I Came Home Early – Ending Vers #05 by Buster2U

Once secured, the bags were removed from their heads and gags were removed so the fun can begin.

“Where are we? Who are you? What are you doing to us?” Mary screamed tears running down her face.

The Mexican crew leader speaking with a strong Spanish accent “Ahhhh Haaaa Haaaa, our new Puta (whore) wants to know what is going on! Ha, Ha. You are going on a trip to Mexico as my new whore. You have been sold to us, to come to work in one of our deluxe whore houses in Tijuana! Soon, you will be able to have all the cock that you want with many strange men!”

“No! No! No! This can’t be! I have a husband and a family that loves me. I need to get home to them. Why are you doing this to me?” Mary cries.

“Let me ‘splain, my Puta, My name is Juan Valdez. I used to work in Columbia in the Coffee business. I had the biggest and best coffee plantation of all of South America in Columbia. But I got bored and wanted to have some fun. So, then I bought a whore house in Tijuana and have been working hard to bring in the prettiest women and the finest pussy to work for me.” Juan says, with a strong Spanish accent.

“So, what has that to do with me? and us both” Mary cries, tears running down her face.

Meanwhile one of Juan’s henchmen, has a small blowtorch heating up a small branding iron about 10 ft away, out in front of Mary.

“Well, my lovely new ‘Puta’ (whore in Spanish) well are going to take you down to work in my new whore house in Tijuana, after we brand you. Your friend, we will neuter him and he can come along to be one of our houseboys, or for those that prefer the company of men.” Juan explains as he walks over to Devon.

“Is that ‘OK’ with you Senior? Want to work for me or die here? What would you prefer? I ask you.” says Juan.

“I would rather work for you and stay alive than die here.” Devon whispers.

“Si, we will take you with us. But first, we have to change you.” says Juan, as he reaches down into Devon’s shorts and pulls them down. “Impressive equipment Senior. Too bad we have to take it.” Then reaches down and finds Devon’s testicles and crushes the largest one between his thumb and forefinger, as Devon screams in pain.

“We can end the pain, right now Senior. If you want.” says Juan as he makes the infamous throat slitting sign with his thumb. “Whatever you prefer. Maybe you should not have been fucking a married woman. You know, that is Not good to fuck married woman. I can shoot you now, or take your other nut. What would you like?” Juan asks.

Devon starts pissing himself, as he cries, sobbing pitifully. “Please stop hurting me, I didn’t do anything. Please.” Devon cries

“Oh, have we hurt you? Que lastima, (what a pity) Lo siento mucho (I am so very sorry), Senior. But it was YOU who decided to flirt with, seduce and fuck a married women. It is just time to pay for your sinful ways.” Juan says as reaches to Devon’s balls and crushes the last remaining testicle collapsing his entire ball sack completely. Devon screams bloody murder.

“Jose, have you got the branding iron ready yet?” Juan inquires in Spanish.

“Si Senior, it is ‘red’ hot.” Jose says in Spanish.

“Bring it over here for our new Puta.” Juan, says in Spanish.

Mary has been watching what happened to her black lover and realizes that her lover’s manhood was destroyed because of her cheating on Whiz. She realizes that it is all her fault for what happens next to her, and realizes that she deserves whatever happens to her now.

“Ok, Puta your turn now. We are going to brand you as our whore, so that if you ever escape, and anyone ever finds you in Mexico, that they will know that you are our whore, and belong to us, forever. Are you ready for your branding, Puta?” Juan asks.

“Go ahead, I don’t care what you do to me. I deserve whatever you do.” Mary cries.

“I am glad you feel that way, Puta.” says Juan and he points to Mary’s left hip for Jose to stick the branding iron. Jose presses the red hot iron firmly into her left hip and the skin sizzles as Mary struggles fiercely as she screams in pain. Jose counts silently to himself to the count of 5 before he pulls the branding iron back.

“Ah, ha Puta, still agree you deserve our brands?” asks Juan, no response from Mary as she just sobs. “Maybe you are beginning to regret your slutty whore ways? Ah, I am sorry to tell you Puta, that it is way too late now.”

Jose reheats his branding iron between brands with his blow torch. Juan points at Mary’s other hip. Jose understands puts down the torch and applies the branding iron firmly to Mary’s other beautiful and perfect hip for another count of 5 as Mary screams in pain, once again.

“So far, we haven’t hurt your good parts. But now, we are going to do just that!” Juan says.

Then Juan points to the outside of Mary’s right breast. Jose brands her breast to the count of 3 and removes the branding iron. Mary screams in pain. Ahh my Puta, did you enjoy the branding iron? We are going to give it to you again.” Juan whispers

Then Juan points to the outside of Mary’s left breast and Jose immediately applies the ‘red-hot’ iron to her breast. Mary screams in pain, as the whole crew laughs again.

“Maybe we should brand your pussy also. It seems your husband thinks you enjoy sex with strangers too much. Ha Ha Ha! But that is what you are going to be doing for the rest of your life. So, we will just save that pleasure encase you try to run away, my new puta.

About that time Juan’s cell phone rings, it is Jimmy secretly calling from outside. He had been standing behind Mary and Devon so they couldn’t see him. Jimmy had been talking to me, describing what has been going on. Now, is the final scene, of our act.

“Si?” (yes) Juan listens to Jimmy on his phone. “Que? Que?” (what, what) “No senior, the deal is done. Our new puta (whore) has been branded already. Que? Si, Senior. We can bring her back Senior. But we are keeping the money her husband paid for us to take her to Mexico. Si, Senior’, I remember the place. OK, Senior. We will be there.” says Juan.

“Ha ha ha, you are one lucky Puta! Your husband changed his mind and is willing to take you back now. We will drop you off and go back to Mexico without you for now. But if you displease your Husband again, we will be glad to come back again, to get you to come work for us. Ha Ha and you have already got our brands, so you are ready to go, next time.” Juan says quietly.

The crew puts the black hoods back on the two captives, and leads them back to the White Van and puts them inside. Jimmy staying out of sight, then locks up the building once again. Then hops into his vehicle and leads the way back to the gate and unlocks it.

Once the illegals white van exits the gate they wait for Jimmy to lead them back down to the Freeway on-ramp. By now it is nearly Midnight when they get back to the black man’s apartment. Their zip ties are cut and are quickly thrown out of the Van.

Our captives quickly scramble inside for their clothes. Mary’s purse is still where she left it and after dressing hurries to her car to get home and seek mercy from her husband. Her lover just lays down groaning in pain to ponder what to do next, as Mary leaves his apartment forever.

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