Competitive Cheerleader by Selena_Saffron,Selena_Saffron

Hi! I’m Angela, I’m eighteen years old and I’ve been studying at North West State University for the last four months. I’m living in a student dorm after leaving home last September and I’ve met a bevy of great female friends. There’s Becky, Caroline, Daphne and Emma, and the five of us make up the college cheerleading squad.

At home, it never really occurred to me that I was beautiful, although I guess I’m conventionally good-looking, maybe even great-looking, in fact: I have long, brown, wavy hair, medium-sized 34C breasts, an athletic body, and long, smooth legs, plus a tight butt that sticks out when I wear the short cheerleading skirt I need to wear.

Now, though, I have discovered the joys of being desired, popular, the center of attention and the male gaze, where guys all across campus look at me and dream to be with me — to date me, kiss me, love me, and eff me; and all this has transformed my opinion of myself.

Now I have the confidence to flirt, banter and attract all kinds of men, plus I have really begun to explore my body as a sexual being. I have used my time in the dorm to explore my body, my breasts, my pussy; and have had many hot self-sessions in the dorm showers.

It helps to be surrounded by four other gorgeous women cheerleaders, too. Becky is tall, blond, with fabulous 34D breasts, complete with wide areolae and pointed, luscious nipples, an athletic body slightly curvier than mine, and equally long legs; Caroline is dark-haired, with a curvy body, somewhat shorter, but with big, round breasts and long nipples, plus thicker legs; Daphne is a lighter, ash blonde with a more willowy frame, smaller breasts, maybe 32B, but perfectly formed and firm, with a long torso, slim hips and the longest legs among us; while Emma is a redhead, with dead straight hair, pale, white skin, bright pink nipples, fleshy, yummy breasts, wide hips and muscled legs.

I know all this about their bodies because we have come to exploring each other’s bodies in the dorm room, and now I know their bodies almost as well as I do my own.

Two weeks ago, all five of us attended a small party in the football clubhouse over by the college stadium, where we met the team of jocks representing NWSU’s football team. Things went well until one of the shyer guys drank too much beer and bumped his head when he passed out on the floor. He went to hospital to be treated for concussion.

That was bad for him, but it was great for me, since I had a major crush on Coach Jake Saxon, who was a senior just last year and had come back this year to informally coach the team. I’m only eighteen, so he dismissed me as just some ditzy freshman, but after I marshaled the players and cheerleaders and helped one of his players at the hospital, he’d been impressed by the maturity I had displayed. One thing had led to another, and we had ended up in bed together back at his place and had had THE. BEST. SEX. EVER.

Now he had gone out of his way to get me on the college competitive cheerleading team, rather than just the normal sports cheerleading we usually did.

Unfortunately, my four friends were less inclined to do competitive cheerleading, and just wanted to cheer on the team, and this had led to Jake chewing them out the other day. I had stuck up for them in front of him, which had led to us having an argument for the first time.

Now he’s just called me, and is about to come over to the dorm to apologize. I bet he wants sex before he leaves. Guess what? He won’t get it.

There was a knock on the dorm door.

“Angela? It’s me, Jake.”

I was alone in the dorm, since the girls had gone out without telling me, figuring that Jake and I were about to have another hot session. We weren’t, but he didn’t know that; and neither did they. I sighed, got up and opened the door.

There he was — six feet tall at least, big, beefy, a huge chest, covered by a college jersey, plus cargo pants and white, slightly scuffed sneakers. His black hair was tousled, and heaped up in a slightly untidy but endearing mop on his head, and his arms were thick and muscled. “Hi, babe, I came as soon as I could.”

“OK,” I said, folding my arms and looking at him.

He looked nervous. “Look, the other day — I didn’t mean to yell at your friends, it’s just that -”

“Yes, you did, Jake, and I’m bummed about it! What do you expect them to think — or me?”

He ran his hand through his hair. “I got out of hand — I’m sorry. It’s just that I was so excited that you managed to get onto the competitive team and -”

“Look, face it, Jake — all you care about is sport. I get that you’re the coach, but -”

“That’s not it, babe — I’ve got my future business plans for when I finish up this coaching gig with the university.”

“I know, but the fact is, you’re bummed that Becky isn’t joining me and just wants to stay in the team cheerleaders, whereas I’m moving up to competitive. You know that she’s a better cheerleader than me and now you’re torn — because I’m your girlfriend but she’s the better cheerleader, so you hoped you could send both of us to solve that little dilemma.”

Jake looked found out. “Er, well -”

“And then, Caroline, Daphne and Emma want to stay with Becky, since if they go with me, there won’t be a cheerleading squad to cheer on the team.”

“Ah -”

“So you’re splitting us up and driving a wedge between us.”

“Now, look — I just wanted the best for you.”

I raised one eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

He looked shocked. “Of course? Why wouldn’t I?”

“You’re sure there isn’t a green-eyed monster somewhere lurking?”

Jake was confused. “Huh?”

Hmm, maybe I had jumped to conclusions a little here. I decided to say what I was thinking. “Well, it occurred to me that you’ve been really eager for me to get on this competitive team ever since we first had sex. Yet you also know that the girls and I get up to some pretty sexy games all by ourselves when you’re not around. I figured maybe this was your little plan to isolate me off from the other girls, so that you could have me all to yourself.”


“Why else would you want me to be on the new team, when Becky’s the better cheerleader?”


“Wouldn’t it make more sense to make HER the competitive nominee?”

“NO WAY! Why would I help out Becky when she’s not my girlfriend?”

“OK, well, then – if that’s the case, why did you shout at her the other day for not wanting to go, if you don’t want her to go because she’s not your girlfriend?”

Jake looked taken aback. “Er, well, er -”

“And another thing. I don’t like shouty guys in general. If this is what you’re gonna be like after we’ve only being going out for two weeks, what are you gonna be like if things got serious?”

Jake looked crestfallen. “Er — I don’t know what to say. I just thought — the more, the merrier, and when they said no, I thought they were wasting their talent. I got disappointed.”

“Not everyone thinks like you — like some overbearing, overachieving, quasi-automaton robot. People have other priorities in life besides sport. We’re at college. We’re studying. The girls like going for coffee. They like shopping. We’re normal eighteen-year-olds. GET A LIFE!”

Jake got a little desperate. “I’m sorry!”

“Look, Jake. OK, I’ll take the gig. I’ll go alone — NOT with you. I’ve had to smooth things over with the girls for your sake already, and I don’t fancy having you tagging along and them asking me more questions about where my loyalties lie — with you or them. Let’s call off this thing between us, OK? We’ll keep it casual. Go and find another girl to date. I’ll find someone else. If we wanna meet up again later and try again — OK, I’m up for that. It’s been fun. Let’s keep it that way, huh?”

Jake was forlorn, but he realized he had screwed up. Also, I’d given him some hope that we might get back together again. After all, the sex had been fantastic. “OK. I’m happy that you got it — and I’ll be delighted to hear how you got on at the contest. Have a great time — I’ll be cheering you on in my heart!”

With that, he turned around and left.

“So how did it go?” asked Becky, breezing in an hour later, together with the other three.

“Not great,” I admitted. “We split up.”

“WHAT!” cried Caroline.

“It’s no problem,” I continued. “It was amicable, to a certain extent. I told him I didn’t want him to come between us as friends.”

“You didn’t have to dump him because of us!” cried Emma.

“Well, it wasn’t just that,” I explained. “I also don’t fancy having him shouting already, just two weeks into a relationship — and at my friends, too.”

“Yeah, that’s a red flag,” remarked Daphne.

I nodded. “Also, while the sex was great -”

“Ours was greater?” grinned Emma.

I laughed. It was good to have friends like these. “Well, I guess I’m only eighteen. I’m not about to settle down or anything!”

They laughed at that, and we went on to discuss what they had been up to. Window shopping, it seemed. After a few minutes chatting about what they might buy in the future, Daphne spoke up.

“So, what’s next, then, Angela?”

I looked at my friends. “The contest’s this weekend. I figure I owe it to Jake to at least give it a try. I’ll do my best but I don’t really mind whether I win or lose. I’m just doing it for the experience.”

“Where’s it gonna be?” asked Becky.

“Over at the civic center downtown, on Saturday.”

Caroline flumped down on my bed. “Well, I hope it all goes well! In the meantime, fancy getting a little clothes-optional with us tonight?” she winked.

I beamed at her. “Yeah, why not?”

Saturday came and I showed up downtown at around eight. The civic center was buzzing with all kinds of competitive cheerleaders. I was slightly surprised at the number of men’s teams. In the history of cheerleading, apparently cheerleaders were originally all-male. It wasn’t until the last fifty years or so that women began to take part, so the classic female cheerleader uniform of pom-poms, bows in my hair, tight bra top, sexy bare midriff, super-short skirt, socks and sneakers became associated with hot babes and beautiful women.

I milled around for a while, before finding the line to register. That took around twenty minutes of waiting. I signed my name, got allocated to my team and said hi to the members. There were ten of us, instead of the usual five that we had at the university. I was concerned. I didn’t want any sky-high pyramids to fall off, so I was determined that if I was gonna be doing any of that, I was gonna be one of the ones on the bottom, not the sucker of a girl on the top, who falls over and cracks her head open, becoming yet another of the worst statistics for female sports injuries in the country. Stuff. That.

Having told them in no uncertain terms as much, everyone began standing around chatting. I was impatient, and wanted to get changed into my cheerleader outfit. I headed off to the toilets to get changed.

As I walked through the building, I was kind of put off by the amount of construction work that was going on at the same time as this contest. The civic center was old, built in the 1930’s, and was in dire need of maintenance. I guess that was what they were doing. There was scaffolding everywhere, people painting and decorating, putting in new lights and builders in hard hats and coveralls strolling around everywhere. I even saw a supervisor with a clipboard barking out orders to a construction crew in a corridor. Huh.

I arrived at the toilets. Oh, great. Some dufus builder had removed the male and female signs from the doors, and I could see new ones, together with the old ones, lying in a neat pile leaning up against the wall outside. How was I supposed to know which one was which?

Oh, well. There was only one way to find out.

I tried one and hoped. Breezing in through the door, I came face-to-face with a practically naked young guy. He was a male cheerleader, and had just taken off his day clothes, which were folded next to the wash basins. He stood there in his underwear and bare feet and nothing else.

My eyes widened as I took in his athletic, toned body, with thick pecs, ripped abs, and strong thick legs.

All this happened in a split second before he looked up calmly, and said in a deep voice, “I think you should try the other room.” A slight smirk played over his lips.

I was taken aback, before I recovered. “Oh, yeah? Seeing as there’s no sign on the door, how do you know this one is for the boys?”

He pointed around the corner of the toilet cubicles. “See?”

I looked and saw a row of urinals. Oh. “OK, point taken,” I said.

Just then, thinking of urinals, I happen to glance down at his crotch. Oh, wow!

Stretched to the limit, I saw his Speedo briefs straining against what looked to be an absolutely enormous sleeping giant. Even in its relaxed state, it looked to be around five inches in girth and maybe as many inches long, and its outline was really obvious, though I guess that’s normal when a man is in his underwear and nothing else. My mouth salivated just looking at it, and I instantly felt an arousal between my legs. Together with the rest of his toned physique, he looked like a very tasty prospect indeed.

He caught me looking at his crotch. “Are you done? Can I finish getting changed now?”

I looked up at his face. Huh — I was as bad as men looking at my chest. “Er, I see.”

“I know,” he smirked. “What team are you in?”

“C,” I replied.

“I’m E,” he replied. “I guess I shouldn’t be consorting with a rival like this.” He looked me over, taking in my long legs, toned body and pert breasts. “But for you, I guess I can make an exception.”

I sidled up to him, seductively. “Is that so?”

“I’ll be even more impressed with what I’ve seen after I’ve watched you perform.”

I bit my lip and looked up at him through my eyelashes. “Well, in that case, get ready for the performance of a lifetime.”

He proffered a hand. “I’m Patrick, by the way.”

“Angela,” I replied, shaking it.


“Do you know this place?”

“There’s a gym here, too. Find it, and meet me in the men’s changing rooms at twelve.”

I smiled, shyly. “It’s a deal.”

After that, I went out and entered the other toilets, where I found a cubicle and got changed. Dumping my day clothes in my backpack, I made my way back to the arena.

Well, the show started at ten, and there were twelve teams. Men’s and women’s teams would be alternating, and each pair of teams would themselves alternate. Team A was a male team. I sat on the bleachers as I watched them.

Actually, I was impressed by the standard. I’d never seen guys cheerlead before, and so I was intrigued to see a masculine interpretation of the sport. It was vigorous, athletic and exciting, and reminded of old-time circus strongmen, with the way they carried each other on their shoulders. I applauded loudly when they were done. Wow, that would be a hard act to follow, I thought, as cheers from the crowd rang out.

Next up was Team B. This was a women’s team. Sure enough, it was more like I was used to. I was just getting into it when one of my teammates suddenly appeared by my side.

“Well, get ready, then! We’re on next!” she cried.

Oh, yeah! I shot up from my seat on the bleachers and hurried over to my team.

I had been practicing for a week now, whereas the other members had had two months to prepare. Jake had strong-armed me into it after one of the original members, a girl who was an acquaintance of his, had fallen sick. So my performance today was not going to be as outstanding as I had mentioned to Patrick. Still, I was competent, and was here for the experience more than anything else. Anyway, I think he got the message that the performance I promised him wasn’t of the cheerleading kind.

Team B finished, to loud applause, louder than Team A (because they were girls — huh!) and then they bowed to the judges, who deliberated on what possible scores to give out.

We walked out to the main performance area, got into position, and waited.

Finally, our turn came. The music started and we started.

The head cheerleader shouted, “HUP, HUP, HUP! GO! GO! GO!” and we waved our pom-poms, danced to the music, threw our legs up high, bent over, cheered, jumped and hopped, all in exact unison.

The crowd roared and I felt excited. Adrenaline flowed through me as I did what I was good at. I thought of Becky, who was better than me, but I knew that I could hold my own without her. Let’s go for it!

For fifteen minutes, we performed our routine. As I told my colleagues before, when it was time to stand in a pyramid, I was on the bottom. No catastrophic injuries for me!

The finale arrived, and I could feel from the roar of the crowd that we had done an excellent job. They loved us! I didn’t know whether we would win, but I felt sure that we were going to at least place in the finals. Second? Third? Whatever — I was enjoying myself, and that was all that mattered.

The music stopped and a great cheer went up from the crowd, which is, of course, the whole point of cheerleading. We bowed to the judges altogether and waited for our results.

GREAT! We were currently second, after Team B. So a silver medal was in the offing at the moment, at least. Gratified, I and my teammates walked away from the performance area and returned to the bleachers.

We were feeling exhilarated, and wanted to talk about our performance, but then we had to shut up and watch Team D. There would now be two men’s teams — D and E. I decided to skip watching D, and we all headed off to the women’s toilets to discuss what happened.

The head cheerleader was thrilled with us, and congratulated me as a beginner at a competitive event. “Well done!” she cried.

For the next ten minutes or so, we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of our routine, what could be improved, who needed more practice, what could be changed in future, etc. I was becoming distracted, since I wanted to get back to watch Patrick and his team. However, the girls just kept chattering on, so I resigned myself to missing it.

“So, Angela, what did you think? Would you like to try again in the future, or do you prefer your existing team?” asked the head.

“Well, don’t you have a permanent member who’s sick? When she gets back, I’ll be out of a position.”

“Well, we could always have you on standby, just in case.”

The other girls were enthusiastic about me staying, seeing as they had now seen my talent.

I stood there and addressed them all. “Well, girls, thanks — but maybe I should stick to my usual team for now, since we know each other so well. Yet I’m totally up for being a standby, but I feel loyal to my usual team at NWSU. However, if you like, I can, like, totally tell them how cool you all are, and introduce the other members of my team to you some time. Maybe some of them can be standbys, too!”

“YEAH!” cheered the girls.

“That’s a great idea, Angela,” said the head cheerleader, whose name was Anne.

From now on, we had to wait until two o’clock to get the final result. We left the toilets and returned to the arena and the bleachers. They were happy to sit there. However, I slipped away. I had a sexy rendezvous with Patrick, and I wasn’t about to miss it.

I made my way back to the women’s toilets, then decided to take a tour of the civic center. I wandered around, looking at the signage for the gym. Sure enough, I found it and made my way excitedly inside. I opened one of the double doors and walked passed unused gym machines and weight racks. The contest had booked out the civic center completely, so the gym was empty. I was curious as to why it was open if there was nobody here.

I headed for the men’s changing room and breezed through the door. I walked past some lockers and saw a wooden bench for guys to sit on and get changed. I turned a corner, and there he was.

“You made it!” he said, grinning.

“I did,” I smirked, placing one hand on my hip. “How did you get in? Do you have a key?”

“I sure do — I work here,” he replied, still smiling.

“Wow, you’re a PT, too?”

“Yep. I’ll go and lock the door, so we don’t get disturbed. Follow me out if you like — I don’t bite.”

I smiled as I followed him. He locked the glass double doors, then walked over to an emergency fire exit.


He pushed the bar and the door swung open. “This door is easy to open all the time.”

I was puzzled. “Yeah, so what?”

He raised one eyebrow. “I want you to feel safe.”

“Oh, right.” Uh-huh. Nice. He cares about my safety. A definite plus. How many guys would do that? Hmm. “How old are you, anyway?”

“Twenty-one,” he replied. “And you?”

“Eighteen.” I was seriously impressed. Maybe I should start going out with some slightly older guys. Jake had been twenty-three. I might make this a habit, if I was gonna get this more gentlemanly behavior. Eighteen-year-old guys were majorly clueless about stuff like this.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me into the changing room. As soon as we got inside, he pushed me gently up against the lockers. “I’ve been thinking about your body all through my performance.”

I felt a pang of guilt. “Oh, yeah — I’m sorry I missed it. The girls kept chatting and I couldn’t get away.”

“No problem. You’re here now.”

I undulated my body as he held my shoulder against the lockers. “I certainly am. I haven’t stopped thinking about your cock since…”

“You saw it,” he said, completing my sentence.

“I haven’t actually seen it yet,” I said. “Just the outline.”

He said nothing, but stepped back and ripped off his shirt, to reveal bulging biceps, his thick pecs, shredded abs and hard, manly torso.

I removed my tight top, revealing my damp bra, which was wet from perspiration. He was a little sweaty, too, but I didn’t care. I usually like clean guys, but stuff it. I was turned on by him, and I needed that cock.

He grabbed me in his arms and ran his fingers through my hair. My hands ran down his hard, hairless chest, before his lips met mine.

This was no dainty ‘first kiss’ scenario — I was horny, worked up from all the exercise, and I wanted him. I kissed him back fiercely, and he met my desire. I felt his need and desire for me, and scraped my nails down his back. He moaned at that, and broke contact with my lips, only to rain kisses down my neck. He nibbled my ear, his hands running up and down my body, awakening my passion, making me want him.

His hand cupped my breast through the bra, before joining the other hand behind me to unclip my bra, and let the girls out. I felt free, and so did they. He cupped my left breast with his hand once more, and I closed my eyes with anticipation, as his lips once again met mine.

We kissed deeply, deeper than before, and I let out a moan at the double stimulation from his hand on my firm, round 34C’s, which I was proud of, plus the exciting feel of his lips.

I undulated my body, as I maneuvered my hips to pull my skirt down to the floor.

He lifted one of my legs and stepped forward, pushing me back against the lockers, as his other hand kneaded my other breast. I was hot for him now, and I wanted more.

He seemed to read my mind, and dropped my leg back down, his hand now rubbing and smoothing against my panties, right against my mound. I felt a sudden hike in my desire, and I began gently thrusting against his hand.

Seeing that, Patrick now pulled me off the lockers and sat down on the wooden bench, gesturing for me to straddle him.

I did, opening my thighs wide to sit on his lap. He used his hands to push me back, before bending his head to suck in my nipple, his hot mouth engulfing the hard nub and swollen areola, and I gasped as I realized that Patrick was a great lover. I closed my eyes once more, enjoying the delicious sensation coursing through my young breasts. I felt his hands range over my breasts, squeezing and kneading them, coaxing pleasure from them. I might be only eighteen, but I realized I love sex, and would be able to look forward to an entire lifetime of this joy.

That done, he turned sideways and laid me down on the bench, hooking his thumbs into the elastic waistband of my panties, and pulling them down carefully. With them on the floor, he smoothed his clean-shaven face against my thighs, kissing down both of them, getting nearer and nearer to my anticipating pussy, which was getting wetter and wetter by the minute.

Finally, he made it there, and I was more than ready. He kissed my hairless mound, before burying his face against my outer labia. Now I could feel his rising passion, as he kissed urgently, covering me with endless kisses, before introducing his tongue. The tip was pointed and urgent, as he parted my inner labia and licked up the vestibule beneath, forcing him and I to both moan in unison.

Now he used his fingers to hold the hood of my clit in place, as he sucked it into his mouth, his tongue lashing the sensitive nub side to side, until I began moaning constantly. It felt amazing, and my thirsty pussy ached to be filled. I imagined his big cock filling me up, and giving me orgasm after orgasm.

I decided. I got up, surprising him somewhat, as I reached for his pants. He pulled them down, revealing that same underwear I had seen earlier. This time, though, there was a huge, mammoth, swollen cock, rock hard and urgent, straining against the material. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband, as he had done to me, and out sprang this huge cock. I gasped. It was super-thick, maybe a seven-inch girth, and eight inches long. It looked incredible, and I loved it. It was veiny, with a big, pink head, while some huge, manly balls hung below.

I gingerly approached it, then encircled my hand around the thick shaft, pulling it down.

Patrick moaned at my touch. “Oh, yeah, baby,” he managed.

I pointed my tongue and licked up and down the urethral slit, before swirling,my tongue around the huge head, moistening it and making it slick. It seemed to swell even more at the touch of my tongue. I closed my mouth and pressed my lips up against the head, while sliding my hand down to the base, where I held him steady, while my other hand gently fondled his balls. They felt heavy, and the ball-sack seemed distended somewhat, and full. Wow. Let’s see what he can do, I thought.

I opened my mouth slowly, my lips gliding over the head. I wasn’t gonna be able to get his whole length in, and I didn’t know how to deep throat, but I tried my best.

I was kneeling on the floor in front of him, and he leaned back on the bench, opening his thighs. I grabbed his butt in my hands and squeezed his glutes, as my mouth engulfed the whole head of his cock.

Now I slid my lips slowly down the first two inches of the shaft, before opening wide to allow another inch in. Including the head, I had about four inches inside my mouth, roughly half his length. I used my hand to stroke the remaining four inches outside, synchronizing the bobbing of my head with my strokes to milk his huge manhood.

Patrick growled and moaned, as my lips, mouth and hands worked their magic on his magnificent cock. Occasionally I felt his balls, fondling them in my hands like a pair of stress balls, pushing them up towards the shaft, then letting them drop back down again. He had kinda low-hanging balls, but I wasn’t complaining.

Patrick leaned back on the bench with one hand, and placed the other gently on the back of my head to guide me up and down his huge cock.

I was loving this. I love pleasuring a man in this way, and the submissiveness of the whole act turns me on, and none more so than Patrick’s cock. The bigger it is, the more submissive I feel, so I was in my element.

This went on for a few minutes, with Patrick moaning in pleasure, gently pumping his hips, thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth. Then he pulled back. “Oh, yeah, baby, lie down on the bench.”

YES! I wanted this. Obediently, I lay down on my back, my legs in the air. Patrick got up and pulled my hips to the end of the bench. He knelt down on the floor, then slid the head of his cock up and down my soaked pussy, before finally pushing the huge head against my entrance.

There was a momentary resistance, before my inner labia parted and my pussy welcomed him in. My eyes widened as I felt his huge size stretch my walls wide, easily able to apply friction to the fierce desire I felt in the innervated entrance, the nerve endings tingling with pleasure as he slowly pumped just the head in and out of the entrance.

A minute of this passed before I began to undulate my body. Reading my movements, he knew I wanted more. He pushed in deeper, and the head passed beyond the entrance, and I felt the shaft disappear deep within me.

Oh, wow! I could feel him push right up to the bumper. I was astonished as he shifted his hips to avoid contact with my cervix, the head instead pushing deep against the A-spot around it. I gasped, before he then withdraw, dismaying me for a split second, before he once again pushed deep inside. Now he repeated the action, this time pulling out until only the head was left inside me, before quickly pushing deep inside me once more.

Now he began pumping his hips, as he began to eff me in earnest.

“Rrrr,” I growled, as I reveled in his huge size and the way he filled me up. “Yes, baby, yes, yes, YES!” I panted, as he increased speed. I loved getting pounded, and Patrick’s huge tool was doing the job, with overtime.

He grabbed my hips with both hands, and made love to my pussy, giving her his full eight-inch length, and I arched my back on the bench to take more of him in.

The bench was hard and a little uncomfortable. Patrick noticed and picked me up bodily with both hands, his cock still inside me, then standing up to lean my back against the lockers once more. I clasped my legs around his waist, before he began pumping inside me once again.

Now with gravity on his side, I felt the full effect of his size, length and girth as he pounded me hard.

We stayed in this position for a couple of minutes, before Patrick began to tire, so he pulled me off the lockers and lay down on the bench himself, with me on top.

I enthusiastically held onto his broad, muscled shoulders, before bouncing up and down on his cock. After a few minutes of this, I added a thrusting back and forth motion, so my clit could get some loving against his pubic bone.

Now I could feel the pleasure building within me, and I increased speed, bouncing harder and harder, my 34C full breasts quivering as I moved, as I greedily took my pleasure from this gorgeous specimen of manhood.

Finally, I cried out as my orgasm erupted within me, and my body undulated wildly as wave after wave of ecstasy flowed through me. I rode his cock all the way through it, before beginning to come down.

“Now it’s my turn,” he said, with a smirk. Pulling me on top of him, he moved to lie on his side, then raised one of my thighs high up his leg, until I wrapped it around his waist.

My pussy now wide open and fully exposed to his huge cock, he then rocked his hips, pumping his enormous manhood into me again and again. I gasped aloud, before his lips met mine and he kissed me deeply, his cock making love to my pussy and to me, and I began to feel desired and loved. Wow, I could really use some more of this. This was better than Jake had been, and I definitely wanted to experience more of this.

Patrick’s body now began to stiffen as he approached his climax. He grabbed my breast and sucked on the nipple and areola hard. I felt his arousal get higher and higher, his cock becoming harder and harder within me, before finally, I felt his balls contract hard as he cried out, his orgasm roaring through him. I felt stream after stream of his hot, warm semen erupt in my pussy, as his cock released eight or ten waves of his seed, as he came more strongly than I had ever seen a man come before.

As he came down from his climax, I hugged him tight on the bench, the last drops of his seed emptying into me. I felt unbelievably filled and satiated. As we lay there, breathing heavily as we caught our breath, I vowed silently to myself that I would definitely be seeing Patrick again.

“Wow, babe, that was incredible,” said Patrick, finally.

I grinned. “There’s more where that came from. I’m definitely up for this again some time.”

“OK!” he smiled. “Same here. Let’s make it a regular occurrence.”

“Next time, though, I would prefer more comfortable surroundings.”

“Sure, I can arrange that. My place, maybe?”


We exchanged details, then got dressed.

I suppose you’re wondering who won the contest, like that even matters to me now. Team C came second. Team E came fourth. Team H was the winner.

As I emerged from the civic center that afternoon, I felt happy. I had a new lover, and an amazing story to tell the four girls when I got back to our dorm.

As for now, though, Patrick was definitely on my “to-do” list from now on and, as I strode down the street in the bright sunshine, I looked forward confidently to the future.



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