Desert Island Adonis

An adult stories – Desert Island Adonis by hn4441,hn4441 I woke up face down in warm sand, the tide washed and foamed beneath my body, gently tugging me back towards the sea, the wet sand pulling away from beneath me as it was sucked back into the water. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant, until I remembered the storm, and being thrown from the small boat I’d hired for a week, ending with me face down on a beach.

Lifting my head and trying to open my eyes, I realised they were crusted with salt which stung and made me close them again. I rubbed it away and managed to get a peek. The smell of the sea and ozone filled my nostrils….and something else. Something raw and masculine, animal.

Then I noticed the shadow and with a jolt rolled over to see a man standing over me. Had he just been here watching….for how long? As my eyes quickly adjusted I could see he was holding something in his hand, holding it out towards me. A coconut?! He nodded his head without saying anything, clearly he wanted me to take the coconut,to drink out of it. Carefully, and unsure of myself I took the coconut from him. My body ached with every movement. I didn’t feel like I’d been badly injured, more that I’d been in some kind of washing machine with a number of small boulders.

I took the coconut – there was a rough hole in the top of it, and hearing the juice splashing around inside I realised just how dry my mouth was. I threw my head back to take a taste, aiming to pour it into my mouth, but clearly hadn’t come around fully yet. I overbalanced and a big glug of coconut water splashed across my body, and I braced myself to reconnect with the sand, but it never came. In a flash the manimal had his hand on my back and held me up. As he held me, he crouched down and brought his face level with mine. “Thanks… ” I tried to say, but only managed to croak.

He smiled and with his other hand guided the coconut towards my lips and I breathed in that animal masculine scent again.

It was at this point I began to wonder if I had in fact died and managed to get into some kind of paradise. I hadn’t been a ‘bad’ person in life, but I also didn’t think I’d been conventionally ‘good’ enough to deserve this.

The man was incredibly beautiful. His soft eyes met mine and his uncomplicated smile conveyed nothing but warmth and affection, free of any hint of reservation or formality…. maybe even civilisation? His features were manly but youthful, it was hard to guess his age, he could have been in his late teens or early twenties I suppose. His skin was deeply tanned, his face showed a little hint of a thin beard and moustache beginning to appear, but not yet fully grown.

Now that he’d moved closer, the masculine smell I’d almost unconsciously picked up on earlier was clearly his. He smelled of the sea and of days spent working outdoors. Not unclean, but not washed with soap and perfumed either. He smelled like a man.

As he was crouched down close to me, I couldn’t really see his body, not without it being obvious that I was checking him out! I did however notice that while he wasn’t wearing much at all, his modesty was hidden by something.

After a pause to take in what just happened (and to take him in as much as I dared), with his hand at my back and helping me hold the coconut up to my lips, I took a drink, this time managing to get most of it into my mouth. It tasted divine, creamy, sweet and minerally. I drank it all until there were only drops left to shake out.

It was then I realised just how closely he was holding me. His scent was intoxicating, and the thought flashed through my brain again that maybe this was paradise. Normally I would feel uncomfortable with a stranger in my personal space, but it wasn’t like I’d had a choice, I’d been totally at his mercy until this point. He took the coconut from me and tossed it casually away into the waves. I noticed a defined and muscular arm and a thick but lean torso. Unlikely for a teenager, I revised my guess on his age to be in his early twenties.

Coming to my senses a little more, I looked out to sea, at the waves a little way off crashing against the rocks at the outside edge of the cove I’d landed in. Little plumes of spray were tossed into the air. Bits of flotsam were being thrown about among them, and more drifted in the calmer water closer to us. Not the kind of thing you’d expect in paradise I thought….so this probably isn’t. A familiarity with the look of some of the floating pieces and it dawned on me that they had until recently been the boat I’d unintentionally arrived upon.


Tom, as I’d decided to call him, came back out of the water smiling with that same unrestrained smile he’d had on the first day. He just seemed to enjoy being a part of nature. I watched him greedily as his muscular body emerged from his morning swim. For a second it seemed as though he might bring the entire ocean with him, he moved with such confidence and purpose, the tide followed him as he made his way towards me before accepting defeat and retreating back into the sea. He’d definitely been working out at whatever this island’s equivalent of a gym might be, though I suspected that his broad shoulders and muscular arms came from hard and productive work rather than pointless repetitive lifting of weights.

Tom seemed to only have the most basic grasp of language, I’d been unable to ask him much about where we were, or where anyone else was for that matter. It wasn’t that he spoke a different language….he just didn’t speak much. It left me to try to work out the situation for myself.

It seemed that after the storm, by chance I’d washed up on a small island. I could see the extent of it from a small hill we’d mounted one day. The opposite end had a much bigger hill, with lowlands between the two. We hadn’t encountered any other people, and by now I didn’t expect to – this was it, me and Tom.

Tom spread himself on the large black rock which I was sitting on, admiring the view in all its glory. Easily big enough for two, the rock’s smooth surface made it comfortable to lie on, and being dark it absorbed the heat beautifully for drying a body off after a swim.

I watched him, his chest rising and falling, his face a picture of uncomplicated bliss, the moisture leaving the little loincloth and running seductively down his legs.

He opened his eyes and looked at me, and smiled. I was already totally in love with him, it would be impossible not to be – he’d saved me from the ocean only a few days ago, and we’d spent almost every second together since, sleeping, eating, bathing together. He’d caught my food and made me a place to sleep near to him. In my weakened state I could only accept what he gave and acknowledge that he was keeping me alive. I was very grateful.

Tom rolled his hips to one side and undid the wet loincloth, removing it altogether in one swift move and slapping it onto the rock to dry. Instinctively I looked away, unsure of what he was doing, but looking out of the corner of my eye. His hands moved down his body massaging where the loincloth had been tied briefly before he let out a satisfied moan and adjusted his body again to get more comfortable. I guessed his eyes were closed again and returned my gaze to him. His eyes weren’t closed, he was watching me with a smile, his hands wandering down his body again to where the loincloth had been.

The treasure trail from his stomach led down to a healthy profusion of dark pubic hairs, and his semi-erect cock, which his hands were now gently stroking. He must have done this a thousand times alone, and seemed to have no shame or shyness about it – just another of the pleasures to enjoy from being alive on your own deserted island.

Getting over my initial shock, I reasoned that if he minded me watching him, he wouldn’t have started pleasuring himself next to me, so I watched him without reservation now too.

He pulled on his balls a little and his cock was now growing impressively in his hand, long and meaty, but not too thick, and with only the gentlest curve as he pulled on it. I wondered if he’d ever been touched by anyone in that way, man or woman before. He’d shown no sign of any reservation in being tactile so far, and while there had been little reason for us to touch over the past days, there had been lots of small, incidental, physical contacts and growing affections.

As his cock grew and his stroking of it became more rhythmic, my inhibitions were diminishing, and my own cock began to grow – there was no way it couldn’t with this youthful god pleasuring himself next to me. I rubbed my own crotch a little and felt my cock harden and spring to life through my ragged shorts.

Unable to resist any longer, I reached out and touched Tom’s inner thigh and gave it a little rub. He stopped and raised his head to look at me, unsure why I’d touched him, but I was too far into this to stop now – I had to see whether he would let me go further.

I rubbed his thigh and took his cock in my hand, giving it a gentle pull. It throbbed in my hand and grew bigger. The look on Tom’s face seemed to say that he wasn’t quite sure what was happening, the responses from his body said that it knew exactly what was happening and that it definitely wanted it to happen. I let my hands run across his body, his firm pectorals, his ridged abdominals, the tautness of his groin muscles.

Not wanting to rush I licked his around nipples and rubbed them between my finger and thumb, making them erect and proud, I licked his hairy armpits which tasted so deliciously manly – at first he giggled and pulled away, but quickly changed his mind and raised his arms higher to give me better access.

But that was all just the amuse bouche, and I was more than ready for my meat course.

I adjusted my position and brought my mouth down to his cock and slapped it against my face – I’d show him just how grateful I was for him saving me. Tom’s smile reappeared, and I slapped his hot meat against my face again, and smiled back at him — it was impossible not to. Opening my mouth just a little I tasted the warm head of his cock, swirling my tongue around it like a lollipop. Tom’s smile disappeared and he let out a loud moan, his eyes showing wonder and a little confusion. I guessed this was something new to him, a whole new dimension of pleasure he’d never before experienced. I continued licking at his cock, not wanting to go too fast, I wanted to savour this experience for as long as possible.

My tongue explored the shaft of his penis, still salty from the seawater, all the way down to the base where it joined his body and hairy balls, which I licked and took into my mouth one at a time, sucking on them while I held his shaft in my hand, enjoying every throb and pulse which rippled throughout his entire body, and evoked further moans and cries of pleasure.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt his hand to the back of my head, and his hips rose slightly to push his cock through my lips again, placing the head just back inside my mouth. I swirled my tongue in the other direction this time and probed the slit at the end of his cock – it throbbed powerfully, and I tasted what seemed like a generous amount of pre-cum already pumping out. Tom let out another moan of what I can only describe as total ecstasy and wonderment, loudly. There was no doubt he was used to living his life freely, completely unshackled by having to consider other people or any kind of social code. So why should this be any different? This was going to be a noisy encounter it seemed, and I loved hearing what I was doing to him as much as he appeared to enjoy it.

Each time I took his shaft a little further into my mouth, I felt a corresponding push from his powerful hips, the natural response from his body and it’s animal need to penetrate deeper and harder. With each push his dick pulsed, and more pre-cum pumped out, the warm juices of his natural lubricant mixing with my saliva, perfect for easing him deeper and deeper into my throat. I had started out thinking that I was the one in control of this liaison, but I was no match for this perfect specimen of manhood, every muscle and sinew honed for maximum performance. As I worked his cock a little further into my mouth his instincts took over, and he began rhythmically thrusting into my throat, pushing deeper each time until my lips were around the thick base of his tropical island dick. His hand on the back of my head again we stayed there, his hips still thrusting, but with nowhere to go. I swallowed, and could feel his cock head deep inside me as my throat muscles rippled over it. The noise that came out of Tom was more animal than man, and I felt several pulses from his dick in response.

My need to breathe overcame my need to have his dick deep inside me, and as I withdrew I tasted his magnificent cum….not enough for a full orgasm I decided, just ‘la petite mort’, a mini orgasm.

The taste of his pre-cum made me want to milk him dry immediately and swallow his massive load, but I also didn’t want to rush – he was clearly enjoying this new experience, and I didn’t want to cut that short for him. I could happily suck on a cock for hours, or get it over and done with in a few minutes. For Tom I wanted to give him the most amazing experience….one that would keep him coming back for more.

I jumped down from the rock and sat upright on the sand with my back against the rock, and motioned for him to come and stand in front of me. Now he would be in control, and I was ready to be bred in the mouth with by this wild young man.

To my surprise he offered his dick up to my mouth, and as I opened up pushed it purposefully into me, not quickly, but not carefully either. I tasted yet more pre-cum until his cock reached the back of my throat, and the powerful ring of muscle around the base reached my lips and pulsated as he held it there and let it throb, my lips encircling it.

Needing to breathe, I pushed gently against his hips and he withdrew, his cock, now glistening and dripping with precum, waiting for me to recover. Beyond him I could see the sun was beginning to set out to sea, and the waves gently lapping at the beach. In front of me a beautiful rippling body, and a cock eager to plunge back into me.

I drew him towards me again, and he eagerly entered my mouth once more, this time more gently and carefully to begin with, pushing his cock into me until there was nowhere left to go, holding it for half a second with my lips around the shaft, enjoying every taste and sensation of having him inside me, then a little throb before withdrawing and plunging back into me. This blissful exchange continued for about a minute, until I felt him pick up the pace, just a little, but noticeably. His shouts and cries of earlier were now moans of ecstasy, quiet to begin with, but becoming gently louder and more wanting, more pleading. Until one final push and I heard him moan with a relief at unleashing the orgasm that had been building up in his body. I pulled him into me as deep as I could, feeling every throb of his beautiful cock as it pumped and pumped his dick juices into my throat and I held his powerful thighs and muscular buttocks. As his orgasm ebbed away he slowly withdrew and pushed back in a few times, his cum still slowly pumping from his dick and filling my mouth instead of my throat.

I’d been too preoccupied with the intensity of taking his cock to even touch myself, but could feel myself also close to cumming despite this. With his thick cock still at my lips and gently pumping out the last of his cum I furiously worked my own cock, until I exploded a spurt of cum which shot onto the sandy beach.

In a glow of post orgasm bliss, we withdrew back onto the warm rock to watch the sun finally setting far over the sea, caressing and touching each other with affection. Maybe this was paradise after all?

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