Phandalin 2 by HaydenDLinder

She was drenched in sweat. When she felt Harben grab her ass in both hands and begin to fuck her in ernest. She worked for all she had to pump her hips back at him, climaxing once more just before he filled her again. She pulled him close as they moaned and gasped into each other’s necks. She was so grateful that she actually gave the worthless bastard a deep and sensual kiss. That was two months ago.

And now it was over. She shook her head in disappointment, while Halia continued to laugh hysterically.

“Alright. Alright. Admittedly, not my best moment. But I mean… What would you have done?!”

“Eh…” Halia smirked. “Probably about the same, really.”

After a short distance of walking Trilena looked at her “friend.”

“Why are you helping me?”

Halia shrugged. “Just a woman looking out for another woman. As you say, I know how hard this life can be for us.”

“No, seriously.” Trilena replied.

Halia looked offended. “That really is the reason. But since you refuse to believe that. Then, I prefer for someone to be in my debt due to favor. Rather than blackmail. Does that sound like something you can believe?”

Trilena shrugged and nodded. “Well, you’re not approaching me with blackmail. And you are coming to me as a friend. So, yes. This one time I’ll let you have it. But.Just.This.Once.”

“You are too kind.” Halia laughed.

“…Toblin and I were serving food out of that Inn even before the walls were up. Before there was a roof!” She laughed. Then she looked at Halia again. “I could have lost that. Could have lost Pip. Hurt Toblin.” She sighed. “Thank you, Halia.”

Halia smiled at her as they walked on. “That kind of sincerity makes me wish I DID have some ulterior motive.”

“Oh, I know.” Trilena laughed with Halia joining in.

[End of Part 2]

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