Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

He rested the dress above her knee and used both hands to run up one calf until they came to rest on her lower thigh. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” Lester said as his hands rose higher. Sarah closed her eyes and threw her head back. Feeling Lester’s hands on her was already making her wet. She felt guilty that her body was already responding to his touch. She felt even guiltier that Dan was right here and had no idea. She had told Dan everything that happened earlier in the week with Lester at their home, but words couldn’t convey just how deeply Lester had affected her. Her breathing deepened as the fat man touched her.

Lester’s fingers gripped the garter on her thigh, and he slowly lowered it down her leg. Even though he could already see her legs, feeling the material of garter peeled away from her skin felt like an additional, symbolic exposure. Sarah tried not to show how aroused she was, worried Dan might grow jealous and put a stop to things. She felt like she was losing her grip on reality but was ready to just let go.

Lester pulled the garter and stockings free from her legs. He turned and flung the garter at Dan, hitting him in the chest. Lester didn’t bother to note Dan’s reaction, his attention was already back on the young mother on the bed. Lester carefully removed the garter and stocking from her other leg and dropped them on the floor.

He stood up and hovered over Sarah. He stayed still until she opened her eyes and looked up at him, wondering why he wasn’t touching her. That’s when it occurred to Dan that Sarah hadn’t glanced in his direction. She was breathing hard, the tops of her breasts straining against the fabric of her wedding dress as she stared up at Lester longingly. Dan recognized the look on her face. Lust. Suddenly the room felt really small. Suffocating. Dan felt the immediate need to sit down. He slid onto his wife’s chair next to him and felt himself leaning forward, morbid curiosity drawing him in. He felt like he’d missed out on something again. Seeing his wife staring up at Lester with such desire was shocking. He remembered back in Chicago all those months ago when he was on the couch with Sarah. Her attention was entirely on him. Dan had told her to turn her head and to look at Lester. Pushing her to help fulfill his fantasy. Now, she was looking at his roommate freely with an entirely different expression on her face. Somehow, Dan hadn’t realized how deeply his wife had succumbed to his roommate.

Lester reached a hand forward and placed it on her bare shoulder. Sarah’s body stiffened. Lester’s thumb gently caressed her collarbone. He ran his hand up her neck until he was cupping her cheek beneath the veil. He stroked her cheek with his thumb before letting it come to rest on her lower lip. He played with her bottom lip, pulling it with his thumb and letting it fall back in place. Before Sarah realized what she was doing, her tongue had eased out and met Lester’s thumb, licking his fingertip. Boldened by her actions, Lester pushed his entire thumb into her mouth, which Sarah began to suck on. Sarah rolled her tongue around Lester’s fat finger as she sucked on it. Her brain vaguely registered a cheesy taste, but she was consumed with wanting to suck his digit as she would his cock. She felt her arousal grow as the familiar taste of Lester’s skin danced across her taste buds.

Dan watched as Sarah eagerly sucked on Lester’s finger like she was sucking on his cock. Her eyes were open, and staring up at the short man before her. Lester removed his thumb from her mouth and gently pushed on her shoulder, causing Sarah to fall back onto the bed. Dan waited for Lester to look his way and grin but he never did. He was entirely focused on Sarah.

Lester got onto the bed with Sarah, kneeling between her open legs as he stared down at the young mother lying in anticipation before him. Her blonde hair sprawled across the bed. The tops of her breasts rising and falling against the corset. Lester moved up the bed and pressed forward, his weight coming to rest on Sarah’s body as he came face to face with her.

Dan felt his cock straining against his pants and a pit forming in his stomach as he watched Lester delicately lift Sarah’s veil from her face. The same thing he himself had done so many years ago in a room filled with their closest friends and family. Lester stared into Sarah’s eyes. He cupped her face with one hand and slowly inched his own closer. They didn’t break eye contact as his lips slowly got closer and closer to hers. When they were just an inch apart, Lester held her gaze for several seconds. It seemed far more intimate than Dan had expected. He was surprised Sarah hadn’t looked over at him yet.

“You forgot something this morning,” Lester whispered. Even though Dan’s heartbeat sounded like it was reverberating off the walls, he could still hear what Lester said.

“What?” Sarah said, breathing hard and looking up at the ugly face above her.

Lester reached into the pocket of his tux, “This.” He slid out Sarah’s wedding band and engagement ring. The ones she had been looking for this morning. Lester must have taken them before she got out of the shower. He took her left hand in his and held it up before sliding the bands onto her ring finger. Sarah shuddered, feeling Lester’s intimate display.

Lester closed his eyes and pushed his lips against Sarah’s. He kissed her softly and sensually. Sarah’s eyes closed involuntarily and she returned the short man’s kiss. Their wet lips exploring each other. Slowly, Sarah felt Lester’s tongue begin to run against her soft lips. She extended hers automatically in response. Their tongues gently met and caressed each other before pushing deeply into each other’s mouths. She could feel the heat coming off Lester’s body, and his inescapable primal scent filled her nostrils.

Dan wanted to take off his pants and stroke his cock, but his fingers were gripping the arms of the chair. Lester was kissing his wife like he would an intimate lover. He remembered seeing them like this for the first in the apartment, where he stood in the shadows of the hallway. He wanted to turn, feeling like he was intruding. He felt the same way now, like seeing something that was only supposed to be private between two lovers. His wife’s hand grasped the back of his roommate’s head, intensifying their contact.

Sarah felt the weight of Lester on top of her, pushing her into the bed. His gut pressed into her stomach. She felt like she was suffocating, but she continued to kiss Lester lovingly. It felt as if his lips were the oxygen she desperately needed. After gently kissing each other for a few minutes, Lester’s kisses became more passionate. Hungrier. He started thrusting his hips between her legs, rubbing his growing firm length against her panty-covered sex in time with his rough kissing. His hands began to roam her body, running over the tops of her breasts and against her exposed shoulders before snaking his hands under her and groping her butt, seizing her cheeks in each of his grubby paws.

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