Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

“We will,” Dan looked at his wife and smiled. “I love you. We will. But right now, I want to talk to Lester.”

“Let’s talk then,” Lester said, squaring his shoulders and stepping forward into the kitchen. “I’m here to help your wife out of her work situation and plan on fucking her every night that I’m here. In your bed upstairs.”

Dan felt his cock stir but ignored it. He had to press on and not get sucked back into letting his lust win out.

“Is the hospital paying you?” Dan asked flatly.

“Yes, but -” Lester started.

“Then that’s your compensation. Sarah and I didn’t agree to anything more, and from where I’m sitting, you came down here and took an extra date yesterday that we never agreed to.” Dan cocked his head to the side, eager to see Lester’s response. It felt good being back in his own environment. He was glad he arrived before Lester could taint it further.

“Hardly,” Lester scoffed, “I couldn’t keep your wife off me. It’s not my problem that she can’t help herself when she’s around me.”

Dan quickly glanced at Sarah, “That’s what I want to talk about. Her being alone with you. We’re going to change the terms of our arrangement.”

“How’s that,” Lester chuckled. “I’m still getting my dates or I won’t pay your half of the rent. I know how bad things are for you right now. You can’t afford that.”

“Sure,” Dan said, stepping closer to Lester. “That’s true. For now. But sooner or later, things will change. So if you want to enjoy this brief moment in your life while it lasts, we’re going to change the terms. If not, I’ll figure out another way to get the money. I’ll start working at McDonalds after work if I have to.”

Lester rolled his eyes and took a step back, “Let’s hear it then. What do you want?”

Sarah leaned forward. This was unexpected. She hadn’t known Dan was coming home and didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. She didn’t want to interrupt him and ask. He seemed to be on a roll here.

“Going forward, you two can still have your little dates, but I’m going to chaperone.” Dan narrowed his eyes. “Sarah and I started this together, and we’re going to stick this out together.”

Dan looked at his wife, “I shouldn’t have let you go off on your own. For that, I’m sorry. But from now on I’ll be there for you.”

“I don’t think so,” Lester shrugged his shoulders. “That’s going to cramp my style.”

“It’s a take it or leave it offer,” Dan said.

“You’re bluffing,” Lester looked Dan up and down as if he was assessing him. “If you can’t afford rent, you’ll have to crawl back here or get kicked out on the street.”

“I’ve already worked it out,” Dan said. He could sleep in the office. Things were so bad right now that no one would notice. He would just appear to be the first one in and the last one out. He could shower at the YMCA down the street. He didn’t want to reveal this to Lester, though. Dan had learned it was better to hold onto information around him. “If I need to leave the apartment, so be it but I’m not going to play by your rules anymore. That’s over.”

Lester stared at Dan for a long time, trying to read his face. Sarah was staring at Dan, loving how assertive he was being. He seemed to have broken out of his funk and stood tall in front of Lester.

“So let me get this straight,” Lester said. “I still get to go on dates with your wife, and I’ll still probably fuck her, and you are just going to follow us around and watch?”

“Not exactly,” Dan smiled, “You still get dates, but nothing else is guaranteed. Which was, if you recall, the original agreement.”

“You good with that, honey?” Dan looked at Sarah reassuringly.

“Sounds good to me, boo,” Sarah reached out and held Dan’s hand.”

“I’m not going to pay for you,” Lester said, “And you’ll have to give us some space.”

“Sure,” Dan nodded.

“I don’t like you trying to strong-arm me, Dan,” Lester said. “It’s not good form to change a deal that has already been struck.”

“Well, it’s changed,” Dan said, “And it’s taken me a bit of time to see it, but I finally realized you aren’t really that meek little nerd that you presented yourself as when we first moved in. So now is a good time to renegotiate.”

Anger flashed on Lester’s face. Sarah didn’t know if he didn’t like being called a nerd or didn’t like that Dan could see the real Lester.

“I have a condition,” Lester looked between both of them. “I agree to everything but I have one condition.”

“What is it?” Sarah asked.

“Before I leave Middleton, I want Sarah one last time. Here in your house. You can be here and watch whatever you want to do.”

“What do you think?” Dan looked at Sarah. She was happy that he looked at her for input. She felt like they were a team again. She found the idea of fucking Lester again morbidly appealing. It was hot thinking about Dan watching them go at it in their marital bed.

Sarah squeezed Dan’s hand, “Whatever you think. Once isn’t terrible.”

“Alright, Lester, once you finish fixing things at the hospital, on your last night, you can come over,” Dan said.

“I wasn’t finished,” Lester said. “I want Sarah to wear an outfit of my choosing too.”

“Okay,” Dan rolled his eyes, “What are you going to get her like a slave Princess Leia outfit to wear? It’s asking a little much here.”

“Scout’s honor, it’ll be something she already owns. Just a certain outfit that she hasn’t worn in a while.”

“Which is?” Sarah asked. All of the outfits she had worn in Chicago started to filter through her mind.

“I’ll let you know on that last day when I’m here,” Lester said.

“Fine, Lester. Whatever.” Dan put his arm around Sarah’s shoulders and held her close. “Another thing. While you are at the hospital and during the rest of your time in Middleton. Leave Sarah alone. No trying to corner her in her office or anything like that. Got it?”

“Sure,” Lester said flatly.

“Let’s shake on it then. Seal the deal,” Dan extended his hand. “No walking this back. You leave Sarah alone, and I come on your little dates. You get one more date here in Middleton before leaving.”

“And Sarah wears an outfit of my choosing on that date,” Lester added in.

“Sure, yeah,” Dan said.

Lester reached out and shook Dan’s hand. Dan grimaced, feeling the sweaty palms of his roommate, “Okay, now it’s time for you to go.”

Dan gestured towards the door until Lester got the message and moved towards it. Immediately after Lester crossed the threshold, Dan shut the door and locked it.

“Oh, Dan,” Sarah said, hugging him from behind, her head against his back. “I’m so glad you are back here. How are you here? What did they say at work?”

“I told them I’m going to work remotely for a bit,” Dan turned and hugged Sarah back. “So many people have been leaving lately that they are scrambling to stop the bleeding. I have a bunch of key clients so I decided Walt can bend a little. He didn’t have a problem with it.”

“Good,” Sarah nuzzled her head into her husband’s chest and inhaled his scent. He was so different from Lester. “Dan we need to talk about what happened yesterday.”

“You’re right,” Dan said, looking down at his wife. “We do. But right now, I just want you.”

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