High School Dates Ch. 09 by m_storyman_x,m_storyman_x

Chapter 9

Authors note: Yes I am still listing this as Romance. Hopefully with this chapter it will start becoming more obvious why. Enjoy!

It was Saturday night. I sat on my bed in my dorm room waiting for Mandy to call. We’d set a regular time to call each other so that we wouldn’t miss each other. Eight o-clock Saturday night. She strategically planned it for that time to reduce the likelihood of either of us going off to some party on Saturday night and doing something stupid. What had me nervous was that I knew I was going to have to tell her about being stupid. I wasn’t looking forward to it.

I almost jumped out of my skin when the phone rang. I snatched it off the desk and dropped onto my bed again before answering.


“Hey sexy! Is this the phone of the sexiest, most wonderful man in the world?”

“Um. I think you got the wrong number.” I answered, getting a laugh from her.

“How are you my love? Have a good week?”

“Not too bad, you?”

“It was good, but hard. There is so much stuff to memorize. I mean, it’s a liberal arts degree, so I don’t have to worry about all the hard math and science you do, but there is so much they want you to memorize. How’s your calc class going? Did you pass the first test?”

“I didn’t. I got a D.”

“Oh damn. What are you going to do? You have to pass that!”

“I know. The professor, he assigned me a tutor.”

“A tutor? That’s fantastic! Is she cute?” She asked jokingly. When I didn’t respond she got serious. “David? What’s wrong?”

“She is cute, but she really doesn’t like guys.”

“Oh? A lesbian then? That’s okay. I mean that way she isn’t trying to get into my man’s pants, right?”

“She’s not a lesbian. She just doesn’t have a very high opinion of men in general.”

“Oh. Okay… SO what’s the problem?” She asked, concern evident in her voice.

“Well, she was trying to get me to understand something and I wasn’t getting it. So she figured she’d use something all guys understand, sex.”

“David? What happened?” She asked quietly.

“She told me to make her orgasm, and doing that she was pointing out how I kept bypassing steps when I said what I was going to do, but then did them different. Like not saying I had to unbutton her shirt before I took it off, that kind of thing.”

“So, you took off her clothes?”

“Yeah.” I admitted quietly.

“Not someplace private though, right? Wait. That’s silly. I mean, you wouldn’t do something like that in public, Would you?” I sat for long seconds not saying anything. “You took off her clothes in a public place? I don’t understand. David, what did you do?”

“In one of the study rooms. I undressed her and then I used my tongue and fingers to make her come.”

“Oh David! You didn’t make her come like that? Not in a public place? Did you get caught? Did you two get in trouble?”

“Uh, no, we didn’t get caught exactly. Well, not by anyone but other students. And yeah. I did. She came all over me.”

“Ohhhhh David.” She whispered.

“I’m sorry lover. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I was just going to give her a nice little climax with my fingers. I mean it was her idea to use that as an instructional model. I never thought we’d ever get that far. I figured I’d just kiss her and she’d say she made her point, but she just kept pointing out all the mistakes I was making in how i processed the task, that before I knew it, I had her naked and was licking her.”

“Oh lord David. I know you. Once you started, you couldn’t not do it all the way, right?”

“Something like that.”

“So, um. After that. Did you have sex with her?”

“Um. Not right away. We went back to our dorm rooms and changed and then I went to hers to go over the rest of my test. We, um, we kinda…”

“David, tell me you didn’t have sex with her!”

“I wont lie to you Mandy. I did. I was awfully horny and when she wanted it again, well, I did. I’m sorry sweetie. I’ve felt guilty about it all week.”

“David. We talked about this. We didn’t want this to happen. At least tell me this was a one time thing!”

“It was. Well, mostly. She wants me to give her another orgasm, just with my fingers, not having sex with her, once for each test she helps me pass.”

“David, that is having sex with her. Just because you don’t stick your dick in her doesn’t mean it’s not sex.”

“Yeah. I guess your right. But what do I do? I have to pass this class or I might as well drop out right now.”

“I know you can do this. You’re really really smart, at least about some things. Some you are really really stupid about. Like girls. You are definitely really really stupid about girls. If I could, I’d come out there and slap you silly! I love you. I don’t want to even think about doing what I have to do now.”

“You’re going to do that? Like your mom and dad?”

“That’s what we agreed to. It was supposed to keep us from doing something like that.”

“You don’t have to.”

“If I don’t, then what deterrent do you have to not do it again with her? Or anyone for that matter?”

“I guess none.” I answered quietly.

“I can’t believe we’re less than four weeks in and we’re already here. I didn’t want it to happen at all, but I thought maybe it would after a year or two. I never thought you’d cheat on me that fast.”

“Me either. I just wasn’t thinking and I honestly thought that after we got part way along, that getting her clothes off in a public place would put a halt to it. I never expected her to go all the way to me actually giving her an orgasm.”

“I don’t want to do this David. I mean, we both know that I’ve had sex with plenty of guys before you. But intentionally or unintentionally, I don’t want to cheat on you. I know we said this was what made sense, but I didn’t think you really liked the idea, and now I know why. I don’t WANT to cheat on you. I don’t WANT to go find a guy to fuck.”

“Then don’t. We don’t have to do what your parents do. We can find other solutions.”

“Like what? What are you going to do to make it up to me?”

“Hell Mandy. We both know there is nothing at all that I can do to make it up to you. There’s nothing I can do to take away what I caused you to feel. There’s nothing you can do that takes away the guilt that I feel for what I did. All I know to do is to apologize and tell you I’ll never do it again.”

“Except for how many more tests?”

“Five, including the final.”

“So we know you’re going to do it five more times with her.”

“Just give her a climax. I don’t have to have intercourse with her to do that.”

She was silent for a long time. “Okay. I’m not going to go find someone to have sex with. I’ll believe you and forgive you. I hope you feel guilty. You should. It was as stupid idiot thing to do.”

“I know. I’m so sorry lover.”

“This sucks. I need to hold you. I need to have you hold me. We can’t. Not until Christmas. And that’s months away!”

“I know. I think of you all the time. Some nights I can’t fall asleep because I’m thinking about you.”

“I know. Me too.” She said softly. “God I wish we were going to school in the same place. I don’t know how we’re going to make it four years like this.”

“You could transfer out here. Harvard is just down the street. We could even live together.”

“My mom would kill me if I went to Harvard!” She said with a laugh. “No, seriously. Maybe we should think about that. I can submit an application to transfer after this semester.”

“I think that’d be a good thing to try. I don’t think we can survive without each other for four years. Hell, four weeks has been almost impossible.”

“Yeah, for me too. I use my toys almost every night when I go to bed.”

“Oh no! I’m being replaced by mechanical toys!” I joked.

“Not hardly buster. These don’t even come close to what I feel when you are with me. These just take the edge off. I guess you don’t even have that.”

“Not really. The showers in the dorm are kinda like a school locker room. Not much privacy to jack off or anything.”

“I’m sorry lover. This is so much harder than I expected. Mom warned me. I should have listened. I’ll get on the Harvard stuff tomorrow. Maybe by Christmas we’ll have everything in place for me to transfer and we can be together out there. Oh damn! The timer’s going off. I only have a minute left on this long distance card! I love you sweetie. I love you more than anything in the world!”

“Me too! You are the love of my life! I’ll talk to you next week!”

“By my love!” She managed to say before the line clicked dead.

“Damn I hate this. We gotta make this Harvard stuff work out.” I groused to myself.


I told Patty about my talk with Mandy and she agreed to not ask me for more sex. We decided that our study sessions would remain in public, either in the library or one of the dorm common areas. She did admit that I might have changed her mind about all men, being scum bags, to “most men” are scum bags.

It helped Mandy feel more comfortable about what I was doing and with who, and things between Mandy and I settled into a more comfortable flow. She had started the process to transfer to Harvard, and her mom supported the move, which made me happy. Patty had managed to get me straightened out on my calculus, and I was now getting good grades on the homework assignments and tests. I talked to my mom almost every other week and it seemed like Betsy was there every time I called, so I talked to her briefly every few weeks as well. Life was getting into a rhythm that was comfortable and I finally felt like things were starting to work out for my life. In only three weeks I’d be going home for Christmas. Mandy’s mom had sent me a plane ticket so I wouldn’t have to drive all the way there and back, which was good, since I didn’t have a car anyway.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone at almost exactly eight o-clock Saturday night.

“Hello David.” She said quietly, not using one of her usually cheerful hellos. My radar went off instantly at the sound of her voice.

“Hey lover. What’s wrong?”

“I need to tell you something.” She whispered so softly I almost couldn’t hear her.

“Okay. What’s wrong?”

“I went to a party several weeks ago with some friends. It was getting late and we’d been drinking. You know how it is.”

“Yeah”, I answered, even though I’d avoided those kinds of parties.

“We started playing this game. It’s called last man standing. It’s a variation on spin the bottle. You take turns spinning and whoever it points to has to stand in the middle and the person that spun gets to take a piece of clothing off of them.”

“Okay. that doesn’t sound so bad. I guess when you’re naked you’re out?”

“Well, I thought that too when we started. But after your naked whoever spins gets to spend one minute trying to make you come. Just fingers or mouths, that kind of thing.”

“So, you sucked on a couple guys dicks?”

“Yeah. I did that.”


“And some of the guys suck their fingers in me or licked my clit to get me off.”

“Alright. Well, that’s not far from what I did with Patty, so I suppose it’s okay.”

“The last guy, the guy that got me off, he…he decided to grind on me. You know, rub his shaft on my clit. So I was laying on the floor and he climbed on me and we were grinding and he got me to climax. You know how sometimes when I come I arch my back real high? Well, I did. And his dick slipped into me and he didn’t stop. He kept stroking until he came in me.” She said softly. I could hear she was holding back, trying not to cry.

“Honey. It’s okay. I mean, Patty and I did that once and you forgave me. I’ve already forgiven you so don’t worry about it.”

I heard her break down and start sobbing. “You don’t understand David. I’m pregnant!”

“Wait! What!? How?”

Through her sobs she finally managed to speak again. “The doctor said the antibiotic I was taking for a sinus infection must have affected my birth control pill effectiveness. I was going to tell you about making the mistake with Jack over Christmas. I didn’t want to make things harder for your final exams, but when I found out, mom told me I had to tell you right away. It wouldn’t be fair to spring it on you when you came home.”

I was silent for a few moments. “So, what do we do?”

She broke down into sobs again. “WE don’t do anything!” She shouted into the phone. “There’s nothing YOU can do! I screwed up. David, I can’t let you marry me knowing that my child isn’t yours. I don’t believe in abortion. Jack’s parents are making him marry me.”

“Mandy. You’re going to marry another man?” I asked, barely able to get the words out.

“I HAVE TO! Don’t you understand. I CAN’T MARRY YOU ANYMORE! I CAN’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE! Everything we planned, everything we were going to do. We can’t! I RUINED EVERYTHING! GOD DAMN IT DAVID! I LOVE YOU AND I CAN NEVER HAVE YOU NOW BECAUSE OF WHAT I DID!”

I was still trying to get anything to come out of my mouth when the line went dead. It took several minutes for me to dig out a long distance card and dial her number, but she didn’t answer. I didn’t know if she wasn’t there any more or if she just refused to answer. I sat on my bed, stunned. I could feel tears running down my face, as I tried to call again, almost every half hour. She never answered, and I finally gave up about eleven o-clock.

“Shit! You look like your best friend died!” Eric said as he walked back in about ten minutes later. He was always nice an gave us some privacy for our Saturday night call, just in case we wanted to do a little phone sex or something. Tonight when he came in he found me sitting on the bed, tears streaming down my face, staring at the phone on the bed.


“Worse? What happened? Your mom die?”

“Mandy’s pregnant.” I whispered.

“Pregnant? How the hell did you do that? Ohhhhhhhh shit. It’s not yours.”


“What are you going to do?”

“Nothing. There’s nothing I can do. She’s going to marry the guy that knocked her up.”

“Oh shit. Dave. Shit. I’m sorry dude.”

“Yeah.” I said as I lay over and curled up on the bed.

I didn’t even get out of bed Sunday. I didn’t want to. I didn’t go eat, I didn’t shower, I just lay there. Eric did his best to try and get me up, but in the end, he gave up. All I wanted to do was curl up and die. Everything I thought I had worked out, everything I planned had evaporated in one phone call.

When Monday came I had only gotten out of bed to go to the bathroom, but only so I didn’t make a mess on my bed. I didn’t feel like eating or going to class or anything. He didn’t have any more luck this morning than he did Sunday, trying to get me out of bed.

“Hey! You missed class!” Patty snapped as she walked into the room about half an hour after calc. She saw me laying on the bed, wearing only my briefs, curled up facing the wall. “Hey, you okay? You sick?” She asked more softly as she sat on the edge of the bed. She tugged on my shoulder to try and get me to roll over and see her, but I refused. “Jesus David. You look like hell. What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I just want to lay here and die.” I whispered.

“Well, you sure as hell look like you’re trying. What happened?”


“Your girlfriend? She break up with you or something? Tell you she doesn’t love you anymore?”

“She’s pregnant.” I whispered.

“Oh my.” She said softly, stroking my bare arm. “I’m sorry. She’s going to marry him instead?”

“She said she loves me, but she can’t marry me and let me raise someone that isn’t mine. She’s going to marry him.”

“So, when did you find this out?”


“And you’ve been laying here since then?”

“Something like that.”

“Did you bother to eat? Maybe we should get you up and get something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry. I just want to die.”

She stroked my arm for several minutes and then got up to leave without a word. She was going to leave me alone and that was fine with me.

Patty walked into my room again a little before dinner time, and sat on the edge of my bed. I didn’t roll over to even look at her. “It’s my fault.” I said quietly.

“Eric told me a little more. I don’t know all the details, but enough. I’m sorry. I know how much you loved her.”

“I still do.”

“I know.” She whispered, stroking my arm. “But this isn’t helping.”

“It’s my fault. If I hadn’t done what I did with you she might not have felt it was okay to play that stupid game.”

“Hey, that’s not fair. You didn’t make her do it. She did that on her own. You can’t be responsible for her actions. You can only be responsible for your own. And right now, yours aren’t too responsible.”

“I don’t care.”

“We have calc homework to do tonight.”

“I don’t care.”

“You know, you surprise me.”

“Why is that?”

“I did some research on you. I know what you did to save that girl. It took some work to track down someone who knew the whole story, but I did.”

I half rolled toward her. “You know about that?”

“I’ve known about it for months. It was front page news in your town. Didn’t you read the newspaper in your own town?”

“I was in the hospital for a few days.” I said quietly. “I was never much on reading the newspaper anyway.”

“Well, the police said that if you hadn’t fought off the attacker that he probably would have killed her out of jealousy after he finished raping her, and you did it with a concussion and several bruised ribs. That doesn’t sound like someone who gives up. Hell, you didn’t give up on calculus, and that’s even harder than kicking a guy in the balls!” She said with a chuckle, apparently trying to get me to laugh. I didn’t.

She sat for long minutes, just sitting, stroking my arm, not saying anything. “You don’t have to stay here.” I finally said. “I know you have things to do.”

“Uh huh. First thing I have to do is get you out of bed.”

“I’m not dressed.”

“Good. Makes getting a shower easier that way.”

“I don’t want a shower.”

“You need one. Besides, it’ll help. Trust me.”

“Trust you? What do you know about something like this?”

“How old do you think I am?” She asked in a whisper.

“I heard you were twenty-two.”

“Kinda old for a freshman, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. kinda.”

“You wanna know why? Because I spent a year lying in bed just like you are. I didn’t want to get up and eat, or anything. All I wanted to do was die. You wanna know why?”

“I dunno.”

“Tell me you wanna know why.”

“okay, I wanna know. Why?”

“Because the guy I’d been dating for almost six years, the guy that I loved more than anything else in the world. The guy that was going to come to school with me and we were going to have a life together. He decided to have that life with someone else. Someone I knew. Someone that had been on double dates with us, someone I’d experimented with sex with, someone that knew me almost as well as I knew myself. He decided to have that life with my best friend. So yeah. I know. I lost the man I loved and my best friend three days before I was supposed to come here and start my freshman year.”

“Damn.” I mumbled without looking away from the wall I was staring at.

“Yeah. damn. Now you know why I don’t much like men. Present company excepted. I spent almost a year wallowing in self-pity and self-loathing before someone managed to kick my ass hard enough to get me out of bed. I’m not going to let you do what I did. I’m not going to let you waste all the work you did this year. You’re going to get your ass out of bed and take a shower and then come to dinner with me.”

I rolled over enough to look at her and then back to the the wall again. “I don’t feel like it.”

“Did I say I was going to give you a choice?”


“So, get up. Don’t make me force you to, because I will.”

“You and what army?”

“Be right back.” She said as she got up. I wondered where she went for a few moments and then went back to feeling sorry for myself, staring at the wall in front of me, feeling like my life had come to an end. Part of me wished that I hadn’t saved Mandy, or when she asked me to the dance I refused, or any number of other choices I made that led to me being here like this. So many ways I could have changed my life.

I wasn’t even sure how long had passed bdore I heard her voice again from the doorway. “Okay girls.” In moments the blanket I had on was ripped off of me. I felt hands on me, lots of hands. Suddenly I was being dragged off the bed by the legs, and then more hands. Lots of hands. I looked around and saw at least eight girls in nothing but underwear and bras, two each grabbing my arms and legs as they tried to carry my struggling ass across the small room and out the door. They giggled and squealed as they carried me down the hallway toward the bathrooms. I struggled for a ways, and then gave up, knowing I was outnumbered. There was no way I was going to shake of that many clearly determined girls.

The noise drew attention, not a little, but squealing girls in a dorm full of boys drew a lot of attention. It wasn’t long before there was a gaggle of guys following the girls and me down the hallway toward the bathroom. We got to the bathroom and I expected the whole gaggle to follow us in, but some of those extra girls that were fully dressed, blockaded the door and demanded that they give us some privacy, since they were doing a public service and we didn’t need a lot of gawkers. At least, that’s what I heard said as I was dragged across the bathroom floor.

They didn’t stop until I was in the showers, two shower heads raining cold water on me as two girls adjusted the temperature. I was held down as Patty stepped to me with a big bottle of shampoo and squirted a whole bunch all over my body while two of the girls worked on pulling my briefs, the only thing I had on, down my legs. In moments they had me naked and while two held my hands by sitting on them, the other six that had carried me in began rubbing the shampoo all over my body, using it as soap to wash me. The shower water had made their underwear and bras essentially see through, which of course had an almost instant effect on certain parts of my body, which didn’t go unnoticed. I tried to pull my hands from under the two girls sitting on them, which only served to get them to sit more fully on them.

It took a few moments to realize that my hands were being held down by two very soft pussies, their wiggling to hold me down grinding their most sensitive parts against my palms and fingers. I would have thought about that more, if one of the six washing me hadn’t realized how much they were showing, and it soon turned into a small strip fest, the girls pulling their panties and bras off while still holding me down. One of them got the idea to use her underwear as a washcloth and in moments I had six sets of soapy panties all over my body by six totally naked, and very sexy girls. Patty stood and watched, smiling at me and slowly shaking her head as the girls teased me all over, including my unexplainably hard dick.

“Seems to me a couple months ago I started to tutor a lost student, couldn’t figure out which way was up in calculus. But he damn well knew how to make a woman feel like a woman. Well, it’s time I returned the favor.” She slipped off her bra and panties, baring her whole body every bit as much as that first time in the library. The girls gave her room and she stepped over me, straddling me and lowering herself down toward me. She reached between her legs and aimed my dick at her pussy and then settled down onto it, letting it slip deep into her in one smooth motion. “Oh god what a cock.” She moaned softly. “For some reason you think because Mandy left you, because she wouldn’t ask you to raise a child that wasn’t yours, your life is over. You couldn’t be more wrong. You have so much to offer and so many who would quickly answer yes.”

She began to slide up and down on me, teasing my dick with her tight hot pussy. Up and down she moved, watching my face, changing her angle of her strokes to make it as good for me as she could. “Every one of these girls is your friend.” She panted as her ass bounced on my thighs. “Every one wanted to help when they heard what happened.”

“Why?” I croaked breathlessly as she pushed my orgasm up the slope toward climax. I hadn’t had my dick in a pussy since that day in her dorm room. Not that I didn’t want to, but I had promised Mandy I wouldn’t make the same mistake again, and I didn’t.

“Jenny there, you carried her up three flights of stairs when the elevator broke and she was still on those stupid crutches. Not once, but twice that day. Samantha, how many times have you helped her with her car not starting? Evelyn, you stood out there in the cold rain and changed her tire for her.”

“You fixed my chair for me, the one that my stupid boyfriend broke when he got mad.” Another of the girls answered.

I was having a harder time paying attention to what they were saying, missing what three of them said as my climax raced to the head of the line. “Oh god. I’m gonna come.” I groaned loudly.

“Good!” Patty moaned. “Come for me. Please. Let me feel it.”

“Uh huh.” I grunted as my body spasmed under her. I felt my cock surge cum deep into her, not once, not twice or three time. But over and over, feeling like I’d filled her with a gallon of cum while she sat on me, shuddering and trembling.

The hand on my body changed their motion, gently stroking and caressing me, trying to make sure that my orgasm lasted as long as it could. I looked around at the girls, all of them still naked and realized that every one of them I had helped or just been kind to.

“All of them call you friend and know exactly what kind of a man you are. All of them wanted to show you that life isn’t over just because she isn’t going to be in your life anymore. Trust me. Things will look better in a few days. Just let us help. We’re going to take turns spending time with you. If you want, we’ll even spend the nights with you so you won’t be alone if you don’t want to be. Let is return some of the kindness you showed us.”

“Alright. If that’s how you all want it.”

“It is.” A chorus of female voices answered.

Patty climbed from my lap, my now soft dick sliding out of her. “My you did have a little stored up, didn’t you?” She said as she looked down at the copious amount of our combined cum leaking from her pussy. One of the girls handed Patty her underwear and she slipped them on while another girl gently washed the cum off my dick and around it. The two sitting on my hands got off and in moments all the girls were pulling on their still sopping wet panties and bras. They might have covered the body parts but they sure didn’t hide anything. The guys outside were going to get one hell of an eyeful.

The girls helped me up and rinsed me off. We all headed out of the shower and past the girls blockading the door. The guys made plenty of noise as the mostly naked girls tromped past them and down the hall. The last two out were patty and I, Patty wearing nothing but the panties. One of the girls blockading the door handed her a rolled up bundle and then pushed the guys apart so we could make it to my room. Once there they stood guard outside, shooing the guys away, telling them to give us some privacy.

“Come on. Let’s get you dressed.” Patty said quietly, digging in my drawers for clothes. She pulled out socks and underwear and a t-shirt and then finally jeans. She turned and stepped to me. She stood in front of me, still in nothing but her panties. “You know, if you don’t touch me, all exposed like this, I’m going to think you don’t like how I look.”

“I think you’re quite pretty.” I answered.

“Then don’t you think you should do something more like a man would do to show me?” I couldn’t help myself. I chuckled at her insistence and reached for her body. She guided my hands to her breasts, pressing my palms to her firm little boobs, her hard nipples pressing to my palms. “That’s much better.” She whispered. I held my hands on her breasts as she dressed me, and then finally had to let go as she unrolled the bundle she’d been given. I helped her dress in the extremely sexy looking dress she had. It was cold out, and she pulled on thigh high cable tights that came almost long enough to reach the hem of the short dress.

“I don’t remember ever seeing you in that.”

“You wouldn’t have. I borrowed it from Dena for the occasion.”

“I’m sure it looks good on her, but I really like it on you.”

She blushed slightly. “Thank you. I appreciate that. Now. Let’s go find dinner. We have to stop by my room to get my coat though.”

“We can do that.” I agreed as she handed me my heavy coat. We opened the door and found just the two ‘guards’ standing there, the rest of the dorm floor having been chased off. The four of us headed to the elevator and all stepped in. The guard girls were behind us, and one of them, I wasn’t sure which, patted and rubbed my butt while we rode down to the third floor, her hand still rubbing my butt. I could smell the scent of the perfume grow in the small enclosed space, mostly wafting from the young woman standing extremely close behind me.

“If you need someone to keep you company tonight, if Patty wont, I’d be happy to sit up with you.” She whispered, pressing her full chest against my back as she reached her lips toward my ear. The car stopped and the doors opened. I stepped out with Patty and the two girls following behind. I walked with Patty toward her room, several girls that I recognized from around the dorm stepped from their open rooms and slip an arm around me and hug me or give me a kiss on the cheek.

“I don’t get it.” I asked Patty after we were outside on our way to the dining hall.

“What’s not to get.”

“Most of these girls I don’t even know. Why the hugs and kisses and such? I’m just another guy on campus. Seems to me every girl on the floor is trying to be extra nice to me.”

She laughed loudly. “You’re kidding right?”


“David. We sit in the common area of the floor almost every night. Those girls all walk by and nearly every time you take time from what we’re doing to say hello, or compliment what they’re wearing, or just look up with a smile. Every one of us on the floor think that you are probably one of the nicest guys on campus. Oh, I know you keep saying it’s the way you were raised, but a lot of guys on campus were raised well, and as soon as they were out of the house, turned into animals. How many of these girls have walked past you in nothing but a towel and you just smile and say hello.”

“What am I supposed to do? Feel them up or something?”

“Some of them might wish you would.” She giggled. “You and I might have only had sex one time, but word got around about how intense the orgasms were that you gave me.”

“How do you suppose that happened?”

“Dunno. Maybe someone overheard me talking. Anyway, you’re special. We all know exactly what Mandy saw in you. Oh shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say her name. I’m so stupid.” She said with a scowl, looking at how quickly my face changed.

“It’s…It’s alright. I’m going to have to get used to it somehow.” I said softly. She looped her arm in mine and pulled herself to my side. We had to start walking in step with each other, we were so snugly pressed together.

“Well. I have every intention of sneaking into your room tonight to make sure you aren’t sleeping alone. I might even let you make love to me all night.”

“I wish I understood you.”

“Why would you want to do that? It’d ruin the mystery.” She giggled.

We had dinner at the dining hall together. I was actually surprisingly hungry once she got me to start eating, which she did by teasingly flashing me one of her nipples and telling me that I couldn’t have desert unless I ate my dinner. After dinner we walked back to the dorm room. I found it empty. Eric left a note saying he’d be gone tonight and I had the room to myself. Patty gave me a knowing look and whispered that one of the girls was making sure he had a place to stay overnight. She undressed slowly, taking everything off very slowly, turning and letting me see her body. Once she was naked, she had me stand and undressed me as well, again, each thing taken off slowly. Once we were both naked she coaxed me down onto the bed with a gentle push of her hands to my chest, and then climbed onto me.

“You don’t have to do this.” I whispered as she lay on top of me, her lips inches from mine.

“I know I don’t have to. You told me we couldn’t do this anymore after the first time because you promised her we wouldn’t. You kept your promise. Now there isn’t any reason we can’t, and I don’t have to, but I want to. I’ve wanted to do this all semester. I’ve wanted to celebrate each of those exams with you just exactly this way. No, I don’t have to. But if you’ll let me, I want to.”

I slipped my arms around her and pulled he down to me, letting her kiss my lips. There was no rush, no hurry. We had all night, and she was reveling in teasing me. She worked my dick into her pussy without using her hands, which brought several giggles from her in her attempts, but she finally managed it. Then she rocked her hips, slowly, sensually, teasing my length. In and out I slid, her hot wet walls teasing me, slowly bringing my orgasm up nearly to the point of release, and then stopping, holding me inside until it drifted away. Only then would she begin to move again, slowly, sensually sliding her body against mine, sliding my rock hard cock in and out of her hot wetness. I was nearly there again and she stopped, lowering her face to mine in a long wet kiss as the edge of my climax faded away once again.

She broke the kiss again and smiled down at me as she began to move once again. In and out I slid, her hips rolling slightly this time, her motion making my dick slide differently inside her, pressing both her top and bottom each stroke. I felt my orgasm grow again. This time she moved up my body slightly, letting her actions slide my dick almost out of her, but not quite. She was careful to keep the strokes slow and even, feeling my fat head approach the entrance of her vaginal depths, but stopping and moving back before I could slide all the way out.

“Oh god. Make me come.” I groaned, barely able keep from thrusting up at her. She’d made me promise to let her do everything, to not try and do it myself, but it was almost more than I could resist. My hips moved slightly in time with hers as my orgasm grew more quickly this time, almost as if she wanted it to race quickly there. “Ohhhh. Almost.” I groaned.

She smiled down at me and stopped again, holding me into her. I was all the way in her when she pushed her chest up off mine. She lifted herself and arched her back before she started to rock on me again. This time with more force. On and off of me she rocked, driving me hard and deep with each thrust down on me. “Oh god. I’m going to come.” I groaned as the tingle and warmth spread through my body.

“Do it. Come for me.” She said breathlessly. I reached for her tits and held them, gently squeezing her nipples as she thrust harder onto me. “Oh god. Ohhhhhhh god. You’re going to make me come too.”

“UHHHHHH!” I grunted as my body jerked under her. I felt my cum pump up into her. Through my own climax I felt her pussy spasm around me, her legs and arms shuddering as my cock continued to pump more cum deep in her. Slowly we both slid down the long hill of post climactic bliss. She lowered herself down to lay on me again, her lips aimed for mine and then we were kissing. Softly, sensuously she kissed me, every touch, every breath, every tiny lick of her tongue intended to make me feel desired, loved, wanted. She was incredibly successful.

“Thankyou.” I whispered breathlessly as she broke the kiss, her lips still hovering inches from mine. “That was…well, that was something.”

“Remember that first time, when you gave me that incredibly intense orgasm? I’ve wanted to do this to you, for you, all semester. I’ve never done anything like this before. I spent days researching how to give a man a powerful climax. That was the result. A number of tricks that the magazines and the girls know. I hope you enjoyed it.”

“I did. Very much. Thank you.”

She lay on me for a while longer and then she rolled off of me. She snuggled up to my side, one leg laying over mine, her head on my shoulder. She let her lips brush my cheek and then kissed it softly. “I think I know what she saw in you. The same thing all the girls see in you. Sensitivity, caring, gentleness, devotion. We, you and me, may not have a future. I might not be what you want. I have no illusions about you loving me. But for now, until you find someone you can love the way you loved her, let me be here for you.”

“I don’t know that I want to love anyone again like that. I’ve loved like that twice. I don’t want to hurt like that again.”

She laughed softly. “Honey, I don’t think you can turn that down when it walks into your life. It’s not your way. I know about her. I know what you did for her, what it cost you to protect her. Any woman would be lucky to have a man like you. Can I ask? Can you tell me who the other was?”

“Her name was Betsy.”

“How did you meet her?”

I chuckled. “Her boyfriend was mad at his quarter back being thrown in jail for attacking Mandy. He organized a stunt to strip me and strand me in a girl’s bathroom in the school. Betsy was the bait, pretending to be Mandy to get me alone in a storeroom where they were waiting for me.”

“If she was part of that, why would you love her?”

“I found out she was trapped. Her mom was dying of cancer. She only had weeks to live and she didn’t want her to know her daughter had been involved in something like that. When the principal put her punishment in my hands, I let her off the hook.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me? So how did you end up loving her?”

“When her mom passed, I was there for her. Her dad passed a little while later and my mom took her in until she could get things sorted out. I didn’t even realize it until we were on our way out here to drop me off. We’d fallen in love with each other. But I’d already made my promise to Mandy. I couldn’t be in love with two women at the same time. I had to end it.”

“Do you still talk to her or anything?”

“Yeah. She still comes by my mom’s house all the time. She’s kinda become an adopted daughter to my mom.”

“Do you think she still loves you?”

“I doubt it. It was hard breaking it off with her. The second hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. I was never able to even tell anyone I was in love with her. Not even my mom. You’re the first I’ve ever told about it.”

She kissed my cheek again. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For caring about me enough to share something so personal.”

I held her tightly to me, thoughts of Mandy flooding my mind. I was soon crying. I tried to keep it quiet, but she held me and let me cry until I finally fell asleep in her arms.


Patty and I spent the night together, actually sleeping, though we made love again in the morning before she had to leave to get ready to go to class. After she left, I showered and got myself ready to go to breakfast and then class. It was my morning ritual, and it felt good to try and keep my normal schedule again. Eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast, off to English composition class at nine. I was sat in my seat and hadn’t even gotten my notebook out when Samantha walked in. She wasn’t in class with me, but she handed the professor a note and then came and sat down in the seat next to mine.

“We told you we were going to be here for you.” She said quietly.

She sat quietly through class, and then when it was over, she got up and looped an arm in mine, walking with me to my next class. Again she gave that professor a note, which I had no idea about, and sat next to me. After my second class I normally headed to the library to study, though I didn’t know how I was going to do that with her along. We found an empty table and sat down. I pulled out my notebook and tried to concentrate on writing the essay I was assigned for English comp. All I could do was stare at the paper. The longer I looked, the more of Mandy I thought about. When the first tear dripped on the paper Samantha did something I didn’t expect. She used her fingers to turn my head to her and she pressed her lips to mine in a soft kiss.

“Don’t think about it. Let it go. There’s nothing wrong with remembering, but right now it’s best to let it go. That’s what I’m here for. To make sure you have something else to focus on.”

“Focus on?”

She stood up and looked around. No one seemed to be looking. She hiked up her skirt and pulled her panties down. She slid them down her legs and stepped out of them before scooting her chair closer to me. She sat down and set the panties on my paper. “Now what do you know about that? I found a pair of panties. If your hand slips between my legs, maybe you can find out if they’re mine.” She whispered with a soft giggle, as she pulled my hand to her lap and under the hem of her skirt. “Go ahead. I want you to.”

“Don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“Yeah. But he won’t mind.”

“I would if I were your boyfriend.”

She leaned toward me and gently kissed my cheek. “He’s only my boyfriend so he can get a piece of ass from me. He has no plans on making it serious. So, if I want to give it to someone else once in a while, that’s my choice, right? I mean, if he wants it for his own, he should put a ring on it.” She leaned to me and kissed my cheek wetly. I opened my mouth to argue but her hand on my lap stopped me. “I want your cock. After being in the shower with you, I want your cock. I want it in me. I want it in my mouth and in my pussy and I want to feel you pumping it in and out of me. I want to feel you in me when I climax, and I want to feel you climax inside me.”

“Oh damn.” I groaned as she slipped her hand into the front of my jeans that I didn’t even realize she had worked open. I felt her fingers caress my cock through my briefs as she pressed herself against my arm.

“Fuck me. Let me take your mind off all of that other stuff and focus it on me.”


“No, but close by. If you dare.”

“If I dare?”

She grinned and stood up abruptly. “Come on.” She led me to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. As the elevator rose, she started to undress, taking her dress off and then her bra, leaving only her knee length boots on. The elevator opened onto the top floor, and she took me by the hand, pulling me along, winding around through the stacks until we were in a dead end of old dusty books with a tiny reading desk at the end of it. She let go of my hand, ran the last few feet and sat on the little table. She lifted and spread her legs, resting one booted foot on the book shelves on either side of the narrow aisle, exposing all of her sexiness to me “Come fuck me. Come put that sexy cock into my pussy and make me come around you.”


“Shhhhh. Just trust me. Do it. Do it for both of us. You need it and I want it.”

I had to admit, looking at her sexy pussy and her perky little boobs had my cock rock hard. The front of my jeans was already open, so all I had to do was push them down a little bit and my briefs with them. I pushed everything down to my thighs and stepped to her. She held her hands out to me, drawing me between her legs. Her hand found my dick and guided me to her.

“Damn. You’re already wet.”

“Sweetie, I’ve been wet for you since first hour.”

I pushed into her a few inches and then back out to draw moisture to her lips. In and out I slid, working deeper and deeper until my head was bumping into the end of her vagina. “Oh fuck yes. That’s it honey. Fuck my little pussy. Shit you are so much bigger than Eddie.”

“Uh huh.” I grunted as I started to pump in and out with more vigor. My thighs slapped against her bare ass as I thrust into her over and over, one of her hands over her own mouth to muffle her moans and gasps. In and out I slid, her body responding, as was mine.

“Fuck me. Oh god you’re going to make me come. Ohhhhhhh shit. Oh David. Ohhhhhh baby, not so much. Not so much. I’m going to come hard! OHHHHHHH NOOOOO…” She squealed, failing to quiet herself. Come she did, as did I. I pumped what cum I had into her while she came massively, squirting her juices over the front of my shirt and my crotch, dripping and running down to wet my pants. “Ohhhhhh fuck baby! Ohhhh god yes.” She gasped and panted as her orgasm ran its course. “Oh shit David! I’m sorry baby. I couldn’t help it. It was growing so big and so fast I couldn’t stop it.”

“Well, looks like more laundry.”

“I would say. Come on. Let’s get you back to your room and change.”

“Yeah.” I agreed, pulling my pants back up. At least this time I’d be able to cover the evidence with my coat. She dressed and we headed down to get our stuff and then walked back to the dorm.

I stepped off the elevator and froze in place, Samantha bumping into me and knocking me off balance.

“David!” She said loudly before she got up from the chair she was in and ran toward me. She hit me with her body and wrapped her arms around me, pulling us together and then pressing her lips urgently to mind. She kissed me aggressively, my arms automatically circling her as she did. We kissed for almost a minute before Samantha made a noise behind me.

“Betsy. What are you doing here?” I asked as we broke the kiss.

“Where else would I be right now? You were there for me when life looked like it was blackest. I’m returning the favor. Her mom called your mom. I was on the road within an hour. I had to be with you.”

“God it’s so good to see you.”

“How are you doing?”

“Well, after laying in bed for almost a whole day feeling sorry for myself, some friends gave me, um, an intervention I guess you’d call it. I’m…I’m managing to deal with it.”

“Some.” Samantha said. “Weren’t you just on the verge of breaking down into tears only half an hour ago?”

“And you are?”

“Oh. Hi. I’m Samantha. I’m one of David’s friends.”

“I see.” Betsy said with an odd look on her face.

“Oh. No. It isn’t like that. Patty and the other girls would never have interfered when he was still with that bitch. But now. Well, we’re taking turns being with him so he isn’t alone and doesn’t do anything stupid.”

“Who’s Patty?”

“Patty’s his math tutor. She’s the one that set this up to make sure he was okay. And you are?”

“Betsy.” She answered.

“Betsy, as in the principal’s office Betsy?”

“You told her?” Betsy asked, turning her head quickly to me.

“Oh. No. He didn’t. Patty got him to talk about the second girl he loved while she was with him last night. She told me just enough to know that he met you in the principal’s office and that over the summer he fell in love with you.”

“In love with me?” She said in surprise. “I didn’t think. I mean, after the motel. I didn’t know…”

“That I was in love with you? I was. I felt the same way you did, but I was also in love with Mandy. I ‘d made my promise to her, and it wasn’t fair to either of you, so I never told you.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Betsy whispered.

“Well, I do.” Samantha said. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll figure out if it’s still there. David, I’m supposed to take you to calc and turn you over to Patty. If you think you can get yourself there, I’ll let Betsy take you. Remember, you can’t be late. You have a test today.”

“Yeah. Right. I promise I won’t be late.”

“Good!” Samantha said before leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. “And thank you for…um…for the other.”

“The other?” Betsy asked with raised eyebrows as Samantha stepped into the elevator to head down to her floor.

“Yeah.” I answered. “Come on. I need to change real quick and then we need to head to class.”

Betsy followed me to my dorm room and waited while I stripped down. I couldn’t help but notice the little grin on her face as I got naked. “Remember the last time we were naked together? Little motel in the mountains? Having sex on the grass out back?”

“Like it was yesterday.”

“You know. I haven’t had sex with anyone since then.” She whispered as she stepped toward me. She slipped her arms around me from behind, sliding one hand to my chest, and the other down to my dick. She played with my dick, encouraging it to start growing in only a few seconds. “I wouldn’t mind if you still wanted to do something like that.”

“Maybe after class. Patty’ll kill me if I’m late.”

She let go of me so I could dress. “Um. David?” she asked from behind me while I was pulling on a clean pair of jeans. “How come you smell like pussy?”

I turned and looked at her a little sheepishly. “Samantha.”

“Samantha what?”

“Patty arranged a little intervention yesterday. She was afraid that I was going to do something stupid, as she put it. So she and some of the girls on third floor kinda forced me out of bed and showered me and are taking turns staying with me. They apparently have arranged twenty four hour coverage, making sure I don’t skip class or meals or do anything stupid, whatever that means.”

“So, Samantha had sex with you to keep you from doing something stupid?”

“No.’ I answered as I pulled my coat on so we could go. “She had sex with me because she saw I was going to break down emotionally again. Seems Patty thinks the best way to keep me from losing it over Mandy is to give me something more pleasant to think about. The girls that are part of this, well, they all consider me a friend.”

“I see.” She answered as I led her out and to the elevator.

It was a cold walk to the math building and we barely made it in time for class. I asked the professor if Betsy could sit in on class, since she was visiting campus, and he agreed she could sit in one of the open seats in the back, as long as she was quiet. Patty gave me a curious look as I sat down in my seat next to hers. “Betsy.” I whispered as Professor Saloman started handing out the exams.

“The one from home?”

I nodded as the stack of exams were passed down my row. I took one and passed the rest back and then went to work. For some reason, concentrating on the exam was hard. As usual Patty blew through it with ease, getting done only half way through the hour. She picked up her stuff, touched my arm and then walked out of the classroom. I noticed Betsy follow close behind. Suddenly concentrating got even more difficult.

“Mister Roberts. Time us up.” Professor Saloman said as he stood near my desk. I looked up and saw I was the only one left in the room. “Based on the last two tests I wouldn’t have expected this from you. You seemed to be getting the hang of the material.”

“I’m sorry sir. I had a personal emergency over the weekend and I’m having a little trouble concentrating.”

“A personal emergency? Someone in your family ill?”

I looked up at him. “Not exactly. My girlfriend, my fiancé, out in California called and told me she was pregnant.”

“Ahhh. Well, congratulations.”

“It…Um. It isn’t mine sir.” I said as I looked down at the desk.

“Oh. I see. And that accounts for your visitor?”

“Yes sir. She came out to make sure I was alright.”

“I realize that it might be a difficult thing at the moment, but life is full of setbacks, some small, some seeming to be overwhelming. It’s how we deal with that adversity that makes the measure of what kind of a man we are. You’ve made great progress under miss Engle’s tutelage. I’d hate to see that lost.”

“It won’t be. She’s seeing to that.”

“Very well. I can see she’s waiting outside. It’s never good to keep women waiting. Go. And good luck mister Roberts.”

“Thank you sir.” I got up and headed out, Patty stepped to me and hugged me briefly before stepping back.

“Well? How did you think you did?”

“Not as well as I needed to. I just couldn’t concentrate.”

“I understand. Betsy and I had an interesting talk while we were waiting. What say the three of us head to lunch.” It had been routine that Patty and I walked to the dining hall for a late lunch after calc class. I hadn’t realized it exactly, but we’d been doing it almost all semester routinely. We usually talked about the class work, but frequently we talked about other things as well, personal things. “Here. Hold my stuff while I run to the bathroom.” She added, handing me her pile of books and notebooks. “Be right back.”

“David.” Betsy whispered as soon as Patty was out of earshot. “Have you slept with her?”

“Patty? Well. Um.”

“It’s alright if you have. I just wanted to know.”

“She was the one that I had sex with way back at the beginning of the semester. And she’s the one who organized the intervention.”

“And she’s the one that is taking overnight duty? Let me guess. She had sex with you after Mandy broke it off?”

“Yeah. We did. Last night.”

“I think she’s got a thing for you.”

“Patty? She hates men.”

“She might hate men, but she doesn’t hate you. That woman has more than a little interest in you.”

“She’s a friend. I guess a pretty close one.”

“Honey,” Betsy said as she slid between my arms and hugged her body to mine, her nose inches from my own. “That woman is more than a friend, or at least she wants to be. If you wanted, I bet she’d be very much more.”

I looked toward the lady’s bathroom door. “She does?”

Betsy giggled. “You were always so oblivious to the obvious. Yes. That woman wants you. Just like I did. Just like…I still do.”

I looked at her in surprise. “After the cold water I threw on you at that motel, I figured the last thing you ever wanted to do was be with me again.”

“Oh sweetie. I knew you were in love with Mandy. I also pretty sure you were in love with me. I wasn’t going to have you, but I wanted to know that you knew I cared that much. I always told you if she ever was stupid enough to let you go that I’d be here to pick up the pieces, well, here I am. I’ve been patiently waiting. I know girls like Mandy. I suspect that the guy that got her pregnant wasn’t the only one to visit her down there. Try as she might, Evan trained her to be a slut. She was trying, but in the end, she gave in. Probably more than once, or with more than one guy. I don’t want to talk bad about her, but it’s the truth. She probably did you a favor.”

I looked at Betsy in shock. “You don’t mean that.”

“Before you two became an item, she was going to go to school in Cal partly because she wanted to get away from home far enough that her dad and Evan couldn’t rein her in. She wanted to be like her mom. As I understand it, when her mom was in college she had sex a lot with a LOT of men. It wasn’t until her senior year she met him and settled down. Mandy was planning on doing the same thing, until you came along.”

“Everything alright?” Patty asked, putting a hand on my back.

“Yeah. Um. Fine. Let’s go eat.” I answered, trying to digest what Betsy had said. I didn’t want to believe that Mandy had been cheating on me. I had been confident, right up to that phone call, that she was being faithful to me. I refused to believe she wasn’t, even now.

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when evening came. I knew Patty had made some kind of arrangement with the floor monitor to allow her to spend the night with me, but with Betsy here, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Eric was mystically gone again, leaving the room to me again. After spending most of the afternoon and evening with me, Patty kissed me goodnight and left me with Betsy.

Once alone in my dorm room she undressed slowly, letting me look at her, teasing me with her body in a way that made me think she had thought this through more than once. Each piece of her clothing was removed or partly removed to uncover some sexy bit of her body in a way that had my dick rock hard and my mind desiring to have her with me in my arms. When she finally was nude, she undressed me, much like Patty had done, teasing me, urging my excitement to grow. She knelt in front of me and licked my hard shaft like a popsicle and then closed her lips over it, drawing a moan from both of us.

She sucked and licked my dick for several minutes, teasing and sucking it, making my desire for her grow by the second. She finally pulled her face from me and stepped to the little desk. She leaned over and pushed her butt out at me. “I want you to fuck me. I want you to slide into me and pump me until you come. Don’t even think about holding back when it’s time. Just do this and enjoy it. We have all night for you to return the favor, but this time, this first one, I want it to be about you feeling good.”

I stepped behind her and rubbed my saliva coated cock up and down her slit. I spread her lips with my head and then slowly pushed into her, drawing a deep moan of pleasure from her. “God I missed how this feels. Did you?”

“Yeah, I did.” I started to stroke in and out of her, pushing deep into her until her soft butt cheeks pressed to my hips. In and out I stroked, my orgasm growing with each one.

“Remember that last night in the motel? Your mom went in to shower with you?”

“Uh huh.”

“I know what she did. I know that she had sex with you in there, but she wouldn’t let you come in her. I also know that when we had sex in the morning, that you did, come in her. Do you know why?”

“Uh uh.” I grunted as I felt my orgasm suddenly racing to completion at the memory of laying behind mom, fucking her in the bed with Betsy laying right behind me.

“Because I told her it was what she wanted and if she didn’t, she’d always wish she had. That’s why I pretended to be asleep. I wanted you to share that with her, just like I want to feel you share that with me right now. I want to feel you come in me. I want to feel your cream surging into my pussy. Oh god David. You’re going to make me come. I can feel it. You’re getting so fat. Come for me sweetie, come in meeeeeeee!” she gasped out as her pussy squeezed around me, triggering my climax.

My body jerked hard and drove fully into her as I pumped my cum deep in her pussy. Over and over my body jerked and spasmed, though I doubted there was all that much cum to be had after last night and Samantha earlier today. Just the same, my body gave its all to fill her with what it could. I stood there, my cock twitching in her for only a short time before she pushed me back with her ass and then pulled off my dick. She pulled me by the hands to my bed and pulled us both down on it, pulling me on top of her. With her arms wrapped around my neck she pulled our faces together and kissed me softly, lovingly. If I had any doubt if she still loved me, it evaporated in that instant.

Betsy could only stay for the two days and two nights, but in those two nights the two of us made love at least a half dozen times, and by the time she left on Wednesday morning, the love I had for her had once again budded and grew. I didn’t know where it was going to go, but I knew that losing Mandy wasn’t going to be the end of everything. She said she’d be there to pick up the pieces, and she had been. She was the glue that put the pieces of my heart back together. Not that there wasn’t a huge hole to be filled, but Betsy made sure that I knew, if I wanted her to fill that hole, she wanted to try. It was still two and a half weeks to Christmas break and I had work to do to after that abysmal last exam. Work that I knew I needed to do, both for Patty, and now, also for Betsy.


I don’t know what arrangements Patty had made, but for the next two and a half weeks she slept with me in my dorm room. Eric had returned from wherever he had been bunking, and Patty seemed to consider showering naked in front of the guys on the floor, and being naked and even having sex, in front of Eric, a small price to pay to be able to lay with me each night. I came to realize that Betsy was right. Patty wanted me, and she was falling in love with me, if she hadn’t already done so. The only nights she didn’t sleep with me were three nights when she was on her period. There were apparently some things that she wasn’t comfortable doing in front of a dorm full of guys. But it wasn’t a bad thing. It gave me a chance to realize that I was enjoying sleeping with her, and that the two of us had a lot more in common than I might have thought.

She too was one of the geeky kids in school. She’d had a boyfriend since the fifth grade and they had always planned on being together. Right up until a few days before she was to leave for school. Out of the blue he declared that he was going to marry Margaret, her best friend. Patty hadn’t even known the two were secretly having a love affair behind her back. The signs had apparently been there, but she hadn’t seen them because she trusted him implicitly.

The breakup was so difficult for her that she didn’t show up for school. It was weeks into the semester before she finally ventured from her house, most of that time spent sequestered in her bedroom, barely eating, crying more times than not. She didn’t even have a best friend or a mom to help pull her out of it and her dad was helpless. It was finally when the neighbor realized that she hadn’t gone to school that she poked around and found out what happened. By then her body was in decline and her depression was as deep as a bottomless pit. When her neighbor finally forced her father to let her help, Patty was in a bad way. She had given up and her body was doing it as well. I’d seen a man die of a broken heart just this summer, and knew what that kind of emotional devastation could do. I could easily picture her thin haggard body giving in to her depression.

It took two weeks in a hospital before she could even hold down solid food again, and months of counseling before her depression abated enough for her to begin to live again. With all our tutoring sessions, Patty had come to care enough about me, and seen how I supported and helped the other girls on her floor, that she wasn’t going to let that happen to me. So she came up with the intervention, and was surprised at how many of the girls were quickly on board to help.

The last night before we had to leave to go home for break, Patty and I slept together, or more appropriately, didn’t really sleep, but made love, soft, gentle, caring sex, over and over again. She knew I was going home and she also knew that she had competition.

“You know, next semester we aren’t going to be able to do this. Sleep together like this.” She whispered as we lay in bed.

“I know.”

“I have a question. I don’t need you to answer it right now, but I need you to think about it.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“I’m going to keep tutoring you no matter what. But I need to know, is it going to be just tutoring or does this relationship keep going? I don’t want to push you. I don’t want to be some guys rebound relationship, but to be honest with you, I’ve come to care a lot about you over the semester. All those days working together. I like you David, I like you a lot.”

“I know.”

“You do?”

“Betsy told me. She said you were falling in love with me. She also told me that if I didn’t want that to happen, I needed to do something to make it plain to you that I didn’t want that.”

“I’m sorry. I mean, I didn’t want you to feel obligated.”

“Did I send any messages that I wanted things to change?”

“Well, no. but I understand if you don’t want me to be, wait. NO, you haven’t done anything to discourage me. But you also haven’t done anything to encourage me.”

“I haven’t. On purpose.”

“So, you don’t care?”

“I do care. But I don’t want to latch myself onto you in rebound. You’ve been so terrific and I know you’ve been through a lot, a lot like I am. If it wasn’t for you might have ended up just like you were. I’ve come to care a lot about you, and I dare say, it could easily become more.”

“It already has for me, but I don’t want to end up the same way again, so I’m going to ask you before things go too far. Do you want me to be more than a tutor? Not to use, not for comfort, not for a play thing. If you come back and tell me I’m your tutor. That’s what I’ll be. If you come back and greet me with a kiss, I’ll know you want it to be something more permanent. Next year we don’t have to live on campus if you don’t want to. Next semester we do, which means we can’t keep living together like this. I want you to think about it. Think about what you want, who you want, what you want your life to be. Think about me and think about Betsy. I know she loves you and I know you were in love with her. I’ve had you to myself for the last few weeks, now it’s her turn. Like you told her, you can’t love two women at the same time. It’ll be your choice. Am I your friend or your lover?”

“It’s a hard choice, but I already know what I want.”

“You might think so. But don’t say it. Don’t make promises you can’t or won’t keep. Go home, make love to her, let her make love to you like I know she did while she was here. After a few weeks with her in your arms you’ll know if it’s her or me. I’ll know by how you hold me and kiss me if it’s her or me.”

“Alright. I’ll think on it.” I agreed. To my surprise she climbed out of bed and started to dress. “Where are you going?”

“Back to my room. Now that I’ve said my piece, I don’t want you to say something we might regret. We’ve made love, shared out passion with each other in a way that only two lovers can. If it’s the last time like this, I want to remember it just this way. I don’t want it spoiled by you saying something silly.” She stepped to me now that she was dressed, leaned over and kissed me. “David. I love you. I’ll be waiting.” She straightened and walked out of the room, leaving me laying there with my mind swirling.


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