A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

Sam waited for Ashley’s call. She began to reflect back when she met her in person. She was a little shorter than she was at about 5-4. She was a young woman of 22, with a natural style and look to her. She had long, straight strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin. She was pretty but wasn’t pretentious. She was fresh and nubile, but she wasn’t totally inexperienced. Her mind was curious but innocent. She was loud when she came and Sam remembered how flush her face and her pussy lips got when Sam expertly bent over in front of her getting herself a rim job from behind from her unsuspecting client’s dog.

The phone rang. It was Ashley. Sam smiled and answered. Hi. Hi. I think I have something you’ll like. Should I tell you about him, or just bring him. Tell me about him, Sam said. He’s a shepherd mix of some sort. So he’s kinda big, but not overly big I’d say. He’s friendly… and what I mean by that is, he’s a humper. Oooh, Sam said. Ok. Anything else? No, I don’t think so… Is your… bitch Sam interrupted. Oh ok, ya. haha, she laughed. Not sure what to make of what she was hearing. Is he coming over? He will now and he’s going to love it, Sam replied. When will you be here, she asked? Uhm… give me… an hour? Hmm, can you make it 30, Sam asked politely? 30, uhm, ya.. I was going to shower here, but ok. Great, Sam said with a smile. Ok, see you in half hour. See you! Bye!

Brad’s phone rang. Hi Miss. Ok, are you ready? You’re totally clean and smooth? Yes Miss. Come now please. Bye. Click. Brad didn’t flinch. Being hung up on after an order from her overall felt good for some reason. He was smiling. He threw on some low cut jeans, no underwear and a comfortable t-shit and sweatshirt. With thongs on his feet he headed for his dominant woman’s place.

Ashley arrived first by design. Hi. Hi. Long time! I know. Come in! Hug. Ooh what do we have here! Come in boy, she motioned him in as if to give him an order. You too missy, come in. She wanted them in quickly. She wanted to shut the door. She shut the door. She grabbed his collar with one hand, kneeled down and with the other reached around his waist and gently held his cock. He didn’t flinch, but was struggling to sniff and look around. Ashley’s eyes got bigger. Sam slowly stroked feeling the diameter and weight of the cock and cast her eyes toward Ashley. Mmmm, she said and let go. Fuck, I’m a horny slut, she admitted. Though she hadn’t actually fucked that many men, it seemed the most descriptive thing to say to describe her feeling. Ashley, at first reeling, finally said with a smile, yes you are dear. Does he need anything, Sam asked? No, he shouldn’t for a while. Ok, let’s sit. Sam turned on some easy pop music and joined Ashley on the sofa.

So… just as some conversation was about to begin the door rang again. Hmm, he’s quicker than I thought he would be. Ashley just watched as Sam headed for the door, watching her walk and refreshing her memory of what she looked like and remembering what had transpired. Sam stopped at the door and said, could you shut him into my bedroom for now please? Ashley did and returned. Sam opened and motioned Brad to come in. Hi he stated just as he noticed there was company in the apartment. Hi Sam said back. How are you she asked? A little taken aback, he looked to Sam and just said good. Sam gave no explanation except to say that he was a little earlier than she thought… Come in and take your clothes off now, she said calmly. Brad’s eyes widened, but he didn’t want to seem hesitant. He began to remove his clothes. Sam sat down a casual distance from Ashley and the two girls watched from the couch, Ashley in a slight state of shock, the dog off investigating Sam’s bedroom.

Brad was embarrassed but excited at the same time. Ashley was cute and he figured if she was Sam’s friend, things couldn’t be too bad. Brad decided to make the best of the situation and take his time to attempt to be sexy about it. Sam and Ashley shot each other a guilty, indulgent look. Once naked, Sam told Brad to get each of them some wine and him a shot of tequila. He did. Brad took his shot quickly and proceeded to bring the glasses to the two women. Ashley and Sam eyed his naked body as he approached. Once he handed them their glasses he felt naked as the girls began a little chit chat about nothing related to him or the situation at hand. May I pour another Miss? Yes, do. Brad returned to the kitchen to pour another shot in his glass. The girls continued to sip their wine and talk privately as Brad decided on his own to settle on a love seat on the other side of the room. He spread his arms out and gazed around the room and at the chatting females. Sam was ignoring him on purpose. She wanted him to feel a sense of being on the outside. She wanted him to be nervous for attention and for a sense of direction.

Several minutes passed and Sam looked over at him still just sitting there asked for another two glasses and for him to have another shot. Getting up and heading back for the kitchen he heard, how do you feel, naked slut? The tequila had worn the edge of the nerves off a bit. Finally being addressed, Brad said stated relatively flatly, good.

Meanwhile the wine was working the nerves loose from the girls, particularly Ashley. After Brad handed each of them their glasses Sam looked at him and said, sit here as she motioned to the spot in between the two females. Brad, this is Ashley. Ashley, this is my little slut Brad. As he sat Ashley eyed his smooth body and his cleanly shaven cock. Brad sat his naked ass onto her couch. Given his status in this unusual situation, Ashley decided to posture a reserved presence and did not extend her hand. Brad turned his face from her and looked forward as if awaiting sentencing. Sam caught Ashley gazing at his cock as she spoke. Sam knew she was curious.

Sam began to elevate the situation by taunting Brad. Are you horny little boy? Do you feel like you just want to jack off being in my presence and the presence of my friend? She leaned in closer to him. His awareness raised a couple notches as she began into him again. She looked at Ashley’s eyes and asked him, did you do as I said and shave your asshole nice and perfect? Not sure if he should be liking this or not, he simply stated, yes. Sam smile seductively. Didn’t you tell me that you wanted to fuck a dog, a real fucking dog? Remembering the reaction she had when he first told her he instantly felt a rush of embarrassment as he felt the eyes on his either side watching his reaction. Uhm.. well… Well nothing, you dirty little bitch, you told me that you wanted to suck a dog’s cock. AND you want him to bend you over like a bitch and let him fuck you in the ass!? Didn’t you? Don’t lie now, she laughed. She was pushing his boundaries. She was getting wet too.

Ashley just sat back in silence watching the show unfold. She felt bad for him because she knew his manhood and his pride were being attacked. She wasn’t sure how all this would wind up, but she was definitely along for the ride now. This should be good…

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