A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

Noting this quickly she suddenly asked without losing eye contact or her close proximity, have you ever had sex with a dog Brad, her own pussy pulsing at her own words? She gauged his face carefully looking for answers. No, he said with honesty and a little surprise. I bet you’ve fantasized about it, haven’t you, a nice long willing tongue licking your cock – maybe more? I bet you’ve at least thought about it. Taken a back for a second because he knew what kind of stigma was attached to that particular fantasy, the pressure in his mind and body made him relent to honesty anyway. Yes he replied, still gauging the sexual response between his legs carefully. She had no idea he would be interested in something like that. She was just looking for a place to start with him. She was quite surprised, pleasantly surprised though but not showing it. My, my, what have we here? I believe I found a boy who is a pervert! I would never touch a dog or let one touch me, you sick little fuck, she taunted. I’m not sure I want that dick anywhere near me now, she said as she pointed at his member he was now shamefully stroking. His face grew emotionless as he began to stop stroking his dick. I’m sorry… I didn’t know what… She interrupted by snapping at him, keep stroking the fucking dick. He resumed and looked forward avoiding eye contact. I’m glad you were honest with me, but I still think you’re a bit of a sick fuck.

Before he could reply, Ok, she said. Let go of that cock now she commanded, looking at his member sticking out from him as she eyed it objectively, noting its size and shape. Mmmm, she silently thought to herself. Ok get on your hands and knees, she said. He crouched down on one knee then the next, then bent forward raising his ass in the air in mostly unintended submission. She walked around him and inspected his posture and overall appearance in this position. Most men don’t have the physical appearance of something that would elicit urges of desire much less penetration. They’re often hairy and unshapely if not fat from pure neglect, and if they’re thin they’re often sinewy and bony with hard angles. They often have uneven farmer’s tans and their asses flat and underdeveloped. Men are not prized typically for their physical appearance in skimpy clothes, so the need for a sexually appealing physical shape is not relatively high. Between the genders, even a slightly overweight girl can look more desirable naked than most men. There are some however who are sexually appealing to women when naked. Men who are driven in life and pursue excellence are sometimes likely to also pursue vigorous health and a sexy appearance to enhance their overall competitiveness. Brad was one of them and Sam figured as much. With him now naked she noticed his ass to be nicely curved and firm. His skin tone was even if not slightly tanned. His hair, teeth and nails were clean. He was healthy, athletic and looked after himself. He was also gifted with the kind if hips and muscle structure that gave his ass a round appearance with a deep set of cheeks that women appreciated as he walked away and Brad knew it. He knew he was sexy and he figured Sam knew this as well. Small amounts of hair gave away his asses’s masculinity, but bent over the cheeks were not too dissimilar from an athletic female’s curvy butt. Trace amounts of hair gave the final clue, but that was an easy to alter trait if someone inclined to fuck Brad wanted him more submissive looking.

Upon coming behind him, she peered at his ass and balls behind his mostly hard, submissive cock. She paused looking down. His balls were tight. His asshole was clean and the hairs short. He must have shaven at some point. The bud was light pink, puckered and available. hmmm what do we have here? She reached down toward his behind. Her finger tip headed for his opening and then rested squarely on his tight ass. Nice little pussy she said softly, a tingling in her clit rising as she began to revel in the prize before her. Holding the finger against the button she asked another telling question, would you like it if I butt fuck you? Would you like it if I screwed this hole of yours? Afraid of making another embarrassing mistake, he decided he had to be true to the role he was longing for. He wanted her to screw him. He wanted the sensation being forced inside him at her discretion. He softly said yes, I do. Images of dominance and forced sexuality made their way into her head. She paused and then abruptly said Ok, go home now please. She watched as he quietly stood, gathered his clothes. He tucked his swollen cock into his pants and finished dressing. She returned the polite eye contact and the goodbye as he walked out the door which she closed softly behind him.

Another week passed and no phone call from Sam. Brad had left 3 separate messages practically reducing himself to the point of desperation. The more he thought he’d lost the opportunity to experience what he’d been fantasizing about for so long with someone like Sam, the more he was fixated on the night’s events with her on their first “date” at her apartment. Even though the only real contact she ever made with him besides a hug hello and her dominating finger, it was strong enough of an experience to make him feel a strong sense of attraction to her. He knew he had to appease her enough to find him worthy, or whatever it was that she was looking for. He had to know more about what he could do to please her, totally and completely at her discretion, without question, without complaint. Wow, that’s a lot he thought. The more he thought, the more he elevated her status in his mind. He couldn’t help but think it was all worth it though.

Brad was on the verge of basically giving up, when while at home relaxing some evening enjoying a mindless tv show in front of the tv, the phone rang. It was Sam, holy shit he muttered almost in disbelief. A wave of small panic hit his stomach as he searched for the courage to figure out how to not screw up. He picked up the phone and said hello, trying not to sound nervous. Brad, she stated almost flatly. Yes he responded. This is Sam. Do you remember me? Yes, of course, he said. How could I no… She interrupted, Ok, she said dismissively. She didn’t truly care about his attempting to sound polite and win her over. She reserved listening to the small bits of conversation for the few. The rest needed to be quickly to the point. How do you feel about the last time we met? Uhm, he stammered a bit wondering what she was asking such a distant sounding question. I thought it was… hearing enough already through his tone of voice she could tell he was still available to her, so she interrupted again. I’ve had time to think about meeting you and how things went and what I want. I have a feeling you somehow have an understanding of what I want and that’s why I called. I honestly haven’t met anyone that I feel I can get what I want exactly out of. I’ve thought the same thing of you he said, stopping short before he would get interrupted again. A moment of pause. Do you still want to be beneath me? Do you think its what you want, she continued, trying almost to comprehend herself actually proposing it? I think more than anything, he said. Ok good, why don’t you come over now. Before he could reply she said, I want you to arrive with no underwear this time. I want your finger to have been up your ass. You shave it I know, so don’t be shy. And the first thing I want you to do when you get in the door before you say anything or do anything else is to take off your shirt and pants, and drop to your hands and knees. Can you handle it? Yes. Click.

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