My First Time Was With A Cock And I’m Straight by r543d

A literotic sexstories: My First Time Was With A Cock And I’m Straight by r543d ,

A Period of Sexual Exploration With My Best Friend

My first sexual experiences was with a guy. I am not gay and I do not like cock. It was between me and my long time childhood best friend. To my knowledge he isn’t gay either. Fast forwarding to today, he’s married to some older chick and I live with my girlfriend. My experiences with him was the only guy I’ve ever experimented sexually with.

It all started when we were younger, in our later teens. We would have sleep overs and dare each other to do things when we were ready to sleep for the night. Most of the time we either slept on separate couches or on the opposite ends of our beds. When we slept on the couches it was downstairs in the basement at either one of our houses if it was warm enough. Sometimes during the winter we would have the wood burning stove on allowing so we could.

Often before bed we would talk about sex and women. The first night when it all started when we were talking we would jerk off under the blankets. At first we didn’t admit to anything, we would quietly jack off and after we would blow our loads, we would pretend that we would have to pee and go to the bathroom to clean ourselves up. After a while we got comfortable enough I suppose to admit that we would be jerking off under the sheets and admit the moment we came afterwards telling each other it was time to go to the bathroom and wipe down. It was always a kind of a gradual thing for us.

There were plenty of times we would try to watch scrambled soft porn on the TV. One night after watching some great lesbian porn before falling asleep, we started to touch ourselves and Tom asked me a question I was not prepared for:

“Hey I dare you to get totally naked, sleep above the covers and jerk off”

“Dude, your mom is sleeping upstairs, if she were to walk down here and catch us that would be a little awkward don’t you think?” I said, not really wanting to do this. I hesitated for a while.

“C’mon dude, I dare you too. Or are you too chicken!”

“Only if you do it” I said to him. “If we get caught, we get caught together!”

He agreed and we stripped completely naked, laid down over the covers and jerked off that night talking about the porno we just watched until we finished.

The next sleepover we got together over his house. It was pretty much a given that we both were going to bed naked (Still on separate couches) and wank off before falling to sleep only he took it even more farther.

“Mike, want to give each other rub downs?” he asked me.

I have to admit I was a bit thrown back by his question. I really wasn’t comfortable with the thought of touching another man’s body or having another man touch mine.

“Dude, that’s gay. I’m not sure I’m good with that” I told him.

“It doesn’t have to be gay bro, if you’re as horny as fuck like I am, it’d be just to help each other out. We could pretend we were getting one from a chick” he reasoned.

“As long as nobody knows about this and I mean no one!” I said. “Last thing we need is some rumor spreading that we’re gay together” I told him.

He told me then to lay on my stomach as he made his way to where I was on the couch where I was sleeping. He slowly began to rub my shoulders, neck and back. I was cringing at the thought of what he would do when he got below my back. His hands gently circled my butt cheeks and he parted my legs to gently stroke the inside of my legs as my hard on rested against the blankets of the couch. When he finished my backside he then asked me to roll over.

I rolled over and was going out of my mind. I looked up at him as he was knelt beside my body as I lay on my back. I could see his stiff cock sticking out as he began to rub my chest and shoulders before he made his way down to my cock.

He gently began to stroke my shaft as my cock laid against my stomach. He took my cock in his hand and saw that there was pre-cum seeping out of the tip. He began to spread it around the helmet of my cock down to the top of my shaft before letting his hands slide down over my shaft barely touching it. He ended by stroking my balls and inner thigh.

“My turn” he said as I got up and he laid on his stomach. Of course I was a bit shy because I was still blown away that I was about to touch my best friends naked body. I worked his neck and shoulders before moving down his back. I slowly and gently let my hands run across his ass cheeks before moving down to his inner things. He didn’t part his legs so I didn’t touch his balls. I eventually finished his backside and he turned over.

As he laid on his back I saw his cock that was hard laying against his stomach. It was about as long as mine (Six inches plus) but not as thick. Now, we’ve seen each other naked before, but because I just never check guys out and I never had ‘Penis Envy’ or tried to compare dick sizes it was kind of surreal to me that I was about to touch his cock.

I made my way to his crotch and ran my hands over his hard on gently down his shaft. I grabbed it and began playing with his pre-cum like he did to me. It was definitely strange touching a cock that was not your own. Because his was skinnier than mine it didn’t have the same feel. I spread the pre-cum around his helmet and his upper shaft before making my way to his balls and inner thigs. He was very sensitive around his inner thigs and started to breathe really heavily.

“Dude, that’s like a g-spot to me. If you don’t want my jizz all over the place don’t linger there long” he warned me.

“Oh thanks!” I said and I finished working his body.

These rub downs took place a few more sleep overs after that. Then one night at my place, down in my basement he asked another question:

“Dude, how would you feel if we took things a little farther?”

“What do you mean?” I said.

“Want to suck each other off? I mean the rub downs are cool and all but not enough to get us to cum. We have to finish that ourselves on our own”. He reasoned.

“I don’t know dude.”

“No gay shit I swear! You do me, I do you”

“Uh, alright I guess” I said so hesitantly.

This time we just cut right to the chase. I laid on my back and he sat beside me on his knees. He took my cock in his hands and began to play with it. There were a million things going through my mind. First was “Did this mean we were gay?” second was “Am the two of us really going to suck each other off?”.

He held my cock in his hands so he was able to have it positioned upward. The moment of truth was here. He started by slowly moving his tongue up and down my shaft. I can feel his wet, hot tongue circle around my cock head before he took it all the way in his mouth and move up and down a few times. The feeling of his wetness from his mouth on my cock was overwhelming. I let out a small grunt. It wasn’t long at all before my cock began to tighten up. I was ready to explode.

“Oh shit man! I’m going to cum!” I yelled!

Being careful as to not explode in his mouth I gripped the base of my cock, turned over and put it on the sheets of the couch. Neither of us have had anything remotely close to this type of sexual contact with anyone so it wasn’t totally surprising that I came that quickly.

“That feel good?” he asked me as I laid there in my jizz with my cock hanging freely trying to catch my breath.

“Yeah” I said.

“My Turn” he said as he laid on his couch on his back.

I saw his cock throbbing for attention. It seemed extra hard just by looking at it.

Closing my eyes I reached down and began to move my tongue up his shaft. I can’t believe my tongue was even touching a cock I remember thinking! I proceeded to circle my tongue on his cock head before moving back down his shaft. I was fully expecting him to come as fast as I did. I was wrong.

I took in his entire cock and made sure my saliva got it good and wet before I began to suck him off. Trying to work it like those porn stars, I began bobbing my head up and down faster and faster. I used my left hand to jerk him as I moved my mouth up and down his stiff, throbbing tool. I sucked on his balls and honestly began getting frustrated that he hadn’t jizzed yet. I jerked him, and sucked him the best I knew how. When I started stroking his inner thigh while working the base of his head, his cock began to tighten and he shot his load. I hadn’t pulled my hand away fast enough and it drooled all over it. Yuck. I really did not want his jizz anywhere near me!!

That night was one of many nights where we gave each other head. One night we had no choice but to sleep on my small twin bed and there wasn’t really a lot of room. Normally he slept on one side and me on the other. That night we decided to suck each other off at the same time in the 69 position. It didn’t go over too well. One of us came first (Probably me) and one of us had the other’s nuts, testicles and ass in our face.

On one particular night, after trying to watch scrambled porn, we retired to the downstairs couches and had some baby oil for lubricant. While Tom laid on his stomach I greased the both of us up and we rubbed our shafts together like we were having sex. In my mind I was fucking some hot blonde. That night was the only night we ever came together. It was quite the mess to clean up if you can imagine. We did the dick to dick thing a few times after our first time that night.

After experimenting on each other for probably a year or so, I no longer felt the need or desire to carry it out any longer. I was getting points with the chicks and I know he was as well. Our get togethers were less frequent and we just began to grow out of this ‘Phase’ of sexual exploration we were going through.

The last time we got together and experimented on each other is forever in my memory because by that point the experiences would last longer because I no longer shot my load quickly like I did when I first started and I knew just how to work him so he would shoot quicker.

Before we got started, it was in the middle of the afternoon and my parents had been out of town. We were watching women’s tennis on TV and started to get horny because of the grunts the women were making on the course. Sitting on separate couches watching, at the same time the two of us took our cocks out and began to play with ourselves.

“Dude, let’s go to the bedroom” he said

“Good idea” I replied and instead of going to my small bed in my bedroom, we went to my parents waterbed that was not made up. Nobody would know we were using it.

Before we got started he asked the final question.

“Dude, I know this is our last time doing this probably, why not just fuck each other in ass?”.

“No way dude! That’s where I draw the line” I told him. I really wasn’t comfortable with the idea of taking a cock in my asshole or putting my cock up anyone’s butt even though it was my best friends whom at that point I was obviously comfortable doing just about anything with.

“Well we can at least pretend like we are. We can fuck the back of each other on top our lower backs” he said.

“Well, I can’t see that being pleasurable but ok. But if you trick me and stick it up my tailpipe I’ll break it off!” I yelled back.

That last session lasted for an hour or more. Both of us came a few times. To avoid a messy cleanup we just lapped up each other’s cum. We did a lot of sucking and used a lot of oil making a few trips to the bathroom to wash it off. He did stick his dick on the part where my back and ass connect but didn’t stick it in. He rubbed his dick like he was fucking me. I tried doing it to him by grabbing his thighs while thrusting. It was not as pleasurable as he thought it would be though. We rubbed our cocks together a few times too and I blew my load as he was sucking my cock on his knees. This time he took it all in. He took my entire cock in his mouth and swallowed every bit of my load!

He was laying on his back when I got him to cum. I was working his cock hard. I gave him a really sloppy blow job. He didn’t cum until I rubbed that g-spot on his inner thighs. I let him explode in my mouth. I felt his cock tighten before he dribbled spurts of spew.

“Oh fuck!” he whispered as he lay on his back panting. I continued to suck him off before he went soft and he was jolting uncontrollably. I think I licked him almost completely dry.

The final moment was in the shower where we went to wash up. Now, as kids the two of us showered together before. This time we whacked each other off at the same time. Ready to come first, I held it back by gripping my pulsating cock in my hand. We shot our loads on each other’s cocks before washing it off. We rubbed them until they went completely soft.

“Well that’s about it” he said. “It was a pleasure my friend”

“Pleasure was all mine” I said kindly.

We got out of the shower, dried ourselves off and went about our day.

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