A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

She sat down across from him with the two glasses. Neither of them wanted to ruin the potentially awkward moment with talk that would make their inner thoughts and desires seem out of place, so they each tended to keep superficial topics brief. He maintained a confident, but attentive posture and she stayed calm and aloof, but keeping a close eye on her new friend.

After the glasses were gone and it seemed time to move on to a new tone. She stood, bending toward him to take his glass, not making eye contact but keeping vigilance on his gaze and noticed his eyes wandering over her. She turned and headed for the kitchen and poured the next round of glasses. Come here and get it, she stated flatly and without eye contact. She is cold he thought, still trying to come to a conclusion about where this was all leading, if anywhere. He stood and walked into the kitchen keeping his gaze on her face and reached for the glass. Say please, she said. Coming from just about anyone else he might have thought, this bitch needs to be blown off… But not this time, and not this girl. She exuded the same confidence that he remembered seeing on her in the grocery store. The confidence that made him feel desire and fantasy. Please he said softly. She handed it to him. Drink it all was her next order. He looked at her for a moment then seeing her calmness he raised the glass and finished it. She watched him chug the glass as she sipped and pondered their respective fates.

After another glass and the buzz rising, they began to relax. They remained mostly in silence, the sexual tension building their minds free from distracting, mindless chit chat. The only thing left was to indulge in the sexual undertone of their meeting. Her proclamation to herself to dominate him started to feel more natural to attempt in a more intimate if not intrusive way. The next move to increase the tempo for her seemed at hand. Brad, I need to get something in the clear now she stated. I’m not interested in being your girlfriend, and I think you sense that. She paused and waited for any objection. I want something that I’ve been craving I think for a long time, and so far I like that you still seem interested despite my keeping myself distant from you. I’m not a prissy girl looking to be someone’s happy significant other – at least not now. I don’t take shit from anyone and I don’t have time for people who frustrate me. What I do want is someone who understands this and can handle that I want things on my terms. I can tell Sam, and honestly that’s what I like about you, Brad affirmed. I… he started to say looking down. Struggling to find the words that would tell her somehow what he has been hoping for – that he wanted her to be powerful over him. She finally interrupted. Don’t worry Brad. I think I know how this is going to go for us. If you already know that I want is to mentally and sexually dominate someone, someone possibly like you, then I think we’re going to get along. Pausing to gauge his reaction which was a warm, relaxed if not buzzed smile, he gazed quickly over her face and body. Tell me, What have you been thinking about since you met me she asked? Well… he started. Be clear she interrupted. While she looked at him searching his mind, she was growing optimistic. Go on she said. I, I… want to be… Ah, he breathed and smile… this is kind of hard. With the tone seeming right, Sam leaned in toward him with her eyes looking straight at his. Do you want to be a.. she paused for emphasis, a boy-bitch of some sort? Having never really run that term through his mind, he paused for a moment wondering if he liked what he just heard. He looked back into her eyes after a moment, captivated by her warm confidence and relented to the label – a label that in any other living room would earn him endless ridicule. Still, she was secure, sincere if not a little cold and objective. Confident he was in good appropriate company he relented to the excitement building and finally admitted, yes through a sigh of relief. I want to be under your control. I like what I see in you and I want it to be you. Surprised and relieved all at the same time by his reaction he fell silent again. She smiled. You’re sweet Brad. You’re sexy as well. I’m sure plenty of girls would love to have you be their man. I don’t want that though and that makes us unique together. She paused to look at his good looking face and defined body.

Caught by the positive feelings of affirming each other’s desire for each other, Sam was ready to experience more and definitely so was he. Remaining in her objective position, she geared herself to mount the dominance that came naturally to her on this man. Well, I think I’ve heard enough small talk. Stand up please. He stood. She stood. Brad’s eyes ran over the front of her body, making out the shape of her tits under the blouse. Noticing, Sam said I don’t care how much you like the way I look Brad. I’m going to tell you that what I want is to be appreciated not only for my physical features, but mostly for the position I hold and am to you. That is what I want and that is what you want. I think we understand each other already, right? Yes I agree he said looking her in the eyes.

Without another word she motioned for him to stay still, looking at him, gauging his willingness to abide by what she wants and his desire to continue further. Are you ready to serve Brad? Unsure what the term implied, A shot of blankness crept into his face. Yes Brad, she stated sternly and just below shouting, are you ready to serve me? This is why you’re here isn’t it? Yes, he said quickly. I am. I’m just getting… excited I think. I’m excited Sam. You excite me. Your confidence, your body, and the idea of being your pussy. He came up with a label of his own. His cock swelled and his throat tightened. Nice, she said with a smile melting inside herself at the sense of satisfaction she would feel to have Brad at her mental and physical disposal.

Take off your clothes pussy she said calmly and matter of fact, feeling more empowered. Now please. Excitement coursing through his body he started with his t-shirt, lifting it off his torso. She eyed him, as if watching a present get unwrapped. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his legs. Slowly she interrupted… Very slow. He paused and then resumed, nice and slow. She walked around him as he bent to free his body of the pants. His underwear clung tightly to his hips and ass. She pointed the tip of her finger toward his balls and ran the tip of her finger up his crack. It was a show of dominance, like when one dog mounts another dog. She could touch him whenever and wherever she felt like it and he would let her. That was intention of the touch.

His response was a shiver of excitement pulsing into his body as his fantasy began to seemingly to unfold and he began to feel more vulnerable and like her subject. Finally standing upright in his boxer brief underwear in front of him, she looked over the package, eyeing the details of his body, pondering how she might enjoy using and controlling certain aspects of it – objectifying him to the fullest. Pleased she said, off with those too now, indicating the underwear. He pulled them down revealing his body in its entirety. She was still fully clothed. He felt exposed and vulnerable. She stepped into him from the side so as to avoid eye contact and whispered. Don’t worry, I like you. Do you feel embarrassed Brad? Yes, a little he said. She smiled. Good. You should. You’re standing here naked in front of a woman you don’t know, who wants to see you be in a place of total submission. That’s not the role you’re used to with women I’m sure. You actually almost look ridiculous Brad, she laughed slightly. But, this is what you want, right? You want to be my pussy, you said? Yes, he said back, feeling a little uncertain suddenly. Say that you want to be my boy-pussy. Are you a pussy Brad? His mind paused. Say it.

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