Therianthropy – On stage by Kangee Gold

Rosalyn smiled at her two exotic pets and left them be while she finally worked on cleaning herself off. Getting the thick, sticky animal cum out of her hair and fur was a challenge, but she knew exactly what to do from experience.

It took much longer than planned, but eventually Rosalyn, Komi, and Luka were cleaned, dried, and brushed down from head to tail, all three of them looking pristine and perfect.

The teenaged cat girl felt a lot more restful after a second chance to play with herself followed by an ice cold shower. She redressed In a new outfit, a plain white bra that cupped ger modest bosom and gave them enough of a lift to give her a bit of cleavage. The chain linked to her nipples dangled out the middle between the cups awkwardly, but there wasn’t anything Cylvan could think to do about it. She slipped on an equally plain pair of underwear and found a blue frilly dress to throw on herself. Waiting was much easier from there as she made a cup of sweet tea and enjoyed it until it was time to go.

Rosalyn’s car pulled up to Cylvan’s home, the tall wolf stepping out dressed in a pink blouse and a different pair of skinny jeans. Her fluffy white tail swished about behind her, showing off her excitement as she stepped up to the front door. Cylvan had heard the vehicle stopping, looked out the window and pulled open the door as the woman came near. They smiled happily at one another and Cylvan practically jumped to embrace her mistress in a tight hug. “How are you doing tonight my little kitty?” Rosalyn cooed into Cylvan’s ear as they held each other close. “I’m just excited. This is a big thing.” She replied. Rosalyn nodded and rubbed gently against Cylvan’s head, kissing the top her head. “Yes it is.”

As they disentangled from one another, Rosalyn presented the small wooden box she was holding. Cylvan recognised it, and her ears turned red inside as she folded them against her head. The girl took the box and opened it, allowing Rosalyn to take the dark blue leather collar out while Cylvan lifted her long ponytail of hair. The older woman leaned over and wrapped the leather band with its metal studs and latches around Cylvan’s neck. From a mould in the corner of the box, Rosalyn removed a shining silver pad lock, hooked it into a latch underneath Cylvan’s chin and locked it tight. “There. Now nobody else can claim you.” Rosalyn cooed salaciously while she fingered the engraving on the lock with her full name on it surrounded by a rose vine pattern.

It was not the first time Cylvan had worn that collar, but each time it filled her stomach with butterflies for the first few moments until she beamed with pride, carrying her mistress’s mark for anyone to see. Everyone would know without a doubt that she belonged to Mistress Rosalyn Elliott. The two women embraced one another again and kissed deeply, uncaring about being outside for everyone to see. Soon it was time to go.

Cylvan greeted the two animals sitting on the back seats, with a pat on the head for each. They both nuzzled back affectionately, having grown very fond of the pink cat in the time since she’d been brought into their lives.

They pulled up to a large boring looking block of rough bricks that somehow managed to pass as an actual building. It stood on a lonely road and down a very long driveway, keeping it out of view and uninteresting to most passing by. An enclosed parking garage attached to one side kept any vehicles hidden, further avoiding to pique any passing curiosity. Rosalyn recognised a few of the cars going by while she found a space to park, knowing that some of her old friends would be there for the show.

Cylvan climbed out as soon as they stopped, seeming eager to get going as she helped get Luka and komi out the back, while Rosa handled the two wide, flat boxes on the other side. Leading them both along on leashes, they entered with the backstage doors to get ready.

Once inside, it was like stepping through to a whole new world. The rough exterior giving way for mauve silk curtains draped along every wall, hanging from high ceilings, to absorb every eco and lit by dim orange lights giving the place a dark and secretive atmosphere, telling Cylvan without needing words, that what ever happened here, stayed here. Rosalyn greeted the custodian and bouncer at the door. He gave Rosalyn and Cylvan a friendly smile, but watched the two large dangerous looking animals with caution. Luka looked back up the man curiously, his tail wagging excitedly and let out a growl that was more playful than anything, while Komi gave him only a glance as he limped past, mostly ignoring the man. Cylvan shook the man’s hand and followed Rosalyn again. The wolf woman strode ahead with confidence until she stopped right under one of the light fixtures, this one different to the rest, glowing red, and parted the curtain on the wall, revealing a hidden door. Cylvan soon noticed red lights like those every few meters, and realised those were more hidden doors.

She’d been here once before, but only in the audience sections, this was back stage and it seemed to operate with the same levels of implied anonymity, to be private, yet still to be seen, at least by the select few to be invited here. Rosalyn entered and beckoned Cylvan inside, she followed and so did Luka and Komi. It was a simple dressing room inside, a couch on one side, a vanity table on the other, and a closet at the back. All lit with a much brighter light than in the hallways. Rosalyn set her packages down on the table while cylvan sat down on the couch with the animals at her feet, watching and waiting patiently.

Rosalyn opened the one box and held up the main bulk of the outfit to inspect it, then turned to show the smaller girl behind her. Cylvan’s green eyes widened and lit up at the sight. It made het bite her lip in anticipation. “Undress, now.” The wolf woman said in a stern tone that calls for no disobedience. Cylvan grinned and knew that the fun had begun.

The pink feline’s lithe frame was strapped firmly into a leather and metal harness with straps placed in such a way that any wrong move or struggling would only lead to more restrictions. Across her chest was a tight squeezing corset that pushed her breasts up, but left them bare and allowed the chain between her nipples to hang free while pulling tight around her chest just enough that she could feel a restriction to her breath. Her waist and hips were left naked but for the few leather straps surrounding her groin and doing nothing but drawing attention to the heart shaped piercing dangling from her clitoris. Along with matching leather arm gloves with studs all along it and sturdy cuffs at the wrists with heavy metal hoops, Rosa had made the girl pull on a pair of thigh-height leather platform boots with another set of cuffs and sturdy metal rings around the ankles and steep heels that added a good bit height to the girl, but more importantly made her perk up her posture just to stay balanced and accentuated her subtly curved body, particularly making her push out her bare, pert bottom and forced her long slender tail to stay high in the air and maintain her composure. She could easily maintain such an erotic pose herself, but the whole point was that she had no choice in the matter. Any misstep or lapse in her posture would send her tumbling over to her own disgrace and that of her Mistress’ training. It was s lot of pressure, the girl suddenly realised. She took a few tentative steps forwards and back then sideways to get her balance in this gear, first with her arms out to the side for stability, but under Mistress Rosalyn’s gaze, she tried again with her hands held behind her back. A toothy grin grew on the wolf woman’s face as she nodded in approval. That simple gesture filled the kitten with confidence and her jerky steps changed into a prideful and seductive strut, only widening her Mistress’s smile. Even Komi and Luka found themselves captivated by the pretty cat’s new demeanour, attentive to every movement while a hungry gleam filled their eyes.

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