Therianthropy – On stage by Kangee Gold

“I need to fuck!” She screamed at the empty house, pressing her thighs together firmly where she stood to try and relieve some of the pressure, but helping with nothing at all. Gritting her teeth in frustration, she slumped over into the couch, hiked up her skirt with its flowery pattern, and pulled down her panties in a few swift motions. She leaned back and spread her legs apart to let her hand slide down between them, tentatively touching at the sensitive nub of her clitoris, feeling how tender and painful it really was. A firmer press down sent out a jolt of pain that was too much to bear and she hissed out. It only served to make the masochistic feline more desperate, so she decided on another way. Her fingers slid around to either side of her sex and rubbed eagerly at the folds, eliciting a pleasured purr from the feline. Satisfaction at last. It took no more than a few minutes of moaning and purring for Cylvan’s own ministrations to bring her to a small but messy orgasm. She Meowed out loudly, desperate for it to come, and finally breathed deeply once it passed, smiling to her self. Cylvan was always a bit of a squirter. Looking down she realised what kind of mess she made of herself and was thankful the furniture was made of leather. She got up, her hand still between her legs as she headed for the kitchen for something clean up with. Looking down at her soaked fingers, she couldn’t help but lick at them, tasting at herself and finding herself savouring the flavour of her own cum. Her mind snapped suddenly from the reverie and she gathered some paper towels, hurriedly going back to clean up.

It occurred to Cylvan that she’d need a second shower that morning, and it was a second chance to pleasure herself again under the warm water. She wasted no time.

The white furred and red headed wolf woman took the two large animals into the bathroom, shut the door behind her and started running the showerhead above the large circular bathtub. Rosalyn started to strip off her shirt first down to the black laced brassiere pushing her large, round breasts up and together, followed by the pair of blue jeans, revealing a matching pair of underwear hugging closely against her broad hips and full fleshed bottom. Komi watched with particular interest as the woman shed her clothes and left them lying on the floor, his curiosity making lean forward and sniffle at the discarded garments, taking in the comforting scent of his mistress.

‘In!” Rosalyn ordered, the firm, commanding tone got the cheetah to perk his ears up and watch as Luka, eager as always to obey, scramble into the tub and stir around under the hot stream of water. His gaze shifted up to meet Rosalyn’s impatient glare, and he too, climbed over the rim, making sure to stay well away from the shower’s spray.

Rosalyn finally undid the clasp of her bra let it drop from her chest, her sizeable breasts falling free with a few bounces, followed soon by the panties. She stepped over the rim and sat down between the spotty cheetah and the black wolf, smiling at them both affectionately. “Yes, my two good boys.” She cooed to them lovingly before grabbing a bottle of shampoo from the side of the bathtub. Komi came first, and she wrapped her arm around his neck and wrestled him under the shower. Komi pulled back instinctively but lacked any purchase on the smooth floor of the tub and whined in despair when his face soaked up the first splashes, soon followed by the rest of his body. Luka barked and let out a series of stuttering growls at the sight before him that Rosa could swear was laughter. Komi was not amused as water started to pour into his mouth, turning his whining into a gurgle and eventually he just slumped down and accepted his fate, allowing Rosalyn to lather a generous helping of shampoo into his fur. For all his fighting, Komi found out it wasn’t so bad after all, with rumbling purrs of pleasure bellowing from his snout while the wolf woman gave the big cat a full body massage. Even Luka, clumsy as he was, though very intelligent for a dog, was trying to help, pawing at Komi’s back with an excitedly wagging tail. After a rinse, Rosalyn gave the cat a tight hug and whispered into his ear. “That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” She patted the side his chest and he shuffled off the side to let the excess water drain from his matted down fur. He looked miserable, but the way his tail swished and he sat and watched patiently, he was happy.

Luka was much more cooperative, at least that was his intent, but his excited jostling and shuffling actually made it more difficult for Rosa to wash out his back coat of fur. She grunted as she tried to get a grip on the animal without letting too much shampoo spatter all over the bathroom, an exercise in futility, it seemed. Eventually she managed to pin the canine by the waist between her her legs, keeping him docile for a while until she managed to lather him properly. The posture and motions however were problematic, with Luka and Rosalyn grinding on one another by their groins. It made Luka whine out with desire, a sound Rosa learned over time translated as only one of two things with the wolf. Her bright green eyes looked deeply into the pale, shining blue of Luka’s own. It would be far from the first time she’d done this with either of the two animals, but she wasn’t sure if the timing was right. A nudge from Komi at her side made up her mind as the feline shifted around to press his muzzle against her nipple, nipping ever so gently and teasingly at it, before a fang hooked into the golden ring pierced through it and tugged.

Rosalyn smirked, unable to help herself. One hand reached in between her and Luka, grasping at the throbbing red flesh standing erect against her stomach, another slid in underneath Komi to wrap delicately at the sheath between his one good leg and the stumpy remnant of the other one lost long ago. She teased an erection out of the cheetah and shifted her grasp around the barbed flesh of his feline member, letting her fingers rub against each of the tiny spikes. The cheetah growled deeply, barring his fangs and reaching in out of instinct to sink his teeth into his lovers nape, but Rosa’s gaze brought his senses back enough to stop him. At the same time Luka panted heavily and shook his leg underneath Rosalyn as he felt the woman’s fingertips rub against the tip of his cock, sending aching rushes of pleasure through his body. Rosalyn loved their reactions and carried on jerking them both off, watching each one in turn as Luka came, spattering a generous volume of cum all over Rosalyn’s chest and stomach from his pulsating testicles and erection while the knot at the base swelled up to a massive degree and grew firmer than ever before. She let him go and he flopped onto his side, sedated by pleasure and laying still right under the running water, letting it wash over his heaving breaths. It wasn’t long after when Komi also came. He couldn’t control himself and his mouth closed over Rosalyn’s breast, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh, making the woman wince, but the animal had the sense to restrain his strength. A gushing string of sticky white sperm poured all over Rosalyn’s forearm and back, leaving the wolf woman a sticky mess while Komi retreated to one side and rest and hopefully avoid retribution for losing control. He watched her as she licked his seed off her hand, smiling back at him with a certain gleam in her eye he knew very well. He knew he’d pay for it later, but it was worth it.

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