Finding the girl from Barukastan Pt. 02 by LuciusValerius,LuciusValerius

This is the part 2 sequel. If you did not read part 1 yet, it is recommended to be read before part 2 for continuity.

Oksana dutifully followed Thomas’ guidance throughout their four-week stay in the capital city Rog. She took care of the kitchen so they could enjoy good meals together. She also stayed away from certain stores and streets that he was not comfortable that she would see, and she learned more about living in Canada using a laptop he bought for her.

She was very happy to be with him, and looked for his confirmation and approvals whenever she did something. She was not confident in herself to make decisions but felt increasingly comfortable and confident with him when they had sex.

“I feel very secure with you,” she told him over dinner one evening. “I think, because you are older than me, and I did not grow up with a father, I think, in a way, you have been like my father.”

“Yes, I can understand that. You lacked a father figure growing up. This is important for a girl.”

“In the time we have been together, I have been thinking about this. Yes you are like a father in a way, for me. I needed a man to help me, to give me guidance with what is right. My grandfather was sometimes very gentle with me. But I think you have been more strong with me. More firm. I never had this, I needed this growing up.”

“So you feel I have been like your strong father, to guide you?” he asked.

“Yes. I want this,” she said, but after a pause, added smiling “but of course you are also my husband. And we make love. This part, I don’t think is with my father.”

“I guess not,” he laughed.

When her residency permit was finally issued by the embassy and it was time to leave Barulastam, they became very excited at starting their lives in their home together. In the long journey to Toronto, she followed his guidance at each step, as she did too to settle into their house.

But in this large and vibrant city, with its many languages and cultures and complexity, Oksana was enthralled and wanted to explore. He encouraged her to walk around and discover her new world by foot, and she wholeheartedly did so at every daytime opportunity she had. Thomas was aware of her excitement and asked about her walks and discoveries at each dinner they had together at home.

She began taking courses at the university to eventually complete her degree that she had started in Barukastan. For this, she attended classes and spent time with other students for group projects. She always walked to the downtown campus.

Oksana tried to only have female friends but she easily drew the attention of males. Her pretty face, long blond hair, slim figure with full breasts, and exotic accent became a magnet for young horny men. Some other girls noticed the attention she received even as she tried to avoid it.

As she began to make new friends, she went out with them in cafes.

“Is it ok if I go out with my friends to a bar tomorrow night?” she asked Thomas one day. The friends were all girls from her program.

“Which bar is this?”

She told him what one of them suggested and he thought about its location and clientele.

“This bar is not far from the campus,” he said to her. “I remember being there. It isn’t just with students but it also has people from another neighbourhood. I think there’s a lot of drinking and pool tables there, with betting.”

“I don’t know… I, it was suggested by Maddie in my group.”

“I think this is a place that you could get into trouble in. I don’t want you to go to that place.”

She wasn’t expecting that kind of response from him. “But Thomas, why? My friends are going there.”

“Because I know of that place and it isn’t a place for you. I said because you could get into trouble there.” He turned his attention elsewhere to indicate the matter was decided.

But Oksana pouted and felt he was being unfair to her, and she would be left out with her friends.

What happened the following night was the sort of thing teenagers typically do. Oksana, under social pressure from her new friends, called him after classes to say that she was hanging out with Maddie at her house but instead went with her and two other girls to that very bar.

At eleven at night, she came home, and Thomas was waiting for her in the living room. At first, he only had an expression of concern for her as she entered. Oksana looked stressed and she was not wearing the jacket she left home with that morning. She looked at him with foreboding and guilt all over her face.

“Oksana, are you okay?” he asked intently.

“Oh Thomas, I, no, I, I am very sorry. I had a very bad experience tonight,” she hesitated. “I am scared. I was scared there.”

She went to him and hugged him. Thomas took her in his arms and held her to comfort her. But he felt her stress and noticed her jacket was missing. Her hair was also strewn unusually.

“It’s alright, you’re safe now,” he whispered. “You’re with me now.” But he knew there was more forthcoming.

“Oh Thomas, I am so sorry. I did something very bad. I…I did not, I didn’t listen to you.”

“What did you do?”

“I went to that bar tonight.”

He paused as he held her, and finally said “I see. Why did you do that?”

“I don’t know,… I just felt I needed to, I wanted to be with my friends.”

“What happened at this bar?”

“We started having fun, with drinks. And then some men came to us. And two of them were speaking with me when I was separated from my friends. They were pushy. Maddie saw this and came to help me… but another guy then stopped her to talk with her. I think we were having too many drinks.”

“What did those two guys do with you?” Thomas’ tone was getting upset. He held her at arms length now, with his hands firmly on her shoulders.

“They were trying to, to put their hands on me. I moved away but they were trying to put their hands on my bum. I told them I don’t want to talk to them and tried to move away, to my friends. But they blocked me. There was another girl, I think she was their friend. She was not nice to me, maybe she was jealous.”

“Did they hurt you?”

“No, no, not that. But I was very nervous, and a little scared. They wanted me to have another drink, a beer. I took another sip. But then I realized I should not. And I remembered I was doing something very wrong, and you would be angry with me if you knew I was there.”

“Why would you think that?” His eyes peered deeply into hers now.

“Oh, I knew, because I was not supposed to be there. You told me not to go there. Oh, Thomas, I am so sorry.”

“What happened then?”

“I left the bar. I told Maddie I don’t want to be there anymore. But I think she was ok to stay longer. I don’t know, I don’t know why.”

“So you left by yourself?”

“Yes, I walked out quickly. I went outside to the street. It felt cold and I realized I left my jacket inside. But I didn’t want to go back inside now. So I just walked home quickly.”

She was now quiet, and looked down. Thomas stared at her.

“Come with me,” he calmly said, and walked to the bedroom. She shyly followed.


Back in Barukastan, Thomas had made a promise to Oksana’s grandfather that he would provide her with guidance, but there was more. He had promised that if she were to be repeatedly against his guidance, he would raise a hand against her posterior. As she herself had prompted him that this was expected, Thomas was to spank Oksana.

At the time, Thomas found such a promise to be very much at odds with his own temperament and expectation of a relationship with his wife. At the time, it was one of several cultural gaps he felt he needed to deal with but really did not think much of it because there were other things to talk about.

But during one of their walks around the village of Bal, Thomas did bring it up with her.

“Oksana, I’ve been wondering about what you said to me when we were with you grandfather, about what I was to do if you disobeyed me or did not follow my guidance.”

“Oh, yes, well, I think my grandfather was pleased with your explanation,” she said. “I myself felt you were fair and I was very happy with what you told him.”

“Well, just so you know, it is not in Canada’s culture that a husband would spank his wife for something.” Thomas said this, of course, understanding that there is a kinky implication that is practiced by some in Canada, but that’s something else entirely. Or is it?

He continued, “this is not something I was actually planning or had meant to take seriously. We would actually consider hitting a wife as abuse”

“I don’t understand,” she said with a concerned tone. “But you are, I mean, you will be responsible for me, for guiding me, as my husband. Will you not help me if I do not follow you?”

“Of course I would help you, in every way I can. But what does this have to do with hitting you?”

She paused, and seemed unsure of her words. “If I do not obey you, if I am not… if it is not sinking in for me, I… I think, I would need you to punish me.”

Now Thomas paused, and tried to find his words. “Is this what your grandparents did to you? They struck you?”

“Oh yes, if I did wrong and ignored their guidance more than once about the same thing. I mean, if I was acting like a child, yes my grandfather did this to me. And I am very happy he did.”

“What about to your friends? What happened with them?”

Oksana paused again. “Of course. This was normal for us. My friends, their father would spank them also.”

“How would this be done? I am not familiar with it.”

They continued their walking through the backfields of the school and towards the village office.

“I think it is always the father when my friends misbehave,” she said. “I think if a boy is bad, then his mother does this. But for me it was my grandfather. I would have to take my clothes off and go over his lap. And then he would spank me on my bum.”

“You would take your clothes off too?”

“Yes, of course. This is so I feel the pain from the spanking.”

“You would have to take all your clothes off in front of your grandfather?” he asked in amazement.

“Well… yes, he is my grandfather. He can see me naked. He is responsible for me.”

Oksana looked at his expression and saw that he was trying to make sense out of it.

“Thomas, please, you must understand, for me it was a gift he would give me. He is my grandfather so I was not ashamed to be naked. I always thanked him because he was teaching me a lesson.”

“I see, I think I understand what this means to you.”

Now she was sounding hopeful again. “So will you do this for me also, I mean as my husband?”

Thomas thought about this, and said “well alright then, I will consider it. As I said to your grandfather, I will always first be explaining it to you before I would raise my hand.”

She smiled widely. “Thank you!”

That was in the village of Bal. Now they were in their home in Toronto, and Thomas recalled this conversation as he faced her for not following his guidance about being in this bar.

Thomas stepped towards the bed and sat on the edge. He looked up at her intently, and quietly said, “I am sorry my dear, but I must teach you about what you did.”

Oksana froze for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what he was getting at.

“Take off all your clothes,” he added firmly.

She looked at his eyes and saw that he was serious, and there would be no discussion. With her eyes dropped, she unbuttoned her shirt and removed it, and then her bra. Her full breasts revealed themselves. Then she opened her jeans and pushed them and her panties down to her ankles and stepped out of them.

She stood in front of him without shyness but suddenly feeling self-conscious and exposed.

Thomas looked at her lovely naked body, the body he knew so well, loved so well. He looked at her smooth hairless pussy, that she had given to him and that he entered every night, and then up at her face. “Come to me,” he said, keeping the same firm tone.

She stepped forward and he took her hand, gently pulling her over his lap, with her legs down on one side and her head over the other. Her breasts hung down and her ass was protruding up.

Oksana was resigned to this ordeal and was completely submissive to him. She was, however, nervous about what would happen since she had never before experienced his strikes.

With one hand, Thomas gently held her at the back of the neck, and with the other hand, he struck down and hit one of her cheeks.

“Ahhh,” she gasped with shock.

With the hand that struck, he firmly pushed her thighs apart, revealing the crack in her ass and her pussy. He struck again on one of her cheeks, this time more sharply. She cried out loudly from this one. He struck a third and fourth time, and she was in tears from the sharp pain. He continued two more times, and then stopped. Oksana was sobbing.

He gently rubbed her cheeks soothingly and moved his other hand to hold her lovingly by the back of the head. He then helped her turn over so she sat on his lap, and hugged her. With one arm holding her shoulder tightly, he moved his other hand between her open thighs and rubbed her ass cheeks. She buried her face in his shoulder as her legs spread apart.

Her eyes teary, her breath whimpering slightly, she looked into his eyes.

“I love you,” she managed to say. “You are my father now.” She then melted towards him, and added in a shaking voice “thank you for doing this.”

Thomas held her firmly, with one hand still on her bare thigh and the other on her shoulder, and nuzzled her cheek with his.

“I can feel,” she whispered, “your hardness. Is this exciting for you?”

“Yes I think it is a bit,” he whispered back. He felt her pussy with his fingers and it was wet. “You’re wet here. Did the spanking do this to you?”

Her voice became more throaty as her breath quickened from his touch. “I think so… it was, I felt you were giving me very strong feelings.”

“I want to be very firm with you, so you are clear with me.”

She nodded submissively. “I follow you, my husband, my father…. This, this made me… wet.”

“But this never happened to you with your grandfather, did it?”

She paused. “Not the same for me, but I think I did have some feelings, since I was naked in front of him. And he spanked me.”

“Did he ever touch you here?” he asked, placing his fingers in her pussy.

“No, he never did. But I think, oh yes, if he did, it would be fine. He was my grandfather so I feel he can touch me, in my opening like that,” she nodded. “He was responsible for me.”

He pushed her off his lap and onto the bed, and stood up to look down at her. She smiled broadly as he began to remove his shirt.

“Wait,” she suddenly sat up excitedly. “I want to do it.” And she quickly moved to the edge of the bed to kneel towards him, and reached over to his belt to unfasten it and then opened his pants. She paused as his bulge showed itself through his briefs, and then she pushed his pants down. Turning her attention fully to his briefs, she used both hands to slowly bring them down, lifting the front over his erection. She then held it close to her cheek.

“I love it so much,” she whispered. She kissed his penis slowly, and then let it go, looking up to his eyes.

Lying back on the bed again, Oksana spread her legs to receive him, and Thomas climbed over her to enter her body. As he did, he looked down and smiled to see his cock penetrate her opening. Her opening was engorged and elevated for him, and he felt its tightness squeeze his manhood, his male power into her soft receptacle.

He thought about this act they engage in each night, the most natural of coupling and connection between a man and a woman, that no other act can so drive them together. She, the female of their species, intensely wanting and needing him deep inside her, intensely wanting and needing his fluid inside her womb. And he, the male of the species, intensely wanting and needing to be deep inside her and exerting his male power unto her, intensely wanting and needing to leave his personal mark on her, inside her, with his own personal fluid.

He had not heard her moan so loudly before as he gave his full energy into their sex. As he pounded into her, both their bodies sweating, his hands clenching her shoulders, her back, she grimaced and arched from the intensity of their sex, releasing her emotional screams of relief. And as he flowed deep into her, she clutched him tightly, with her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his thighs.

When he finally softened and rolled off her, they lay on their backs next to each other panting, with their legs apart. Oksana’s eyes were wide open, and she felt as alive as ever. She had just experienced her most powerful organism in her young life. The sharp spanking and then the vigor of that orgasm gave a new fire to her body and her emotions.


Over time, Oksana did not give Thomas reasons to spank her too often. But when she did, he each time had her fully undressed and struck her sharply until she was red on the cheeks. At each of these spankings, she cried and sobbed as her first wave of an intense emotional release. And they always followed this with intense sex which gave her a second wave of emotional release.

Oksana knew her punishments were always a lesson that she must follow his guidance but also out of his deep love for her, as a good father to her as well as her husband. In this way, Thomas kept that promise he made to her grandfather.

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