The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales – The Experimenters Part 1 by fidgetwrites

She remembered the note she’d written for herself a few seconds before, though, and absent-mindedly pinched a tiny, stiffening nipple as she read it to make sure nothing had changed. Wait, that can’t be right, she thought to herself, her anxiety returning as Zoey eagerly watched her friend continue to grope her small chest.

Showing people my tits is no different than flashing them my ass or pussy. Try as she might, Leah couldn’t think of a reason why showing her breasts could be worse, since either way she got to enjoy watching someone’s eyes hungrily lock onto her body as she revealed it to them. She grinned as Zoey’s breathing deepened with arousal and began tracing circles around her small areolas, trying to turn her friend on even more. Whether it made sense or not, Leah had to conclude that the ray had changed her in some way – for whatever stupid reason, tits were apparently the only body part that you weren’t supposed to want to show off, and the ray had clearly made her want to. Hell, it made me love it! she thought happily as a tingle started up between her own legs at the attention.

“Well, I guess that’s settled then,” Zoey said. “The ray definitely helped you get over your weird hangups with showing off your tits.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s so weird – I can remember writing this, but it just seems so unlike me. I love showing off my body!”

“Oh man, that’s so cool,” Zoey said as she felt herself getting even more turned on at her friend’s display. “Well, we’ve used the ray now, do you feel like a slut?”

“Definitely not,” Leah laughed in response. Her worry seemed silly in hindsight as she enjoyed the sight of her busty friend continuing to cup her own large, exposed breasts.

“Ok, let’s try something else then! I’ll shoot you, and then you can shoot me. This will be fun!”

“I dunno Zoey, we got lucky that showing off our bodies turned out to be so normal. I don’t want to be made to do something weird.”

“Hmmm…” Zoey looked around the dial, trying to find something that looked interesting among the confusing little symbols. Her gaze finally settled on what appeared to be a tongue licking a vagina.

Leah immediately noticed what setting Zoey had set the ray to. “Zoey, I’m straight! I don’t want a tendency to go down on women!”

Zoey ignored her. Leah needed to get over her squeamishness at the thought of girl-on-girl sex. And Zoey needed her needy pussy licked after watching her hot little roomie showing off her cute little tits, but that was entirely unrelated, of course. She raised the ray anyway and took aim.

“It’s fine. I’ll zap myself afterward too!”

“No, d-” Leah began, throwing her hands up in front of her face, but her futile protestation was cut off by the golden glow of the ray, and the timid, straight redhead’s subconscious mind was effortlessly reprogrammed to find the idea of licking pussy irresistible.


“See, no biggie!” Zoey asserted, giving Leah no time to get her bearings before zapping herself as well, turning her own desire to perform oral sex on women from an expression of closeness and sexual desire to a simple, irresistible need to lick pussy whenever her compulsion was triggered.

As Zoey sat there bathed in golden light, Leah’s eyes were drawn along her best friend’s curves, just like they’d always been, down to the intriguing gap between her thighs. She could just barely see the outline of Zoey’s vulva, highlighted by the tightness of her athletic shorts, and Leah felt her mouth beginning to water again. She briefly wondered why she’d never acted on her desire to go down on her lesbian roomie before – there wasn’t really any reason not to, and it wasn’t like Zoey would have turned her down!

And, now that Zoey’s glow was fading, and Leah noticed that her friend’s eyes had locked on to her own crotch as well, Leah decided there was no better time to rectify the situation, and sparks flew as the half-naked roommates leaned in and locked lips for the first time.

They passionately made out for a few seconds, but this was only foreplay before the main event, and both girls knew it. The irresistible pull of the sexy slit nestled between the other’s legs soon had both girls shucking their shorts and diving onto Zoey’s bed, where their compulsion gave way to pleasure as soon as their tongues finally made contact with the soft, sensitive skin of their partner’s labia.

Leah was in heaven. God she loved licking Zoey’s pussy – it was so strange that she’d never done so before. And as hot as the situation was, it was just further fueled by the distracting tingles coming from her own honeypot as her best friend’s tongue compulsively drove her arousal higher and higher. It wasn’t long before the feedback loop became too much for the girls to bear, and the two platonic friends simultaneously dissolved into a pile of giggles and pleasurable spasms as they came all over each other’s faces.

Zoey lay there in the afterglow with her friend, the satisfaction of having fulfilled her compulsion washing through her body. She thought about how much she loved Leah, as a friend of course, and about how good it was for Leah to broaden her horizons like this, especially since her first time had been with a friend.

The two girls kissed softly for a few minutes as they recovered, but they were careful not to look at each other’s pussies again, knowing all too well how easily a girl’s welcome but irresistible compulsion to go down on her girlfriends could be triggered. Still, it wasn’t long before Zoey wanted to experiment again.

“Hey babe, let’s do one together this time!” she said, locking her fingers in Leah’s.

“Wait, you mean like shoot ourselves with the same thing at the same time? But then we won’t be able to tell what’s different!”

“We already don’t feel like anything’s different.”

“Good point.” Even though that statement set off warning bells in the back of her mind for some reason, Leah was so caught up in the intoxicating afterglow with her new lover that she couldn’t bear to disappoint her. So, she spun the dial to a random setting, locked lips with Zoey, pointed the ray at their faces, and slowly squeezed the activator so they wouldn’t notice when the ray’s effects were triggered.

A few seconds later Leah released the fully depressed trigger, and the two friends eagerly checked the setting to see what they had given themselves. When all they saw was an indecipherable dollar sign, Zoey finally brought up the fact that the ray had come with instructions, to Leah’s consternation.

They found the booklet, flipped through to the page that described the settings, and discovered their new shared compulsion together.


“Huh, that’s weird,” Leah said. “Like, I can’t think of a reason why we wouldn’t normally be up for a bit of prostitution. Maybe it’s just made us more likely to do it than we were, but it’s not like selling our bodies isn’t a great way to make some money on the side while we’re putting ourselves through college!”

“I know, right?” Zoey asked, still pretty incredulous herself about the ray’s efficacy. “Guys always want to fuck our hot little holes anyway, so there’s really no reason we shouldn’t go get that bag! That’s just supply and demand! Especially when you’re as in-demand as girls like us are!”

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