”

Kate gasped. The proposal wasn’t unexpected, but the frankness of it caught her off guard.

“And I thought Mickey and Kate might be keen to come along, too. Just to watch, or whatever.”

The last bit was clearly added for Mickey and Kate’s comfort.

Before they could reply, Liz continued. “It will take us a bit to get Jacob into the resort, so why don’t you two talk it over, and if you want to come over to our place, we’d love to see you.” She paused. “Or to have you see us!” She laughed as she kissed Kate on the cheek, then followed with a kiss on the lips for Mickey. Derek leaned down to give Kate a more innocent peck, and they turned to leave.

“We’re going, right?” Kate asked as they slipped into the back seat of a well-worn taxi.

“I’m game if you are. But we just watch. Nothing else.”


They were surprised to see Liz at the resort entrance, waiting for them at the gate.

“Derek is getting Jacob a guest pass. Listen, I just wanted to check in with you now that we aren’t feeling some kind of rush or pressure. If you want to come, we would love it, and we promise that we won’t ask you to do anything. You’re welcome to do whatever you feel comfortable with, but we have no expectations.”

“Thanks. We’re really excited. But it’s not going to be… weird, you know, to have two people just sitting there staring at you?”

“Was it weird last night?”

“Well, yeah, kind of,” Mickey said. “I mean if you think about it.”

“But we were all good with it, right? I loved having you watch me. Derek has talked about it all day. And he will be doubly excited to share me with another guy and have somebody else get off on it, too.”

Mickey knew exactly how Derek must be feeling.

“One last thing. Is there any scenario or fantasy that you might like to see? A little creativity is always fun.”

Mickey looked at Kate and shrugged. “I think we’d be good with whatever you two…um, three, want to get up to.”

“Actually,” Kate said softly. “There is something. Unless you think it’s weird.”

Kate briefly explained what she had in mind. Mickey’s eyes grew as she spoke.

“I mean, if you think you might like that.” Kate concluded.

“That’s gonna be awesome. I can hardly wait!” Liz leaned up to Mickey and gave him another kiss like the one on the dance floor earlier.

“May I kiss you, Kate?” She asked when she finally pulled away from Mickey.

“Um, yeah, I guess so.” Kate had never considered another woman. She wasn’t attracted to the idea. But she wasn’t sure how to say no. And it was just a kiss after all.

Mickey could feel himself creaming as his wife was embraced, then kissed, by another woman. It was the same soft, sensuous, lingering kiss that he had just experienced. He watched as Liz’s hand slid lightly down Kate’s back, brushing her ass as she pulled away.

“I’ll go find the guys. Come as soon as you’re ready.” Liz said before turning on her heel and heading toward her building.

Mickey looked at Kate. She looked dazed. He was sure he looked the same way. His mind was reeling with questions. He found the words for none of them. So he simply took his wife’s hand and headed off behind Liz.

“What have you gotten us into?” Mickey asked.

“I thought you would like it. And Liz is obviously excited about it.”

“I just hope Derek shares her enthusiasm,” he said as they followed Liz through the open door into their room. It was a slightly larger suite than Mickey and Kate’s, lacking the hot tub patio, but with more floor space and better seating arrangements.

“Gentlemen,” Liz said as Derek closed the door behind them, “I’m going to step into the little girl’s room for a moment. Derek will fix you a drink, and Kate will explain the rules for our little game tonight.”

Liz closed the bathroom door behind her and Kate suddenly felt very awkward.

“Well, I was just thinking that if maybe the rest of you…”

“Just tell them, Kate. Straight out,” Liz hollered through the bathroom door.

“Oh, now I’m interested,” Derek smiled. “It’s always the shy ones! Tell us what we’re about to get up to.”

Kate took a breath and steadied herself. “Mickey is in charge. He’ll tell you all what to do.”

“Well, if Liz is up for it, I’m certainly game,” Derek nodded.

Jacob smiled broadly. “A porn director. I like it!. Where do we start?”

“Um…” Mickey thought quickly, remembering what he had seen a year ago. “Let’s all have a seat. In fact, Derek, let’s get this table out of the way.” They slid the coffee table from the middle of the room, setting it next to the patio door, behind a loveseat that ran parallel between the bed and the patio, to the right of the couch.

“Gentlemen, if you will please have a seat on that sofa.” He gestured toward the full couch that ran along the long wall. “Kate and I will sit here.” He took her hand and guided her to the loveseat, positioned at a right angle to the larger couch.

“Did everyone get a drink?” Liz called out.

“I think we’re only thirsty for you, babe!” He flashed that smile again, and Kate wondered what it might be like to have all of his attention for an hour.

Liz finally appeared and stepped toward the group.

“And what about me, Mickey? What do you want me to do?”

He pointed to the open spot in the middle of the floor. “There.”

She moved immediately to the place and looked him dead in the eye, waiting for the next instruction.

“Turn. Slowly. Let us look at you.”

She obeyed, letting them see every angle of her in that tight black dress. Only then did he notice how muscular she was. Not that lean body-building physique, but real curves, with defined lines. Her calves and thighs, enhanced by her heels, hinted at time in the gym, or on a bike. Her ass cheeks flexed as she moved, and he wondered how firm they would feel under his hand. For an instant, he thought about spanking her and feeling her hard cheek as he landed his palm on her ass.

When she finally completed her turn, the room was quiet. An anticipation was beginning to build.

“Derek, can you find some music?” Liz asked.

Derek nodded.

“Then put it on.” Even Micky was a little surprised at the tone of his voice. He meant it as a polite request. It sounded more like a command.

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