Sadie Outlaw Ep. 023: COPPERHEAD ROAD by SZENSEI

Sadie Outlaw Ep. 023: COPPERHEAD ROAD by SZENSEI

Dive into the tantalizing world of “Sadie Outlaw Ep. 023: COPPERHEAD ROAD” by SZENSEI, where passion and adventure intertwine in an unforgettable erotic journey. Join Sadie as she navigates desire and danger on a seductive road filled with enticing encounters. Uncover hidden pleasures and immerse yourself in this steamy tale that will leave you breathless. Perfect for those seeking a thrilling escape into sensuality!

“Damn it’s hot today and it’s only first light.”

Sadie Outlaw wasted her water trying to cool her flesh. Those nanites injected into her bloodstream and literally expanding to every pore of her body were supposed to have air conditioning units in them weren’t they. Her thoughts on that had her smirking. Short lived once Dorieann Finn and her Comanche companion Chasing Wind stepped from around a rock where they had just urinated.

“Hurry it up Ned!” Behind his own rock the goofy outlaw was taking a dump. No toilet paper to wipe with he had no choice but to use his poncho. He would gripe about his odor as much as anyone else once Chasing Wind produced a corn cob that her man Beaver had left to her in and against his will.

“I’m a comin’ Diva Diablo! Sorry for the smell I can’t help it, out here in the desert ain’t no leaves.”

“We’re all a mite ripe Ned.” Dorieann at least defended him. “I wish we was headin’ home. Sadie why do I gotta go back to the reservation?”

“To show the tribe we care and respect them. Beave was a good man he deserves a hotbed to go out on in style.” Meaning a torch to cremate him on a bed of straw and stick. “Now Snake, I say let the whole tribe piss down his throat and cast him down river.”

“I still wish to stay with you.” Chasing Wind pouted and hugged Sadie from the side.

“I know ya do Windy, but you have to set things straight with the Comanche so there’s no mistaking what side I’m on. Just go on home and I’ll find a way to take you with me once I get back.”

“Ain’t you gonna get in trouble over not returnin’ Ned to the law?” Dorie held her derby and swatted at flies buzzing around her due to Potter’s poncho of shame. “Ned, I like ya but step on back ten paces.”

“You can ride with Snake he deserves to be shit on.” Sadie sighed as her horse Tarnation walked up to nudge her shoulder. “I’m about ready. Don’t rush me. I want to get home as much as anyone.”

“Are you gonna settle in Sugar Plum?” Dorie grew giddy. “We can be best friends.”

“Always will be besties, Dorieann. You know I can’t stay I got things to do. Two things before I have to go back to work.”

“What’s that Diva Diablo?”

“I was born in Next of Kin, Ned. I need to visit… and pay respects of my own. The other… I can’t really explain because you wouldn’t understand. I jus’ need you all to trust me.”

“What about the towns money?” Dorie pointed at the cash box tied to Tarnation’s back.

“Stays with me until I can get it back to Sugar Plum safely. I won’t be long. Once I deal with my pitstops and Cyrus O’Malley I’ll work on rescuing the Dillsby’s.”

“Judge should be comin’ soon.”

“I might have to have a parlor parlay with him too.”

“I hear he’s friends with O’Malley.”

“Which makes my work that much harder.”

“Diva Diablo?”


“What about Miss Victoria. Her picture was in that there, locket we had. Sam never showed us that there locket.”

“Which makes me wonder how he ended up with it. She was the neighbor to the Dillsby’s ya say.”

“Yes’m! Her and Sam… ” He shied a bit.

“Bumped boots?”

“I shouldn’t be talkin’ about Sam.”

“Doesn’t explain the other guy in the locket with Vicki.” She knew it was her great grandfather Jessup but did not understand their connection just yet. According to Tilly Ford, Victoria Wyndham passed away in the future. Obviously, a well-orchestrated master plan on her part if she was in 1876. Time traveling was getting kind of congested in these parts. “I’ll need to have me a chat with Sam about her when I get back to town. Let’s jus’ get moving while we can it’s a long ride any direction. Ned? I’m trustin’ you not to go runnin’ off on Dorieann.”

“I won’t betray ya, Diva Diablo. You been good to me. ‘Cept draggin’ me naked through cactus plants.”

“Hey! If I didn’t do that, you’d never have got yerself close to Dorieann. She did pick those needles out of yer balls.”

“Gave ya some balls too.” Dorie grinned sheepishly at Ned. “Don’t get no ideas though.”

“You two can bicker and make up back at Waters Edge. Mount up Critters!” She slapped Chasing Wind on the ass then kissed her on the lips. “I’ll be back for ya, I promise.” Weeping slightly the beautiful squaw hugged her one last time then shared her mate Gnawing Beaver’s horse with his corpse. Even wrapped in a blanket the flies were horrid. Thankfully their horse liked to use his tail as a flyswatter.

Everyone on their steeds Sadie saluted them and sent her party on the trail back to the reservation. Rounding the corner and disappearing from sight Sadie turned Tarnation West and headed for the mesa where she first arrived here in 1876. “Fresh clothes and a hot shower here I come.”


Someone’s future! In doubt at the moment!

Boone Tickle Bear drove his ancient Jeep a bit clumsily tonight. After leaving his girlfriend, one he had only known for 24 hours at best he was struggling to cope with whatever this new reality was sending his way. Yesterday was full of insanity and processing it all was impossible. Firstly, running into Sadie Outlaw’s mother in the grocery store, a woman he had known since childhood then realizing she had no idea who he even was. Hell, Boone’s old prom date in High School had no clue to his identity. Bitch!

Secondly, returning to his two-story home and tattoo parlor he discovered his new girlfriend who by pictures and mail to prove they were a couple. He had supposedly been with Beatrice Chasing Wind for quite some time but had zero recollection as to ever meeting her before that moment. If she wasn’t so amazingly sexy, he would have thrown her to the curb for trespassing. Still, she like he was quite the talented tattoo artist by trade. Oddly enough they got along even if he were winging their relationship. Sex was incredible but once that was said and done, he decided he needed fresh air and his bottle of whiskey. So yes, driving drunk!

“Grandfather is in a nursing home. I have to drive up there in the next few days and see him. First light I’ll ride out to Eagles Nest and see if anything has changed there. Surely, grandfather did not leave willingly that was home.” Swigging from his bottle he began weaving into the other lane. That was all it took. A reflection in his rearview mirror he saw cherries light up along the side of an adjacent road. “Fuck!” Cop giving chase Boone quickly tossed his bottle out into the desert terrain. Hopefully, the officer didn’t see him do it. Siren blaring Boone pulled over and shut his Jeep off. A breath mint from a console popped into his mouth was all he had as a disguise. As if that was enough.

“I do not need this. My luck the cop won’t recognize me either.” Idle, the officer parked behind him blinding him with the headlights of his Bronco. He saw only a silhouette strolling his way but was forced to shield his eyes and turn down his mirror.


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