Therianthropy – On stage by Kangee Gold

The feeling of the crop grinding up and down against Cylvan’s sex made her moan delightedly into her gag as she squirmed on the suspending chain. She huffed with frustration a moment later when her Mistress stopped, leaving her even more desperate for pleasure than before. Then came the sharp snapping of hardened leather against the soft pink furred flesh of Cylvan’s rear. The cry of pain only managed to come out as a muffled whine through the plastic dildo lodged into her mouth. Her knees buckled in response, but instead of lowering her body, it merely sent more pain through her shoulders as they bore all of her weight. She had to rebalance herself quickly.

As soon as it seemed that Cylvan managed to regain her footing, another strike met her arse in exactly the same aching spot, leaving her skin with a burning hot sensation. She didn’t collapse as badly as before, but she was left with no time to recover when yet another slap met her rear from the other direction, all in one smooth figure eight motion of Rosalyn’s arm. The punishment repeated a few more times until Cylvan collapsed once more, this time unable to recover quickly enough. Even as she hung there, Rosalyn kept spanking the girl, crying out desperately into the gag. Even her tail lowered instinctively to try and protect her aching and tender posterior from that vicious leather rod, it only led to a strike at the small of her back that made her tail straighten and raised up again.

Rosalyn was intent on making the girl cry their safe code for her failure to obey, three short moans, three long, and three short again. A simple S.O.S. However the woman knew she might hurt her own hand before that happened, the girl had a good threshold for pain, and was a proven masochist. The wolf kept going, mixing up the slaps against the girl’s arse with hits on her upper back, the back of her thighs, and even stepping around the front to slap at her face and breasts. She strut in a circle around the girl over and over again, laying down painful slaps all over Cylvan’s body.

Eventually the sounds of pain were mixed with moans of desire while the feline writhed on the chain. She’d utterly lost her composure and didn’t even try to get back to her feet, having settled into her suspension from the chain despite how it twisted her shoulders back. In the end it was more the desperation for sexual relief that made Cylvan call out in the pattern that was their safe code for the evening. With just one last hard whip to Cylvan’s ass, Rosalyn lifted her hand swiped it down, signalling for the people behind the curtains to lower the chain. Cylvan settled down on her knees, her chest heaving with heavy breaths, occasionally broken as she choked on the toy in her mouth, followed by desperate whines. Rosalyn stepped back and watched the girl on the floor, admiring her handiwork on the poor feline, enjoying how the tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She was at the limit now and anything could break her down either into tearful sorrow or orgasmic pleasure. It was time this young virgin girl became a woman.

Rosalyn left her young pet on the stage while she stepped off to the side and behind the curtains. While she was gone, a few stage hands scrambled out with a podium of sturdy metal bars and pipes, setting it down and securing it to fixtures on the centre of the stage. Another brought out a comfortable armchair and set it close by along with a small table. By the time they were done, Cylvan had recovered her senses enough to get into a kneeling position on the floor, straightening her posture and once more closing her eyes while breathing slowly and shallowly. She still twitched and shuddered occasionally as she felt her body burning with lingering pain.

Rosalyn soon emerged onto the stage once again, this time leading Komi and Luka out onto the stage. They could smell Cylvan’s desperation from where they had waited and watched, the two males stewing in their own arousal. In her free hand she held a long metal rod.

Luka lopped on ahead towards Cylvan eagerly only restrained by the leach while Komi followed behind Rosa with his unsteady gait on only three paws. There were gasps and murmurs in the crowd. They had expected something exotic and unusual, animals on stage was an especially rare treat, nevermind a large wild animal like a cheetah.

One of the stagehands stayed behind to help Rosalyn by holding onto the animals while she went to work with Cylvan. “Crawl.” Mistress Rosalyn commanded the girl as she took hold of the leach at the feline’s clit, pulling her along towards the newly set arrangements of pipes on the floor. She made her pet stop with her knees against a raised block with a cushioned top, then used her boot to push Cylvan over it. Rosalyn knelt down beside Cylvan and hooked a latch onto the Girl’s collar, keeping her head down before she tied a belt around her waist attached to the block that held her hips up in the air. Next the wolf woman pulled Cylvan’s feet apart and attached the spreader bar she’d been holding to the cuffs on each ankle, leaving Cylvan unable to close her legs at all. Finally Rosalyn ran her gloved fingers firmly against the kitten’s labia, gathering the lusty juices she was constantly leaking before bringing it to her lips and licking it off. “You are always so delicious, my kitten.” The wolf murmured. “I’m sure those two would love to have a taste.” Cylvan could only look from the corner on her eye up as her Mistress spoke, and she moaned with desire in reply, her hips shaking for emphasis. “You little slut. I love you too.” Rosalyn finally cooed affectionately, but gave a dirty grin.

The woman stepped away and collected the two animals from the assistant. He bowed and left the stage quietly. Rosalyn pointed at Cylvan with her arse in the air and said, “Kiss Kiss.” Together Komi and Luka strode forward with Rosalyn behind to restrain them if they misbehaved. Guided by their noses, they both moved in on Cylvan’s soaking wet cunt, Komi leaning in first to press his tongue against the girl’s achingly desperate fold. The tiny barbs on the surface felt agonizing but also amazing to the girl. Her feline instincts reacting to the cheetah with muffled snarls and meows while she squirmed within her restraints. Komi dragged his tongue against her like that a few times before Luka nosed in to have his turn. Komi just licked the black wolf’s face affectionately and let him go. Luka was more sloppy, as usual. He lapped enthusiastically at the girl, and he was rewarded for it with a sudden gush of fluid as the girl writhed violently then stiffened in a spasm when an orgasm overtook her. She whined loudly into her gag, her breath halted for a moment each time she failed to keep the phallic toy pushed away from her throat. Once it passed she was left panting heavily, but she had no chance for a break when Komi resumed again. His tongue felt murderous to Cylvan’s twitching folds, leaving the flesh raw and especially tender every time he licked at her, lapping up her cum and adoring the flavour. Once again Cylvan cried out with passion as waves of pleasure surged through her body, giving Komi a mouthful of her cum too.

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