Timestop: The Train Ride Chapter 5 by SKOLL

Still behind her, I reach down and grab one of her arms and pull it up, the rest of her still hanging upside down limply. I press my cock on her armpit and pull the arm up tight. This is just about the perfect height for this. I pump slowly in and out, my precum and her sweat plenty to lubricate my motion. The slightest scratchiness from her stubble is almost painful, but I slide in and out anyway. I notice this was the armpit I bit into earlier, breaking the skin, leaving teeth marks and a bit of blood. I get even harder.

I slap her ass with a free hand, then increase my pace fucking her armpit, holding her tight and thrusting in the slick crease of her arm. A soft sticky sound as my dick pokes out the front side. I look around and watch it poking out again and again. shifting her sideboob out of the way each time.

I’m rock solid but want to change things up. I move around to the front of her again and crouch down a bit to be level with her mouth. I grab her head with both hands and lift her up to my cock, her messy hair still so soft and sexy. I have to hold her jaw open the whole time, against gravity, thrusting straight into her open face hole. Her mouth slick with old cum and spit, lubricating perfectly, the depravity of it all turning me on even more.

Slightly crouched with my feet far apart, I’m in a great stance for plowing her with all my power. I hold her jaw open with both thumbs, hands on either side of her head, and I thrust deeply, bottoming out, pushing past the tight throat opening, straight down into esophagus. I grunt and sigh, the feeling so amazing. Warm and wet.

A gurgling sound emits from deep within her for a few seconds, air being forced around with spit and cum in there. The smell coming from her cunt close to my face is so disgusting, but I’m too turned on to care. I thrust as hard and as fast as I can, putting my whole body into this power stance. Cum and drool pours out of her face around my cock as I churn everything up, leaking into her nose, on her face, into her hair.

I look at her gaping cunt spread out in front of me, stinking. Red and raw from abuse, the skin tight and worn. I get an idea and suddenly pull away from her, cock plopping free of throat. I go to her bags. It doesn’t take me long, I knew she’d have a bunch of good smelling products. I find some lotion, something fancy, expensive, that smells like fruit and flowers. Wow, this shit actually smells amazing. I go back to her and start lathering her up a bit around her pussy. I notice how red my punches have made her, and I give her another slap for good measure.

The lotion masks her awful stench, which was starting to make it hard to be so close to her. I can still smell the lewd scent of sex and pussy and sweat, but at least it’s heavily mixed with this girly delicious stuff. Most importantly, her pussy isn’t so raw anymore, but nice and moist and slippery.

I grab around the back, clamping onto an asscheek hard for leverage, then I reach my other hand up to her pussy, put all my fingers together into a point, and jam down hard into her opening. I only go a couple knuckles and it stops. She’s so tight. I force my hand down deeper, a slight squelching sound from her pussy as everything strains. Deeper and the pressure is intense, kind of hurting my hand, my fingers all clamped so tightly together. I pull out, squirt out another handful of lotion. and then I thrust back into her with all my strength, gripping her in a firm hug around the waist with my free arm for maximum leverage. Lotion and cum and other juices ooze out the edges around my knuckles. Finally I feel a silent pop as my entire hand is finally inside her vagina.

My cock is so hard, having never gotten a chance to do this to a girl before. This bitch has no choice. I move around inside her, the pressure making it so difficult, barely able to wiggle my fingers. I slide up and down slightly, feeling the wet flesh on all sides of my hand. Slime from all the cum and juices is thick all around in there. I start to curl my fingers. Slowly. Struggling. I finally make a fist, and it feels like she’s going to burst. “Oh fuck that’s insane”. I notice it making her pubic area and lower belly move a bit, expanding into the shape of my intruding fist. I uncurl my fingers then curl them again, making a fist, then letting go. Her insides getting wrecked, a mix of frothy liquids, like cream, squeezing out onto her lips and pubes around my wrist.

I push as deep as I can and feel it. Her cervix, just barely. I rub my fingertips on it, squishing into it, feeling around, knowing I’m way too deep into this girl. I pull my hand up and out of her, almost just as much a struggle as going in, like she doesn’t want to let go. My hand is coated in a disgusting mix of cream and slime. Some blood even. Not too bad but damn I should not be doing this. I gear up again and thrust my fist back into her hard. She queefs deeply, her cunt lips visibly flapping from the air being farted out of her rapidly.

My cock is raging as I slide my hand up and down, out halfway then in full force again, trying to punch down at that cervix in there. God I need to fuck her again.

I pull out and hastily untie her, pulling her down carefully. I gather her bags, stacking them up on top of one another to make a bit of a platform. She’s got so many to work with, the spoiled bitch. I put her big rectangular travel suitcase on top, open with a bunch of her expensive stuff inside. I take more of her clothes from other bags and stuff them all on top of this open suitcase, making a big mound, above knee height. I lift her mess of a body on top of it all, laying her face up, her torso and ass sinking a bit onto the clothes on her open suitcase. Her arms, legs, and head all spilling down over the sides, hanging grotesquely, her back a bit arched up in the center. That slick pussy gaping at me, oozing liquids, remaining a bit open after the fisting.

I dive in, my cock starved for too long. crouch down slightly, aim my dick and practically fall into her in my haste. I enter her gaping cunt with no resistance, damn I must’ve really stretched her. I laugh and thrust in with no mercy. Her looseness just means I have to pump harder to feel the same stimulation. I oblige happily, grabbing hold of her hips to steady her. plowing away. the whole mound of bags shaking violently with each thrust.

Her legs just limply lay there, kind of in the way of my legs, so I feel around real quick for some straps from the bags under her. I quickly take a few seconds to rig something up to tie her legs. I succeed, both her legs up tight as far as they’ll go, tied around the knees, looking like she’s on some weird operating table, or about to give birth. I pump into her hard, grabbing her tits as handles to hold her and all the shaking bags under her steady.

The position is so erotic. her torso arches up, her head falling completely off the back of the bag, I only see the bottom of her chin. Her arms fall off the sides in the same way, sexy armpits completely exposed, slick with sweat. Her legs strapped up tight, spread wide, bent at the knees, feet flopping around from my pumping. Those cute little blue socks. So clean and pure, they look brand new. I pull one of her feet to my face as I thrust into her. I inhale deeply. The fabric so soft and fuzzy on my nose, her scent actually not that bad. Sweat, but only a hint of a nasty foot smell. My cock swells within her as I move in and out, covering my face with her foot.

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