Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

Lester stopped thrusting into Sarah and removed his hands from her body, dropping them to his sides. A whine escaped her lips as she kept thrusting her pussy back onto his cock. “I’m gonna cum. If you don’t want it, you better get off it.” He slowly started to push his cock forward, he had no intention of her disengaging.

Sarah didn’t respond; part of her brain understood what he said, but she was too focused on her own orgasm. “Ah fuck, ah fuck, ah fuck,” Sarah screamed, her fingers splaying apart as her orgasm rippled across her body. Her nerves lit on fire. The hot shower water battered her back as electricity coursed through her body. “Oh, Lester! OH, OOOOH, OH FUCK, FFFFFUHHH-”

“Here it comes,” Lester bellowed, “I’m gonna cum, take it all, Sarah.” He grabbed her hips in both hands and forced his rock-hard pole into her clenching vaginal walls. Sarah instinctively squeezed her pussy harder around Lester’s cock. She wasn’t sure if it was her orgasm or some other part of her mind trying to milk all the cum from Lester’s cock. Whichever it was, she felt her orgasm deepen as Lester’s seed exploded into her fertile pussy. She felt a warmth begin to spread inside of her, flooding every inch of her.

Sarah just groaned weakly, feeling Lester’s cum spread inside of her. Her head rested on her hands as her orgasm began to wash away. The heat of the shower made it difficult to breathe. Sarah closed her eyes as she felt Lester’s cock spurt the rest of its cum into her.

Lester was panting as he pulled his slickened cock from Sarah. When his hands left her hips, her body immediately collapsed into the fetal position as the hot water still rained on both of their bodies. With some effort, Lester grunted and pulled himself back onto the shower bench. He closed his eyes and felt completely fulfilled. Something that World of Warcraft could never make him feel. Not like this. He slowly drifted off as his cock twitched, revelling and gloating over what had just occurred.

Sarah laid there on the floor of her shower, catching her breath. Lester had fucked her three times within twelve hours, and each time he had shot a massive load of his illicit cum into her. She couldn’t understand how she’d ended up here. Yesterday had been a typical morning, taking a shower and getting ready for work, and today she had been fucked in the bathroom she shared with her husband and was now probably running late.

Shit. Work. She had to get up and get going. She hadn’t planned on getting her hair wet because she wasn’t sure she had time to dry it. Now it was soaked since her head had been right under the shower as Lester relentlessly fucked her. Slowly, she got herself up into a sitting position and looked over her shoulder at the troll of a man seated on her shower bench. The first thing she saw was Lester’s gut sitting on his thighs. Between his legs, his cock was just beginning to soften, it still looked impressive. Lester’s head was against the shower wall. She wondered how often he actually got out of bed before noon.

Sarah stood and let the water hit her body. She moved, trying not to touch Lester’s legs sprawled out in front of him. After cleaning herself and trying to wash out as much of Lester’s spunk as possible, Sarah quietly exited the shower and dried off. She took her hair dryer to the bedroom, closing the bathroom door behind her. She hoped to get out of the house without Lester trying to fuck her again. She needed to get to work.

She checked her phone, “Shit.”

She wasn’t late for work yet but she normally left the house by now. She quickly dried her hair and got dressed, wearing another professional blazer, dress pants and a white satin blouse. As she put her earrings on, she looked at the messy bed and tried not to think of the tender lovemaking session Lester had shared with her the night before.

Sarah looked on her nightstand for her wedding ring. It wasn’t there. “Shit,” she said, throwing herself onto her the floor to look under the bed. It wasn’t there either. “Shit, shit, shit, where is it?” She quickly looked around the room, under the pillows and in her drawers. She couldn’t find it, and she couldn’t keep looking for it or else she would be late. She needed to leave the house.

Sarah debated leaving Lester in the shower but she didn’t want him to have free reign over her house. She opened the bathroom door and knocked on the shower glass. Lester blinked his eyes and looked around not understanding where he was before a sly grin spread across his ugly face.

“Lester, we need to go to work. They are going to tell us if the board approved your proposal or not,” Sarah said, dropping a towel on the floor. Lester stood up and reached for the towel as Sarah marched herself downstairs to make a coffee.

“Uh, come on, Lester,” Sarah threw her hands up in frustration at seeing the sink full of dirty dishes from the night before. There wasn’t time to clean them now. Sarah hated waking up to a dirty kitchen and knew she was going to be stressed later coming home to one.

As her coffee finished pouring, Lester came down the stairs in the same clothes he’d worn the day before.

“You aren’t wearing that right?” Sarah asked, “That’s the same outfit you wore to the hospital yesterday.”

“My other clothes are in the hotel. You said we were late, so I figured,” Lester said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Then go quickly and get changed. Lester, you are reflecting on me. You can’t show up wearing yesterday’s dirty clothes.” Sarah went to the door and put her heels on.

“I thought we could drive in together, though,” Lester’s hands came to Sarah’s shoulder, giving them a gentle massage.

“I don’t think so,” Sarah said, getting momentarily lost in his touch. She rolled her shoulder and opened the door, “We can’t show up together. If anyone saw that, it would look unprofessional that I have such a close relationship with a vendor, and it would also look really suspicious, especially since you are wearing yesterday’s clothes.”

Sarah checked her watch, “Besides, there are a couple of errands I want to take care of on the way to work.”

Sarah stood at the open door and motioned for Lester to go. Grunting, he put his shoes on and left the house. Sarah locked the door behind her and walked quickly to her car, praying none of the neighbors noticed the odd couple leaving the house.

“Alright, meet you in your office,” Lester said as he opened his car door. “Maybe we can get another quickie in.”

“Let’s just get going. We’re gonna be late.” Sarah said as she got into her own vehicle and started to back out of the driveway. As she pulled away, she saw Lester’s SUV pulling out onto the street.

Shit. She had meant to call Dan after her shower. She would message him once she got to work. Right now, she had to make a couple of stops before getting to the hospital. As she drove, she felt more of Lester’s cum seep out of her into her panties. She knew he was fixed and that she was at a safe in her cycle, but she still felt uneasy about going around all day with little Lesters floating around inside of her.

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